Story: SB102 Famous Don's

Posted by Sawney Beane on June 17, 2007 at 09:31:37:

The Collected Works of Sawney Beane: Volume #102


by Sawney Beane

6 - 7 November 2003

1,899 words

DISTRIBUTION NOTICE and DISCLAIMER: Sawney Beane requests that any distribution of this work of fiction remain within the realm of social responsibility. This story is suitable neither for minors nor for the seeming majority of adults who have difficulty distinguishing fantasy from reality. It is pure fantasy, which means that, for whatever reason, someone has found it interesting to think about the events depicted herein. It does not in any way mean that the author would like to see this fantasy become reality, so if you are the type of person who might be swayed into doing something irrational by reading a work of fiction, the author respectfully requests that you decline to read further.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Sawney Beane, originally a native of Edinburgh, lived for twenty-five years in a cave on the coast of County Galloway, subsisting on the flesh of unfortunate travellers, roughly a thousand of them all told. He and his wife raised a large family of eight sons, six daughters, eighteen grandsons, and fourteen granddaughters. Eventually, the family was captured, and the whole lot was brutally and unjustifiably tortured and executed without trial. Since his death in the early 17th century, Beane has reformed his ways and now confines his atrocities to his literary endeavours.

WARNING: This story contains scenes of snuff and consensual gynophagia. If you find such things offensive, please steer clear; you have been warned.
Ellen could barely contain herself as she marched into Famous Don's restaurant that day. She had been there the day before, but then she had been twentieth in a line of twenty-five girls. Her emotions had not been nearly so intense then because she knew it was unlikely that it would be her final appearance. Today she was seventh in line, and it was almost certain that she would not be asked back again.

The twenty-five girls marched in an orderly row and lined up sequentially in the roped-off aisle next to the entry. In a little while, the customers would stand in line just in front of them, admiring their beautiful succulent bodies as they waited to place their orders.

Each of the girls was nude except for a pair of high-heeled shoes. The shoes kept the girls' feet clean while they waited and made their legs look gorgeous, but they made the evening challenging for those near the back of the line who would be standing up all night. Ellen had been through all of that the previous day; today would be easier in that respect at least.

The girls were led in at 1:30 in the afternoon and stood nervously at attention as the restaurant manager made sure they all looked perfect and gave them their last minute instructions, which basically amounted to keep looking sexy and do whatever you are told.

Each girl had a number tattooed in black just below her navel. The first girl in line, an attractive blonde named Amber, sported the number 5128. Ellen's number was 5134. The girls numbered 5128 through 5132 were even more on edge than Ellen. It was natural.

Famous Don's was the only restaurant that opened four hours before it served any food. And it was always packed with customers within minutes of its opening. Today was no different, and at precisely 2:00, the doors were opened. A flood of hungry patrons streamed through the entryway staring with wide eyes at the twenty-five luscious ladies awaiting their attention.

The women showed themselves off attractively to the delight of the men, women, and families torn between pausing to peruse the day's selections and racing to pay the considerable fee at the counter and grabbing a choice table near the front of the restaurant. Ellen could barely contain herself, and Amber and the others seemed near fainting.

The restaurant was nearly filled at 2:15, and the line filled the entryway and extended into the parking lot. The assistant chef arrived to lead Amber and four other girls to their fate. Ellen was now second in line behind a bronze-skinned beauty named Tasha.

Meanwhile, the assistant chef was leading Amber and her successors up onto the stage-like cooking area that occupied the central part of the restaurant. The head chef and several other assistants were waiting to assist Amber. Amber climbed onto the large table in the centre of the stage and rested her trembling body on her back staring up at the high ceiling. Several of the chef's assistants carried a large lubricated steel pole toward her while others removed Amber's shoes and tied her hair into a tight bun. In a well-choreographed dance, several of the assistants held Amber's arms and legs as others held the pole, and the head chef directed the sharp tip of the spit into Amber's vagina. The girl gasped as the cold steel slid inside her. The crowd gasped in one single anticipatory action.

Ellen could barely watch Amber's last few seconds of life. Amber maintained her composure remarkably well as the length of the thick steel rod tore through her insides. The crowd cheered loudly as one of the assistants tilted the girl's head backwards, and the bloody tip of the spit appeared in the girl's mouth. Amber's eyes were wide with astonishment and they quickly moved from bright and emotional to dull and glazed as the chefs skilfully tied her arms and legs to the spit while others doused the girl's flawless skin with buckets of Famous Don's Dragonfire BBQ Sauce. The Dragonfire sauce was the hottest of the five sauces at Famous Don's and also the most famous. Ellen hoped desperately to get the Dragonfire sauce.

Amber was clearly no longer alive when the chefs mounted her spit over the first of a row of five flaming firepits. The crowd cheered as the flames began to lick her succulent body. Everyone knew that in four hours, this beauty would be a delicacy everyone would enjoy.

But before Amber had reached her firepit, girl number 5129, a small Latina named Maria, had already been placed on her back on the kill table. The routine was repeated in short order, and Maria was soon rotating above the pit next to Amber. The only difference was that Maria was doused in Famous Don's Sweet Honey BBQ sauce.

It was only 2:45 by the time all five BBQ pits had been filled. A brunette named Alison rotated over the third pit coated in Famous Don's Extra Mild BBQ sauce. The fourth pit was occupied by tall blonde Tina smothered in Famous Don's Super Medium Spice BBQ sauce. The fifth and final pit displayed an Asian beauty named Lois in Famous Don's Teriyaki Extravaganza sauce.

The crowd was excited and buying lots of drinks as they struggled for good views of the five lovely spit-roasting girls. Half of the chefs were busily cleaning up the kill table for later use while the other half tended the roasting girls and continually doused their bodies with more sauce. The succulent smells of BBQ filled the large restaurant.

Ellen smelled her roasting comrades. She and Tasha knew that they had less than four hours left to live. It was at the same time a horrifyingly dizzying feeling and a magnificent elation. She felt light and airy. Her combined terror and excitement made her skin flush in a way that got the attention of the patrons waiting in line near her.

The waiting was intense, Ellen maintained herself as well she could, but she felt her life grinding to an abrupt end. Tasha nearly fainted when Maria was judged well-roasted at 6:23 pm, and several chefs lifted her sizzling body off the firepit and laid her gently on one of the five carving tables in front of the firepits. The crowd roared, as several chefs with large knives dug into Maria's beautiful body and distributed her flesh onto dozens of plates that were then carried to all of the tables of the restaurant by scantily-clad female waitresses. Everyone who had ordered Sweet Honey BBQ was soon enjoying Maria's delightful flavour.

Maria's roasted body had barely been touched by the carvers when the assistant chef arrived for Tasha. The bronze-beauty had been led away trembling with the weight of her imminent demise. Ellen felt the significance of the lack of girls in front of her in line. She looked back at the weak-kneed dark-eyed Samantha just behind her. It had not felt at all like this the previous day.

She watched Tasha's spitted body mounted on the Sweet Honey BBQ pit. The glazed-over eyes showed that the girl who had only five minutes before had been standing trembling at her side was now a dead piece of meat. How quickly things change.

Ellen watched the four nearly-roasted women on their spits. She prayed for Amber to be taken off first. She still wanted the Dragonfire sauce. She gasped excitedly as the head chef examined Amber and nodded his head. The assistants lifted her off the pit and laid her out for the carvers. Ellen would get her wish! Before she had fully realized this fact, the assistant chef was at her side reaching for her trembling hand.

She glanced back at Samantha and the others one last time and followed on unsteady legs to her doom. Ellen walked through the back rooms and emerged out onto the stage. The crowd cheered her appearance. She knew she would be delicious, and she knew everyone was thinking of her good taste. She found herself on her back on the kill table at 6:37 pm. She would be adorning dinner plates by 10:45.

Chefs were tying her hair and removing her shoes. And other chefs were arriving with a shiny fresh steel rod just for her. The head chef got into position, and she felt his fingers spread her dripping vagina open to accept the deadly spit. She felt cold steel plunge into hot flesh. She was aroused and terrified. She did not struggle, but she felt the weight of half a dozen chefs holding her limbs steady as the steel slid into her womb. It stretched her a little bit, but it was initially only a little bit uncomfortable rather than really painful. But that did not last long. Soon she felt the pressure of the chefs pushing the spit through her helpless body. Pain seared through her as the sharp point of the spit tore through her womb and plunged through her belly and chest. Someone pushed her head back, and she felt her neck exposed, vulnerable. But the damage came from within, and she felt her throat stretch with the new steel invasion. Then she tasted metal and blood, and she saw the red shiny steel coming out of her.

This is what she had signed up for. Was it worth it? She was equally excited and appalled at the end of her life. Chefs were tying her limbs down to the spit, and she was being coated in sauce-her favourite Famous Don's Dragonfire BBQ sauce. The severe spices burned the sensitive tissues of her vagina, nose, lips, and eyes. She tasted her favourite sauce, and she knew everyone in the place was eager to taste her.

She was surprised to find that she was still clinging to life as her spitted body approached the firepit. She had heard that it could happen that the spitting was not immediately fatal, but it was a very rare occurrence. She would experience a few more precious minutes. The pain of her impalement was nothing compared to the sudden agony of the flames licking her sensitive succulent flesh. She was on the firepit, and the people were cheering her end. She was beginning to rotate. It wouldn't be long now.

One of the last things she was aware of was Lois being lifted off her pit. Samantha would soon be a Teriyaki girl. Ellen wondered how many more girls would experience her fate that evening. Even on a slow night, at least ten would be needed, but on a good night, twenty or more might meet their end. It was not unheard of for the entire twenty-five to roast, but that happened very rarely.

Ellen had been over the flames for two or three long minutes before she began to slide out of herself. She felt her own consciousness waning, and she knew she was seconds away from the end. The restaurant spun around her, and she heard the cheering people even after the sauce and heat had obscured her vision. All of the fear drifted away, and she knew in her last seconds that she had made the right choice. The world faded away, and she smiled around her spit as the life slipped away from Ellen's delicious Dragonfire BBQ body.