Sounds like you're living your life to me

Posted by Verity on May 01, 2002 at 01:50:03:

In Reply to: tempting fate? having fun? I can't find that line posted by Berenice on April 30, 2002 at 23:32:10:

Okay, little snuffslut, so you need it with strangers now and again, and the strangers who really attract you are the ones who are in charge, not the ones you can control too easily.

That don't make 'em killers, you know.

Maybe I'm guessing too much, but I would bet that your real fear is that this new guy resembles a bit too much that snuffboy that you broke up with, and maybe that you have to worry about...
if you are truly over that jerk (you didn't say it was his fault but from your P.O.V. it's better if you decide it is) you don't want to end up interested in him again. So look for the
differences and not the similarities.

As for the danger, sure, it's there...*enjoy* it in responsible ways. This means bring and use your condoms, leave an envelope somewhere it won't be found for a while saying where you are (it might
mess up your existing relationships but might save your life) and take a weapon with you and practice getting to it to use it and *not* getting it wrested from you (tip...if you bring it out don't *ever*
do it to threaten, bring it out to use it *right away*, don't give him time to trade places with you).

Now, I may get in trouble for this, but consider something...not now, *definitely* not now but someday.

Maybe someday you *should* find someone to kill you. Not this guy, doesn't sound like he wants to, nor the other guy, whether he chickened out or never really wanted to.

But maybe it's okay if ultimately you are supposed to die this way, and these sorts of relationships are stopgaps that keep you from "going all the way" too soon.

That makes it look better, healthier, huh?

Hey. You're happy in your life, and even happier with this dominant stranger. *Enjoy*, don't stress yourself worrying about *why* it all makes you happy! Most of us get so little
happiness that you should treat it as a gift.

Of course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.:-) But think about it...and most of all

Write me if you wanna,


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