Make Them No Promises ... Tell Them No lies

Posted by Uncle Buck on November 05, 2002 at 08:14:56:

In Reply to: new necro posted by julie on November 04, 2002 at 22:22:50:

Julie, If thee be truly female then you male friend should consider himself to be singularly blessed ...

Sam Leo, the proprietor and keeper of this board has written many such 'scenes' which play out variously in the Text Stories at Sam's Place.

Sam's site is free for accessing so I would encourage to go have a look and linger awhile ...

Sam has written among others, "The Promise" which I have only just finished reading. I enjoy Sam's work because his intent seems not merely to titillate but to provoke a thought or two while he is about it.

I located and subsequently downloaded a set of thumbnails from the Femmegore mpeg site. And it wasn't until after reading "The Promise" that I sat down and wrote of this totally unrepentant character in "Make Them No Promises".

There will be no pictures with this version but if 'consent' is not strictly a necessary element in your own enactments then I would offer you the following by way of a small "experiment" ...

Good Luck in All Ways, Julie

~Uncle Buck~

Make Them No Promises ... Tell Them No lies

Working Girls? Well, yes, I fear that I would be something less than entirely frank were I not to admit to having carved my fair share of them throughout the course of my career.

Prostitutes are so readily available you see? As indeed they must be if they are to ply their trade with any degree of success.

When the craving overcomes me as it seems that it does so frequently these days, then the age-old adage any port in a storm comes immediately to mind and I seek the company of any available female to satisfy my hunger ... or is it thirst? I am not entirely certain that I always know myself any longer ... and does it truly matter after all?

It is at these times that the slasher within me becomes unleashed and I am inclined to sheathe by knife in the bosom of the first woman who may have the misfortune to cross my path.

Alas! Of such lore is slasher mythology constructed. But is it all a myth really? For I have personally attended to the stabbing of the breasts of seven women as of this date and I most certainly do look forward to ripping a fair number more ere I am finished.

As I wrote earlier, except for those times when I am under duress, I no longer linger in the public places where Ladies of the Evening are inclined to habituate.

This has nothing whatever to do with any snobbishness on my part. Though for the most part, prostitutes as a rule are not usually well educated individuals, it has been my experience that the professional woman's bosom is as full, her chest as deep, and her nipples stand every bit as erect as a woman of some education. A knife slides every bit as pleasingly into the body of one as it does into another.

No, the point is that when frequenting an establishment that is open to any segment of the public, almost invariably one arrives at a certain saturation point and he becomes a recognizable personage in the place that he patronizes. It is a lamentable fact that when recognition occurs that discovery is not often long in the offing. And so it is for this reason rather than any other that the current population of whores are for the most part, almost entirely safe from ... how shall I say? ... predators such as I find myself to be.

Oh? You appear to register a degree of surprize that I should refer to myself as being predatory? In all honesty it should not. Some of those most admired in the animal kingdom are predators themselves are they not? Why then should it be any different with we homo sapiens? I contend that it is not. And too, I am not one of those delusional creatures who creeps about through life pretending to be something that he is not.

And so the problem may be stated thus:

Given that one has no desire to become a recognizable feature in a public place, how then does one go about enticing desirable females to the privacy of one's own place of residence?

Notice that I stated place of residence rather than use the term home. When giving consideration to such inconviniences as the disposal of corpses and the like, it may not be desirable in the least to slaughter your victims in the privacy of your own home. So an appropriate amount of forethought should be given to these items before one is tempted to, if you will excuse the expression, plunge into his avocation.

For my part, I chose to advertise for private tutors who were in search if temporary employment. These were often young college co-eds in need of some genteel form of employment and, quite aside from the fact that they were disposed to come to me for an interview, I found that the career in and of itself provided something in the way of a winnowing process for I find that I've had few crones to turn away from my door. In point of fact, I have had none as of this writing and see no reason to anticipate that I shall at any time in the immediate future.

One young lady shall provide us with an example. She arrived for her appointment punctually and our interview had reached an impasse ... that being her desire to meet the child she was to tutor.


Being alone in the world as I am, at this jucture I saw little or nothing to be gained in further procrastination so I presented her with the immediate prospects of my knife.


I hastened to inform the young lady that there were and had been any number of other applicants for this position and so in the interest of saving valuable time, I strongly suggested that she comply with my every whim.


Her immediate reaction was the by now all too familiar, you've got to be kidding! Aren't you?


And of course I always offer them the assurance that indeed I am not! Which is most often followed by the complaint, But why me? Well, I might ask, though I seldom do, Why not you? It was you who responded to my advertisement, was it not?

At this point I usually amuse myself by divesting them of those items of clothing that girls feel are necessary to lend support to their breasts.


Playing the tip of the blade over her chest in anticipation of the inevitable penetration serves to heighten and expand the pleasure to be derived as the intitial thrust is delivered.


There! Now I think that you will agree that keeping breasts such as these encased unnecessarily only serves to futher frustrate any normal male. And are not there frustrations enough in life as it is?


Occasionally I find it amusing to pretend that I am offering my victim one last chance ... a sort of stay of execution if you will. It is a complete falsehood of course as I have no intention of releasing her under any circumstances. But as I said, it is all in the nature of pretend, so what difference can it make?


And so here at last I place the initial thrust of my blade to the region of her abdomen.


This becomes a matter of discretion and personal preference of course. There are many who will find that the woman's navel provides a tempting target. Indeed, there are entire treatises devoted to the belly in general and the navel in particular.


But seeing that it is the female chest and bosom that I find to be of such attraction, I most often prefer to thrust my blade somewhat above the belly and into the stomach between the area formed by her rib cage.


A blade thrust as this has been will not serve to kill her immediately as it conceivably could were the stroke delivered to any part of the upper chest.


And at the same time, I feel that a frontal assault such as the one seen in our small demonstration serves to offer the victim a measure of the respect to which I feel that she is to be afforded.


Too, the girl most often retains sufficient strength at this point so that her body may involuntarily arch and heave about in rather fine fashion ... And let me assure you that it is ever gratifying to watch as a woman 'bends over backward' to please you!


If for whatever reason she proves reluctant to arch sufficiently or should you wish to see her repeat the performance, it may and quite often will be necessary to rock the blade in the wound with a gentle cutting action ...


This of course requires that you employ a double-bladed knife when you embark upon anything of this nature. And since I am well aware that such weapons are not always readily available, then simply twisting the handle will induce much the same effect when a single-edged implement is to be employed.


In either event, you are now entirely free to thrust the woman through the navel or her vagina - very much at your own discretion and as your taste dictates ...


Or you may perchance choose at this point to savage the woman's breasts ... You will see in any instance that the choice is your own to make ...


But I would ask only that you bear firmly in mind that all of any woman's tenderness resides in her breasts ... So consider this if you will ere you offer to damage them to any great extent ...