
Amy gutted and dying.

Amy's heart fluttered with anticipation as she went to take the customary pose on the killing ground. She spread her arms and legs wide and thrust her yearning belly forward. Lust shining in her smile, her eyes afire, her voluptuous figure displayed to the best, she waited trembling with excitement.

Deep down in her belly she felt herself quiver. Her organs churned in anticipation of their sunder, her vagina gorged with need. She felt her bladder move within her as if positioning itself for better exposure. Then everything within her Burst!



Amy's bladder exploded under the arrows impact! Blood and fluid gushed! Her vagina let go with a surge! She shreiked with the sensation of it, "Oh! Yes!"

She stood and blindly stared, lost in her sensation as the man ran to her blade in hand. He ripped the arrow out from within her and blood followed as if needing to stay with it. Amy's body quaked with it's loss then spasmed in an arch again as he thrust the blade deep through the bottom of her belly!

"Ow!" She cried out, "Oh!"

He yanked the blade upwards and split her open from her crotch to her navel! "Gack!" Buckets poured out from her. As she sank to the ground he sawed viciously, opening her to her chest.

Split wide open she lay a quiver. Eyes wide with dying shock. She barely gasped as he drove the blade through the nipple of one of her huge breasts to bury it deep in her chest, right to the hilt.

He got up and left her there, off to chose another.

Amy was picked up by a crew of other waiting Bellybutts and carried to the pile of veterans. They tossed her and she landed on her knees, arched backwards over a couple of other dead and dying. Her guts fell from her wide open belly to pool below her. Vapor from her dying breaths wafted from her open mouth, her eyes staring at nothing. Just another used Bellybutt.

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