Don't Cook Her Dry - poem/filk song

Posted by Scalloped2 on October 18, 2004 at 20:40:06:

Don't Cook Her Dry - To the melody of
" As Time Goes By " by Scalloped2
You Must Remember This,
To hot-boil a sweet Miss
To Barbeque, spit-roast, or fry
The fundamental things apply
Don't cook her dry!

And if she's in a stew,
I still demand of you,
a tender spice or two.
The fundamental things apply,
don't cook her dry.

So if your lover quarrels,
About your lack of morals.
Don't quit it she starts to cry.
The fundamental things apply,
Don't cook her dry!

And if her name is Mary,
Just cover her in Sherry,
Such fragrance will make you sigh.
The fundamental things apply,
Don't cook her dry!

She won't let you in the sack.
So have her for a snack.
Since all her teases are a lie.
The fundamental things apply,
Don't cook her dry!

Because there's nothing new,
This poem's now overdue,
I'll leave you with one more try.
The fundamental things apply,
Don't cook her dry!

Enjoy, One and All,
When Rhymes the Crime,
He's in his Prime!