Posted by Barbanne on August 05, 2006 at 23:32:24:


I opened the door and went into the bathroom.
Shit!!!, I thought, ah struth not again!!
"Alex," I yelled, "what's this?"
I heard him coming and then he grabbed my shoulders and peered over the left one.
"Oh so that's where I left her."
I was staring fascinated at the bath and two widely splayed knees and a yawning, fur ringed pussy that belonged to a very dead brunette who was lying on her back on the bottom of that bath.
"Gawd," I said, "I come in here for a nice long soak and look at this and no, I don't want to know her name I just want her out of here."
"OK, OK, I'll get around to it."
"Now!!, I want her out now."
"Alright stroppy, but you'll have to help me."
"Gawd struth I get sick of this," I moaned.
"Oh come on stop your whingeing and give me a hand."
"Hmmmmmnn," Little Miss Pissed Off that was me.
Ms Brunette Babe was gazing wide eyed at the ceiling except she wasn't seeing anything on account of the fact that her pupils had almost disappeared up under her eyelashes what with her eyeballs being rolled back and all and her tongue was dangling slug like out between her lips. Her only item of attire was one of her own stockings wound tightly around her blue bruised throat.
They always were when Alex finished with them.
"You take the legs Barb I'll take the heavy bit."
"Big of you."
(little Miss Nasty now)
I got my hands under the brunette's knees and Alex got her by the shoulders and we hoisted her out of the tub. I was presented with an up close and personal view of a pinkly crinkly cunt surrounded by crisp brown curls. Nice but not something I really wanted right in my face at the moment. We staggered, well I did anyway, down the hall and out through the kitchen into the garage with Ms Dead Brunette and Alex popped the back door of the van and we dumped her in with the others.
"Whew, we gotta do a run and get rid of this lot."
"Getting a trifle stinky aren't they?" I said.
"Yeah, you could say that."
We went back inside and I had my soak and then I was doing the make up thing with a towel wrapped around me when I heard Alex yell, "BarbANNE," (he only says that when he's annoyed) "Barbanne come here and tell me what this is."
"Oh, Oh."
I went into the bedroom and sure enough he had opened the cupboard and there was Jason hanging from the rack where I had left him wearing only a rather tight necktie and a purple face and with a boner the size of a rhino horn.
"So what's this?"
"Is that where he got to," I said going bright red.
"Yeah like what a surprise, well Miss Barbanne this time I get the legs and you get the heavy bit."
I sighed.