A Tribute to the Past
LaCasa de Dolcett
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Once upon a time, there was a web site called: LaCasa de Dolcett.

LaCasa was created by a delightful lady named Karyn who was a great aficionado of the art of Dolcett.  At the time of LaCasa's creation however, Dolcett's art was not easily acquired. It took much time and laborious effort to collect the hundreds of drawings available through the newsgroups.  Selflessly, Karyn decided to share the fruits of her dedication and created LaCasa de Dolcett so as to give people the whole of what was then available, in a single web site.

A site that gives away hundreds of pictures is a big consumer of bandwidth however and bandwidth on the web is not free.  Karyn had a great deal of difficulty finding a host for her site for a good while, until at last she found a home at Necrobabes.  Part of the reason Necrobabes had been originally founded was to provide for the support of web space to original artists in the community and no artist was more deserving of that support than Dolcett.  The adoption of Karyn's site was a natural union.

About a year after LaCasa moved to Necrobabes, I (who am I?) got it in my head to offer to Karyn to reconstruct her links to the images as thumbnails instead of text links.  Karyn of course accepted.  So embarked quite a bit of effort that resulted in the thumbnail galleries you find in this archive.

Unfortunately Karyn has a life and other commitments and ultimately she decided that she could not continue LaCasa de Dolcett in the manner in which she felt it deserved.  This was indeed a loss but we have to accept that sometimes, people have to move on.  Thank you Karyn for your time and devotion, you will be missed.

I was perhaps more distressed than most when Karyn informed me that LaCasa would end, as I really didn't want to see all those thumbnails disappear.  Plus I had long felt more than a small degree of satisfaction knowing that Necrobabes was hosting The Master's work.  I did not want that to end either.  So I asked Karyn if she could pass the torch to me (as it were) so some legacy at least could continue.  She was happy to give me her blessing and vicariously that of Dolcett (with whom Karyn does have contact).

So the Dolcett Archives continue to exist.  I will never be able to inject into them the same degree of attention or personality that Karyn did with LaCasa de Dolcett but that is not my intent.  I want to maintain an easy to navigate and comprehensive archive of Dolcett's artwork.  I am not intending to inject much of my own personality into it, just enough perhaps so the place does not seem sterile.

Karyn has given me permission to use a couple of pages from her old site.  One is Karyn's link page which is a darn good reference for people of similar interest. The other is a bit of a biography of Dolcett of sorts. Do read Karyn's Who is Dolcett?  Last but not least, a fair bit of art was created by Dolcett (mostly 'staring' Karyn) for Karyn to use on LaCasa.  Rather than let that art be lost, it is included here in it's own archive.

Thank you again Karyn.