Guido’s Last Hit - story

Posted by Murph on October 27, 2004 at 07:12:54:

Guido worked for the mob. This Friday night he had been giving a job to do. His boss Tony wanted him to get rid of one of the girls, apparently she had seen something she wasn’t supposed too. The girl in question was Joy. Joy was a stripper in one of Tony’s clubs. Twenty-one years old, long dark hair, blue eyes and a killer body. At 5’ 7”, she weighed a slender 105lbs. Tony had asked her to meet him at his office in one of the warehouses he owned by the canal. He told her she would get a big bonus for a night of fun, and not to tell the other girls, “no point in making them jealous” he said.

Joy arrived at the warehouse around midnight. She knew that Tony liked his girls to dress kinky; she figured the kinkier the outfit the bigger the bonus. Joy wore a black vinyl tank top that molded to her breasts and large nipples. She wore a black leather micro mini skirt that barely covered her ass. Even a slight bend would expose the clear plastic panties from under her skirt. The outfit was toped off with 4” pumps. Joy felt very sexy and loved the feel of the plastic panties against her pussy.

To her surprise Guido was there to meet her. “Where’s Tony” she said nervously, not sure of what was going on. “Tony is running late and asked me to entertain you until he arrives” Guido was pleased with what he saw. The outfit she was wearing instantly turned him on, he had a job to do, but he was going to really enjoy doing it. He would play this out as long as possible and lead her to a plush office. “Let me get you a glass of Champagne” he said. “Yah, su..sure” she said, feeling very uneasy. She knew that Guido was one of Tony’s henchmen. She had seen Guido in action at the club, anytime anyone got a little out of hand, Guido would beat them up. She always felt that he took a sadistic pleasure in hurting people. A girl at the club, who had once dated him, said that he was into weird sex and had really hurt her.

As Joy sat down Guido glimpsed her plastic panties, “what a little cunt” he thought. Joy made a few useless attempts to adjust her tiny skirt. She crossed her legs tightly and rested her hand on her lap to cover his view of her panties. Joy was used to being scantily clad and dancing naked at the club, but there was something in the way Guido was looking at her. He filled her glass with some more Champagne, “Tony insisted that you be well taken care of sweetheart,” he said with a sinister smile. Joy started to get frightened, this didn’t seem right, “I think I’m going to leave. Tell Tony I’m not feeling well.” Joy’s legs wobbled as she stood up, the room started turning and then began to fade. “What did you do to me? You p.put something in my drink, you, you fucker.” As Joy passed out she stumbled and slumped forward over the coffee table.

Guido walked behind her admiring the way her body lay over the table. Her ass and pussy now clearly in view through the clear plastic panties, “now let the games begin” he said as he ran his hand over her panties and gave her pussy a tight squeeze. Guido’s cock started to stiffen. He moved the crotch of her panties to one side releasing the sweet scent of her pussy that had built up inside the plastic pants. Guide parted her puckered cunt lips and put two of his finger into her cunt. “Wow, sweetie, I see your cunt is still pretty tight. Either your not getting fucked enough or your boyfriend got a tiny dick. Ill show you what a real cock can do but first I want you to taste it.” Guido removed his clothes and moved around Joy’s still unconscious body. He grabbed her hair, lifted her head and put his cock in her mouth. “Suck it you little cunt” he said as he moved her head back and forth. Not satisfied he picked up her limp body and moved her to the couch. He was surprised as to how light she was. Guido removed her vinyl top, exposing her firm breasts. He pulled and tweaked her large nipples. He removed her leather mini skirt and pumps leaving her only in the clear plastic panties. He couldn’t believe his luck, he always had a panty fetish but never seen any thing like these. “Where the fuck did you get these little pants” he said admiring her beautiful body. He examined every detail of how the plastic panties fit her. The elastic waist of the panties was tight, but not too tight. The elastic on the leg openings was ruffled and snug enough to hold in the moisture that built up inside the pants. He loved the way the panties felt as he pushed the plastic between her lips, exposing her moist pink pussy. He noticed how the small tuft of dark pubic hair glistened with moisture inside her panties.

“Ok, enough foreplay, time to fuck you.” He positioned her body over the back of the couch so that her cunt was at cock level. He pulled down her panties and examined her asshole. “Your asshole looks cute, looks like you never had it up the pupe chute. I’m not really an ass man myself”, he said as he stuck his cock into her tight cunt. He cupped her breasts in his hands and pulled her towards him. Guido exploded into orgasm shooting his cum deep inside her. He removed his dripping cock and pulled her panties back up. He turned Joy around and wiped his cock in her mouth. “Clean the cock sweetie, every last drop, that’s the girl. Boy do I love my job and I even get to kill you”. Guido put back on her vinyl top and leather mini

Joy was starting to regain consciousness as he placed her hands behind her and cuffed them. Dazed and confused, Joy looked at Guido. She tasted cum in her mouth. “What the fuck is going on? What did you do to me?” Guido grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet. “Questions, questions, questions. Apparently you saw some thing you weren’t supposed to see. So, Tony wants your sorry little ass disposed of. If you got a tingling in your cunt, it’s because I fucked it and now it’s time to die. Does that bring you up to speed, oh, and by the way I wiped my cock in you mouth”. Joy dropped to her knees crying. “I, I, didn’t see anything, sob. Please... don’t kill me, sob. Ill do any thing you want”. “You’ve already have sweetie, now lets go and quit the fucking crying.”

Guido grabbed Joy by the hair and motioned her forward. Joy made a move to kick him and missed. Guido punched her violently in the stomach. As Joy slumped to her knees, Guido punched her in the back of the head. The blow sent her face down on the rug, unconscious. “Ok, you stupid bitch, let’s do this the hard way”. He picked her up and put her over his shoulder. Before leaving the office he paused before a full-length mirror. He smiled; admiring the way he looked with a chick slumped over his shoulder. He rubbed and slapped her panties. He was originally going to take her out to the warehouse, kill her and dump her body in the woods in one of his favorite spots. As he fingered her pussy through the plastic pants, the thought came to him. Why not keep her alive a little longer, lead her into the woods and let the fun continue.

He headed to his car and placed her in the trunk. He also put a shovel in the trunk. He then took a long rope and made a noose at one end. When he killed guys, he simply put a slug in the back of their head. Women, he treated differently. He enjoyed the personal touch, strangling them with his bare hands, so he could see the look of death in their face or slowly hanging them to death. He figured that Joys faith was decided the moment she put those plastic panties on. He wanted to see her swinging at the end of a rope, squirming in her little skirt and panties.

The sun was just rising as Guido pulled onto the old fire road and headed deep into the woods. The tall grass on the barely passable road was an indication that no one had been through here in a long time. Guido stopped his vehicle at the entrance of an old trailhead. He opened the trunk. Joy was awake and whimpering. “How’s my little cunt in the plastic panties doing”? “Please, please, don’t do this. Talk to Tony; tell him I didn’t see anything. Please, please just call him. Oh God, NO! Don’t kill me”. “Shut the fuck up.” Guido grabbed the handcuffs with one hand and the hem of her leather skirt with the other hand. With one motion he lifted Joy out of the trunk and on to her feet. “Lets go sweetie, time to hang”.

He led her up the trail in front of him so he could view her panties from under her tiny skirt. He realized in his excitement that he had forgot her pumps (not that she could walk in them anyway), but he felt it was a sloppy move. The roots and rocks were sticking into Joy’s bare feet, causing her even more pain. With her hands cuffed behind her back, Joy had difficulty getting up steep sections of trail. Guido would push her from behind causing her to stumble forward. Each time she stumbled Guido got a close up view of her pussy. He noticed a whitish gooey substance oozing from between her cunt lips and sticking to the plastic crotch. Realizing that it was his cum oozing out of her cunt only added to his enjoyment.

Reaching a flat section, Joy turned around. “Please release my hands, I really need to pee.” “No need (as he lifted the hem of her little skirt), just piss in those sweet little pants. No use on letting those plastic panties go to waste”. “You sick.. bastard” said Joy with a gasp. “Fuck you,” said Guido as he punched her in the chest. Joy fell hard on her back. As she lay there stunned, legs apart, Joy momentarily lost control of her bladder. He glimpsed a stream of piss shooting into the crotch of her panties, the liquid being contained by the plastic. Joy quickly closed her thighs to stop the flow and tried to retain whatever modesty she had left. Guido pressed his foot into Joy’s stomach. “Open those fucking legs and piss yourself. You might as well do it now or later on the end of the rope. Just don’t shit yourself. I hate when they shit them self’s.” Guido applied more pressure on her stomach. Joy realized there was nothing she could do; she would be humiliated till the end. She was doomed and going to die. Crying softly she parted her thighs. Guido release his foot from her stomach and watched as a steady stream of piss shoot into the plastic crotch. Joy’s panties started to bulge as she continued to piss herself.

He grabbed Joy’s hair and pulled her to her feet. “Now that’s the girl, doesn’t that feel better” he said as he patted her warm piss filled panties. He motioned her to along the trail. Still crying softly, she walked in front of him in a slow death march. Totally humiliated and beaten her piss trickling down her thighs as it leaked from the seams of her panties. Her piss burnt as it reached the opening wounds on her feet. Guido would drop back to admire the view of her piss filled panties from under her tiny skirt. He would then catch up to pat her bulging panties and push her forward.

Guido motioned Joy to stop next to a big oak tree. Joy whimpered and trembled as Guido placed the noose around her neck. She silently prayed asking God for forgiveness. As she prayed she stopped trembling and calmness came over her. She noticed the sweet scent of the Mountain Laurel that was all around her. A colorful butterfly floated by and landed softly on a flower. She noticed the woods were alive with the sound of singing birds.

Guido pulled the rope lifting Joy up to his eye level. Joy kicked her feet, desperately trying to touch ground. Guido tied the end of the rope as Joy dangled ten inches off the ground. Guido un-cuffed her hands and watched as she struggled to reach the rope. Joy’s body twitched and jerked as she gurgled for air. Guido ripped of her vinyl top to expose her breasts. He squeezed her tits tightly and plucked her nipples. He pulled the crotch of her panties to one side, releasing the remaining liquid. Joy’s still warm piss flowed down his hand. As she twitched and jerked he fingered her wet cunt. Joy was still conscious as she watched Guido pull his erect cock from his pants. He removed her mini skirt. With the crotch of her panties to one side separated her thighs and rammed his cock into her pussy. Joys twitching and jerking squeezed on his cock like a vice. Her eyes started to bulge from the pressure on her neck. He licked her tongue as it protruded to one side and bit her lip to taste her blood. With her last twitch he exploded into orgasm and sucked on her mouth as if to capture the life as it left her. Guido removed his dripping cock, wiping his cum with her panties. He adjusted the crotch of the panties over her pussy and watched as his cum oozed in to the plastic. As Joy’s body swayed back and forth came the final humiliation, she shit herself. “Ah, fuck, I wanted to save those panties. You can keep the shitty things now. Got to remember to cork their holes in the future”.

Guido dug a shallow grave. He removed her corpse and un-ceremonially dumped her in the hole. He threw her mini skirt and vinyl top in the hole with her. “I can’t believe I forgot those stupid pumps. It would have been nice to keep those plastic pants as a souvenir, but Oh well, fuck it. Thanks for the good time sweetie”.

Guido didn’t know that forgetting those pumps would cost him his life. Tony found the shoes when he got to his office. He also found a small pocketbook that Joy had placed on the counter. Guido hadn’t even seen that. Tony didn’t get to be boss and staying that way by having people around him make stupid mistakes. To some the shoes and pocketbook might seem trivial but to Tony it was a sign that Guido was getting sloppy and becoming a liability. A week later Tony had Guido’s brains blown out.