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The death of


for_yousmall.jpg (1852 bytes)

This story is purely fiction. Some of the characters are real life persons, but the story has nothing to do with them at all.

Tara looked at her watch. 2:45. Valerie had said that she would be here at 2 am, if not before. Well, Valerie was probably not the most dependable person, she knew that, but it still pissed her off. They had made a date, damn it! Why did she keep trying? She was standing in the doorway to the small club, watching the street for Valerie's car, as she had for the past two hours. It was a warm evening, as most evenings in Phoenix, Arizona. She was sweating a little, the t-shirt clinging to her body. But she didn't mind.

A couple of guys got out of a car near the club. One of the guys, who apparently was high on something, smiled at her. He looked like a fucking farmboy who had just made it to the big town. Big smile, fancy clothes, and that 'I own the world' look on his face.

"Hi you want to come inside", he sniggered.

"Beat it, fuck", she said and stared past him, down the street. They walked past her, left her alone. She could hear their goofy laughs as they disappeared into the club The street was empty, silent, save for the cars that went by on 40'th street. Still no sign of Valerie. She looked at the clock again. 2:47. She couldn't stand here all night, but she didn't want to go home. When she left home, she had been hyped. She had wanted to party real bad. With Valerie. Now she felt tired and disappointed. Almost empty.

She looked up at the sky. The smog and the city lights almost blurred out the stars. She had often imagined flying amongst the clouds, basking in the light of the sun, enjoying the pure light of the stars. The city felt so dirty. The whole world felt dirty, right now. It was so naive to dream of love. She knew it. But sometimes even she could be tempted. Damn Valerie, damn you!, she wanted to yell. Instead she started down the small alley, towards 40'th.

When she reached 40'th street, she was shaking, despite the heat, despite the sweat. She was really bad off. How could this be happening to her? She had met Valerie at a party a few weeks ago. She was 24, four years older then Tara. She seemed so exciting and experienced. She shared the darkness and the poetry that had always been part of Tara's life. They had even discussed some of Tara's darker fantasies. And Valerie had loved it.  She had felt like she'd know Valerie forever, just that first time they talked. She had gotten her number. She had called her a million times, but Valerie had never been home. But she just couldn't get her out of her head. Then yesterday, she had finally reached her on the phone. She had agreed to meet her. Tara had been thrilled. She had really looked forward to talking to Valerie again. Just seeing her would have been great. And maybe? Who knew what could have happened?

She had forgotten all about getting a taxi, but she was ripped out of her own thoughts when a car stopped at the curb, just in front of her. It wasn't a taxi. It was a big black and chrome Lincoln Continental. She couldn't see anything through the toned glass, she just stood there staring at the car. Would it be some rich-ass businessman who was looking for a whore? That would fucking do it! But when the window glided into the door, she saw a young smiling woman looking out.

"Are you looking for a ride?", she said, still smiling. She looked her own age, but rich. Preppy. Tara bend over and looked into the car. It had a leather interior with  chestnut panels. The young woman was alone.

"I asked if you wanted a ride?", the young woman said again, a little annoyed, but still smiling. Tara realized that she hadn't answered her. She was a little confused. But, hey, what could happen? The girl was alone.

"OK. I live in Tampa...just a few minutes from here. Where are you going?", she asked, and opened the door. She fell into the comfortable leather seat. Now that she sat down, she realized how much her legs aced. How long had she been standing in front of the club? An hour at least. Sitting down felt so good. And the air-condition was on, filling the car with cool air.

"Oh, I was just driving around...looking at the town. I go to collage in California and I'm visiting my parents. Well, just my mother actually.", she said. She looked a little sad, Tara thought. "It's almost three months since I was last in Phoenix".

"Welcome back, then. I don't hope I'm too much trouble. Where do you live?", Tara asked.

"On Paradise Village Parkway", she answered. She shifted the car into gear and started down 40'th, towards Tempe. Yea, right, Tara thought. Paradise Valley. All the rich families lived there. It was a small oasis of parks, full of hotels and fancy houses. Tara didn't like people from the Valley much. It was like they were living in a different world, set apart from the rest of Phoenix.

"Your parents must be pretty rich, then", Tara teased. She looked over at the other girl. She didn't look happy. Not happy at all. Her brows and the corners of her mouth  were pulled down, the muscles in her jaw tense. Almost as if she was thinking hard about something bad ... and trying not to cry. Tara thought it kind of funny that this rich, preppy collage girl would be sitting here in her shining Lincoln, trying not to cry. But she also felt a sting of sympathy for her.

" hasn't been so well since my father went to jail. My mother is fighting to keep the house, and pretty soon we have to sell the car."

"Oh, I'm sorry", Tara said and looked at the street. Ahead she could see the floodlights of Sky Harbor Airport. She wanted to go home. To get to bed. To forget all about this evening. Yet she felt intrigued by the other girl. She was in pain, just as herself.

"What happened?", she ventured. When the other girl hesitated, she quickly added, "If you don't want to talk about it...."

"No, it's OK. I don't mind. You know who Fife Symington III is?", she girl said, her voice thin, as if she was at the edge of tears.

"Yea. Our ex-governor, who was convicted of fraud a few months ago?", Tara said. She didn't give shit about politics, but she had read the headlines. She had silently praised the lord, in  whom she didn't believe, when ex-governor, and former multi-millionaire Symington, had been convicted of fraud and sentenced to 30 months in prison. If she remembered correctly, it had something to do with the Southwest Savings bankruptcy, and some real-estate ventures.

"He is my father", the girl sobbed, the tears now running freely down her face, drawing thin black lines of mascara over her tanned cheeks. She collapsed over the steering wheel, burying her face in her arms.

"Watch out!", Tara screamed, as the car began to swerve into the opposite lane. She grabbed the steering wheel, and pulled the car towards the curb, cutting across the slow lane. A multitude of horns honked behind them. Whitney, for that had to be her name, Tara knew, had as much sense at to step on the break, and the Lincoln skidded to a halt inches away from a parked Dodge.

"I'm sorry!", Whitney sobbed and looked up at Tara quickly, only to bury her face in her arms again. "I'm so sorry". Then she surrendered to her sorrow and cried loudly, her body shaking as she sobbed. Damn, why did she push it?, Tara thought. Now she had made the girl miserable. She didn't feel too good herself, but her own sorrow gave way to sympathy, and she put her arms around Whitney's shoulders.

"Oh god, I feel so alone", she sobbed. "My mother has been acting weird ever since the trial started. All our friends are gone. Even in California, everybody shuns me like the plague! Nobody wants to talk to me, now that we are poor. Now that my father is a convict". Her sobs grew more shrill, more desperate. Tara had never liked the rich and the powerful much. But she couldn't help feeling sorry for this girl. She was just as old as Tara, but she looked like a child as she sat there sobbing in her pretty clothes. Tara was a tough girl. She had had to be. Her childhood hadn't been easy, her adulthood even worse. She had learned to accept pain as a natural part of life. She had learned to be tough. But she felt that toughness breaking as she hugged Whitney, she felt it melting away, revealing her own pain, her own loneliness. She had been alone for far too long, and when Valerie hadn't showed up, she had not just felt let down. She had felt so alone. She wished that the world could be perfect, if not for her, then for this poor girl. Suddenly Whitney turned and hugged Tara back. She held Whitney tighter, feeling the warmth of her shaking body, as she herself began to sob silently.

They sat there in the car, holding each other, crying on each others shoulders. She felt good, letting go of her pain like this. She didn't like to cry alone. Somehow she felt better crying in the arms of this other crying woman. She didn't feel ashamed or embarrassed, when they were both crying.

"I know how you feel", Tara whispered in Whitney's ear. Outside a light drizzle had started, softening the lights of the city, and the headlights of the cars that roared by. It was like the world wept with them, she thought. Tears falling all over Phoenix. Falling on every lonely soul in this great and grim city. She didn't feel so bad any more. In fact she started to smile, started to stroke Whitney's long blonde hair. Whitney snuggled against her. She also slowly stopped crying. Then there was just silence. The world outside the car had ceased to exist. There was only silence and Whitney's embrace.

"Please..come home with me", Whitney said as she lifted her head from Tara's shoulder. Her cheeks were dirty with lines of mascara, her lipstick smeared and thin. She looked terrible...but beautiful. Until now, Tara hadn't seen how beautiful Whitney really was. Even with her messed up makeup, even with her swollen, red eyes, she was the most beautiful woman Tara had ever seen. Tara kissed her. Whitney kissed her back.

"Are you sure it's ok?", she asked, remembering the first time she had brought a girlfriend home. It hadn't been pretty.

"Yes. It's OK. My mother is at my aunt's place tonight. I want you, Tara. I want to love you.", Whitney whispered. She looked a little worried, a little uncertain. Had she never been with another girl? Tara didn't know. She didn't care either. All she cared about was Whitney. She had forgotten all about Valerie, all about her loneliness. If she could sleep in Whitney's arms tonight, she would be happy.

"Great...let's go", Tara said, and let go of Whitney. She leaned back in the seat, and looked at the other girls as she maneuvered the car back into traffic. The evening had not been a waste after all.

Whitney made a U-turn across 40'th, and slammed down the accelerator. The Lincoln roared and the streetlights flicked past faster and faster. Tara turned on the radio. It was tuned to 93.3 KDKB. Peter Steele started screaming 'Die With Me"   with his low growling voice. Tara and Whitney sang along, as they raced down 40'th street.

" If this time were the last time
Could I hold you all life long?
Since this time is the last time
Can I hold you all night long? "

Tara knew that nothing was permanent, that even love would be washed away by death and oblivion. But now she didn't care. Tonight she would love Whitney forever. Love. It had sounded so hollow just a few hours ago, when she was dreaming of Valerie. She would have cursed her own stupidity for wanting it. Now it was real.

They hit a green light at the end of 40'th street, and turned left down Lincoln Drive. Whitney took Tara's hand and squeezed it lightly.

"I'm so glad I met you", Whitney said, over the roar of 'Burnt Flowers Falling'

" Yeah I think she's falling out of love
Yeah I think she's falling out of love

Yeah I know she's fallen out of love
Yeah I know she's fallen out of love

All of the flowers
All of the flowers I gave her
She burned them
Burned them"

"Yea, I'm glad I met you too", Tara said. And she was. So very happy. Whitney swung the car down Paradise Village Parkway. It was crazy, how she felt for this woman. She knew it. But she didn't care. Tonight she would go with flow, tonight she would let herself be consumed. She could always cry tomorrow. Tomorrow was so far away, anyway. Hey, tonight she would be in paradise. Literally.

"It's here", Whitney said, as she slowed down the car. At first Tara could see nothing but a white steel fence and a huge green hedge. But as the car turned off the road, and down a short driveway, Tara could see the big villa through the gates ahead. It was dark, save for a few floodlights. Whitney pressed a button on the dashboard, and the gates swung open. The villa was big, and surrounded by the most beautiful rose beds she had ever seen.

"Wow...this is beautiful".

"Yes. And expensive", Whitney added. A wry smile played on her lips. Then she got out of the car. She waited for Tara to exit, then she ran up the small flight of stairs leading to the front door. Tara ran after her.

They ran through a great dark hall, and up another flight of stairs. The upstairs was illuminated only by the light coming through the windows from the floodlights in the garden. All that Tara could see was gray shapes and black shadows, yet she sensed a beauty around her, a certain style and class that was neither ostentatious nor artificial. It was kind of traditional, but in a nice, non-oppressive way. Or at least, that was the impression she got as she ran after Whitney, who had started down one of the corridors that lead from the landing. Tara could see a door open in front of her, or rather she could see it's silhouette against the dim light in the corridor. When she reached it, it slammed shut right in front of her face. She could hear Whitney giggle on the other side.

"Say you love me", Whitney laughed, "or I'll lock the door and let you sleep in the servants quarters".

"Yea right", Tara laughed and grabbed the doorknob. She could feel Whitney resisting her from the other side. She couldn't open the door.

"Say it Tara. Say you love me, and that you always will", Whitney said, this time her voice sounded more serious. Even a little hard. Her words froze Tara to the spot.   This was silly! How would she know so fast? She had only talked to Whitney for a few minutes in the car. But what the hell, if it pleased her.

"I love you, and I always will", she yelled. Whitney let go of the doorknob. Tara turned it and swung open the door.

"Oh Jesus Christ, what is this place?", Tara exclaimed, as she looked at the room behind Whitney. It was large. The walls looked like rough stone boulders, making the whole room look like something out of a medieval castle. At the far wall a fire was dying in an open stone fireplace. A great four poster bed, with a blue silk sky and long pink veils hanging from it, lined the right wall. Opposite the bed, a great mirror was hanging on the wall, encircled by a wide steel frame. The sparks in the fireplace reflected in the mirror. They looked like eyes staring at her. But she was being stupid! She tried to shake the feeling, but the room looked gloomy and somber.

"Dah! You look like you've seen a ghost! Come on in", Whitney smiled, and pulled Tara through the door. She pushed it shut behind her. "What is wrong? Don't you like it?"

"Yes. I like it. It'". Tara had always loved gloomy places, and she should have loved this room. But there was something about it...she couldn't quite put her finger on it, but there was something about it that scared her. She jumped a little as she heard Whitney locking the door behind her.

"Just so my mother won't disturb us", Whitney said, as if she had sensed Tara's uneasiness. "Relax. We are all alone". She took Tara's hand in her own. She kissed it. She pulled Tara closer, covering her arm with kisses. Then she put the other arm around Tara's neck and kissed her lips.

"I'm so glad you are here. I truly am", Whitney said. "You have no idea of how lonely I have been." She kissed Tara again. "So lonely." Another kiss. "So very lonely". Tara stiffened a little. She felt a change in Whitney. In the car, she had seemed very uncertain of herself. She had seemed like a little girl, a girl that Tara had had to comfort. Now she was different, more certain, more in control. Maybe it was just that she was more comfortable being in her own room. But it seemed deeper then that.Tara could feel Whitney's hands on her back, caressing her, while slowly pulling the t-shirt out of her jeans. A hand made it's way up under her t-shirt, lightly touching the naked skin of hear back with the fingertips. It felt like small electric currents flowed up her spine with every touch. Whitney's other hand grabbed Tara's hair and pulled her close for another kiss.

"I love you. I always have", Whitney said and looked into Tara's eyes, just before their lips met. Tara felt Whitney's tongue against her teeth. She hadn't kissed like this in the car. But it was nice. Tara opened her mouth slightly, and felt Whitney's tongue invade her mouth like a hungry snake. Then her own tongue rose up to meet it. They kissed for a long time, playing with their tongues. As they kissed, Tara unbuttoned Whitney's blouse and pulled it open. She let her hands explore Whitney's shoulders, her arms, her back, her breasts. Her skin was hot, it almost burned under the touch of Tara's hands. Whitney stepped back, breaking their kiss, and pulled Tara's t-shirt over her head.

"You are beautiful Tara. You really are", Whitney whispered, slowly circling Tara's breasts with one finger. Then Tara remembered. What had scared her at door. Whitney had know her name. And now she used it again. She hadn't told her, had she? She didn't quite remember, but she didn't think so.

"How...", she began, then paused as Whitney's hands began gliding down over her stomach, "how do you know my name?"

"She told me", Whitney giggled and gave her that mischievous smile she had had on her lips as she ran up the stairs.

"Who?". Tara felt the uneasiness grow as she looked at Whitney. Maybe it was just because of the gloom, but her eyes looked much darker now, like bottomless pits. The little girl look she'd had in the car had vanished. Her makeup was still a mess, but now it looked almost deliberate. And that smile... so unlike her.

"Valerie", Whitney whispered. "No, don't be angry", she said, and laid a finger on Tara's lips, just as she was about to protest. "She found you for me, and I'm glad she did. She brought you to me so you could love me, don't you see? Don't be angry with her. She has done well."

It all sounded kind of crazy to Tara. Had Whitney been waiting for her all night in her car on 40'th street? Had her burst of emotions just been a charade? She couldn't believe it. She had loved Whitney so much, and it had all been a setup?

"No Tara", Whitney continued, as if she had read her mind. "No Tara, don't think like that. I love you. I understand you. I need you Tara. You know I do." Her voice was shaking as she spoke the last words, and the look of control faded from her face. Once again her eyes looked at Tara almost pleadingly. "I need you to love me...Oh god, I need you so bad"

Before Tara could think of anything to say, Whitney ran to the bed and pulled back the veils. The madras was covered by a pink satin sheet, and a single purple satin pillow lay on the bed. On the pillow was a red, full rose. Whitney let her skirt fall to the floor, then sat down on the bed. She took the rose from the pillow and presented it to Tara in an outstretched arm.  She looked wonderful sitting on the bed like that. Her tanned skin gained an almost amber hue in the light of the dying fire. Her eyes were big and clear and wet.

"Tara, come to me", she whined. She sounded desperate now. Her hand closed around the rose, her knuckles growing white as she squeezed it tighter. Blood dripped from her hand and onto the white fur that lay besides the bed. "Can't you see how much I hurt, Tara. I can see the pain in your eyes. Let me sooth it. Let me soothe your pain so you in turn can soothe mine. Please...". A tear ran down her face.

Tara was confused. Was it a trick, or was it real? She wanted it to be real. She wanted it so bad. She would love feel the touch Whitney's hands on her body again. It had been so long since she had met a girl who had really cared for her, a girl that she could care for, emotionally and physically. Besides the tears on Whitney's face looked real enough. She felt the same sympathy for her as she had felt in the car. So the girl was a little weird. So she was the daughter of an ex-governor and she used others to arrange her dates. But she was beautiful and sad and needed love just as bad as Tara.

She walked over to Whitney and took the rose from her hand.

"I'm sorry Whitney. For everything. This all just seems a little weird to me. But I like you, I really do."

"Then lay down on this bed, and let me love you", Whitney replied. She undid the buttons in Tara's diesel jeans and started kissing her bellybutton as she slowly pulled them down. Tara let her fingers run through Whitney's long hair. The air in the room felt good against her naked skin. Whitney's hands let go of the jeans as they reached Tara's knees. Then they ran up her thighs until they reached the rim of Tara's white blonde panties. She kissed her bellybutton again, her kisses moving lower as she pulled down the panties. Tara giggled as Whitney kissed the soft skin of her underbelly.

"What's that?", Whitney asked and outlined the tattoo on Tara's hip.

"It's a snake", she whispered. She had to breath hard not to giggle as Whitney touched her. She was kind of ticklish.

"The snake in paradise?", Whitney laughed, and pulled Tara down on the bed. She pushed her over on her back, and began suckling her nipples. "You surely are a temptation, Tara". Then she showered Tara in a rain of kisses. Tara closed her eyes and enjoyed the touch of Whitney's lips and tongue. Her breasts buzzed as with electricity as every inch of them was covered with kisses. Between each kiss, Whitney's tongue circled her nipples. Tara felt them getting hard and sensitive , until they felt like two burning points amidst the wet velvet softness of Whitney's mouth. She felt her labias filling with blood, felt the wetness between her legs. God, this was good. This was what she needed. She grabbed Whitney's hair and pushed her head down.

"Yes", Whitney moaned. She let her head be guided by Tara, drawing a line of kisses over Tara's stomach, as her face made it's way towards her paints. She pulled them off slowly, just to the ankles. Tara spread her legs and Whitney kissed the inside of her thighs. Then Whitney's mouth was on Tara's pussy, first kissing the outer labias , then pressing her tongue into Tara's wetness. She let the tip of her  tongue glide up between Tara's inner labias, pressing into the V below her clitoris. Then she pressed it flat against her while the tip circled her mound several times. Tara's hands dug deeper into Whitney's hair as the pleasure washed through her. Again and again, Whitney repeated the same caress, while her hands touched Tara's stomach and thighs.

Colors danced on the inside of Tara's eyelids as she pressed her eyes closed harder and harder. She was panting, unable to breath normally, as warm pleasure spread through her clitoris, her pelvis and up her stomach. She could feel it filling her entire body as she approached her climax. Soon she was moaning loudly. Damn, this was good! She felt spasm staring up her stomach, making her pelvis shake, and she started to scream, scream as Whitney licked her harder and harder, faster and faster. Her legs was kicking, her body heaving as the orgasm filled her entire existence, banishing all but pure and utter joy. Tara dug her fingernails into Whitney's scalp, trying to push her head away from Tara's pussy. But Whitney dug her own fingernails into Tara's thighs and kept on licking her, now pressing her face against her so her lips and tongue brushed against her as she writhed.

"Oh God!", Tara panted, "stop...stop!". Then she felt herself approaching a second climax. The joy was almost unbearable, and she screamed again. Still Whitney kept on working on her pussy, drinking her wetness as she licked and licked. Tara felt the dull soreness in her clitoris, yet Whitney's tongue teased a third orgasm from her acing, sweating body. Tara screamed again, this time gasping for air. The colors behind her eyelids glowed bright red and she almost passed out. Then she relaxed every muscle in her body and fell limp on the sheet. Then the fatigue overcame her.

When she awoke, Whitney was laying on top of her, hugging her tightly and kissing her neck. Tara started stroking Whitney's hair. The other girl was sobbing.

"What's wrong Whitney", Tara asked. She felt like crying herself. She was so happy, so relaxed.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry it has to be this way, Tara. I really love you", Whitney sobbed. She lifted her head and looked Tara in the eyes. The room was almost completely dark now, but Tara could see the many new tears running down Whitney's cheeks.

"What do you mean, Whitney? I love being here...with you". Just as she finished the last words she felt a flash of panic washing through her, like ice needles piercing her guts. She froze stiff as she looked past Whitney's sad face. The mirror! She could see it through the veil at the foot of the bed. A faint gray light emanated from it, and in that light a small figure was outlined.

"Mother", Whitney whispered as she saw the fear on Tara's face. "It's mother. I'm sorry."

"What the fuck is she doing there? Is she looking through the mirror? Has she seen you sucking my pussy?... God, this is sick!", Tara yelled. What the fuck was going on? She had to get out of this crazy house...away from this crazy girl. But she was frozen solid, her body mesmerized by the figure in the mirror. It moved. There was a creaking sound and the mirror swung open. The room was bathed in light spilling through the oval hole in the wall. The figure was a dark silhouette, casting a black shadow through the room, making yet another silhouette on the pink veil of the bed.

"Please don't be angry Tara....I can't help it. She has to do this", Whitney said with a sad smile. Then she wiped her tears away and drew the veil aside. Tara saw an older woman standing in the dimly lit room, looking at them. She drew her legs up and covered her breasts with her arms. The woman looked at her, smiling. She wore stylish, businesslike clothes, but they looked a mess, and her undershirt showed between her blouse and skirt.

"Hi Tara. I'm Ann", she said. Her voice was deep, almost rasping. "I'm most pleased to see that you have enjoyed my daughter. And I'm sure you have made her very happy. Now come with me", she said and gestured towards the hole in the wall. Tara could see a room on the other side, not unlike this one, but more brightly lit.

"Do it.", Whitney said when Tara hesitated, "I'll go with you". Her mother looked surprised at her daughters remark. Then she smiled again. Whitney rose from the bed and walked towards the mirror. She was still naked, but she didn't looked embarrassed by her mother's presence. This was most definitely a weird family, Tara thought. But what the was kind of funny in a crazy way. And if Ann got really weird, Tara was pretty sure she could defend herself. She was no novice at martial arts, and both Ann and Whitney looked frail, compared to herself. She giggled, then rose from the bed. Whitney was standing besides the mirror, waiting for her. When Tara reached her, she took her hand and walked besides her to the other room.. Behind them Ann closed the secret door.

Tara looked around in the other room. It was a strange place. It was an exact mirror of Whitney's room, but a strong fire burned in the fireplace. There was one more difference. In front of the fireplace, two black wooden beams extended from the floor to the roof, forming a big X. It looked like one of those devices from bondage catalogues, Tara had browsed through now and then. It also had wrist and ankle cuffs attached. Besides the cross stood a large wooden chest.

"Step over to the cross, Tara", Ann commanded. If Ann thought that Tara would willingly let herself be fastened to the cross, then she was mistaking. Tara turned to Ann to protest. But she bit her tongue, when she saw Ann pointing a gun at her.

"Step over to the cross, Tara", she said again. What the hell was going on? Tara looked over at Whitney, confused. Whitney nodded and smiled at her.

"Don't be scared Tara. Just do as she says, and it'll be easier for all of us."

Tara walked over to the cross, followed by Ann and Whitney.

"Spread your arms and legs, Tara. And Whitney, close the cuffs", Ann said, and waved the gun at Tara to emphasize her command.

"What are you going to do to me?", Tara said, but obeyed. Whitney pressed the cuffs shut. Tara was helpless now, she realized. Whatever chance she had had of fighting if things got bad, was now gone. Fuck, she hoped Ann was not as crazy as she seemed.

"Would you care to explain, Whitney", Ann said and laughed. Her laughter was shrill, insane.

"Tara...I...we..she...", Whitney stammered and looked away. Then began crying again.

"What she is trying to tell you, dear Tara, is that we are going to kill you.", Ann interrupted. She walked over to Tara and put her right hand on Tara's left cheek. She smiled widely and looked Tara in the eyes. "We are going to kill you, Tara". Then she laughed. Tara couldn't believe it! What the fuck was the crazy bitch up to? Ann let her hand glide down Tara's cheek, down her neck, down to her breasts.

"You surely are a pretty young girl", Ann laughed as she fondled Tara's breasts, "20 years old was it?".

"Whitney, what is going on? Tell her to get her fucking hands off me!", Tara yelled. Whitney looked up at her.

"Tara....I'm sorry. I can't. Please don't hate me Tara", Whitney sobbed.

"No, she can't stop me Tara. And you know why? She knows it's the only way. We have to kill you. You see, when my husband is out of jail, he's going to run for office again. Do you think it will help him if people found out that her only daughter is lez? No, we can't have that", Ann explained in a calm voice, as she kept touching Tara. Her hands were cold, her touch unloving. "Every time she brings a girl home, I kill her. She knew all along that you had to die if you went with her. Didn't you Whitney". Now she smiled again.

"Yes", Whitney sobbed and stared down at the floor. "But I...I had to have you Tara... I'm sorry...I'm so sorry!", she yelled. "Mom, do we have to kill her?". Ann nodded. The Whitney ran over to the bed and threw herself on it, burying her face in the sheets.

"She does this every time, Tara. She knows damn well that I have to kill them, yet she keeps bringing young girls home with her. And she always begs me to let them live. But you must be special after all. She has never come in here with the condemned", Ann said and and opened the chest. "But then again, she has never brought a girl home who actually fantasized about slow and painful death. We are going to fulfill one last wish for you before you die, Tara". She lifted a large coil of barbed wire from the chest. Tara felt a rush of adrenaline flow through her, leaving a dull pain in her stomach. She knew what Ann meant. She had told Valerie all about it, all about how she imagined it would be to be crucified with barbed wire, how se imagined the excruciating pain and the slow agonizing death. And how it turned her on. But that was just fantasy! She didn't want to die...not now! She was only 20 years old.

"Oh God, no! That was just fantasy. What I told was just fantasy!", Tara yelled and looked at Ann's face. She smiled at her, a warm smile, like a mother to her daughter.

"I know. But since you have to die anyway, wouldn't it be a shame to miss this opportunity? I could just shoot you through the head. But that wouldn't be much fun, would it?". Then Ann laughed her insane laugher. "No, no fun at all!". She stopped laughing as abruptly as she had begun, and looked back at her. "Besides I love your fantasy, Tara. I really love it. I've always loved the look of panic on the faces of the young horny bitches I've had to kill. Oh god, how I love to listen to their pleas and screams before I shoot them. And you'll die slowly. I'll hear you scream for a long, long time, before you die." Ann uncoiled some of the barbed wire and held it up before Tara's face.

"Oh god, no! I can't die...not now...Whitney, help me! Help me damn it!", Tara screamed as Ann bend down and tied the barbed wire around her right ankle. She felt the spikes piercing her skin as Ann puled it tight around the beam. Her screams filled the room. Whitney looked at her from the bed.

"I'm sorry Tara...I can't help you. I really can't.", Whitney sobbed, "We all suffer in our own way. At least your suffering will end tonight".

Ann kept winding the barbed wire around the beam and around Tara's leg. She let it snake up her leg, pricing her smooth skin with the small spikes, first her ankle, the her calf and then her thigh. Tara screamed every time a new spike dug into her flesh. She writhed on the cross, thrashing against the iron cuffs that held her. Her leg felt as if it was pierced with a million burning needles.

"Aaargh! No, stop! Please stop!", Tara screamed. She had often imagined the pain, imagined how good it would feel. The truth far surpassed her fantasy. The pain was unbearable.

"I'm not going to stop. I'm not going to stop before you are all wrapped up in wire, you sick bitch", Ann laughed. When she reached Tara's hip with the barbed wire, she pulled it tight, making the spikes and wire cut deep into the inside of he thigh, just below her labia. Tara screamed again. "Look Whitney. Look at this lovely girl. Doesn't it turn you on to see how much she suffers? I've granted her a wish...and now hear her scream."

"Oh mom....don't hurt her. Please, just shoot her. For me mom. Shoot her for me", Whitney sobbed, but looked at Tara. Through the wall of pain that surrounded her, Tara saw a strange look on Whitney's face...curiosity?

"Whitney! Help me!", Tara screamed. Ann pulled the barbed wire across Tara's stomach. The pain filled her as the spikes dug into the soft skin of her lower belly. Her whole body tensed and spasmed, and she screamed on the top of her voice, screamed until she had no more air.

"Look at her, Whitney. How do you think she feels right now, that her dream has come through? Imagine hanging on the cross like that, completely helpless and unable to do anything about the pain. Oh, the pain.", Ann grinned and paused with her labor. She pulled the wire tentatively, pulling the spikes across Tara's stomach, forcing the deeper. "Look at the blood, dripping down her leg. I guess she'll bleed to death. Let's just hope she doesn't pass out too fast". Then she began winding the wire down Tara's left leg.

"How long do you think she'll live, mother?", Whitney asked. Her sobbing had stopped.

"A long, long time. The spikes are not very long. She'll bleed slowly. At least an hour, I guess", Ann grinned. "Don't feel sorry for her, Whitney. It's not your fault. Just relax and enjoy the show." Ann wrapped the wire around Tara's left ankle a few times, then lifted it up to her waist, and began winding it around her abdomen, cutting into the soft skin of her belly and her sides.

Both of Tara's legs were now tied to the cross with barbed wire. She could feel the wire slowly circling her body, bringing pain upon pain. It was unbearable. It rose up through her entire body, filled her skull like burning coal. Every thought melted away in it's intensity, all there was, all there ever had been, was pain. She opened her eyes and looked at the two women. She could hardly remember who they were, or why she was here. She didn't care...they were like illusions, dim illusions of light in a world of black burning pain, their voices just low moans in a world of screams. She could hear screaming, she could feel her body heaving, yet it felt like it was someone else screaming.It sounded like an animal...a strange and scared animal.

Whitney walked over to her mother. She had to see Tara better. She felt sorry for the young woman, she really did. God, she had loved being with her, she had loved her voice, her touch, the taste of her pussy. But her mother was right. She had to die. Die like all the other women she had ever touched. It had to be that way. Whitney also wanted to go into politics. She didn't want to be known as a lesbian. Her mother was wise. Besides it didn't seem that bad. She knew that this was what Tara had always wanted, deep inside. And it was very erotic, her body covered with barbed wire up to her neck, the lines of blood over her pale skin. her screams had subsided somewhat. Now she moaned. Moaned like she had done in Whitney's bed. Maybe it felt good? Maybe the pain somehow went over the scale, and emerged as pure pleasure? It looked so. The look on Tara's face was exactly like when she had had her third orgasm. A little fatigued, a little strained, but full of pleasure.

"Do you want to do the rest of her?", her mother asked and passed her the coil of barbed wire. She smiled as she saw the smile on her daughters face. Her daughter had always been a weak and dreaming girl. Maybe she was finally awakening to the hard truths of reality. "Do it, Whitney. Give her the last pain. Feel her die." Whitney took the coil. She looked at Tara. Her eyes were wild, darting around the room. But when Whitney kissed Tara's gasping mouth, she saw her eyes meet her own.

"Goodbye Tara", she said and began wrapping the wire around the moaning girls face. The spikes pierced Tara's skin, ripped through her cheeks as Whitney pulled the wire across her mouth. The she pulled it across her nose and then across her eyes. A spike dug into Tara's left eye, and she screamed with renewed force. Whitney waited until Tara's screams again subsided to low moans and sobs, before she wound the wire across Tara's forehead, wound it around her head many times, making a crown of steel spikes. Blood ran down Tara's face, splashing into her mouth that was held open by the wire. She started coughing in the blood between her rasping sobs.

Whitney felt excited. She loved the tortured look on Tara's face. It didn't look like pleasure any more. It was pure pain. It turned her on knowing how much this poor young woman suffered, suffered because of her. She would die, while Whitney would live. She would suffer for the rest of her life, while Whitney indulged in pleasure upon pleasure. Whitney touched Tara's labias. They were untouched by the wire, but warm blood from her stomach flowed down over her pussy. Maybe she could still feel this?, Whitney thought. She began massaging Tara's pussy, pushing her index and middle finger up her cunt, while stimulating her clitoris with her thumb, using her blood as lubrication. Then Whitney began touching herself the way she touched Tara. She felt the small spasms run through Tara's body. maybe it was orgasms, maybe it was something pain. She didn't care. All that Whitney felt was pleasure. She screamed as a powerful orgasm rippled through her, making her own body spasm, forcing her to her knees. When she recovered she looked up at Tara. She looked pretty fare gone.

"Are you afraid, afraid to die
Don't be afraid, afraid to try
Are you afraid to die"

Whitney sang as she watched Tara's last spasms subside, heard her sobs fade, watched the blood flow from her body, forming a big pool beneath the cross. She kissed Tara's bloodied mouth, kissed her until she breathed no more. She stood back and admired the dead girl. Urine splashed from Tara's pussy, washing some of the blood of her legs. Then she fell limp, hanging like a dead fly in a spiderweb of barbed wire.

The End