Story: SB012 True Love

Posted by Sawney Beane on April 30, 2006 at 02:21:22:

The Collected Works of Sawney Beane: Volume #12


by Sawney Beane

11 February 1994

1,381 words

DISTRIBUTION NOTICE and DISCLAIMER: Sawney Beane requests that any distribution of this work of fiction remain within the realm of social responsibility. This story is suitable neither for minors nor for the seeming majority of adults who have difficulty distinguishing fantasy from reality. It is pure fantasy, which means that, for whatever reason, someone has found it interesting to think about the events depicted herein. It does not in any way mean that the author would like to see this fantasy become reality, so if you are the type of person who might be swayed into doing something irrational by reading a work of fiction, the author respectfully requests that you decline to read further.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Sawney Beane, originally a native of Edinburgh, lived for twenty-five years in a cave on the coast of County Galloway, subsisting on the flesh of unfortunate travellers, roughly a thousand of them all told. He and his wife raised a large family of eight sons, six daughters, eighteen grandsons, and fourteen granddaughters. Eventually, the family was captured, and the whole lot was brutally and unjustifiably tortured and executed without trial. Since his death in the early 17th century, Beane has reformed his ways and now confines his atrocities to his literary endeavours.

WARNING: This story contains scenes of mostly non-consensual female snuff and cannibalism. If you find such things offensive, please steer clear; you have been warned.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This story is one of those stories that evolved out of an image of something frozen in time, complete with all of the thoughts and emotions that the protagonist was feeling at that moment. In this case that moment is in the first paragraph.
Laura shuddered as the cold steel blade of the knife touched her throat. She closed her eyes tightly, but the miserable cold feeling in the pit of her stomach would not go away. "Do we really have to do this now?" she pleaded.

Tom, Laura's boyfriend of three years, sighed in weary annoyance and withdrew the knife. "Yes, we have to."

"Why?" It was a meek and pitiful sound, barely audible, but enough to make Tom rub his eyes and produce another deep sigh.

Tom was twenty-six, a former high school and college football player, and loaded with charisma. He was known throughout the town for his great looks and persuasive tongue. However, Laura's endless questions were beginning to wear him down. "It's just something women do when they sincerely love their men. Come on, let's get to it. It was your idea in the first place."

Laura, a reasonably attractive girl with long black hair and fair skin, was two years younger than her boyfriend and quite used to following directions. She was not entirely stupid, however, and despite her extreme meekness, she was experiencing severe doubts about Tom's leadership in this important matter. She was confident that she had never suggested such a thing. It had to have been Tom's idea. "I don't think I want to."

Tom was reaching the end of his rope. "You should have thought of that before I took you down to city hall last week and paid two hundred dollars for the license. I took you out to the nicest restaurant in town last night, and I let you order the most expensive thing on the menu! I took you dancing and to a boring movie you wanted to see! I'm sorry, Laura, but I really think you owe me this much. Why didn't you tell me you didn't want to do it before I made all the preparations?"

"I did," she mumbled as she stared across the bare expanse of her body at her big toes. She was lying nude on her back in their big double bed.

Tom wore only his underwear and made an attempt to retrieve the knife. He seemed to have missed her last comment. "Just relax, it won't take more than two minutes."

Laura sat up and grabbed his wrist pleading, "Wait, I'm hungry. Can't we eat some dinner first?"

"If you would let me get on with it you wouldn't be hungry. You'll never be hungry again!"

"Can I at least have a drink? My throat is very dry."

Tom reluctantly stalked off to find his girlfriend a glass of water. She just did not understand anything.

Laura relaxed on the bed for the duration of her five-minute respite. The cold feeling in her stomach receded slightly. Tom eventually returned, and she drank the half-filled glass of cool water slowly in small widely spaced sips. Her boyfriend waited patiently and silently.

When the fluid was exhausted, Tom made a move for the knife, but Laura stopped him and adopted the sultriest voice she could muster under the circumstances. "Tom, before we do that, won't you please make love to me one last time?"

Tom seemed tempted but glanced at his watch and hastily refused. "No, we had sex this morning. It was perfect. If we do it again now, it won't be as good. Besides, we agreed that we'd do this at noon and its after seven now."

"Well, could you at least massage my nipples?"

Laura never really liked for Tom to tamper with her breasts too much, but she knew he could not resist them, and she was getting desperate. Tom gave in and spent fifteen minutes kissing, rubbing, licking, and biting the girl's small but shapely breasts. He enjoyed it, and she appreciated the time it bought her.

When he was done, Tom looked at his watch and resumed his urgent manner. "We really must do it now, my love."

"Wait, I..."

Tom cut her off with a brilliant idea. "Look, I'm just going to have to tie you up or we'll never get off the ground. I'm sorry it has to be like this."

Laura did not resist as he tied her wrists and ankles tightly to the bedposts. It was painful, and she was now completely at his mercy, but she reasoned that struggling futilely with him would hamper her attempt to persuade him by reasoned arguments.

When he had finished immobilizing his girlfriend, Tom picked up the knife. Laura was not quite ready to give up. "Tom, why are we doing this?"

"Because it clearly states in the scriptures that a woman who truly loves her man will surrender her life for him. You do love me, don't you?"

"Of course I do, Tom, but the question is whether or not you really love me."

"I love you more than life itself." Tom was a decent liar, but he could not bring himself to look into her eyes as he said it.

"Why don't you give your life for me?"

"Because men don't do that."

"Why not?"

"It's not written in scripture. Only women are allowed to get a license."

"That's not fair."

Tom pretended sympathy, "I know, love, I know."

Laura relaxed slightly and tried to prepare herself for the inevitable. Just as the knife again touched her throat, she had a terrible thought and nearly exploded. She would have sat up, but her bonds restrained her.

"What is it now," Tom sighed.

"Is there another woman? Are you trying to get me out of the way so you can take another lover?"

"No, don't be silly; I would never do such a thing to my true love." He again could not quite look her in the eye, but she failed to notice.

His velvet tones soothed her enough that she relaxed and closed her eyes.

"Are you ready?"


"Don't worry, you're going to Heaven," Tom assured her.

Just then, the door to their apartment opened, and the voice of Laura's best friend, Jezebel, drifted into the bedroom. "Oh, Tom, I'm here right on time at eight o'clock! Where's that lovely dinner you promised me?" she crooned in a sexy voice as she entered the bedroom.

It did not take Jezebel long to realized that plans were not proceeding smoothly. "What! Tom, you haven't even slit her throat yet? Get on with it! I'm starving!" She slid her hand under Laura's buttocks and pinched the left cheek. "Get that cute little ass of hers into the oven! I want the rump roast you promised me. What's wrong with you?"

Laura's eyes were wide open in disbelief. How could her two most trusted friends betray her in such a horrible way? The coldness in her stomach returned and diffused into a sick feeling in her abdomen. A numbness appeared in her hands and feet and began to spread up her limbs. She was crushed.

Tom behaved as any man would while witnessing the meeting of his two lovers. He tried in vain to apologize to both women, especially Jezebel, who would probably be around to punish him longer. Neither woman was too convinced by his floundering excuses.

Jezebel brooded for a moment before regretting her insensitivity toward her best friend. She tried lamely to apologize. "I'm sorry, Laura, it's nothing personal. I still love you like a sister, but I skipped lunch, and I'm famished!"

Laura was not comforted by these remarks, but the numbness in her limbs was spreading across her body and began to assault her mind. Her vision blurred, and the room took on a dreamlike appearance. Her will to live was greatly diminished. She closed her eyes tightly and addressed her unfaithful lover, "Tom, my love, do it now, you lying bastard!" What was the point in living in a world where your two most trusted friends wish to hurt you in such a way?

She resolved to embrace death in an effort to end the psychological pain which was tormenting her. However, she had no intention of rewarding her scheming friends with tender meat. As the cold blade of the knife touched her throat for the last time, Laura tensed every muscle she could in the hopes of making her meat tough and unpalatable.