A new way to kill the Girls(short story)

Posted by The SENATOR/handlebar on January 02, 20013 at 12:12:06:

“Did you want to see me Boss?”

“Yes Jim did you work it out, did you get it just right?”

“ Oh ya boss we had a good run through this week end and it worked every time.”

“Good Good I brought my daughter in today she got her notice and this is very important

to me and her mother, Jane honey come in here please>”

“Yes daddy what do you want?”

This is Jim he’s the foreman here and he is going to show you what will be going on next

week, Jim this is my daughter Jane, take care of her OK?”

“Jane please come this way” Jim held the curtain and Jane enters the room.

Jim reaches out for her head as the blade comes out from the door frame and takes her

head right at her shoulders.

Jim turns to her father and presents him her still blinking and moving head.

“Was that good enough sir, as you can see she still doesn’t even know what’s happened”