The Adventures of Batgirl & Robin #4

Posted by Ripper X on January 24, 2006 at 22:11:35:

ROBIN, the Batman’s squire, on a solo case with BATGIRL. Clues had led the teenage hero to a warehouse and unbeknown to the Boy Wonder, right into a trap! Robin is captured and the villain Dr. Pamela Isley, AKA Poison Ivy has revealed herself, at last, as the villainess who’s kidnapped the Captain of the Cheerleading Squad with aims to snuff her for the desires of a sick internet sex group. What are her plans for him? It is now up to a lone Batgirl to follow a trail before it, and the Boy Wonder, grow cold. This is . . .

The Adventures of BATGIRL & ROBIN


The Underground Sex Jail of Doom

Written by Ripper X

Part 4

Succumbing of the Wills

Robin came to in the van. He didn’t know where he was, but he could feel the bumps of a gravel road against the tires and instinctively knew that he wasn’t in Gotham anymore. The Boy Wonder shook the effects of the drug out of his head, he’d felt it before . . . the last time . . . he didn’t want to remember it.

Ivy, somehow, was even more dangerous; knowing how to avoid the booby traps protecting his Utility belt from being removed, she also knew that Batman was with the League . . . not that it mattered. By the time that Batman figured out what had happened, it would be too late. He could only hope that Ivy made a mistake back at the warehouse; that some how Batgirl could decode some clue and track him down, before. . . .

‘Think positive, Grayson.’ He told himself, ‘This is the best way to find and rescue Mandy before they are both killed for the amusement of those sick perverts on Necrobabes.’

It still didn’t make any sense, however. Ivy just never worked this way! She has killed to reach her aims; however, the Bat Computer didn’t have anything like this in her file.

* * * *

Batgirl’s modified 491cc, liquid cooled "motocross" Bat-cycle skidded to a screeching halt before the burning warehouse. According to her Locator, Robin was still inside, and had been for the last ten minutes; if he wasn’t dead yet, he soon would be, unless she moved fast.

Flipping a switch on her helmet, the cool air of the respirator blew against her face and her vision obscured as the emergency flash shield slid into place. Her eyes and lungs would be safe from the fire; however her Bat-suit just wasn’t equipped to handle the heat for very long. She tossed those thoughts aside as she raced into the burning building.

The hot flames were quickly gutting the place. With the quick efficiency of a trained police, she thoroughly cased the warehouse, yet she couldn’t find the Boy Wonder; only his belt . . . this couldn’t be good. The heat was too intense, and she was forced to evacuate. Ripping off her cape, she used it to pick up the Boy Wonders abandoned belt and got herself outside just as her respirator ran out of air.

"Okay Babs, think." She told herself, "Why did Ivy burn the studio down? SHE’S COVERING HER TRACKS! This was a set up; a trap. But what was she trying to hide?" The burning building was destroying any evidence that would give her that clue . . . unless. . . . Unless it was Robin that they were after, of course! Why else remove his belt? This was a kidnapping! The cheerleader wasn’t just a victim, she was also bait.

She already knew WHO was responsible. That mystery was solved. The immediate question being, where are they now? Options . . . there has to be more options. If only she had more then a Level 1 clearance to the Bat-Computer like Robin did . . . like Robin did!

Her Batcycle roared to life as she opened the throttle wide open; she had to get back to her Bat-lair before it was too late.

* * * *

"Why, look who’s up, Lewis." Purred Ivy, slinking back to where Robin was tied up as a cat stalking its cornered prey, "Did you have a nice nap, Boy Wonder?"

Robin had lain quietly, not wanting to draw any attention to himself, so that he could think; but the tightness of his binding had made one of his feet cramp and she had caught him trying to wiggle blood back into it.

"Give up now," Robin told her, "Release me, and hand over the girl. It’s not too late to get some leniency from the court."

"Give up?" Ivy said, rolling him over onto his stomach so that she could admire the boy’s lovely bare legs. "Why on Earth would I do that when I’ve already won?"

"No . . ." Robin begged as Ivy tickled the backs of his knees, "Please stop, you won’t get away with this."

"Oh, I’m afraid that I can do anything that I want to, Robin." She said confidently, "I see no reason to let you go, this time."

"What are you going to do with me?" Robin whined, his crotch growing uncomfortably tight in his little green shorts.

"Why Robin!" she scolded, swatting him on the bottom, "You hurt me! Surly I left more of an impression upon you."

"Please?" Robin begged.

"That’s more like it." She purred into his ear.

"Hey, Lewis!" She said loudly to the front of the van as she rearranged the helpless Boy Wonder into a seated position. She wrapped her arm around his shoulders like they were old friends, "Did I ever tell you about the first time that Robin and I met?"

"No, Boss." Lewis said happily, he liked driving out in the country and she sure was working the boy over good. This was gonna be fun! "I don’ think yah ever told me that one before."

"Please Ivy. . . ." Robin begged, but was shushed by his tormenter.

"It was a few months ago," she begun, "I caught him sneaking around one of my Greenhouses like a little peeping tom."

"That true?" Lewis asked, "Was you tryin to getch yerself a glimpse of the boss?"

"Shut up, and listen!" Ivy instantly spat, before returning back to her pleasant tone, the kind tone that adults used to ensnare and trap little kids, "At first, I was angry . . . little troublemakers sticking their noses where they don’t belong. You know how important my privacy is to me, Lewis!

"Now, normally I would had killed him right where he stood, but he was just so, so adorable." She chirped affectionately, giving him a light kiss on his blushing cheeks, "Instead of killing him, I thought that a good stiff punishment was more appropriate for a boy his age.

"Besides, I just had to play with him. It would have been simply unforgivable if I let him go unmolested; Why, I’d never forgive myself for passing up an opportunity like that! So I tied him up and had my way with him, didn’t I Robin?

"That was when I discovered the Boy Wonder’s greatest weakness," she purred, licking his neck while her long green fingers cupped his balls which felt already painfully constricted in the tight fabric, "and do you know what his greatest weakness is, Lewis?"

"It’s his legs!" She said before Lewis could ruin the moment by saying anything stupid, "The Boy Wonder simply loves his long, shapely legs. Isn’t that right Robin?

"That’s why he prances around the city in those pretty little panties of his all night. He likes people to see them; he enjoys showing them off to everybody. Isn’t that fascinating?" Ivy mocked, "Do they tingle when you’re in danger of losing them? Does the air feel nice against your thighs as you run and jump through the air, Robin?"

"Please, Ivy." Robin begged, "Don’t tell him anymore. I’ll go with you willingly and do anything that you want me to."

"He loves his legs to be kissed, and lightly stroked." She continued, ignoring his pleas and savoring his humility, "Just doing it makes him melt in your hands."

"So what’chu end up doin to him, Boss?" Lewis asked, rubbing his crotch and thinking about Robin’s predicament. The boy was almost in tears, he was so embarrassed.

"I knew that if I didn’t get rid of him soon, then the Batman would come along and spoil everything, so I let him go . . . but not before making him cum in his little green panties."

"You made him cum his pants!" Lewis laughed hysterically while Robin squirmed in total shame; his bottom lip quivered as he fought back tears. "Damn, that’s too fuckin rich!"

"Sure did," Ivy laughed along with him, "Made him walk all the way home with wet, soiled panties; his sweet cum dripping out of them where everybody could see it, too!

"Remember what I told you before I let you go, Robin?" She asked, returning the conversation back to him, "Why don’t you tell me, what I told you was going to happen the next time that I caught you?"

Robin mumbled something under his breath, prompting her to ask him to speak up.

"You’re going to gobble me up." He said loud enough so that both she and the henchmen driving could hear.

"That’s right," Pam happily agreed, before nibbling on his ear and whispered, "and tonight’s the night."

Robin wanted to run, he wanted to die! Ivy was sharing secrets about him; naughty secrets, the kind that he didn’t want anybody to know about. The kind that made him feel dirty, yet he just couldn’t help but to act them out and pray that nobody noticed.

"I saw your fear, Robin." She whispered to him, bringing him back into her reality while her hands roamed all over his helpless teenage body, "The fear when you saw that I could safely remove your belt, and it’s well-founded Robin, it really is; because, I know how to take the rest of this stuff off of you as well."

"Why?" Robin sobbed, sniffing back his tears. He didn’t understand any of this. Why would she go to so much trouble simply to hurt him like this? "Why didn’t you do this back at the warehouse? Batman isn’t around to stop you . . ."

"Why?" Ivy said, "Because tomorrow night is my lover’s birthday, and I always make sure that she gets everything that she wants. And tonight, Robin . . . tonight, she wants you."

"I . . . I’m a gift?" Robin asked, dumbstruck. He was simply a thing to be given away to her? He was nothing but an object in her eyes?

"Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding!" Ivy yelled, "We’ve got a winner! And what kind of lover unwraps the Birthday Girl’s Presents before she can see the pretty paper?"

Robin shivered, as the van crawled to a stop and Lewis told Poison Ivy that they’d arrived.

* * * *

Batgirl crossed her fingers as she plugged Robin’s mini-palm into her USB port; hopefully he was sloppy enough not to of logged himself out. She could use his access password to break into the bat-computer.

"Darn it!" She cursed as her access was denied. It would take a month, if not years, to hack into a system as advanced as this, there had to be a faster way; something that she wasn’t seeing.

". . . that more gang violence took place at the Iceberg Lounge this evening. ," said her TV, distracting her from her problem solving, she just about turned it off when something caught her eye, "The Iceberg Lounge is, of course, owned by Oswald Cobblepot, A.K.A the Penguin. This contradicts Mr. Cobblepot’s oath of swearing off crime to focus completely on bettering Gotham with his legal business ventures. So far the police have not made any comments, though Police Commissioner, James Gordon, is expected to brief the media within the hour. If it is found that Cobblepot is involved in anything illegal, he could be looking at a rather lengthy prison term. Again, the body of Jix Cunningham; a known gangster, was dumped on the curb of The Iceberg Lounge, it is believed at this time, that he was killed by the ecoterrorist, Poison Ivy, as some sort of retaliation. For WBGK news, this is Arturo Rodriguez reporting live from the Iceberg Lounge. Please stay tuned for more updates on this late breaking news."

{Master Robin?}

"What the heck was that?" gasped Barbara, looking around.

{Master Robin?}

"Jeeves!" Batgirl picked up her comm. unit, "This is Batgirl, please come in!"

{Miss.} he responded, {Is Master Robin with you? I’ve seen his distress call, and noticed that he had attempted to access the computer. Is everything all right?}

"Negative." She cried, her emotions getting the best of her, "I’ve failed Jeeves. I don’t know where Robin is! I found his Utility belt and tried to access the computer with his palm . . . I don’t know what to do?"

{Dear god,} uttered the British voice, {Remain calm, Miss. I’m sending the master’s car.}

* * * *

Alfred stood dutifully and undaunted as the Batmobile thundered into the cave and screeched to a sudden stop, the grill just inches away from his shins. He resituated his mask, as Ms. Gordon had not yet been made privy to the identity of his employer. Bringing her here would no doubt be frowned upon; however, under the circumstances, he had seen no other course of action.

The powerful car hissed as the hydraulic cockpit released its distressed passenger.

"Ms. Gordon, if you’ll follow me please." He stated as they dashed to the Bat Computer. "I trust that you can use this thing, as I’m afraid that I’m not much help as far as it is concerned, however, if I could fetch you a cup of coffee or tea?"

"I don’t know where to start?" She said, her eyes gazing over the many controls and blinking keys that were at least eight generations beyond anything that she had ever seen, "This isn’t exactly what I’m use to."

"Well, I’ll go fetch you some coffee, then."

"Come on Babs," she told herself, sitting down and trying to find something on it that she was familiar with, "how difficult can this thing be?"

"Alfred." Came a voice from overhead as the image of Batman filled up the giant screen, "I need for you to . . . what are you doing in the Batcave." He said dryly, it was a statement, not a question.

"Look," she told him, "I forced Robin to let me help him, so don’t be angry at him, but I’ve lost him and I don’t know how to find him."

"Go on." Batman said.

"We were trying to locate a missing girl and . . ."

"I know this." He interrupted, "What have you got so far."

"It’s Poison Ivy." She said directly, "She has him, I’m sorry!"

"Relax." He said, "Kidnapping isn’t Ivy’s style; she’s planned this. She won’t kill him right away, you’ve got some time, so use it wisely. Now, how can I help?"

"Okay," she said, taking a deep breath and calming down, "I need to know where I can find all of her bases of operations."

"Look to your left, you’ll see a lever." He ordered, "Pull it down two clicks."

She did as he directed, and all of the buttons changed into different shades and hues. Batman’s image shrunk down and the computer waited for a prompt.

"Go to the green section; she’s the first one." Batman told her, "Be careful. Ivy is unpredictable, but her charms won’t work on you. Have Alfred inoculate you with ‘Serum B.56D’, it will protect you from her poison.

"I . . . I . . . I don’t know what to say." She uttered, she thought that he hated her . . .

"Don’t expect much help from Robin; this will have to be your show. Ivy doesn’t know you, so you’ll have the element of surprise in your favor. Don’t waste it."

"But . . ."

"Shut up and listen. You do this and you’ve earned the right to wear that Bat. She will be outside of the city, your motorcycle is to slow so take one of my cars, just . . . try not to crash it. Alfred will help finish loading you into the system, don’t be a voyeur."

"Look, um . . . Bat-man," she said, "I . . . I can do this. You can trust me."

He was silent for a moment, he just looked at her like she was an alien or something, then said in his gravely voice, "I know."

* * * *

[Summerset Experimental Greenery and Gardens]

The Greenhouse had been built on the ruins of a stately manor with quite an impressive history. It had been turned into a make-shift hospital during the revolutionary war; a military prison, a nun’s convent, and finally, a mental asylum for the nonviolently insane until it was destroyed in 1942.

Ivy had bought the land from the government (under an assumed name of course), and had used it as a safe haven for endangered plants, where she created natural medication as a front for her base of operations. Her primary goal was continuing her biological experiments, which she funded herself through various illegal activities and through several online ventures, some of them were even legal.

Ivy had rendered Robin unconscious, as she wasn’t quite ready for the games to begin. He was surprisingly resistant to her pheromones; normally, all it took was but a kiss to turn men into her mindless slaves, however Robin’s will was stronger then most. He was semi-cooperative, yet he still posed an escape risk. The less that he knew about this place, the better.

Such work to be done! Party arrangements to be made, and won’t her little Nightshade be surprised?

Playtime must wait, she thought as she secured the Boy Wonder to a bed. It’s been a long, but very productive night so far, and it was only just beginning.

* * * *

Robin came to, and he couldn’t move. He was strapped down to some kind of soft table; his wrists were cuffed over his head, and his legs were bound as well, but not uncomfortably so. He tried to pull them up, but his ankles had been clamped down, as had his waist. He couldn’t even squirm, but that didn’t stop him from trying to anyway. Then he heard singing, on the other side of the door.

"Happy Birthday to meeeee! Happy Birthday to meeeee! Happy Birthday to Nnnnnnnnightshade!" a girl sung to herself, "Watcha get me Red? WHERE’S MY PRESENT? WHERE’S MY PRESENT? CAN I HAVE IT? CAN I HAVE IT?"

"Hmmmm" he heard Ivy say, "Have you been a good girl, poopsie?"

"No!" she screamed, full of pep and vigor, "Gimme! Gimme! gimme!"

"Very well," she said, "The first part of your gift is in here."

With that she opened the door and her little girlfriend squealed with delight.

"YOU GOT HIM!" she screamed happily, eyeing her lovely little prize. He didn’t know this one; she looked to be about his age, though. Her long blond hair was tied up in cute little pigtails, and she wore a tiny little two-piece bikini made of leaves. She completed her costume with a matching mask that covered her eyes. "Is it the REAL one?"

"Uh-huh" Ivy nodded, "I told you it would be a surprise."

"Oh, I love you!" Nightshade beamed, running into her lover’s arms and pressing against her, "Can I play with him now?"

"Not yet, sugar." Ivy said, walking over to a sparse desk, pulling open a drawer and taking out some kind of blueprints. Robin’s heart raced as he realized that the plans were for his costume, "First, we have to get him ready."

For the next half an hour, Ivy gave Nightshade the instructions for the removal of his armor. He trembled as the girls nimble fingers moved all over him.

She unclasped his bright yellow cape and pulled it free, then followed Ivy’s directions for unclamping his red vest.

Nightshade pulled a small, odd-looking devise with cruel little metal clamps that she showed to him and delighted when it made him shiver. He didn’t know what it was for, and expected the worst, but was somewhat relieved when she used it to short out the traps in his green shirt. She cut the shirt off and exposed his strong lightly muscled chest.

"Oh Red!" she cooed, "Just look at him." She ran her fingers over his hairless and toned chest and his flat well-defined and oh-so-sexy stomach. His teenaged body honed to perfection from hours of daily exercises down in the cave.

"Careful, Pumpkin," Ivy said, "Robin here, is a quick cummer, and we don’t want to set him off now, do we?"

"Oh, no! We don’t want that!" Nightshade smiled evilly, "He needs to be nice and firm for my party tomorrow night; besides, I don’t want to get infected by anything. Who knows what this little slut has been?"

"Oh, I’m sure he’s clean." Ivy grinned, "But we’ll examine him later, just to be sure."

Nightshade pulled off his long gloves, and slipped off his little pixy shoes.

"You sure do got pretty feet!" she said, tweaking one of his cute little toes, "Are you sure that you’re really a boy? Guess we’d better check it out, huh?"

With that, she yanked his little green briefs down to his trembling knees, exposing his hungry cock, "OH!!!!" she cooed, "And what a BIG boy you are, too!"

"It’s so pretty!" she squealed in pure amazement of the thing. Pinching the head, she licked her lips as a little bit of precum squeezed out. His balls were nice and plump too, "Oh the vanity, he shaves it bald!"

Robin lay totally exposed as the two ladies talked about him, they left his mask on. He worried about it, but they didn’t want to take that off. If they did that, then he would be just another boy, and they didn’t want ‘just another boy’. They wanted Robin, ‘The Boy Wonder’. And now, they finally had him and there was nobody that was going to steal him away. Nobody!

"We’d better be getting to bed." Ivy yawned.

"But first . . ." she said, pulling out a strange device, "We don’t want our little toy playing while he’s alone."

The apparatus wrapped painfully around his balls, and his throbbing dick slid securely into a tube. Once it was secure, Ivy padlocked it and gave the key to her little friend.

"Now, are you going to be a good boy?" she asked, removing his gag.

"You aren’t going to get away with this, you vixens!" he shouted.

"Such a strong will, this one has." Ivy said, pulling out a syringe that quickly took the anger away from her captive, replacing it with fear.

"Please." He pleaded, looking at the long needle, "I’ll behave . . ."

"Yes." Ivy said, "You will." Nightshade looked on in wicked fascination as Isley rubbed his quivering balls with cold, cold alcohol. Robin bucked in horror as she lowered the 18" needle to his helpless scrotum.

"Now, you’re going to feel a bit of a stick." He heard her tell him as he blacked out, which made her giggle, if he thought that this was bad, then he’s really going to be fun tomorrow!

Next Week: The Doctor is ‘IN’