Cookin' Cookies

Posted by Ay-Wun on November 10, 2006 at 19:02:39:

Cookin' Cookies
By: Ay-Wun

Addams Family Theme
By: Vic Mizzy

Their house is a museum,
Where people come to see 'em.
They really are a scre-am,
The Addams Family.

Episode 2 Theme
By: Dr. Sauce aka Ay-Wun

The house was kinda scary,
But these girls were unwary,
And at their task were very,
Av-id to sell cookies!

The bell they rang was eerie.
They shoulda been more leery.
Now greeted them quite cheery
The Addams Family!

"Would you like to buy some Girl Scout cookies?" asked the stunning, long, curly haired, blonde, senior Girl Scout leader, of the equally beautiful, dark, sad looking sixteen year old who had answered the door. The blonde's buxom, red head partner grinned, hopefully, beside her.

"Are they made of real Girl Scouts? was Wednesday's cryptic reply.

"Would such lovely girls lie?" asked the grinning man who came up behind her. "Ask them in dear! Let's sample what they have!"

Wednesday now recognized Samantha and Jenny, two of the most popular girls at her high school. She politely led them inside. Once in the weirdly decorated parlor, Gomez and Wednesday bit into and savored the samples they were offered.

"Mmmm! That's quite tasty!" said Gomez, "But I can't taste any girl in it!"

"Well there's not...!" began Jenny.

SNAP! SNAP! went Gomez fingers, and they froze.

"We can do much better! Can't we pumpkin?!" he asked, rhetorically, of his daughter, as the two girls, in a dazed manner, began to remove their uniforms.

"You rang?!" said Lurch, entering just seconds after Gomez pulled the cord.

"Yes Lurch, get these two sweet girls cleaned out. Tell Mrs Addams we'll need her special talent. Then get the family and staff in here for 'tenderizing'. Oh! While they're cleaning, mix a marinade for each of them. Hmmm, mint and anise, I think."

"Very good Sir!" responded the cadaverous butler, whose blank stare became a grimacing grin upon turning away.

The two beauties, walking like zombies, followed him to the kitchen, their eyes looking around, astonished and terrified, at what their , out of control, bodies were doing. Jenny was first onto the bidet dildo. She must have been very tight and previously unused. Her eyes went wide open, almost to anime proportions, it seemed, and her lips opened wide in a scream. Her bladder must have been full, for her pussy suddenly gushed. Then, as the dildo plunged in and out, flushing her, the agony on her lovely face turned to ecstasy and her body quivered over and over in orgasm.

By the time it was her turn, Samantha's look of alarm had turned to eager anticipation and, even had her body not had control, likely would have buggered herself, on her own. The moment it slid easily in, her eyes closed and a beatific smile enveloped her gorgeous features. She began to cum immediately.

As these things had been going on, Lurch was filling two twenty-five gallon vats half full of the two specified marinades with just enough DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) to saturate their tissues then be used up. He told Chef Vlad to estimate and mix the needed cookie dough for the size of their bodies, then join them in the parlor for the fun perks working here offered.

The two lovelies were in an orgasmic haze as Lurch led them back to the parlor, where Morticia, Pugsley, Uncle Fester, and the rest of the servants had gathered to contribute their parts to Gomez's recipe. By now the two girls loved everything that was happening to their out of control bodies. Now relishing prick after prick and talented tongues, both bodys and minds quaked in multiple orgasms. They even enjoyed the blood sucking of Uncle Fester and Gomez, though it paled and somewhat numbed them. The finale' of Thing's fisting sent them to orgastic heaven.

Barely able to walk, they were led back to the kitchen and immersed in those vats to the neck. The wonderful tingling of their sexy flesh being imbued with the flavoring made each cum even more. Within half an hour, Samantha was saturated with anise, Jenny with mint, and were woozy from cumming. What little thinking capacity they had was wondering what possibly could follow that.

Chef Vlad helped each out of their marinades and had them step into the doughs he had premixed, knee deep, then turned to Gomez and Morticia. Morticia took each girl by a plump, pert tit, closed her eyes and began chanting in a strange tongue. The chant rose to crescendo. The girls felt something happening to their bodies. That chant came to a peak and ended, then,

SNAP! SNAP! Gomez snapped his fingers.

Feet first, the two gorgeous bodies began to melt into puddles atop the dough. Horror mixed with elation was in their eyes as they sank lower and lower, cumming as they dissolved. Just as their necks were even with the top of the mixing vats, Gomez and Vlad, using cleavers, expertly sliced where they had been marinaded to, and set the heads aside as the mixers began blending the melted girls into the dough.

Their heads had been place at a perfect angle so that they could see one another, as well as the rest of them becoming dough. They couldn't fathom how they could still be alive. The mixing now brought other unique sensations, which they could feel as if still attached to the componants of their bodies, bringing more orgasms to their minds.

"Having fun girls?!" leered Gomez, bending to look into their eyes. "Hmmm! I think I'll have some head!" He took Samantha by her hair and brought her lips down to his hard cock. Something about the kneading of her melted body into the dough made her hornier than she'd ever been, so she eagerly sucked him in. She found that she now had control, if one could call it that, over what was left of her, and that she had no need, or way, to breathe, so she sucked the full length down the remains of her throat.

Jenny's eyes looked longingly at what her friend was getting to do, then saw Uncle Fester lean down to lick the bloody spot where Samantha had been, then lifted her, by her hair, to where she could get her own eager lips on his long cock, as he licked up her claret leavings. As she peered to the side she saw the head of Gomez's cock, protruding from Samantha's neck, spurting into Samantha's mixing dough. Soon, Jenny was doing the same to her batch. She tongue cleaned him off, then felt herself inverted as he licked off her neck stub. Then she was passed off to Lurch.

The orgasmic sensations continued, as the two beautiful heads serviced cock after cock, with some cunt in between. The feelings suddenly changed, while this went on and, glancing over, they saw their doughs being rolled out and cut into cookies. 'S' shaped for Samantha, 'J' for Jenny. This cutting was somewhat painful, but both girls found it a pleasurable counterpoint for their many orgasms. Both pain and orgasms increased ten fold as trays of cookies went into the heat of the ovens. Then more and more, tray after tray, so much so that they passed out, ODing on pleasure.


"You girls can sell these and keep all the profits!" said Gomez, grinning toothily, as he loaded the two lovely, uniformed girls down with a big box each, of bagged cookies. "Well keep a quarter of them ourself, but that leaves plenty to sell."

Both girls were dazed and couldn't remember what had happened since they heard that first,


"When these are all sold just come back for more, and when all those run out, we can make some more! Right?!" he said, with his characteristic leer.

"Oh! Yes sir!!" the two beautiful girls chorused, in unison, gazing longingly at the bulge in his suit trousers, 'til he closed the door.

As they walked out the sagging gate, each took another bite of the most wonderful cookies they'd ever tasted!

Theme reprise:
They felt great in their nookies,
And kept on selling cookies,
One day came back and lookie
We must make more Tee Hee!