Alien Thinking-Coda

Posted by Ay-Wun on September 28, 2006 at 20:24:33:

Alien Thinking-Coda
By: Ay-Wun

I stared at the images, my mind was numb.

"Is that why?", I thought,

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND," I screamed, as tears flowed down my face.

They simply wouldn't listen, they told me I must eat. I must eat all of her. Then, they added something strange. Something insane, as if what they'd already done wasn't insane. They told me I must eat it all before I could have what I wanted. "What I want," I thought, "Is my darling back, alive and whole, but I can't have that ever again, especially not if I eat all that."

They persisted in pressing me to eat all that meat, and so I ate, they would give me no other food. I ate, and I slept, I ate and gazed at and talked to the beautiful face of the one I love, and she mouthed endearing words to me. I slept some more and, I ate more, day after day it was like that, for three long horrible days. Until, there was no more to eat. Except for her head, her bones, and some inedible scraps, all that had been my beloved, my wife, my life was gone.

They told me I could now have what I wanted. I said, "What I want is for our lives to be as they were before they did these things to us." They told me that was not what I'd wanted before. They said for me to take it. To take what I'd asked of her before.

"But I didn't ask for anything." I said.

They insisted that I did, but she told me not until I get what I want. You said you couldn't, they told me and she told you she wouldn't until you did, now you have.

"I have?", I asked, "What kind of insanity is it now?" You have done as she asked so take what you asked for.

"I don't understand what you're asking me to do.", I said.

Reach out and take it they told me. Then, as if in exasperation, one of them went back to that machine, made some adjusments and turned it on. There we were again, making love, and suddenly I said,

"Come on babe, give me some head!!"


This coda was suggested to me by my best friend Jane to whom I will always give credit, though she would never ask for it, and it is dedicated to her.