Jenny: Double Fantasy, Part I

Posted by romantic on November 04, 2000 at 04:16:14:

Jenny lies in ther oversize tub, up to her chin in hot soapy buubles, daydreaming of her lover, Rom. She sees him sitting at the opposite end of the tub, holding one of her feet in his hand. He always begins by nibbling her heel, his teeth causing her ever so slight pain before the pleasure. Then he runs his tongue the length of her sole, following the elegant curve of her arch, then under her toes. The his tongue does figure-8s, between each toe, finally taking all five of her toes in his mouth. She loves this moment most, because the image of his lips spread around her foot anticipates the way her pussy opens to encircle his penis. Drifting up from her reverie, she longs for him to be home.
But, lost in her reverie, she has neither heard nor sensed the approach of a stranger watching from the shadows in the candlelit bathroom. He places his knife on the floor and removes the belt from her pink robe. Silently behind her, he wraps the belt around her neck and squeezes. Jenny is shocked from bliss to fear and she doesn't know whether to struggle or submit. In her moment of indecision, he has tied the ends of the robe to the base of the towel rail in such a way that for her to try to rise from the tub tightens the wrap around her throat and chokes her. She lies still as for the first time she sees the stranger. He steps from behind her and into the tub! He is naked except for a mask concealing his entire face. From the slenderness and muscularity of his body, she guesses him to be a teenage boy. Protruding from an unusually thick and curly bush of reddish pubic hair is the largest penis Jenny has ever imagined, let alone seen. He looks down at her, bends, and lifts the knife from the floor. Without a word, he plunges it into her belly, just above and to the left of her navel. Pain shoots through her -- she jerks upright, but the terrycloth belt around her neck strangles her and she sinks back. Blood oozes from the wound, but the knife plugs most of the hole. The stranger lifts her feet and places one on either side of his penis. It hardens into an immense weapon capable of inflicting either excruciating pleasure or horrific violence. He rubs her soles along the shaft. very time he bends her legs, the knife moves slightly in her belly and the burning pain surges through her. The cock continues to grow as he rubs; Jenny imagines that any second it will touch her face. Finally as the strokes become faster and the pain becomes sharper, he begins to come -- the sound he emits is no groan or grunt of pleasure, but the bellowing of an elephant. The first jet of his semen erupts and lands on Jenny'lips, it splashes among the bubbles and smears along her feet. When he is done, he gently lowers her legs back into the water. Jenny is in terror of what he will do next -- she imagines herself eviscerated, her organs floating outside her in the tub. But he simply bends, removes the knife from her belly and steps out of the tub. He picks up the hairdryer, turns it on and drops it between Jenny's legs. Her body snaps rigid, her back arching. The burning pain of the stab wound becomes the stinging of a billion bees at every nerve of her body. Driven upward, the makeshift noose again strangles her. Her toes clench against the bottoms of her feet. She gasps for air and bleeds into the water which has become an electric pool. Smoke begins to rise from the corners of her mouth and steam from the boiling water. Her skin begins to pinken against the reddening water. Everything fades. The stranger pulls the plug. Jenny's toes unclench and her body slides back into the water, her head suspended by the belt. Her blue eyes gaze in disbelief. Her heart no longer beats but merely flutters. The flow of blood from the knife wound slows. Still quite finished with his work, the stranger returns to the head of the tub. He unties the belt and pulls tightly at both ends. There is a last gurgling from Jenny's throat, but the frozen stare of her eyes and set of her open mouth tell him she is finished. He lets go of the belt and lets the body slide beneath the water's surface. Jenny's blonde hair spreads around her head in a halo.