Derived Art

I've always felt a bit strange showing art that I've used models or other art as reference for. This is strange itself as many artists wouldn't even think to do their art without references. None the less, I don't want to show you these pictures without sharing a big (huge) part of the credit with the artist whose work I used as a reference. The artist in question goes often coincidentally by the name "Peter" and other times by the name "Riverstone". If you notice the similarity in styles between "Riverstone" and myself, it is no coincidence. I have so much enjoyed his work and so much enjoy his style that I have without intent, come to imitate to a great degree his style.

If anyone out there (in Europe?) knows, or could find out, how to contact "Riverstone", I would be eternally in your debt! He has published a number of 'Bandes Dessinees' (french glossy comics, he's a french artist) of an ultra sexually explicit nature. These include: 'Gomorrhe' and 'Alice', and a number of other serials published in various erotic magazines. His work is banned in Canada (that is to say it never makes it past customs) but perhaps through the internet, something may come of it. Communicating with him would be for me, what it would be for you to meet in person your favorite actor/actress. (I do read and write french by the way.)
Art All these drawings were made when I first started to try to draw. Trying to learn how the pencil worked, how lines looked together, the simplest of things came from these interpretations of "Riverstone's" art. I only did a few directly based on his art, but those few, because of "Riverstone's" talent, remain excellent works.
Is it because I learned originally by imitating "Riverstone" or because I enjoy his imagery so much, that my subsequent drawing so closely resembles his? Even if I set out to draw something totally divorced from his style, it will still closely resemble. 

I do hope that there shall never be cause for confusion between his art and mine. I shall llikely never be a professional artist and hopefully therefor shall not tread upon his ground. With luck, the most offence I would give him would be cause for his amusement.

Skewer Here I tried to capture the face of Barbie Benton. I think I succeeded to a degree. It's hard to know though what Barbie Bentons face would look like in this situation. 

(I had a real crush on Barbie Benton in my youth, still do I suppose to some degree. If she were to appear in my dreams one night, consenting to be my 'Bellybutt', likely she would be used somewhat differently than she is used here.)

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