Felice (sketch)

Posted by PK on January 19, 2002 at 18:31:17:

Julian could hardly believe his luck, even now after what seemed like hours of the wildest sex
he'd ever had. And with Her. Exhausted, sated beyond expectation, he lay with his succubus
sprawled on top of him. He bathed in the musk and salt sweat scent of her, he could feel her
hot breath as he inhaled. Fluids and air conjoined.

Some party. Never expected this...and he had thought...

It took some time to speak. Eventually, quotidian issues arose as they always do, flies in the
ointment, pimples on the face of God.

"What about Robert?" he muttered fondly and a little anxiously. Her (previous?) boyfriend,
the bastard. Hadn't seen him lately.

The blonde sex kitten licked his nose. "No problem, don't worry about it."

Julian was not so easily reassured. "Why not?"

"He's gone."

"Gone?" How gone? What gone? "When? How?" Fleet-footed Mercury had robbed his

Felice sighed patiently. "I ate him," she explained.