Alanna's Return 1

Posted by PK on October 12, 2002 at 14:52:34:

The strange thing was how comfortable she felt in the costume. It was all coming back to her,
the fear and the excitement. Amanda was going to hunt her again. And if she won...

She'd be killed and eaten. No. Alanna shook her head, dismissing the thought. That wasn't
the way to think about it. She looked at herself in the full length mirror of the changing room.
She had to admit that she looked good.

Good enough to eat. Hah.

Trite phrase. To Amanda, she knew, it was plain truth. Denial and sheer terror fought for
control of her mind. Why was she here at all? She entertained fantasies of fleeing the
country, hiding out in Brazil. Being beamed up to the starship Enterprise. What am I doing
here. Why did I come?

Because I made a bargain, she reminded herself. And if I hadn't...

Amanda would have killed Sajida. And me, so stuff the self-pity. I won a few more days of
life. I won. Hang on to that.

She admired herself for a minute more, her hand straying towards her exposed pubis.
Hairless, she'd kept it shaven as she'd agreed to do. A reminder that she was living on
borrowed time. Since she'd hit puberty she'd had dark, curly hair between her legs. All gone
now, never to return. Unless she survived. Fat chance. Her brown skin was flawless, her
thick, curly, dark hair trimmed. Wouldn't want it to catch on branches. Or catch fire when she
roasted. If. If. Half an hour until it starts.

Lace up the shoes and make it neat. Tight, but not too tight. Just right, like Goldilocks was
when the three bears ate her. Fold the clothes, make them neat. Don't want to make a mess.

Ten minutes ago she had walked into the changing room dressed like any normal person.
Neat white blouse, skirt, clean underwear. Neat, neat, neat. Tidy. Folded on a bench.

Now, by magic, she was half-naked. Dressed in a doeskin halter that supported her breasts, a
pair of moccasins and nothing else, and her body felt comfortable dressed like that. Had to.
In anywhere between one and five hours, she'd be dead or dying and soon after that, just
food. Unless she killed Amanda (chance between microscopic and zero) or evaded her.

Excited? Why?

Alanna looked at the mirror again. Her dark grey eyes were wide with terror. She inhaled
sharply and the woody scent of the room flooded her. She almost retched. Because...

Fight or flight. Natural response. That or despair. She wanted suddenly to talk to Amanda, to
tell her how she felt. She didn't want to die. But I'm going to, she reminded herself.
Everybody does, sometime. Maybe this is mine. Fuck that, get fatalistic and you ARE
dead...She should have convinced Amanda to hunt Sajida instead, the wiry little
Yorkshirewoman would have had a better chance.

Regrets were useless. She was here now. Get a grip. The door opened. What??? Her heart

Not Amanda. Smallish woman with brown/blonde hair. Who she?


"This the changing room?"

Alanna looked around. Lockers, clothes. "I'd guess," she said laconically. Took a breath.
"Yes, this is the changing room. Sorry, didn't mean to snap. What are you doing here?"

The other woman looked nervous. "I'm supposed to change. I mean, get into costume. For
the hunt." She stared at Alanna. "Do I have to wear one of those?"

Newbie, Alanna realised. She hasn't done this before. Odd, the sense of power that gave her.
Here she was, standing half-naked in a doeskin halter and running shoes and the woman,
fully dressed, was at a disadvantage. "No," she said. "You don't have to. You can go naked
or in what you're wearing. Up to you." It seemed there was another hunt on. "I'm Alanna," she
said, offering a hand. "You are?"

"Karen. Ed didn't tell me there'd be another one." Brief handclasp.

Nobody had told her there'd be another one either. It made sense, though. Hardly likely that
Amanda would have exclusive use of the club grounds. "I'm not with Ed. Whoever he is. I'm
here to..." Get eaten. Fight, escape, whatever. How to explain? "I'm doing a run with Amanda

The girl's eye's widened. "You work with her?"

"You've heard of her?" 'Working with' wasn't quite right.

"Who hasn't?" The girl looked, if possible, even more despondent. "I haven't got a chance..."

"Wait a minute," Alanna said. "I'm not working with her, she's hunting me. And, as far as I
know, she doesn't have anything to do with you. Who's Ed?"

Karen shrugged hopelessly. "Some guy I met in a bar. I got talked into a bet. I lost. It's
complicated. You don't want to know."

Meaning she was embarrassed about getting herself into this, Alanna realised. The basics
were obvious enough. "So now he's going to hunt you."

Karen nodded.

"And, what, eat you?"

"If I'm lucky."


"You know Amanda?" Karen asked hopefully.

"A bit."

"She doesn't do nasty stuff. Does she?"

"No, she just kills people and eats them." Wry mouth. Wasted irony.

"Don't suppose you'd care to swap?"

Alanna considered that. "Sure, why not?" Logically, any other hunter was less likely to catch
her. "Thing is, it's not our choice." How nasty was this guy anyway? She knew about
Amanda, she must know that she had no chance against her. It was tempting. Against
another hunter, she'd have a better chance. She knew the territory and this 'Ed' didn't know
her. He didn't have her scent. How bad could it be? "Look, we can talk about it while you get
dressed..." Playing for time. How much, quarter of an hour now?

"What should I wear?" Karen was pathetically anxious.

"Strip off," Alanna said. "You're going to be naked when and if you go on the spit, this is no
time to get self conscious. Get a halter so your breasts don't bounce when you run and a
good pair of shoes. Don't wear underwear or anything you've got on now, that'll make you
feel connected to your comfortable little life and you'll be in denial. Not sharp. Get this
through your head: we're prey. We're meat. We're bunny rabbits and they're wolves and if
they catch us they'll eat us."

Karen looked close to tears but she stripped off anyway. Alanna helped her find a halter in
her size. She also remembered to strap a knife to her right leg. Not much chance it would
help her beat Amanda, but any chance is better than none. And if Ed, whoever he was,
crossed her path, maybe she'd do what Sajida did. Kill the hunter. Probability not great but..

Sajida had done it, she'd killed without hesitation. Killed a man who had been chasing her,
Alanna. Ate his balls. Fought Amanda. Lost, of course, but...

I'm not her, Alanna's warm and fuzzy side protested. I'm not a fighter. I can't match Sajida's
ferocity. She's from Yorkshire, they're all Viking berserkers. Even the Indians. Must be
something in the water...

"You're lucky," Karen said.

Ten minutes left?

"Lucky?" Lost, of course, but...survived. Alanna flexed her right thigh. The knife sheath didn't
bind too much. She looked at Karen. Wearing the halter and shoes she looked pale and
frightened, her pubic hair was brownish blonde and unshaven. Pathetic. Pitiful.

There came a knock on the door. Alanna knew who it was, she could smell her. "Come in",
she said.

Amanda came in. "Sorry about the mix up," she said to Alanna. "We've got two hunts on
today. Oh, hello." This to Karen. "You must be Ed's quarry?" Karen nodded dumbly.

Amanda was dressed in her usual hunt garb, minimal leather top and skirt. Lots of big
redheaded woman under it. Sheathed knife on hip.

"Her name is Karen," Alanna said.

"Do excuse me," Amanda said. "Oh my, you DO look good!" She reached out and touched
Alanna's left breast, doeskin clad. "I can hardly wait!"

Oh great, Alanna thought. She wants to weigh my tits before she eats them. Her hand
reached for the knife on her thigh. Her skin tingled, she could sense every current of air. She
could smell Amanda, a rich and spicy scent, slighty rank with tiger sweat. Her nerves
screamed predator, but she knew that...

"We were having a private conversation," Alanna snapped. "Get out. Now."

Amanda quirked an eyebrow and nodded. She turned to go.

Alanna sighed. "Amanda?"

The huntress turned back.

"Could we have a word outside? Before we do the run?"

Amanda nodded again. "Whatever you want." She left.

Alanna looked at Karen. "You want that on your trail?"

Karen looked confused. "That?" To her, Amanda had looked impressive enough but....that?

"Didn't you..." See it? Smell it? How could she explain? "Karen, she's the best there is at
what she does. She wins more often than any other hunter. She's..." Unbeatable. Invincible in
battle. Of course, that didn't matter to Karen, she almost certainly wouldn't be able to beat Ed
in a fight either. Alanna had been here before. She'd seen Amanda capture Sajida when the
ferocious little vixen, who had slaughtered another hunter, ambushed her. She'd seen her
defeat Vicky the Barbarian effortlessly. "She's good. If she hunts you, you're not coming

Karen didn't seem convinced. Alanna explained. She related the story of how she'd been
hunted and caught, why she was here. "She let me go for the fun of it," she concluded.

Karen looked dazed. "But...she wouldn't..."


Karen told Alanna what Ed had promised to do to her. Alanna felt sickened and angry.

"No, she wouldn't.." At least I don't think so.

Okay. Switch partners. Let Amanda eat this poor little bunny. Kill Ed. She realised her hand
was fingering the knife. She remembered how Sajida had killed Jack. I could do that, she told
herself. Problem was...

"Amanda won't go for it," she said. "She wanted to hunt me because we've met before. That
makes it more interesting for her. A challenge. Hunting you...." she shrugged. "Look, I'm
sorry, but I don't think she'd be interested. Not that she wouldn't like to eat you," she added
courteously, "But you're just not.....well, not what she's looking for right now."

If Karen perceived any slight there, she didn't care about it. "Couldn't you get her to hunt us

"Not without Ed's permission." A thought occurred to her. If she could talk Amanda into it, the
killer Amazon could probably persuade him to share the hunt. Both of them targets for both
hunters. Another thought occurred to her. How had she known she'd need to talk to Amanda
or that she'd have anything to say? It would be nice if she could talk her into just killing Ed,
but that wouldn't work. Vicky had died because she attacked first...

A dour, stocky woman put her head around the door. "Time's up. Out front for the viewing.
The dogs want to see the rabbits." Deja vu. Did she enjoy saying that? The odd thing was
that Alanna felt almost nostalgic about it. So long ago, so last week. Out. She wanted to be
out in the fresh air, she wanted to get over the collywobbles and get on with the contest. She
didn't want to be dragging Karen along with her. Was this how Sajida had felt when she'd first
talked to her? Role reversal. One hunt and you're a veteran. Wow.

She waved the woman away. "We're ready," she said. "Piss off and crochet something."

Amanda was waiting outside. She smiled when she saw Alanna. "Isn't it beautiful?" she said.
She sniffed the air. One side of the sky was darkening. "Weather. Could be thundershowers."

"Um, yes...Amanda..."

"Might have to cook you indoors. In one of the lodges. If that happens, I mean." Amanda's
smile took on an apologetic twist. "If I catch you. Didn't mean to presume."

"I have to talk to you."

"Yes, look, sorry about that. I shouldn't have touched you.." Implied was, you're not mine yet.

"It's not about that. I've got an idea that might interest you."

Amanda's eyebrows rose. "Another one? Do tell." She inhaled deeply and looked up. "I just
love weather like this, don't you? Ionisation, they say. Doesn't have the same resonance as
'thunder' does it?"

"Just bloody shut up and listen, will you?" Alanna glanced around. Karen was standing a few
paces away, arms folded around her chest, despondent. No sign of Ed. "Two minutes?"

"Speak to me, by all means."

Alanna spoke. She repeated what Karen had told her Ed intended to do to her. Amanda

"Unpleasant," she admitted. "But not completely unexpected. You hear rumours." She shook
her head. "I'm sorry, Alanna, but there aren't a lot of Boy Scouts in this game. Hunters do this
for selfish pleasure, me included. It's a savage business. I don't much like the Marquis de
Sade stuff, but I'm hardly in a position to sit in judgement, am I?"

"I'm not asking you to judge, just to help."

Amanda smiled. "Another of your little crusades? How am I supposed to do this? I'm sure you
know I have no right to interfere in Ed's hunt."

Alanna glanced around. Karen was still there, still looking wretched. Ed hadn't appeared yet.
it must be almost time to go. No matter, she still had plenty of start time. "You could talk to
him. Get him to share. That way you could have both of us."

"Or he could get you. As I recall, the whole selling point when you talked me out of killing you
and Sajida on the spot was that I'd have you to myself. This new plan of yours means I stand
less chance of catching you. And you know how much I've been looking forward to that."
Amanda's expression said 'convince me'. She was enjoying this, she liked prey who surprised

"What, you don't think you can get me before Ed does? You're better than him, aren't you?
And you know me."

"Even I'm not infallible, Alanna. You could end up getting skinned alive yourself. If he
catches you first, I can't legitimately stop him."

"If he catches me I'll fight. Maybe I'll get him, maybe he'll have to kill me." Alanna shrugged.
"It's a chance I'm prepared to take."

"To save poor little Karen from a fate worse than death," Amanda said, gentle mockery in her
voice. "Does she know about this?"

"She asked if we could switch partners. I told her you'd be more likely to catch her, and that
you'd eat her. She didn't care, she's that terrified of Ed."

Amanda nodded and walked over to the girl. "Hello? Karen?"

Karen seemed to snap back to reality from some far place. Her eyes widened. "Huh..hello"

Amanda smiled and held out her hand. "Amanda Blake. Alanna tells me you want to be my
supper. Er, quarry."

Karen taking the hand, gulped and nodded. "Yes. I mean, you to hunt me. Yes."

The girl was clearly on the edge. "You do know what I'll do with you if I catch you?" Amanda
asked gently. The girl nodded. "And that you're more likely to be caught if I do?" Another nod.

Alanna watched, fascinated. She could sense Amanda getting the girl's scent, savouring it,
getting a taste for her. It was a visceral sensation. She would go for it, she realised. She'd
taken the bait.

At that moment, the famous Ed emerged from the lodge. Alanna evaluated him
dispassionately. Late thirties, stocky, tough looking. He had a bow and a knife. Stronger than
her, of course, but not necessarily faster. Probably had previous experience, skill level
unknown. Coarse face, not ugly but rough edged. Cruel, she knew, so probably a bully:
arrogant and egotistical. He saw her looking and gave her a nasty smile. She gave nothing
back but indifference. He seemed to be about to say something, then turned to a more urgent
matter. His victim was with someone else.

"Blake, isn't it?" he gruffed, attempting disdain. "Got your wires crossed? That one's mine.
Hands off."

Amanda produced her warmest smile. "You must be the charming Ed I've heard so much
about," she said pleasantly. Karen said nothing, her face was rigid and pale.

"Yeah, so?" Ed glanced at the clock on the lodge. "Time we let the rabbits run."

"Oh, I think they'll spare us a moment or two," Amanda said. "We have a proposition for you.
You like a good wager, don't you?"

"So?" Ed frowned. He didn't seem to like this, Alanna noted.

"Why don't we make this a real competition? Have a joint hunt?"

"And what, share the catch?" He considered this, obviously taking into account that Amanda
was the better hunter without having to admit it. "I don't know. I suppose..."

Amanda shook her head. "Dear me no, that's for pikers," she said. "Free for all. Whatever we
catch, we keep."

Ed liked that less, Alanna could see. "I get it," he said. "You just want to trade. You've
decided you'd rather have her - " he indicated Karen "So you're going to stick me with this
lanky black bitch. No deal."

Amanda's eyebrows rose. "Racism? How quaint," she said mildly. "Such a pleasure to meet
an anachronism. I thought you were an endangered species." She looked thoughtful. "I
suppose that could be arranged..."

"You threatening me? Fuck off Blake," Ed snarled. He wasn't that brave, Alanna guessed, but
he couldn't lose face in front of Karen.

"Forget it, Amanda," Alanna said. "He's not going to go for it. The fat oaf isn't quite dumb
enough to think he could catch me, that's all." She gave Ed a mocking smirk and had the
pleasure of watching him go red. He started to raise a hand to hit her and stopped.

"Bitch," he hissed, "I'll..."

"You'll what?" Alanna sneered. "Didn't you hear what happened to the last hunter who tried to
poach from Amanda?"

"It's a deal," Ed snarled. Obviously that was adressed to Amanda, but he was looking at
Alanna. "You I'll see later." With a decisive nod, he turned and went back inside.

Karen looked shocked. "That's it? You did it?"

"We did it," Amanda said. She shook her head. "Don't look too relieved. All that means is
you're on my menu. I'd suggest you both get going now, the clock's running." She nodded to
Alanna. "Nice play," she said, and went back inside.

"Thank you," Karen said.

Alanna shook her head too. She was far from sure she'd done Karen any favours. "I don't
know if you're any better off," she admitted. "I don't think Ed's anywhere near Amanda's
class. You might have escaped him if you'd just kept your wits about you. He had you rattled,
that's all, that's how people like him work. Will you still want to thank me if Amanda gets

Karen shrugged. "I'd rather her than him." The girl was a bloody fatalist.

"Don't think like that or you're dead already," Alanna advised. "Chances are fair she'll get us
both, but let's not make it a certainty, okay?"

"What do we do now?" Karen asked nervously.

"Run and hide," Alanna advised. "Find a safe place and stay there. Don't move unless you
have to."