Seeking The Blue Shadow Fairy - story

Posted by Scalloped2 on June 26, 2005 at 15:03:50:

Seeking the Blue Shadow Fairy by Scalloped2 a fantasy

Dakota was looking forward to the Rain Forest research safari. Her
hopeful quest to find the Blue Shadow Fairy would take her to a remote,
mostly unexplored, region of the upper Orinoco River deep into the
primal forests of Venezuela.

The chances of finding one was rare at best, but she was driven to
try. Finding one of these immortal creatures of the light
included a huge bonus if she could procure one and return with it to the
research lab. Money aside, what wonderful benefits to mankind might be
gathered by a study of the DNA of a fairy? And how much more so that
of a Blue Shadow?

"Mankind could be freed of so many of life's agonies!" she thought.

The flight to Caracas was uneventful. This vast oil-rich country was
home to some of the most remote jungles anywhere on earth. Brazil had most
of the Amazon and her tributaries well explored and well exploited. The
upper reaches of the Orinoco, on the other hand, were still quite pristine.
Dakota felt good about that. That environment could provide a secluded haven
for a Blue Shadow fairy.

She met her three guides at the airport. Atkins, the anything for
a profit mercenary. Sanchez, the Venezuelan local. And Akaro, a Jivaro

She was slightly taken aback by the motley crew, but she
shrugged her shoulders in apathy and addressed Atkins. The burly
unshaven hulk of a man was badly in need of a bath!

"Sir!, I'm assuming you've all been to the territory we need
to search?"

Atkins spit twice. "Ah, yup, er well, we've been pretty
close anyway!" as he licked his lips at the toothsome morsel.
"Didn't 'spect no woman though! No safe place for a woman. No
ways! Arkaro here, why his brothers will make a meal of you in
no time!"

"What are Jivaro doing in Venezuela?" she asked Atkins.
She knew they were native to Ecuador and Peru.

Atkins relayed what he had learned from Akaro, previously.
He was told that Akaro's brothers were a banished group because
of their predication towards cannibalism. This habit forced them
into exile and brought them to the Orinoco. Their only fear was
of the Death Avenger, Muisak. He struck instant terror in their
hearts. Their neighboring enemies and primary food source were
the Warao who also lived on the river. The Warao called this
avenger Paku, The Undying.

The Jivaro would take the hallucinate Datura and pray to
their earth-mother goddess, Nungui, for protection. Many Tsantsas,
shrunken heads, were deemed necessary to stem the wrath of Muisak
or Paku. But getting too close to him always proved fatal, they knew!
Dakota thanked him for the information.

She opened a small briefcase. "Maybe these will even up the
odds, be it hungry Jivaro or Paku!" In it were a matched pair of 45
caliber handguns, with several clips of ammo. A cobalt-jacketed
armor-piercing slug would go right through an automobile engine block!

"Ah, yes ma'am!" Atkins quickly stated.

The Jivaro tracker, Akaro, soon lost his big hungry smile at
the site of the guns.

The Venezuelan local, Sanchez quietly offered. "Senora,
I know the way."

"Thank you, Sanchez, but it's Senorita Dakota."

"Si, senorita! Como esta Ustad?"

"Bueno, good! Gracious, Thank you!, Sanchez. Do you speak

"Si, senorita, yes. Poco, a little!"

"Bueno! Mi espangole non bueno, no good!" Dakota laughed.

"I'll do the talking!" Atkins interrupted. "He ain't that
good speakin' American!"

"You're in my country, now, Gringo!" thought Sanchez at the clods

"You're all in MY country, invaders!" thought Akaro, whose
generations went back to the time of the first Immortals, the
Paku, and of the Fairies.

I'm going to the hotel. You guys had better straighten up
your act if you want to get paid!" Dakota assured them.

The hotel was adequate for the occasion. She gladly undressed
in her room and stepped into the shower. The water felt great after
the long flight and the wait at the airport.

Coming out of the shower, she looked into the mirror. She
was a well-built lass, just a little on the plump side. Full
tender breasts, heavy meaty thighs, and a great sweet rear end
reflected back at her.

"Atkins might just be right!" she thought of Akaro's brothers.
"They wouldn't pass up a taste of this body without a fight I Can't
say as I blame them though. I do look rather tasty!" she laughed.

She went to bed and was soon dreaming of the Blue Shadow Fairy.

6:00AM. Sleepily, Dakota gathered herself together. Surprisingly,
the three men were waiting with a well-used Humvee,packed with supplies.

"Morning ma'am!" each would greet her in their native tongue.

"Good morning, gentlemen. Let's get started.

Sanchez was at the wheel. He knew the roads and was familiar with
the driving practices of his countrymen. He drove for five hours
heading for the tributary where the waiting river barge would be

Atkins spoke up. "Ms Dakota, ma'am. Akaro seems concerned for your
welfare. He told me you would be dinner if you didn't have something to
barter with his people. They usually eat any strangers that come to his
territory. He says you would be a real treat!"

"I've got SOME money!" Dakota offered.

"Beg pardon, ma'am, but what are headhunters going to do with money?"

"Just what would you suggest, Atkins?"she queried.

"Oh, candy and knives, tools and yarns! Things they can use.
Certainly not money. They wouldn't know what to do with it!" he answered.

"Well, we can't go back! Tell Akaro he will have to intercede on
our behalf and explain to them what money can do."

Atkins spoke to the Indian. Akaro nodded and smiled. He looked at
Dakota and grinned even more.

Dakota felt a little uneasy. She had two powerful pistols but
she wasn't really trained in firearms. Could she even pull the trigger
at another human being?

Finally, they arrived at the landing. A really basic river barge
was tied up to the pier to greet the adventurers. Obviously in need of
paint and a general overhaul, this would be home on the trip up river.
Four passengers and a crew of two.

Atkins spoke in Spanish to the two locals. Sanchez listened in.
The two crewmen were greatly upset that a woman was going along.
Atkins gave each $50 American and the two shook their heads in agreement.
They mumbled something as they started up the engine.

An hour down the river, Dakota asked Sanchez why the boatmen were
so upset. Sanchez looked at her directly and said, "Senorita Dakota,
a woman like you is prime meat for the Jivaro. Your head on a pole and
your meat in a pot would be a huge status symbol for any upcoming young
warrior. And I don't trust Senor Atkins or Akaro, either."

"Do they want to eat me, also, Sanchez?"

Senor Atkins is greedy. He would sell his own Madra, if the price
was right! Akaro, believe me, would eat you in a minute!"

"Sanchez, I'll need your protection! I'll give you one of my
pistols, if you'll protect me?"

"Si, Senorita Dakota! Gracious! I will help you!"

As the boat entered the Orinoco River, all on board were a little
nervous. Even Akaro was tense and alert. Just because he was Jivaro
didn't exempt him from the risks of the land. An enemy could be seeking
HIS head, too!

The river teemed with Cayman, the needle-jawed crocodilian; piranha,
an unpredictable fish that could strip a carcass of it's flesh in minutes;
and an occasional Anaconda, the super serpent of South America.

Actually, their greatest natural worry would be from the swarms of
vicious mosquitoes and flies that could transmit so many vile diseases
such as malaria and Denge fever. Dakota hoped her shots would work.
She hated insect repellents, but she used them, now!

Early, the next morning, they came to Akaro's neighboring village.
He greeted them from the boat. The boatmen had a stash of bartering
items, knowing the habits and customs of the natives. An agreement was
reached and they set foot ashore. Everything was fine until Dakota came
ashore. The males immediately began bartering for Dakota. The auction
bidding was on!

Atkins broke in, "NOT for sale. Belongs to us!" in the Jivaro

The Indians looked threateningly, but backed off.

Dakota sighed, "Why didn't I bring an army? This is not working out
right!" She moved close beside Sanchez.

The boatmen said they would return in two weeks and wait a week if
they had to. They left! The four were on their own for two weeks in the
savage wild land of the Jivaro and hopefully the Blue Shadow Fairy.

Atkins told Akaro to ask about the Fairy. Akaro bristled in fear. He
and Atkins spoke for a few minutes and Akaro agreed to speak to them.

The natives reactions were immediate. In fear and horror they pointed
south-east, "Paku! Paku!"

Shaken, Akaro told Atkins that the Blue Shadow Fairy was protected by
Paku, the unstoppable man-eater, just two days journey from the village.

"How wonderful!" Dakota said elatedly." Let's get going!"

They gladly left the village and started out. Each man carried 80 lbs
on his back, Dakota carried 30. The going was difficult, but they still
made good progress. Finally, after several hours, they stopped to set up
camp. All were exhausted! Even canned beans and beef jerky would be a
delight! And some rest! But rest was not to be!

The young males from the village were determined to
have tender female for their supper. The one who took her would keep the
head. Sanchez was the first victim, a spear slamming
into his back!

Dakota screamed." Sanchez! No!" The natives quickly surrounded the

Akaro spoke quickly. They nodded back. While two men held Atkins,
Akaro slit his throat. Atkins slumped to the ground as his life-blood
gushed from the vicious wound.

"Akaro, you bastard, you disgusting traitor!" Dakota screamed.

Akaro, of course,didn't understand her language, but he certainly
understood her contempt. He just laughed and rubbed his stomach.

Dakota shivered. She knew it was all over for her.

Suddenly, a loud growl broke the celebration. In total terror,
the natives, including Akaro, broke ranks and fled for their lives
screaming, "Paku! Paku!" Dakota was forgotten.

Into the clearing came a monstrosity of a man with long orange-red
snake-like hair. His huge green eyes gleamed in satisfaction as he saw the
helpless girl just waiting for the taking. A long serpentine tongue tested
the air for danger. He approached her.

BANG! BANG! BANG! Three cobalt-jacketed 45 slugs slammed into the
beast-like man. He stopped and looked at his wounds in his chest. He
shrugged his shoulders as the entry wounds closed up before Dakota's
astonished eyes. She fainted.

The Immortal Paku took her back to his abode. His huge penis pushing
against her body as he carried her next to his chest. Her fresh womanly
odor made his appetite for her flesh so intense he grunted in desire.

Dakota awoke as they approached his home, feeling his 20 inch,
baseball bat thick, member throbbing against her breasts.

"Oh my god, what a cock!" she gasped. "If he's going to eat me,
please let him impale me on that glorious cock first!" Her fear turned
to raw desire. She stroke the massive penis, moaning in desire.

Her arousal changed his priorities. He would season his dinner with
massive amounts of jism. Native woman never became aroused and he ate
them directly. Their bodies were tough and chewy from such a tough
existence. This white meat animal would be special, indeed!

He took her in raw lust not caring for her safety. Dakota knew
this might kill her, but she was meat anyway. "Rip me apart my savage
lover. Then eat your dinner!"

"It will be my pleasure, sweet meat!" he answered back in her total

"You speak English! How?"

"I speak every language. I am of the Paku, the Immortal!
We know everything of mankind, our FOOD!"

"But why do you live here then, when there is so much meat in the
cities?" Dakota asked.

"I tend to the habitat of the Blue Shadow Fairies. Mankind has
destroyed their habitat. They will not succeed

"The Blue Shadows exist! Oh! How wonderful! May I see one before you
eat me? Let me help you with this!" she said as she grabbed his aching
member with both hands and brought him to climax. A full quart of sperm was
spent upon the ground. "Such a waste," she thought.

The Paku seemed to send a mental signal that was soon answered by the
appearance of four gorgeous flittering Blue Shadow fairies. They hovered
about the head of their protector.
He smiled.

Dakota smiled, overjoyed at the lovely sight. "What beautiful
creatures! I can die now knowing these precious beings exist and are
being protected." she thought to herself.

She cried when they all came flittering over to her and in her mind
she could hear their song of joy at her appreciation.

"They can read my mind! Oh! You beautiful creatures, I could stay with
you forever!" she thought.

"We love you, Dakota!" she heard in her mind.

Abruptly, they flew off.

The Paku was irritated. "She is MEAT! Don't fall in love with my
MEAT!" he told them.

He took Dakota, his anger would punish her with rape rather than

Dakota screamed in agony and fainted. When she awoke she was in
a huge iron cauldron that was beginning to get hot. Paku sat
watching her cook, his serpentine tongue flicking to taste her
aroma. His nostrils flared in anticipation.

Dakota looked back at her Devourer. She thought to herself.
"I've seen the Blue Shadows, talked to them mentally, and now I feed
such a magnificent man-god. I can die happy. Too bad I couldn't stay
here forever!" She spoke aloud, "I think you are just magnificent,
Paku. I freely let you eat of my flesh. I love you and the Blue
Shadows. I can now die happy!"

Paku grunted, "You will be delicious, sweet meat!" He pulled her from
the water and began chewing on her flesh.

"Oh! Yes! Eat me alive!" she moaned as Paku tore hunks of meat from
her thighs and rump. He savored her full breasts as his tongue wrapped
around them, the tip flicking her nipples.

"Eat them up, Paku!" she groaned, her pussy sopping wet from her own

He gobbled one down, but then his tongue detected her passion. It
quickly went to her cunt. It entered her and explored every inch of her
internal female organs. Like an anteater, he gathered her unfertilized
eggs and brought the woman-roe to his mouth. He smiled at the delicate

While he was engrossed with this delicacy, a Blue Shadow fluttered
up to Dakota. "Eat me !" it told her. "Eat me, quick!"

Dakota hesitantly put the sweet little creature into her mouth and
swallowed it.

Paku, who had let down his control of the Blue Shadow, never
noticed the event. He continued eating Dakota. He hadn't eaten
anything this delicious for centuries. Her succulent pussy
was his dessert. He'd finish his meal after a short nap.

Dakota knew she was dying from loss of flesh and blood. She lost
consciousness. It was over! ............

Paku awoke. Now he would finish his delicious meal. "What's
this! I already ate her thighs, her breasts, her pussy. Has
she a twin?"

Dakota opened her eyes. "I'm alive! I'm whole! How? Why?"

The Blue Fairy she had eaten came flittering over. "You are now
immortal! You ate me! My flesh regenerates and now yours does too!
Welcome, Dakota to eternity!"

Dakota looked at Paku. "Paku, my Devourer. You may eat me as
often as you wish. I will love you and the Blue Shadows forever. No
mortals will challenge us here."

"This is good, Dakota. Come to me my luscious one. I am hungry

She surrendered in joy as his arms, his tongue, his massive penis
wrapped her up for eating. Dakota was truly in Paradise as the gentle
Blue Shadows happily surrounded her and Paku, her Devourer.

Do you believe?