"Dancing With Death"

Posted by Tala on August 13, 2007 at 04:51:59:

I feel your arms around me
My heart thundering in my chest
Lost and lonely, you make me see
At last, my soul can rest

At once, our feet move in time
To a lost rhythm in space
I never thought you'd finally be mine
Thoughts in my head begin to race

Memories of those who'd hurt and lied
Those into whose perversions I'd caved
The ones that had made me cry
And that which I'd tried to save

You hold me tighter as I shed my tears
Consoling me, comforting me in the dark
Erasing the pain of all the years
My walls come down, letting go of my guard

Salvation comes on a razor's edge
Shiny and slick as eels
It's now I give my solemn pledge
With the painful release I can feel

Oh, Death I make you my lover
I've made you my only friend
The scars that I can't cover
The torture that never ends

Touch upon my naked skin
Feel it quiver and shake
The blackness begins to sink in
From this I know I'll never wake

A final kiss from your bony lips
A gentle whisper in my ear
The graceful touch of your fingertips
Wiping away my fears

I lay my head upon your lap
As I close my weary eyes
I settle down for my final nap
And become food for the flies