* Note: Stories marked with a * are deliberately bad, part of a "bad story" contest.
- Amanda's Going Away Party
- Arcacia Avenue
- Arcacia Avenue, Followup
- Are we doing this now ?*
- Checkmate
- The Clown - the Ultimate Submissive Cunt
- The Contract - Part 1
- The Contract - Part 2
- The Contract - Part 3
- The Contract - Part 4
- Execution Dock (co-written with Clizia Cockspur)
- Hanging at Benabena
- The Happy Meal
- How We Killed Jesus (humor)
- Jack the Great*
- The Last Day of a Human Sacrifice (detailed scene from "When the Wind blows")
- -~Pain~-
- Pure Logic
- The Second US Civil War
- A Story I Wrote for a Girl I Like
- The Stupid Hangwoman
- Terror Terra
- Thirty Minutes
- Trick
- When the Wind Blows
- When You're Strange
- Whiplash
- Worst Necro Stroy Ever*