Posted by Barbanne on April 18, 2005 at 23:45:47:


"Totally awesome," said the first babe.
"Ohmigod," said the second babe, "but then I have at least fifteen shades of lipgloss."
"Amazing," said the first babe.
"Totally kewl," warbled the second babe.
"I'll just text Kyrilee," said the first babe, "and ask how r u?"
"Excellent," said the second babe, "totally excellent."
It's going to be a public service, he thought, to put these two down, and a pleasure.
The first babe was wriggling into her panties and the second babe stood naked in front of the full length mirror applying some of those fifteen shades of lipgloss.
He raised the gun until its deadly black silencer was pointing directly at the first babe.
He pushed his dark glasses up onto the bridge of his nose.
"Uh ladies."
They both spun around.
"Eeek, r u like a hit man?" said the first babe.
"Wow, like awesome," said the second babe.
"A hit man. a real hit man, this is sooooooooooo kewl," said the first babe.
"You're like from central casting right?" said the second babe.
"Totally amazing," said the first babe.
"Kewl, totally kewl," warbled the second babe.
"Central casting............yeah right," he said.
And then he shot her plumb in the middle of her forehead the bullet punching through her skull and rattling around inside the cavity.
He shot the first babe smack through her silicon implants and heart.
They both sighed (he could have sworn he heard a kewl and an awesome, maybe even an ohmigod) and slumped to the floor landing in a tangle on the carpet.
"Damn but this job is good," he thought.
"Cool," he murmured to himself.