Story: SB134 End of the Road

Posted by Sawney Beane on August 12, 2007 at 12:09:44:

The Collected Works of Sawney Beane: Volume #134


by Sawney Beane

15 July 2006

1,595 words

DISTRIBUTION NOTICE and DISCLAIMER: Sawney Beane requests that any distribution of this work of fiction remain within the realm of social responsibility. This story is suitable neither for minors nor for the seeming majority of adults who have difficulty distinguishing fantasy from reality. It is pure fantasy, which means that, for whatever reason, someone has found it interesting to think about the events depicted herein. It does not in any way mean that the author would like to see this fantasy become reality, so if you are the type of person who might be swayed into doing something irrational by reading a work of fiction, the author respectfully requests that you decline to read further.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Sawney Beane, originally a native of Edinburgh, lived for twenty-five years in a cave on the coast of County Galloway, subsisting on the flesh of unfortunate travellers, roughly a thousand of them all told. He and his wife raised a large family of eight sons, six daughters, eighteen grandsons, and fourteen granddaughters. Eventually, the family was captured, and the whole lot was brutally and unjustifiably tortured and executed without trial. Since his death in the early 17th century, Beane has reformed his ways and now confines his atrocities to his literary endeavours.

WARNING: This story contains scenes of consensual snuff and gynophagia. If you find such things offensive, please steer clear; you have been warned.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: A sort of attractive emotional picture. Some of the words and images stuck in my head for the last few weeks. I think it came out fairly well
"This is it," Angie murmured almost to herself as she looked around the cinderblock basement room. "This is the end of the road for me."

She could not identify the emotion or rather mixture of emotions flowing through her. There was some fear, some amusement, and more than a little bit of arousal with other minor emotions thrown in for spice. Maybe there was even a touch of disappointment. This windowless room seemed a less than cheery place to breathe her last. But it was a small point and not one to make a fuss over.

"Erm, yes, I suppose it is," said the attractive man holding her bare arm, not entirely sure whether or not her observations invited a reply. "Unless you change your mind, that is." He quickly added.

She smiled quickly. "No, there's no turning back for me now!" she laughed, almost deliriously. There was a definite feeling of freedom wafting over her. Moments earlier, in a room upstairs that much more resembled a fine hotel room, she had been relieved of her clothing and her shapely body washed thoroughly. Now, in the basement room with the men who would end her life, she owned nothing in the world except her body, and that would soon enough be taken care of.

The man smiled politely until she asked another question.

"So, um, what happens to me now?" she asked.

The man coughed and gestured uncomfortably towards the block dominating the centre of the room. The larger man with a well-honed axe approaching them brought home the point a bit more.

"Yes, yes," she said, embarrassed to have asked an obvious question. "I meant what happens after that."

"Well, we, um, hang you up by your ankles and drain the blood into a bucket. When that's done, we slice down your belly and remove the inner organs. Erm, how much of this do you want to hear?"

"All of it," she said with a distracted smile while running a slender finger along the midline of her belly imagining the knife slicing through her tanned skin and trim muscle.

"Well, then we take out the genitals and anus and we saw the carcass in half down the spine. Then the two halves are hung in the cold room overnight to maintain tenderness. Tomorrow we'll take them out and butcher them into the individual steaks and so forth."

Angie was lost in thought imagining all of these imminent events mangling her beautiful body. Why was it so intensely sexual imagining herself experiencing all of this? It was a shame she thought that she would be dead before the real fun began, but perhaps it was for the best.

"And what happens to my parts?" she asked. She knew the answer, but wanted to hear it. She knew it made her guide, Andrew, uncomfortable to describe it to her, but she lusted to hear it nonetheless.

"Well," he said, glancing at his clipboard. "We can either sell your head for meat or preserve it and mount it. Looks like yours will be going back as a mounting to your, um..."

"Husband," she said firmly. It was an important point to her because the other two heads already hanging in Jason's den were those of his ex-girlfriends. She was his first wife and would, therefore, be the one he remembered most fondly when gazing upon the grouping of gorgeously preserved female features.

"Yes, your husband gets your head." Andrew said with a small involuntary cough. He struggled to understand women like Angie. So often they wanted to give the ultimate gift of love to their husbands and boyfriends, and they failed to notice or somehow rationalized away the fact that he had a collection of heads already or the probable fact that he would obtain a few more in the future. It seemed that a truly loving significant other would go down and buy a farm-raised rump roast to share with his girl. Farm-raised girlmeat was considerably less expensive than free-range meat in any case. But, of course, the men had their own rationales. Sometimes they could make money from their women, but more often than not they were just ready for a change and another head in their den. Sad really, Andrew thought. He imagined that if he could score a woman as gorgeous as Angie, he wouldn't let her go so cavalierly.

"And the rest of me," Angie persisted.

"Yes, well, us a butchering fee for you and then he gets whatever parts he wants and sells us back the rest. We pay a per pound rate for normal cuts and a premium for special cuts."

"Like these?" she asked placing her fingers teasingly on her nipples.

Andrew gazed longingly at her firm breasts and nodded slowly. "Yes, your breasts are special cuts and will pay a premium. Also your genitals, hands, feet, navel, and internal organs."

"So who gets me?"

Andrew consulted his clipboard. "Let's see, your husband has asked leg, left arm, left ribs, left belly...pretty much half the carcass I guess; genitals, both breasts, heart, and mounted head. I guess he isn't really out to make money on you."

"No, he wants me for himself," she smiled. "And I want him to have me. But the rest?"

"Well, it will go into our retail store up front. All of it is excellent quality, so I imagine it won't stay there long."

Angie dreamed of her body parts flying out the door and sizzling in dozens of ovens dotted around the metro. A satisfied smile crept across her face. But one thing troubled her.

"This is making me so hot just thinking about it. Is that normal?" she asked.

Andrew, a veteran of more butcherings than he could count, smiled reassuringly. "Yes, a lot of the girls who come in here are very turned on by it. Otherwise, most of them wouldn't be here."

Angie smiled a satisfied smile. Still, although Jason had given her a memorable last lay that morning before sending her off to the butchers, she was desperate at this moment to relieve the sexual tension building up inside her.

"Can one of you guys give me a last fuck before we do this?" she asked brazenly looking around at the faces of the three men.

Ralph the axeman leaned on his instrument with a distracted smile. Jimmy the apprentice headsman looked shocked but eager. Andrew responded gently, "No, I'm sorry, we aren't permitted to contaminate the meat. Food purity laws I'm afraid."

Angie looked disappointed, but allowed Andrew to guide her to a place next to the chopping block where she kneeled passively in the padded grooves and allowed Andrew, with slight reassuring pressure on her back to guide her neck down to the hardwood block. Jimmy got himself into position to catch her head when it came flying off. Ralph started hefting his axe while Andrew snapped a cuff around each of her ankles. The chains attached to the cuffs trailed up to the ceiling and would allow them to hoist her quickly upwards to drain her blood.

Angie's emotions were flying high now. The moments of her life were speeding away into nothingness. The stairs formed the last bit of the road of her life and this barren room the dead end. She felt surprisingly relaxed, but the sexual tension kept her on edge.

Andrew returned to her side and asked gently, "Is there anything else we can do for you" His question trailed off.

"Yes," Angie said breathlessly and suddenly inspired. "How are you with your fingers?"

Andrew smiled, "I'll see what I can do." He really was quite skilled. It took no effort at all to slide his index and middle fingers all the way into her aroused vagina. His remaining two fingers found their way between the meaty globes of her rump and flirted around the edges of her recently sanitized anus. She appreciated all of this, but the action really began when his thumb excavated its way through the labial folds in front. She yelped and moaned as he found her hotspots. Although she could barely think for all the sparklers going off in her head, she knew this was what she wanted.

Young Jimmy, observing her passion, and trying valiantly to hold her head in place, impulsively violated the rules somewhat by placing a kiss on her perspiring forehead. He then could not resist kissing her panting lips, but his gentle kiss turned violent when she thrust her tongue down his throat. He responded in kind.

Thus occupied, no one else really noticed when Ralph decided it was time to earn his money. To his credit, he timed it well. Angie's body was exploding and trembling. She felt she was being torn apart and pushed back together. She felt fire and ice and numb and intense. She felt everything as the building of a symphony. And at this climactic moment, Ralph's axe tore through the air and lodged itself in the block, barely recognizing the slight resistance of her slender neck.

Jimmy tumbled backwards embraced in a fatal French kiss with a beautiful head. Andrew slowly ceased his fondling and licked his fingers thoughtfully. Together with Ralph, he hoisted the trembling body up to the ceiling as the blood flowed out in a torrent.

Angie's eyes dimmed, and her tongue stopped exploring Jimmy's mouth. The expression on her face was one of pure orgasmic bliss. For Angie, the end of the road was a very pleasant place to be.