* Note: Stories marked with a * are deliberately bad, part of a "bad story" contest.
- 4th of Juli
- Bad Childe Story*
- 'Bout a Little Mousie
- Chair
- The Eucalyptus Tree
- Fairy Story*
- Story of Mr. Jackal and Ms Camel
- In a Lighthearted Vein
- Little Red Riding Hood
- A Story 'Bout Toofh Fairy
- Sad Barbanne
- Snow White
- Summer Night Romance*
- Ten L'il Generals
- Ten L'il Necrobabes
- Three Pigs*
- A Tory Called Hook
- 'Tory 'Bout Dragon...
- 'Tory About Dragons
- 'Tory 'Bout Death..
- The Twelve Days of a Necrobabes Christmas