Other Sites of Interest

Sites Dedicated to Dolcett!

Club X - Another archive of Dolcett's art maintained by Onix Dragon (along with a Dolcett message forum). A sister site to La Casa (not a mirror!). Highly Recommended!

"Alt.Dolcett" Newsgroup - This is RemarQ's gateway to the alt.dolcett Usenet newsgroup, which allows you to view both full message texts and binary attachments! Recommended.

Dolcett's Colorized Drawings - A collection of colorized Dolcett art. Just the place for all you guys who want colored and animated Dolcetts (great job animating the drawing of me on the front page, too!). Recommended.

One List Dolcett Mailing List - Dolcett-related e-mail listserv (you have to subscribe, but it's free).

Dolcett Uckyccmbo Donrema - Russian homepage dedicated to Dolcett (including translations of parts of La Casa).

Snuff Pages Maintained by Women

Vicki's Necrobabe Homepage - She likes to play dead while making love. Also consider joining Vicki and Peter's commericial Necrobabe page (this is the one exception I make to my "no commercial links" rule...); the commercial site is what allows La Casa to continue to be available free!

Femmes Obscure - A good snuff page, but what I really love is Sonya's honest appraisal of this "community." Don't just go straight to the stories - check out her and Barbara's commentaries too! Recommended.

The Adventures of Cap'n Kitten and the Space Bunnies - An introspective self-analysis by a woman into gynophagia (among other things). Includes some original stories and art. Welcome to the sisterhood, Carrie! (Read the "warning message" carefully, or you'll never get into the site!)

Asphyxia Sites

Lizbeth's Noose Fetish Site - A nice little archive of asphyxia-related stories.

Smothers Newsletter Online - For those who like female "hand-over-mouth" smothering.

The Wondrous World of DQue - The art and stories of DQue. A cute homepage... this is kind of like the Smurfs meet Dolcett.  If you like seeing elves and fairies strangle, this is the place for you! Recommended.

Samson Alexae's Asphyxia Movie Guide - An extensive index of movies with asphyxiation scenes, subdivided by category (i.e., hanging, drowning, strangulation, suffocation).

The Twist - "All hanging, all the time".  Just about says it all, I guess! (There's also a mirror site.)

Retrotek's House of Gaspers - A homepage for active members of the Usenet alt.sex.asphyx newsgroup maintained by the group's administrator.

CloBell's FantasyLand - A collection of asphyx pictures (retouched photos and drawings).

Gynophagia Sites

Muki's Kitchen - A FANTASTIC site maintained by a husband-and-wife photographic team! Erotic photography (art, not pornography!) dealing with gynophagia. An absolutely superb site. They charge for full access, but the free samples alone are worth the visit. Highly Recommended!

Woman Eater - A surprisingly fun and creative page devoted to eating women.  This is probably one of  the best gynophagia homepages I've come across so far. Recommended.

The Onix Dragon - Yet another homepage devoted to gynophagia. Stories and art. Recommended.

The Big Gulp - Erotic text stories about people (and animals) eating people whole (in every possible combination).

Devoured 2 - A small but enthusiastic web page devoted to - what else - eating women (mostly photo manipulations showing women eating miniaturized women).

The Munch Page - Yet another homepage for fans of gynophagia.

Cookbook for Cannibals - The "official" website of the Cookbook for Cannibals.

Olympia Female Meats & Food Products - A gynophage catering service.

Joe Slayer's Cannibal Life - Yet another gynophagia homepage.

FC Fans Homepage - Well, this isn't really gynophagia, more like androphagia (I think the "FC" stands for "female cannibals)... Several of you asked about a site showing guys as the victims (what, I'm not good enough for ya? <grin>). This is the only one I'm aware of.

General Interest Snuff Sites

Chez Marquis - The Marquis writes custom sexual snuff stories (some consensual, some not).  He's a really talented writer (if you'd like to read the story I suggested, check out "To Serve, Protect, and Hang")! Highly Recommended.

TopCat's Tales - An archive of stories covering everything from gynophagia to hanging to autopsies and live burial.

Delia's Dying to Meet You - An IRC chat gateway.

Boiled Alive! - A nicely put-together page devoted to - you guessed it - women (and men) being boiled in pots.

Eros & Thanatos - A snuff homepage with art and stories from a variety of sources. I like the name!

Sic's World - The Bad Side - The home of an animated colour cartoon version of Karyn's Cookout! He does the only really good Dolcett colourisations I've seen.

Delusions and Depravity - A homepage with line drawings of bondage, torture, and some snuff.

Le Chat - International Cat of Mystery - Homepage devoted to cruxifixion, asphyxia, gynophagia, etc. art by Le Chat.

Non-English Pages

Dolcett Uckyccmbo Donrema - Russian homepage dedicated to Dolcett (including translations of parts of La Casa).

Russian Necroworld - Necro homepage in Russian.

Homepage von Andre Ay - Multiple interests, including the #dolcett channel on IRC, are represented here. In English and German.

Anju's Room & Leon's Kitchen - She fantasizes of being killed, he of cooking her. In English and Japanese.