Cafeteria Sunday

Posted by willow on December 23, 2001 at 00:24:50:

My sister looks at me with disdain
Then away again
No help for aching toes
Imprisoned in black paten bows
Nor escape from the itchy lace
Of tight belted waist

The line curves around like a snake
As the all-American family waits
Stomache rumbling, sweating
Fidgeting, fretting
Or that dress will choke
Me down that snake's throat

On which foot to lean
That would be less mean
Promise again to their prodding
Promise again, almost sobbing
I won't, I won't take more than I can eat
While knowing I am weak

Want to sit so squat like a pup
Heavy, water beaded, plastic trays
Paper napkin wrapped spades
And dull forks too

No time, decide quickly
Where's my Dad, feeling sickly
My sister's tray pressed to mine
Mom leaning over in time
What do you want, tell the lady what you want
Ordering the same while my sister taunts

Roast beef, green beans, french fries
AND Lemon Meringue Pie
hands faltering
Mouth watering
Sister's eyes
Impatient sighs

Musty carpet, clanging room
Ching of cash, sniff of perfume
Crumbs on the table, sticky elbows
Crumbs on the floor, bumping toes
And people, people talking, laughing,
Everywhere brushing past me

Eating roasted, rare meat
Spilling potatoes beneath my seat
Knowing I'm slower
Pulling the pie over
I knew you couldn't have eaten
ALL THAT; eat a green bean

Eating the pie
Seeming to have told a lie
Some selfishness
Revealed in the distress
of Sunday deliria
In the cafeteria