"MS Madie’s Suicide"

Posted by tina on March 16, 20013 at 19:52:46:

"MS Madie’s Suicide"
By tina

They ruled my death a suicide. I guess they couldn’t find it any other way. I tied my long silk scarf loosely around my throat. My fingerprints were the only ones on the handcuffs that pinned my wrists behind my back. That was because I was the only person who ever handled them or even knew about them. It was I who climbed up on the ottoman and draped the end of the lovely scarf over the ornate curtain rod. The wooden rod was almost two inches around and easily held my weight. It was I who went up on tiptoe, as I pulled the slack from the scarf and then tied it securely around the pole. The scarf bit into the tender flesh under my chin making breathing a raspy gasping effort.

The handcuffs dangled from my left wrist. I placed my hands behind my back secured the other bracelet around my right wrist. After all this was done it was I who finally kicked the ottoman over as I had done so many times before.

I danced, my feet a good foot above the living room carpet. I had turned the lights off so a peeping Tom would have to be standing with his face pressed against the picture window to catch my air dance. A single candle flickered to my right on the mantle. The vibrator seemed to hum even better as my legs kicked and my body swayed under the rod. I know I had three orgasms before I felt the familiar wave of dizziness that signaled it was time to stop.

Imagine my surprised shock as my fingers felt for the key to unlock the handcuffs. My fingertips tingled from the asphyxiation as they searched vainly for the key and freedom.

“Oh, God,” I screamed in panic, “Where’s the key?”

My fingers felt frantically around the lock of each bracelet. I had only seconds to release the cuffs, reach up to grasp the curtain rod and lift my weight off the strangling scarf.

“NO KEY,” I screamed and the strangled noise that sounded in my ears increased my panic. There was a growing roar in my ears as I slowly strangled. My wild undulations swung my body around and that’s when I saw it. The glint of silver, the unmistakable shape and I realized in horror that the key had fallen out of the lock. It lay on the carpet beneath my swinging feet.

My body rotated back around as I jerked furiously at the cuffs. I didn’t feel the pain as the steel cuffs gauged red furrows into my wrists. The only pain I felt was the burning in my chest and the ever-tightening scarf that had closed my airway as it choked the life from my dangling body. Then, oddly, I felt another wonderful orgasm ripple upward through my body as I realized I was going to strangle to death.

I continued the lovely dance to its inevitable conclusion. The dark room seemed to grow even darker as I had a final small orgasm. The flicker of the candle faded as though an unseen hand had snuffed out its flame.

The presence of the handcuff key and the absence of a note were a curiosity but in the end they ruled my death a suicide. They really had no other choice.