Storm Sisters (Part 4)

Posted by Extranjero on May 14, 2007 at 10:59:56:


The first shot made Leilani flinch. She turned her gaze towards the open window. For a moment she heard nothing but the rusty caw of ravens. Then startled cries from down below, and the snarling rip of sub-machine gun fire.

The young guard shifted nervously, her eyes full of unease. But she kept her weapon pointed at the bed. Leilani looked round for her clothes, but none had been brought with her. She let go of the flimsy sheet. The blonde girl eyed her breasts.

The gunfire petered out. They heard boots rush across the courtyard. Then the barrage was redoubled. Windows shattered; orders were called out. Lena had stood up. The sub-machine gun swung towards her. “Don’t you dare come near me!” said the guard.

She sounded almost petulant. She wanted to be gone. Leilani swung her bare legs off the bed. The girl’s aim wavered between her and Lena. Then the window-shutter splintered as a bullet struck.

The girl ducked with a startled yelp, and Lena pounced on her. The two of them reeled back against the wall. The guard triggered her weapon and a bullet hit the wardrobe. The selector had been left on single-shot.

Lena kneed her in the groin and hauled her body round. Her slender arm slid round the girl’s long neck. She cupped the squirming sentry’s jaw, then clenched her teeth and twisted. The girl’s spine snapped like celery. She spasmed convulsively and then hung slack.

Gasping, Lena lowered her onto the varnished floorboards. The guard’s blue eyes stared blankly at the ceiling. Leilani squatted down and pulled the shapeless parka open. The girl wore a short khaki skirt and the camisole she’d probably been snatched in.

Leilani quickly tugged her calf-high boots off, ignoring the crescendo in the yard. Sitting down, she pulled them on. The supple leather fitted, just about. She lifted up the dead girl’s skirt, examining her briefs. At least she hadn’t pissed herself, but her pussy had oozed juices as she died. A thumbprint smudge had stained the cotton panties. Leilani paused, then peeled them off and drew the girl’s damp warmth over her groin.

Lena had got the PPSh and was crouching by the window. “Cavalry to the rescue,” she exclaimed. They heard the ring of horseshoes in the precincts of the convent. Leilani took the dead guard’s parka, shrugging it around her bare top half.

They slipped out of the room and moved along the passageway, while gunfire echoed through the cloistered building. Lena eased ahead and started down a wide stone staircase, her nun’s habit contrasting with the ugly sub-machine gun at her hip. She was half-way to the bottom when two girls appeared below her, withdrawing from the shoot-out in the yard. Both were flustered and half-dressed. They fumbled to reload. Then they sensed the figure like a spectre on the stairs.

Lena shot them as they whirled. An asterisk of flames blazed from the gun. The rebels squealed as bloody wounds were stitched into their breasts. They tumbled back and Lena scurried down into the cloister. Leilani followed, snatching up a rifle as she passed.

They hurried down the passageway while bullets snapped around them. “The prisoners are escaping!” someone yelled. Lena swung around and started firing from the shoulder. “Keep going, Lei, I’ll cover you,” she snapped.

Leilani turned the corner and ran headlong into Karen. The surly girl look stupefied, but brought her pistol jerkily to bear. They were too close for the rifle, so Leilani let it fall. She launched herself into the air and double-kicked the rebel in the chest.

“Ough!” sobbed Karen, reeling back. The automatic spun out of her hand. Leilani landed like a cat and pirouetted sharply. Her boot lashed out against the short girl’s jaw. Karen gave a hammered grunt and crumpled to the flagstones. Leilani scooped her pistol up and covered Lena as she darted past.

The two of them ran on and reached the convent’s central courtyard. The air crackled with bullets and the black-clad nuns were scattering like sheep. The riders made no effort to avoid them. One sister was kicked and trampled. Others fell beneath the spraying guns. Sudden scarlet wounds burst through their habits and turned the sombre garments into shrouds.

Nikola was on her horse, directing operations, while other Cossacks raked the cobbled yard. “Call them off!” Leilani yelled. “Don’t massacre the nuns, you stupid cow!”

Nikola swung round reflexively, her pistol aimed. Leilani forced herself to stand her ground. Sudden recognition widened Nikola’s blue eyes, and then a gleeful smile lit up her face.

Leilani’s stomach knotted and she threw herself aside. The Cossack leader fired and kept on firing. “Bitch!” Leilani muttered as she wriggled into cover. She knew that Nikola meant every shot.

A rebel started shooting from the steps of the old church. The nearest rider wailed as she was hit. The sudden burst of bullets flipped her backwards off her mount. Her coat flared and Leilani glimpsed her briefs. Nikola hauled her horse around and kicked it into cover. Leilani scrambled up again and ran.

Karina had dismounted and swung round a corner, firing. Her MP40 stuttered, but the shots were for the girl outside the church. The rebel staggered back against the heavy wooden door, and slithered down it with submissive grace. Leilani dashed across the yard, her automatic blazing. Lena’s gun joined in behind her, and Karina twisted out of sight.

Leilani pounded up the steps as bullets chirped around her. Puffs of dust and chips of stone exploded from the wall. She shouldered her way in through the door, still firing at the courtyard. Lena paused a few steps down, her sub-machine gun spewing viciously.

One of the Cossacks wheeled her mount and tried to aim her pistol. She jack-knifed in her saddle as the neighing horse was shot from under her. Ropes of blood spilled out of them like streamers on the wind. Leilani wavered, mesmerised, till Lena tumbled through and kicked the door shut.

The slam resounded through the church. The two girls backed away along the aisle. Lena’s breasts were heaving underneath her modest gown, while Leilani’s peeked from underneath her coat. A gust of gun smoke followed them, but the air was spiked with incense. They heard a rustling sound, like frightened birds.

Leilani panted, glancing round. There were shocked nuns cowering among the pews. And one girl who was wearing nothing but her lacy panties. She gripped a PPSh like Lena’s own.

No doubt she’d been caught napping when the Cossacks had attacked – but she’d grabbed a weapon rather than her clothes. The girl had wavy golden hair and a suspicious face. She brought the sub-machine gun up, then realised they were all on the same side.

Some of the sisters flitted past like shadows in the dimness. The contrast with her bare breasts was surreal. Leilani’s gaze kept roving round the high, baroque interior. There were solemn frescoes, gilded statues, ikons everywhere.

Crouching down behind a pew, she rubbed her sweaty palm against her parka. Then she gripped her gun again and waited for the onslaught on the church.

Outside, the light was turning pink. The snow was getting redder. Nikola swung off her horse and drew her polished sword. The battle was still raging on the west side of the convent, but the cloisters round the garden had been cleared.

She glanced round at the scattered bodies: nuns and rebels lying side by side. The sisters were mostly young and pale – romantic girls, she thought disdainfully. They’d thought they could do better than the soulless city life. As misguided as the rebels, in their way.

Then she saw a movement in the dimness of the cloister. Her pale eyes narrowed and her heartbeat kicked. She felt her bosom straining at her waistcoat. Unfastening a button, she advanced towards the figure on the floor.

Karen’s mouth was warm and wet. She spat a stream of red. A vice was clamped around her jaw, and her chest was aching where the bitch had kicked her. She heaved herself onto her knees and thought her head would split. Taking prisoners didn’t pay. She could have told Danielle!

Her pouting lip was glossed with blood. She licked it gingerly and tasted salt. Then, as she knelt upright, someone sauntered up and kicked her in the back. Karen grunted with the pain, and gave a startled bleat. The impact went from blunt to sharp. She felt it carving coldly through her flesh.

Then a bloody sabre blade poked out of her bare midriff, and Karen stared at it in disbelief. She tried to cry for help, but it came out as a choked squeal. More blood came welling up into her mouth.

“Stuck on me?” purred Nikola behind her.

Karen’s crotch grew hot and moist, as if she’d been aroused. The shock of penetration made her gasp. Then she realised with dismay that she had wet herself. She mewled aloud, and let her head flop forward.

Nikola braced a boot against her ribs and dragged the sword out. The rebel’s body toppled to one side. Nikola swept back towards the courtyard once again. Her girls were closing in on the old church.

She gestured to Karina and the blonde girl loped across. “That bitch Leilani’s joined the rebels. Make sure that she’s snuffed.”

Karina nodded, sulky-faced as ever, and ventured up the steps to the church door. Hanging her Schmeisser by its sling, she drew a stick grenade out of her belt. Gunshots echoed through the dusk as she pulled the cord to prime it. Then she kicked the door ajar and tossed the bomb inside.

The grenade burst with a stunning bang, and smoke roiled through the church. The young nuns screamed and cringed behind the pews. Karina shoved her MP40 through the gap and fired. A raking burst lit up the foggy gloom.

The sleek young Cossack ducked inside. Leilani bobbed up quickly for a shot. Karina swung behind a pillar, fired again and rolled into the smoke. Sophie followed at her heels, her sub-machine gun blazing, like a fiery dagger sawing at the fog.

Bullets sang around the church and splintered through the pews. Leilani dropped full-length and felt the coldness of the floor against her breasts. The smoke mixed with the incense and she struggled not to cough. The second girl came down the aisle, an enigmatic smile still on her lips.

Sophie’s sub-machine gun was as skeletal as death: a product of the siege of Leningrad. She squeezed a burst of bullets into every pew she passed. The cowering young sisters squealed and slumped.

Then a curtain twitched in a confessional on one side of the church. Sophie glimpsed the movement and swung round. But the rebel in lace panties had already taken aim. The last things Sophie saw were her bare tits and her ferocious muzzle-flash.

The slugs tore through her autumn coat and spattered it with red. They ripped the life out of her heart and lungs. Sophie’s smug half-smile became a rictus of despair. She back-flipped to land draped across a pew.

Karina had popped up before her body came to rest. She opened fire on the confessional. The bullets riddled it like woodworm, chewing the velvet curtain up like moths. The rebel bucked inside the box and squealed in agony. Her left hand clawed her punctured breasts, but her trigger-finger squeezed off one last burst. Then she slumped out past the curtain, pitching to the floor. A pint of crimson pooled beneath her corpse.

Leilani aimed her pistol with both hands, returning fire. Her ears were ringing from the noise: her own shots had a muffled, popgun sound. Karina dropped from sight again. Leilani’s gun locked open. And then a Cossack on a horse came crashing through the doors.

The clatter of horseshoes filled the church. The girl spurred down the aisle. She had a pistol in her hand and fired it left and right. One of the nuns jumped up in shock. A bullet smashed her breastbone. She flopped across the nearest pew and dangled there, head-down.

Lena rolled into the aisle and fired her sub-machine gun from a crouch. The horse’s front legs folded as the burst went through its chest. The Cossack gave a wail as bullets punctured her bare thighs. She yanked the reins and tried to aim her gun. As her mount collapsed, the bullets tore into her belly, then pierced the cleavage underneath her coat. The girl grimaced in misery as blood spumed out of her. She crashed down with her horse amid the pews.

Karina sprayed another burst across the smoky church. Leilani crawled beneath the empty seats. Her plump breasts rubbed the flagstones and her hair was in her face. She knew she had to reach the rebel’s gun.

The dead girl lay ten yards away, still half-inside the wrecked confessional. She had the pale skin of a plaster saint. Her PPSh was lying just beyond her outstretched hand. The aisle was strewn with cartridges. How many were still in the magazine?

Before Leilani could emerge, Karina started edging down the pews. Leilani felt her stomach clench. The bitch would nail her if she tried to move. She risked a peek, and glimpsed bare legs above Karina’s boots. The girl was wearing a short skirt beneath her calf-length coat.

Someone stirred behind Leilani and she twisted round. A nun was crouching further down the pew. Her wimple framed a pretty face with dark, imploring eyes. She held a pistol out towards Leilani.

Leilani’s own eyes widened; then she nodded urgently. The weapon must have come from the dead rider. The sister made to lob the gun, but raised herself a little as she did so. Karina glimpsed the movement and squeezed off a burst at her. The bullets tore a row of splintered holes along the pew, and the pistol flipped over Leilani’s head. The young nun’s hand went to her brow, as if she were about to genuflect. A shot had burrowed through her brain. Her blood splashed on the woodwork as she slumped.

The pistol clattered in the aisle. Karina’s gun slammed empty. “Fuck,” the Cossack muttered and discarded the spent clip. She plucked a backup from her belt while the first was in midair, and Leilani lunged towards the fallen pistol. She scrabbled it into her grasp as Karina finished loading. The Cossack yanked the Schmeisser’s bolt, and Leilani shot her just below the breast.

Karina gasped in pained surprise and rocked back on her bootheels. Her sub-machine gun wavered aimlessly. Leilani put a slug into the column of her throat, and the foxy Cossack gagged and clutched her neck. She toppled over backwards and her long legs kicked apart, revealing her expensive underwear. Leilani shot her one more time and Karina arched her spine, rebounding off the flagstones like a doll.

The rattle of the falling cartridge sounded oddly loud. A devastated silence filled the church. Leilani weighed her unfamiliar pistol. It was compact and chrome-plated, and she reckoned it might be a Jericho. She glanced across at Lena and the two of them withdrew, along the aisles towards the gilded altar. Then another stick grenade came sailing through the door, and they bolted for the cover of the vestry.

The building echoed with the blast as Leilani led the way through a back door. It opened onto snowy ground. She saw they were outside the convent wall. A rebel on a snowcat waited nervously nearby “What’s happening? Who’s attacking us?” she hissed.

“We are,” said Leilani and fired twice into her midriff. The startled girl flew backwards off her seat. Leilani lowered the Jericho and felt the cold air nipping at her breasts. Pocketing the gun, she zipped the bulky parka up and swung onto the sputtering machine. Lena slung her PPSh and clambered on behind her. Her arms slid round Leilani’s waist, and tightened as the snowcat snarled away.

Leilani steered towards the trees, and found a rider waiting in their path. Oh, shit, she thought and drew the gun again. The Cossack hauled her pistol out and came at them head on, her hoof beats kicking up a spume of snow. Leilani opened fire one-handed as the snowcat jounced. A bullet sizzled past her cheek. The Cossack’s pistol flickered through the dusk. Horse and snowcat closed the gap, on a collision course. And then Leilani scored a hit that flipped the other girl out of her saddle

The horse went veering past and struck the cat a glancing blow. Leilani yelped and grabbed the handlebars. The pistol spun out of her grasp and vanished by the wayside. And Lena lost her grip and tumbled off.

Leilani swore and brought the snowcat ploughing to a stop. She twisted round. More riders had appeared. Lena was climbing to her feet and shrugging off her weapon. Her gown stood out against the snow, but her face looked ghostly in the fading light.

“Keep going, Lei! Don’t wait for me!” She gestured urgently. Leilani’s belly filled with scalding bile. She hesitated wretchedly, eyes yearning for her friend – then drove the snowcat forward once again.

Behind her, Lena fired a burst. The sub-machine gun flared and then cut out. She threw the useless thing aside, and floundered through the snow towards the horse. The animal had halted in confusion. Its rider’s corpse trailed after it, one booted ankle twisted in the stirrup.

There was another sub-machine gun in the saddle boot, and Lena focused all her thoughts on it. There were hoofbeats pounding in her wake, but the gun seemed almost close enough to touch. She reached for it with desperate hands. The girl’s horse shied and whickered. And then she heard a stinging crack, as if the sky had split.

She dropped onto her knees as something whooshed above her head. The horse took off at an ungainly trot. Lena turned and glimpsed a long whip snaking through the snow. She watched it coiling back to Nikola.

The Cossack leader loomed above her, grinning heartlessly. Her death’s-head cap badge gleamed like a small moon. She gathered up the lash again, and Lena scrambled clear. She broke into a clumsy run, and Nikola came pounding in pursuit.

The whip curled through the twilight like a living tentacle. It looped round Lena’s ankles, tripping her. She pitched into the snow and lay there, gasping. The Cossack gave a spiteful laugh and cantered past, then wheeled her horse again.

Lena sobbed and clambered up. Two other riders moved to cut her off. She changed direction, stumbling now, and Nikola came at her from behind. The Cossack’s whip flailed out once more and wrapped itself around her slender neck.

Lena choked and clutched her throat. The whip jerked taut and pulled her off her feet. Nikola had looped the leather round her saddle horn. She kicked her horse into a trot, and Lena squirmed and slithered in her wake.

Nikola looked back at her, and laughed at her distress. The sound was full of schoolgirl cruelty. The other riders opened fire towards the speeding snowcat. Their pistols flamed into the dusk, the bullets raising spurts of powdered snow.

Leilani reached the treeline and the shadows swallowed her. The questing bullets splintered into trees. She powered on into the forest, squinting through the gloom: the tears already freezing on her cheeks.