The End of An Era
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La Casa de Dolcett is closed. I'd like to thank the many people who visited and enjoyed the site... over a million visitors in a few years! Incredible! I know many of you enjoyed the site and I'm sorry to have disappointed you all, but the time came for me to say goodbye to La Casa and to you all...

This decision didn't come easily; I thought about it for many months. Because of all the support you've given me over the years, I thought I at least owed you all the courtesy of explaining why I've taken this decision. The truth is, there are several reasons, probably none of which would be enough by itself to lead me to this, but taken together... well, anyway, you know what I mean. So here's why:

La Casa became too much of a burden. For the first couple of years, it was fun and exciting to create this new web page... at the time, I was in school and had the flexiblity to work on the page and add to it as needed. I've been working for some time now (although I'm still in school part time) and I just don't have the time to keep up with La Casa. The whole site got badly out of date, and although Necrobabes helped maintain the site, I just don't have the time it takes to keep it fully up to date... this became very clear with the number of e-mails I'd gotten about bad links, etc. La Casa became stagnant. Even if I had the time for new updates, Dolcett really wasn't drawing much new (and I wasn't able to scan the things he has drawn), so there was not much new to add. Part of the fun of running La Casa as Dolcett's unofficial official homepage was being able to release new material now and then. I tried adding a few new non-Dolcett areas, like Wolf's drawings and the user contributed, but there really wasn't that much "adult" art out there that appeals to me like his does.

When I started La Casa on AOL all those years ago, it was the only Dolcett archive around. Since then, several have popped up, both free and pay. Although Club X disappeared recently, I've heard it might come back, and anyway there are others. Best of all, there's the alt.dolcett newsgroup, which has allowed people to post and request drawings, stories, etc. So La Casa really no longer served a unique purpose anymore, except as my personal outlet. Speaking of that, creating La Casa was in large part a form of personal therapy - I did it as an outlet for my fantasies and desires, so they wouldn't stay bottled up inside and then burst one day. I've achieved that long ago. When I did, La Casa lost its theraputic aspect and became more of a "fun" thing (not that it wasn't fun from the start!)... I have to admit, it's been kind of a thrill knowing you guys were out there looking at pictures of me cooking up all sorts of fantasies (even though the drawings weren't necessarily all that close to what I really look like), and all the fan mail has been a real ego rush! But now the thrill has kind of worn off and the mail has got to be too much to handle... I HATED not being able to respond to everybody... everyone deserves a reply when they put forth the effort to write, but I just couldn't manage it. And some people took offense to that, especially when I responded to one message and not to any others... I can't say I blame them.

In addition, there were personal reasons. I received an e-mail from a woman (a practicing dominant) who told me she'd heard about a man who'd been convicted of murder for cooking a woman alive. It made me sick to my stomach. While I'm sure that La Casa had nothing to do with that case (if it occurred; I pray it was just a story), since the killing supposedly happened before La Casa was even online, I'd hate to think it might have moved someone to act similarly. I don't think it would have (it would take more than just a few drawings to turn someone into a psychotic), but I don't need that weight on my soul. In addition, there was the question of keeping children out of La Casa... I tried my best to keep a low profile, but La Casa had just become too well known... the URL was posted on newsgroups and I read in alt.dolcett at one point that a routine search would turn up several hits. I tried keeping it out of the search engines, but it didn't work, and I didn't have the time to keep rotating URLs like I used to. I suppose I could have gotten it password protected, but even so, that would have only been a partial solution, since the password would still have to have been made available somehow.

I guess when it comes down to it, I just would rather La Casa go out while most people will have fond memories of it (including me), than linger and die a slow death (much as I like a slow, lingering ... oops, sorry, nevermind).

In closing, I'd like to thank Vicki and Peter for hosting La Casa for so long. I also want to thank all the people who contributed to so much to La Casa, be it a link or an "unknown" Dolcett drawing or just a suggestion or bit of praise. I hope you've enjoyed the site as much as I've enjoyed having it.


Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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