The Nazi's win one - Prologue

Posted by TKDBB on October 06, 2000 at 04:19:35:

Attack Airbase Pussy

Prologue - Spring 1943

The cities of Nazi Germany are under constant bombing attack. American B-17's and B-24's by day and British Wellingtons and Landcasters by night. Goering's Luftwaffe is unable to stem the onslaught and a high-level staff meeting is held at the Wolfs Lair to try to find an answer. Reichmarshal Heinrich Himmler proposes his plan. Stop the American threat before it happens. Interest perks; how is that possible; is the question filling the room. Mr. Himmler has done his research and knows that Goering has not been able to defeat the Royal Air Force over the skies of Britain; but he also knows the Americans have a weak link. The American bombers must be flown from the factories in the US mainland to England. It is to long a flight to make non-stop. His spies have discovered the location of a secret American refueling base located on an island in the Atlantic. German military planners always knew the base must exist somewhere but assumed it was in the North Atlantic along a more direct flight path. In fact, the base was far south, at the extreme range of the bombers. The Bombers would refuel in south Florida, Fly to the island base, refuel and rest their crews, then fly on to England; often arriving on near dry tanks.

Himmler's plan is to take out the refueling base and break the flow of replacement bombers to the American 8th Air Force. Then Goering's entire assets could be directed against the night flying British bombers. New radar systems now coming online would give the advantage to the Mesherscmitts and Folke-Wolfe's. Projections showed that inside of two weeks from stopping the American shuttle flights, the Allies would be losing more planes than they could replace. In three months their bomber force would no longer be an effective weapon.

Adolph Hitler listened to all the arguments from both sides. The Army didn't want any front line troops diverted from either front. Himmler had the answer for that also. The refueling base and the shuttle crews were women; he would destroy them with women. Intelligence suggested that at any given time about two dozen planes and their crews were being serviced on the base. The actual base staff consisted of about eighty officers and enlisted women. Most had never been in a combat area. Fearing sexual misconduct, the Americans never introduced male personnel into the base. Himmler figured that about fifty, specially selected and trained SS women could take the island with a surprise attack. With the Wehrmacht's objections addressed, Hitler approved the plan.

Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels sat silently through the whole debate. Then, after Hitler's green light, added a little twist to the plot. He would send along a film crew and preserve the victory of the pureblooded Aryan Amazons over the racially diluted and corrupt American whores. Movie theaters all over the Reich would play the scenes. It would boost the morale of the German people and reinforce the Nazis teachings. Hitler smiled his evil grin and nodded his head; the idea appealed to him. With admonishments to execute the plan as soon as possible, He adjourned the meeting.

Himmler left for his headquarters, issuing orders on route. When he arrived the next day, she was waiting for him. SS major Hilda Von Krim, nicknamed by her fellow officers as "Sable" for the tight black uniform she wore. The five foot, nine inch blond knockout had been Himmler's choice to lead this mission from its inception. Together, they went over the personnel files of the SS Special Women's Branch picking girls that met the required physical traits. The Branch contained girls of all physical types because some of their missions required undercover work where blue eyed blondes would stand out like sore thumb. So brunettes and redheads also were recruited. Himmler came up with a novel way to identify "his' girls. All members were required to have a two-inch long Imperial German Eagle tattooed over the right nipple. They also had to keep their pussy hair shaved in the shape of a swastika. Himmler's logic was simple, even when nude, the girls were in uniform and could not be accused of being spies. It was a technicality that had saved several girls from an Allied firing squad; A POW camp was better than a death sentence.

It took all morning to sort through the files. All girls had to at least five-seven, blue eyed, blond hair, 36C or better bust line. Fifty were chosen. Hilda would outfit them in black cat suits and call her squad the "Killer Kats". Himmler loved it.

In a matter of days the girls had been briefed, fitted out and were embarked on a pair of submarines. Orders were simple, destroy the base and everyone on it. Demoralize the American government so they would never again risk their women in combat.
I got some flack over at FF board about this story so Sam suggested I post it here.
It is a six parter and I will put up one part per day.