FATE (4-6/6)

Posted by Ripper X on August 10, 2003 at 22:34:07:

Howdy Gentle Reader!

Today I'm doing a sluff job, I don't know which torture is worse, Marth's or you and I by actually reading this crap. Pity, it had so much potential too. Well not saying that YOU won't like it, personally I hate it, but then again, I don't know jack shit. I'm not bothering to edit anymore then my initial cuts and first draft crap, but here is the rest of the story in one HUGE lump sum for who ever wants to make their eyes bleed.


FATE (4/?)
Written by: Mistress Jytte & Musker


"Dear Friend"

In another part of the hospital, was the good doctor Bridgestone. She was in the sub-basement, which was the only original part of the hospital that had yet to be renovated. It was currently being used as storage facility for all the outdated medical and administrated equipment.
She was sitting alone in what was once an observation room. A simple little room, with chairs facing a big one way mirror. It was reminiscent of the time when the hospital was once a pillar of learning for aspiring young doctors of the new science called psychology. It was also the last stop for the mentally, and the criminally insane.
In many ways it still had the eerie feeling of a museum. A macabre place of ghastly artifacts that were suggestive of how things were once done a few decades ago. During a time when the treatment for the mentally ill bordered on being pure barbaric.
This type of treatment had always fascinated Doctor Bridegstone throughout her long and celebrated career. In fact, she was working on developing some very unorthodox methods in the field of learning that reflected some of those ignorant and torturous ways of the past. Methods that if her fellow colleagues knew about, they would surely think her mad. And if she dared to bring them into the lime light, she would no doubt be a patient of the same hospital that she herself held the lofty position of chief of staff in.
So she decided to take an early retirement and begin experimenting in her own private institute of learning, funded by many grateful patrons. But then fate stepped in and brought her Dear Friend back into her life. Which was the reason for her sitting in this old observation room, looking through the one way mirror, and into the next room that her staff euphemistically called the "Dungeon".
She crossed her legs and opened the file folder she had on her lap. It belonged to a Ms. Jane Doe. It was the name of the woman who was first brought into the hospital along with Lisa and Anna. She quietly sat and began reading the information that was medically encrypted there.
It was the usual things. Height 5' 8", weight about 105 pounds, blonde hair, blue eyes, age to be in the mid 30's, and general health to be fair. She was brought in as an unconscious accident victim, but her wounds were nothing more than some scrapes and bruises. The file also had the medication prescribed for her, and some notes of observations made by the attending nurse: A Ms. Amanda Blake.
The woman doctor smiled when she read some of her comments. "Paranoia, delusional, physically violent, verbally abusive, mood swings," all those characteristics that labeled one as being severely and dangerously mentally disturbed. Just like the good doctor wanted everyone to think of her Dear Friend Martha, alias Ms. Jane Doe.
She made a notation in the medication column, and then signed her initials next to it. There was no longer a need to administer that medication anymore. She already obtained the results she wanted, now that Martha was clinically labeled as being a psychotic in the hospital database. Whatever Martha said to the doctors and nurses when she regained consciousness in the emergency ward would be of no consequence now. It would all be characterized as the simple ramblings of a poor sick mind. It also made it easier for her to move Martha out of the private security ward, and down here into the sub-basement.
Getting rid of any violent patient always made the nursing staff feel good. Besides, no one really cared where they were moved to in the process, as long as it was off their floor. And administration least of all, especially when they found a patient to be lacking insurance, as was her Dear Friend. But for the record, Martha was transferred to a more specialized health care facility in another state. A place which had the resources and equipment to handled such violent, destitute, and mentally ill patients like poor Martha.
The good doctor closed the file and put it off to the side. It would remain down here from now on. Far and away from the possible prying eyes of a too curious, and much too dedicated staff members.
She leaned back in her chair and took a long casual look at her Dear Friend. She placed her hand to her lips in an attempt to hold back a giggle at what she saw. 'Finally,' she thought, 'Fate had smiled down upon her.' Then the highly educated, award winning, and much respected woman doctor of behavioral psychology let out one big revengeful laugh at the image she was looking at.
In the other room was Martha, quietly resting by herself. She had shed her former canvas cocoon and was now completely nude. She was sort of sitting and waiting for someone; anyone really. She was sitting on what was once called, "a wooden horse." Two large flat boards formed into an erect triangle, to which Martha was forced to sit on, at its peak. She was straddling it with each leg flush up against the side of each board. Normally, with her legs stretched straight down along the surface of the boards, a good part of her foot would be placed solidly on the floor. That way she could easily keep her body weight off that long nasty wooden edge, and well balanced on her own two feet. Except her two feet were not on the floor.
Her legs were bent at the knees and her ankle cuffs fastened to the upper sides of those two boards just behind her. She was thus forced to maintain her balance by hugging the ruff wooden surface of the horse with the inside of her tender thighs and calves. Which thus made her rest her entire body weight on the most sensitive area of the female body.
Of course she could use her hands to help dissipate the tremendous pressure and pain that her crotch area was now experiencing, except for one thing. The hospital issued brown leather straps that once bound her so securely and comfortably in that canvas cocoon, now bound her arms behind her back at her wrists and arms. They were there to keep them from performing any unwanted mischief, like trying to ease her painful situation on the horse.
A tether from her bound wrists went up to a ceiling hook, and then back down to a wall crank. This arrangement forced her arms to remain in a position that was perpendicular to her erect torso. A position that added to her painful plight.
The woman doctor was quite taken with Martha's very still appearance. She knew Martha was still conscious, because of the occasional finger flexing that she saw to keep the blood circulating in her hands and arms. She also could hear a faint repeating groan, indicating that her Dear Friend was in a constant state of wakeful lingering agony. And then there were the occasional waves of drool, coming from her gagged mouth. At first the woman doctor was perplexed, as to how it was done. What, with such a big rubber ball wedged so tightly in her mouth that her own lips were stretch taught against it. But with a much more watchful eye the woman doctor could see some jaw flexing that coincided with the next batch of drool that oozed out from the corners of her mouth.
She took a quick look at her watch and seemed amazed. She then picked up her ever present notebook, and made a notation on one of the back pages. It seemed that Martha must have been in really good shape to take such physical punishment for such a long time and still remain conscious. She speculated that it was no doubt due to Lisa and Anna's handiwork. Something she was interested in finding more about with her next session with Lisa.
All of a sudden the door to Martha's room opened and an African American nurse came in wheeling a small shelved cart. It was Amanda.
The doctor looked at the black nurse with happy, appreciative eyes. For it was Amanda who was not only her most promising student, but was the one who immediately alerted her to Martha's presence in the emergency room. She remembered receiving a call from her late one evening, and when she heard the reason for Amanda's excited voice over the phone, the conversation that followed was one of mutual conspiratorial revenge. For both Doctor Bridgestone and Amanda had their own special reasons for detesting Martha to the core.
Doctor Bridgestone despised her because it was Martha who had had an affair with her husband (now since divorced). Such an obscene betrayal in her life went on for months, and cost her much in her social and academic standing, not to mention her own emotional stability. She really loved her husband, and never knew the affair even existed. She was shocked into knowing by Martha herself, in a letter she sent with pictures of herself and her husband in many intimate situations. Although Martha never came out and said it in words, Doctor Bridgestone knew the real reason for it was pure blackmail. But the good woman doctor would have none of it. She immediately divorced her husband (who she reluctantly still loved), and took time off to get herself together and her life back on track. Oh she knew her husband was equally at fault too, but somehow she knew Martha was the instigator of it all. And now in her never fully recovered and scared mind, she was going to get her pound of flesh in delicious satisfying revenge.
Amanda wanted to get even with Martha too, but for a different reason. Her older sister, Belinda, wanted to become a professional athlete and looked up to Martha because of her own success, and teaching skills in said field. But her dear sister had a weight problem. It wasn't anything way out of control, or that kept her from performing successfully. She was just a tiny bit heavy below the waist. But Martha told her in short order to loose it, or don't bother her ever again.
Belinda tried, she tried really hard, but nothing seemed to work. Nothing until Martha gave her some illegal diet pills. Diet pills that made her lose the weight all right, but they also got her started on the path to other drugs as well. Steroids, muscle relaxers, uppers, downers, the whole drug scene became a dominant part of her sister's life. And then that led to performance problems, and money problems, and prostitution, and getting expelled from college, and then out on the street turning tricks for a high.
Amanda tried to help her sister, but Belinda was too far gone. Becoming a dedicated nurse and now studying under the renowned Doctor Bridgestone, was Amanda's way of turning something bad into something good in memory of her beloved sister. That, and having a constant simmering appetite to get even with her sister's coach and villainous drug pusher Martha!
Doctor Bridgestone and Amanda knew of one another's hatred of Martha. Being so close to each other in the academic field makes it easy to share some private intimate incidents in one another's life. So when Amanda saw Martha that fateful night in the emergency ward she knew their dream for revenge was just about to come true. She immediately called Doctor Bridgestone at her home, and the two came up with a plan. A plan that would satisfy both their desires for revenge, as well as providing the good doctor with a guinea pig to practice her new teaching technique's on. That is, before going out in private practice.
That night, nurse Amanda made the waking acquaintance of Martha, as she was taking her vital signs. The emergency staff had already dealt with her when she was unconscious, and put her on a less critical list. Amanda knew she would not be recognized by Martha because they only met a couple of times when her big sister was in a few competitive events, and even then the drama and confusion of those times overshadowed any lasting impression the two might of had. Besides, there was very little resemblance between her and her sister Belinda anyway. Amanda being more petite, and far more pretty than her older sibling. Thus it was easy for nurse Amanda to take Martha's blood pressure and pulse rate without her patient knowing who she really was, or the revenge that the dynamic duel had planned for her.
Martha regained consciousness in a very hyper state. She kept going on and on about some horrid tale of being blackmailed, tortured, and made to preform as a lesbian sex slave to two women who were intent on destroying her. As her current situation in the hospital was proof of. But Amanda was only half listening to her fantastic story as she quickly prepared a special syringe prescribed by the chief of staff herself, and fellow conspirator.
Amanda gave the injection to her patient with a big sinister smile. Telling her, on the brink of laughter, that it will make her feel better in no time at all. While the drugs were coursing through Martha's veins, Doctor Bridgestone was well on her way to the hospital. She was most eager to meet her Dear Friend on her own home ground this time.
When the woman doctor arrived, Martha was well into her second violent psychotic episode. It took two big male attendants and two nurses to get her under control. Then Doctor Bridgestone ordered up another shot, a strong sedative this time. And it put Martha right out cold.
When Martha was lying a sleep, dead to the world, all four of the staff who helped take Martha down were in need of medical attention themselves. They had bruises, bloody scratches and even a couple of bite marks that Martha had administered without mercy in her dire quest to escape her science created hallucinations of hell.
Once Martha was under control Amanda transported the sleeping beauty to the highly restricted mental ward. And once there, alone, and safely in the padded room, Amanda took her time encasing Martha in the full length cocooned straight jacket, with it's myriad of heavy leather straps and strong buckles.
Martha was still fast asleep when Amanda wove the matching head harness into place. She took her time making sure each strap was positioned just right about Martha's head and face. The straps themselves were buckled loosely at first until the whole harness and fowl tasting leather pouch gag was right where Amanda wanted them. Then she systematically tightened each one until the leather bit deep into Marth's face and skull. And that's how Amanda left her. Like an encapsulated caterpillar in it's immobile carapace, waiting to be reborn into whatever Doctor Bridegestone and Amanda's revengeful heart and minds could thing of.
At that point the good doctor worked her magic as chief of staff. She immediately had Martha put under her exclusive care with Amanda as the only attending nurse. The next night, late into Amanda's shift, she had her give Martha a low grade sedative, which made it easier and quieter to transfer Martha to her new room down in the sub-basement. It took a bit of doing on Amanda's part for Martha was much bigger than her, but she soon had Martha riding that horse in all her painstaking naked glory.
Now the woman doctor quickly cleaned and adjusted her glasses for a good look see. This was going to be the first time that she witnessed the interaction between her assistant and her Dear Friend, and she was eager to see what transpired between them.
Amanda wheeled the cart off to the side and approached the strained body of her most important patient. She stood there for a moment, at arms length, drinking in every last drop from her cup of sweet revenge. Then, with mindful purpose, she strolled around her hated foe studying her like an art critic grading a sculpted piece of marble. Her eyes went wide in a long blissful stare over those area's of Martha's distressed carcass that stood out with unique fascination. Like the overdeveloped muscle structure of Martha's lower body that was in direct sharp contrast to her almost emaciated upper body. Then there were the scars, mostly whip marks, on the fleshy part of her ass and hips. But two of them were not like the others. They were distinct, well formed and made from something that burned deep into the skin of her upper left thigh. These brand marks were made up of two capital letters, one over the other and separated by a slash. She smiled when her eyes caught the hard raised skin that formed into the letter "A". The same first letter of her own pretty name, Amanda.
When she came full circle, she stopped and folded her arms across her chest. She stood in calm, heartless, mocking defiance to Martha's long painful plight. She took one, two and then three steps back. Back far enough to view this living exhibit in all it's agonizing wretched beauty. Then she smiled. A big, wide, open mouth smile that seemed to dominate her lovely innocent Nubian face. She was smiling because of what this woman represented to her. This was a woman in unbelievable torment! Suffering, so deep and so extreme, as to go far beyond the pains of the flesh, but to the very scaring of her immortal soul. And this was an excellent beginning in satiating Amanda's need for revenge. Revenge that she swore on her sister's grave that she would one day reap upon this very same woman.
But Amanda felt something else too. Something other than the supreme delight of vengeance. It was something that also puzzled her a great deal as well. She felt, aroused!
'How could I feel such an unnatural sense of erotic pleasure at a time like this' she would ask herself. 'I am a nurse, an angel of mercy for God's sake! A person dedicated to helping those in need.' She could understand why she felt so joyful when she saw the woman responsible for her sister's demise finally getting her just deserved due. But she just could not comprehend why she felt so moved, sexually, by what she saw as well.
Martha did her best to remain as still as the grave in her agonizing condition, while the attending nurse took her time in appraising her like a vulture over a dying road kill. She already knew that the black nurse's presence was not a reason to celebrate her hopeful release. She vaguely remembered this nurse as being one of the people she had attacked when she went crazy in the emergency ward. And she also remembered that during her in and out sedative state that it was this black nurse which was responsible for her current physical condition as well. So any hope Martha had for the near future was for things not to get any worst.
Amanda approached the drooping drooling head of her quarry and then stood off to the side facing the big mirror. The same mirror of which the good doctor sat on the other side, leaning forward and staring intently at both of them now.
The confident black nurse in her spotless white starched uniform reached to the top of the drooping head of her still immobile prey and grabbed a fist full of her sweat drenched matted hair. She jerked the inert head up and back. A hard hurting groan was heard escaping from around the ball gag as saliva and sweat flew out into the air in an arc at the same time.
"Well Ms. Doe, you have been here for some time now. Would it be safe to say that you have learned your lesson?"
Holding her eyes tightly shut from the added pain of having her hair practically pulled out by it's roots as well as having her head forced unnaturally back until she was facing the ceiling, Martha wailed out a garbled YES!
"No more screaming? No more kicking? No more lashing out or trying to bite those who are trying to help you?" After each question Amanda purposefully shook Martha head by her hair to make her point all that more poignant.
A few fresh tears rolled down Martha's cheek. That was all that she had left to give in her unrelenting tortured state. She didn't understand why she did those things, but she did. For some reason she just couldn't help it. It was as if she had lost complete control of herself. All she wanted to do was to escape and run away from the evil that she felt was about to pounce upon her. And if anyone got in her way she had to hurt them, bad, before they had a chance to hurt her. But now those feelings had magically disappeared, completely.
So Martha was honest when she answered Amanda's questions with a few short affirmative grunts.
"Good! But let me warn you Ms. Doe. If I experience even the least bit of resistance on your part, I swear, you will regret it even more so than you do now. Do you understand me?" Amanda really pulled back hard on Martha's head causing Martha to yell YES at the top of her exhausted lungs through her ball gag with even more saliva spewing forth like a fountain.
"Very good Ms. Doe." And with that Amanda released Martha's hair letting her head fall back down in front of her like a lifeless rag doll.
Doctor Bridgestone and Amanda had a previous little talk pertaining to whether they should let Martha know who everyone was and what was going to happen to her. But since Martha never told anyone her name in the emergency ward before going schizoid, and her remaining gagged ever since, they decided to keep things cloudy. Thus the reason for Amanda to call Martha Ms. Doe. It was like having two aces in the hole and both conspirators wanted to play them only at the right time for their maximum benefit.
Amanda moved to the back of the horse and began unfastening the cuffs that held Martha's legs up behind her.
"Now I am going to release you Ms. Doe and then bath you. You are very sweaty and smelly, and in desperate need of a thorough cleaning. After that I will feed you, allow you to go to the rest room and then put you to bed for a good night's rest."
When one of her ankles was released it quickly dragged itself down the side of the slanted board before stopping from the heated friction near the bottom. Even with Martha's above average muscle development in her legs she still felt the nasty muscle aches and spasms that went with keeping a body's appendages in one position for too long. She was barely able to make her toes touch the floor when her other ankle was suddenly released. And that too slid like dead weight to the bottom.
Martha was eager to shift her body weight from resting on her swollen painful crotch and back onto her own two feet, but it was hard going. The horse was too tall to make this an easy task. She had to extend her legs arduously straight down and then bend her foot as if she were wearing high heeled shoes in order to make contact.
"I am ready to release your arms Ms. Doe, but not until you are able to balance yourself on your legs. I have no desire to try and hold you up by myself and risk getting my clean uniform soiled by your fowl smelly body. So as soon as you are ready just let me know."
Amanda stood behind Martha near the wall where the crank was that would lower her arms. She watched with a happy gleam in her eye as Martha tried as quickly as possible to get her legs back into working order. She could only imagine how dreadful the pain was in her nemeses shoulders and arms with them being held in that distressing position for so long. And that one factual thought brought more joy to Amanda's gluttonous vindictive spirit than all the dreams and fantasies she conjured up when she was alone and thinking of revenge.
It didn't take long before Martha had herself steady under her own power. She made a very audible groan of acknowledgment to the nurse when she was ready. A good part of that groan was from freeing her crotch from the burden of being the sole supporter of her entire body weight. So severe was this pain that she thought to temper it a little by once again letting her body weight rest back upon that bastard edge. But she soon found out that her bright idea only made it worse. So she quickly went back up on her toes and forced herself to experience even more pain from having her swollen throbbing crotch set free.
"Are you sure your ready Ms. Doe? You seem to be dancing around a bit as if you actually like ridding your little horsey." Amanda could not help adding that little childish dig to her patient's further distress.
Martha immediately began shaking her head up and down in a flamboyant manner to the nurse's question and then immediately follow it with an equally outrageous head twisting NO to her comment of wanting to continue to ride her horsey.
"Now you are confusing me Ms. Doe. The way you keep shaking your head in different direction I can not tell if you want me to release you or not. Maybe I should leave you like this for awhile and come back in a few hours when you have finally made up your mind."
Again Martha went into an elaborate head twisting NO accompanied by a loud groaning response that told Amanda not to go, not to leave her like this and to please, please, please release her.
"All right then. I will ask you this one more time. Are you ready for me to lower your arms Ms. Doe?"
Amanda purposefully delayed her helpless victim's release as long as she could. She knew the most psychologically distressing time for Martha would be on the brink of freedom. The intense anticipation of relief being only seconds away and then being denied it because of some simple stupid mis-communication going on between them. The physical and mental stress was quickly putting Martha on the verge of a complete emotional break down while Amanda was loving every minute of it. Even the woman doctor, on the other side of the mirror, was squirming in her chair with satisfying glee.
Once more Martha made the affirmative horse shaking head nod and the associated equally outlandish saliva spitting groan to make her answer as simple and as loud as possible.
"There now, that was wasn't hard at all once you made your mind up. Right Ms. Doe?"
Martha's head drooped forward. She was far too tired and far too much in pain to answer such a stupid rhetorical question like that.
Amanda flicked a switch and began to let the crank of the winch turn. With each slow clicking revolution the rope tether that held Martha's arms in their painful position was lengthening. She watched with curious interest as to how Martha's body would react to having her arms put back into a much less stressful bound position directly behind her.
It HURT! It was focused pain that took over Martha's complete awareness. The only thought that quickly passed through her mind was death, she longed for it. The only brief diversion from the monumental hard throbbing pain that echoed deafeningly in her shoulders was the sharp stabbing shock she felt when her red swollen crotch accidental thumped down upon that nasty wooden edge as a result of her knees buckling for an instant.
In the far far corner of Martha's mind, were fading consciousness bordered on surreal sleepy dreams, a question was being formed. A question only a mind free of the painful realities of life could ever conceive. A question based on the sole lesser of evils. The question of which was worse, the pain of having her arms released from the strained unnatural position that they were in, or the pain she experienced in getting them and keeping them there in the first place?
As more and more of the arm tether was slowly released, Martha's body began to slump forward until she looked as if she was going to fall over. Her upper body did not have the exceptional strength of her lower body and her weak back muscles were in the same state of strained hurting exhaustion as her shoulders were. Then all of a sudden the winch stopped.
"Ms. Doe, you told me most decisively that you would be able to balance yourself on your own two feet when I let down your arms. But all I see is a woman ready to fall off her horse and right onto her face. Don't you know you can hurt yourself doing that?"
Amanda could hardly hold back from giggling when she purposely said such a stupid thing like that. But the good woman doctor had no such qualms about holding back a good hardy belly laugh in her sound proof observation room.
"Patient care is of the upmost importance to this hospital and to the dedicated staff of doctors and nurses who work here. And having patients falling down on the floor is strictly prohibited! Either you get yourself under control and standing erect on your own two feet this very minute, or I will just have to change settings on this winch and pull you back up by your arms. I will not permit you to hurt yourself in anyway Ms. Doe. Now which way will it be?"
Amanda quickly put her hand to her mouth to cut off an outburst of laughter that was well on it's way to coming out. Once more the woman doctor had no restrictions on her composure and was laughing so hard that tears were running down her cheeks. The reason for which was in dramatic contrast to what was causing Martha's tears to flow.
Upon hearing the threat of becoming once more a twisted puppet on a string, Martha immediately summoned up as much energy as she could and began to move. Straining, gut wrenching moans told her story in agonizing detail. Her jerking upper body atoned to the fact of her lack of muscle control and to the painfully damaged muscles that did their very best to raise her back up and into the desired position set forth by the nurse in charge of her every comfort.
"Very good Ms. Doe. I will now continue lowering your arms."
A sharp shrill of agony screeched forth when Martha's arms began to rise again.
"My goodness sakes! Now how did that happen? Oh well, good thing I caught it in time. Let me reverse direction again and then we can continue. It won't take more than a minute to get your arms back down Ms. Doe."
But the nurse was wrong. It took several, long, eye scrunching minutes before Martha's numb sleeping hands could feel the ridge of the board behind her again.
"There you are Ms. Doe. Now if you wouldn't mind working yourself forward and off that special behavioral device for me, then I can remove those straps that are keeping your arms together behind your back. And DON'T FALL! Or there will be hell to pay, for the both of us!"
'Hell', Martha thought to herself. She never left it since she was blackmailed into it by Lisa and Anna a couple of months ago. Her present situation was just another variation on the theme. Her only salvation for her continued persecution in life was to simply hope. Hope that with each new nightmarish episode she experienced, she would one day soon find it all over with, forever. She had thought the accident followed by her awaking in the hospital that, that very day had arrived. But she was wrong. Her tormented saga continued here in the hospital too, but hopefully, it would only be for a little while longer.
So she took those necessary little steps forward. Dragging her puffy red pussy lips along the rough splintered edge of the horse. Magnifying a thousand fold the grievous painful consequences of her actions. She tried to use her hands and arms to help in her balancing, and to relieve some of the burning friction on her pussy, but they were of no use. Her arms were too far gone as a result of their own right of passage in being sadistically bound skyward behind her.
"Come along now Ms. Doe. The faster you extricate yourself from there the quicker I can free you. Then I can clean you up, feed you and put you to bed. Wouldn't you like that Ms. Doe? Being all nice and clean, having a good meal to fill your empty belly and then being put to bed on some nice clean sheets with a warm blanket to comfort you. Doesn't that sound wonderful Ms. Doe?"
Motivation, that's what Amanda was doing. She was mentally holding that carrot out in front of Martha. Motivating her with the promise of physical contentment if she would only go through hell to get there first. The same exact technique that Lisa and Anna had used on her over and over again to get her to literally jump at the snap of their fingers. And it all started with a simple contract between them. Ha! A contract, it was nothing more than blackmail wrapped up in a promissory note. She promised to be their chattel for a few months and in return they would give her all the incriminating evidence they had on her.

FATE (4/?)
Written by: Mistress Jytte & Musker

Martha thought it would be easy. Just a few months of simple obedience and servitude, then her life, her future, would be her's to do with as she desired once more. But if only she knew that those two were in league with the devil, then she would have gladly chosen jail instead. At least there she was guaranteed by law to be free from cruel and unusual punishment. Unlike what those two disciples of Satan guaranteed her.
She was just about there now. One more thrust forward and she would finally be off that damn horse. She took a moment, to breathe, to let the searing pain emanating from her poor traumatic crotch dampen down a bit. Then closing her eyes tightly and with one final push forward, fueled more from hateful memories than from positive motivation, she jerked herself off the horse.
With her feet flat on the floor and her two amazingly strong legs spread wide and keeping her up right, Martha felt a final wave of spiking radiating pain course through her body. So powerful was it, that her body vibrated uncontrollably from being totally engulfed by it. If Lisa and Anna had not done such a good job in acclimating her to their sadistic pleasures then she would have surely passed out and fell to the floor.
"Very good Ms. Doe", Amanda exclaimed with an amazed supportive tone in her voice. "Now that wasn't hard at all, now was it?" Again, her sarcastic and patronizing voice echoed her true feelings toward Martha.
Martha did not reply to the faint distant voice that tried to permeate her pain retching austere. But as her awareness of the world around her grew, her concern was still for herself. For the happy relief of finally being off that damn horse and the eager expectations of a promise waiting to be fulfilled.
"All right Ms. Doe, let's get those straps off of your arms so I can get you cleaned up."
Martha maintained her steadfast stance as Amanda began loosening the first tight strap around her upper arms.
'I can't believe how pathetic her arms are', Amanda commented to herself. 'So thin, lifeless and dead, just like a rag doll. No resistance or muscle movement in them at all. Even their black and blue coloring makes them look so old, so strange, and so . . . non-human.'
Amanda's curiosity was growing with each new little discovery she made on Martha's body. Her intellectual mind keep speculating what Martha's life was like before she came to the hospital. Something she was eager to ask Doctor Bridgestone about in the near future.
When she had removed the two straps above and below Martha's elbows, she thought a moment as to whether to remove the remaining strap around her patient's wrists. She had already experienced Martha's rather excited state from the injection Doctor Bridgestone told her to give. She was in fact one of the four who literally had to tackle Martha and sit on her in order for the strong sedative to work it's magic. Her petite frame was still aching in places from that intense roust about back then. But considering that Martha was behaving herself very well now and that the drug should have completely dissipated out of her system by this time, she figured any repeat performance was not a likely event. But still . . .
Amanda twisted Martha's complacent body around until she was face to face with her. The expression on her face was anything but the compassionate angel of mercy her pristine white nurses uniform made her out to be.
"Now you listen to me Ms. Doe. I am willing to remove the straps holding your bound wrists behind your back, BUT, I expect you to act like a normal human being when I do. By that I mean no fighting with me, no running away and no disobedience what-so-ever! Do you hear me? I will not tolerate any negative behavior from you at all. Because if you do . . ." Amanda put her hand in the empty pocket of her nurses uniform. "Then I have something here that will SHOCK you into a mound of quivering Jell-O, do you understand me Ms. Doe?"
Martha went wide eyed with fear. She had enough. Her body was a tired, painful, throbbing mass bordering on complete disability. Her once raging temper and uncontrollable spirit of defiance was totally gone. And the promise of a clean body, food and a soft bed to sleep in was all she cared about now. So she shook her head yes with pleading tears mixing with her profusely sweating body.
"Good! Now turn around Ms. Doe and we can get started in making your life a whole lot better."
Martha slowly turned around. Her powerful legs made that part easy. A product of Lisa and Anna's perverted training regimen. But her upper torso jerked around as if it was ready to fracture into a thousand pieces. Another example of the sadistic cruelty that she had to suffer under the deviate perverted minds of her previous two Mistresses.
When the last strap was removed from around Martha's wrists her arms fell to her sides like limp spaghetti. For awhile they banged haphazardly into her powerful hips as if all conscious life was stripped from them. Then they soon simmered down and hung soberly at her sides.
"Now go to that corner, over there in front of you Ms. Doe, and we can start cleaning you up."
Her first step in that direction immediately told her that her walk there would have to be bowlegged. Her crotch and pussy, not to mention her chaffed inner thighs and calves, were far too sore to allow for even the least bit of contact. So the few feet to a large squared off shower area, without the benefit of privacy walls, seemed like a hundred hurting miles away. She wondered why her gag was not removed and thought of doing it herself, that is once feeling came back to her arms and hands. But fearing what the nurse might do to her with that device in her pocket she decided to remain the silent complacent patient that she was.
When she stepped over the raised rim of the shower stall she could feel the coldness of the floor tiles under her feet. Then she felt something else too. The pin and needles effect of slumbering flesh coming back from the dead. Again her eyes squinted in pain as blood began to freely circulate in her arms and hands once more. She started to move her fingers, flexing them open and close, to help this process along. But it didn't seem to do any good. She even tried to remove the stiffness in her wrists, elbows and shoulders, but again the ungodly pain arising from strained and damaged muscles was something that Martha could no longer tolerate. She simply decided to let nature take it's course and thus became a martyr to her own persecuted body. Oh why was fate so cruel to her?
"MMPPHHHH!!!!!!" Martha screamed through her gag when the cold water hit her on the back.
"OH! I'm sorry Ms Doe. Is the water too cold? Here, let me make it a little warmer for you."
Amanda had left the hot water faucet purposefully turned off when she began spraying Martha with the water. Water that came from a simple garden hose and it's corresponding gun shaped lawn sprayer.
"It will be just a minute before the hot water comes through so why don't you begin to slowly turn around in place while I spray you down."
Martha had thought when she was promised to be cleaned up, that the nurse meant like a normal human being. With hot water flowing down, over and around her aching body from an over head shower nozzle like warm rain falling down from the sky. Maybe even a large soft sponge loaded with sudsy soap containing skin rejuvenating oils and pleasant spring fragrances that would gently wash her dirty smelly body clean and fresh. Followed by a long hot rinse to wash away any remnants of her grungy existence and to sooth her straining hurting muscles if only a little. Finally, a quick cool sprits of water to invigorate her back to the living. This is what Martha was hoping for, praying even. But what she got was something that one would barely give to a farm animal let alone a fellow human being.
"That's it Ms. Doe, keep turning while I load this soap pellet into the spray nozzle."
Martha slowly kept turning in place. Her body was shaking uncontrollably from being fire hosed with cold water. If it wasn't for the ball gag still strapped in her mouth her teeth would be clattering up a storm.
"Close your eyes now Ms. Doe, you don't want to get any of this detergent soap in your eyes."
Another blast of water hit Martha right smack in the face. The force was so hard, that if it wasn't for her strong legs, she would have been knocked right down. 'Well at least the water was warm now', she thought as her uncontrollable shaking quickly faded away. But with the soapy water being a detergent base, it was washing away all of her natural body oils as well as all the dirt and grime from her body. So her skin was going to be very dry, rough and flaky after this. Something that the chaffed areas of her crotch, arms and legs would not like at all.
Amanda continued to wash Martha as if she were her automobile. A mere object like lawn furniture or window screens to be cleaned up as quickly and as efficiently as possible. With little to no risk of getting herself wet or dirty in the process.
"Ok Ms. Doe, let's get all those nooks and crannies areas too. Turn to your left and raise your arm. That's right, let me get those underarms all nice and squeaky clean. Now the other side too. Good girl! Ok, now turn around and bend over. That's it. Spread your legs. More! I have to make sure your anal pore is clean too. Use your hands to spread your butt cheeks. I know it's hard for you what with your arms still hurting and all. Here, let me make a stronger stream and I can help pound your muscles back to life. There, isn't that better?"
Martha was too out of it to care anymore. She simply continued to obey commands like a mindless robot, just doing what she was told to do. The same thing she did with Lisa and Anna when she was being exercised to the edge of fatigue, or when she was put on humiliating display and told to lick the vaginas of ALL of Lisa's friends one after the other. She found it better if she didn't think about it while she did it. Thinking always made it worse, much, much worse.
"Now let me get the backs of your legs. My goodness! I just can't get over how well developed your legs are especially in comparison to your upper body. Maybe the doctor can help you out with this unusual disproportionate abnormality of yours. Ok, now turn around and let me do your front. OH! Sorry! I still had the water stream on too hard. There we go. My word, how in the world did you ever get your breasts looking so poorly! Surely your not that old! But they look like a pair of old woman's breasts, all flaccid and sagging like big party balloons after most of the air leaked out. Oh well, I know the doctor can recommend a good plastic surgeon for you too. Ok, now spread your legs real wide. There's one more area I just have to make sure is very clean. I know your very sensitive there, but I have to make sure you are completely cleaned up, inside and out. So just remain as still as possible and it will be over in jiffy."
Funny how the seconds can feel like hours sometimes. But what else could Martha do? She just had to stand there and take it, the constant pounding to her clean shaven chaffed pussy area. Around and around the stabbing water flowed, up and down, back and forth. Nurse Amanda definitely took her job seriously. Then in the midst of getting a thorough garden hose douching, Martha had an out of body thought cross her mind. What did she mean by cleaned on the inside as well?
"Now for a quick rinse job with hot water. Let me change the water flow to a nice wide spray and you keep turning while I run the water all over you."
The hot water felt really nice for Martha, until it began to feel too hot, practically scalding.
"Just a quick fanning with cool water and then your all done."
"MMMMFPPHH" yelled Martha as the sudden change from hot to cold again viciously shocked her mind as it did her body.
"All done Ms. Doe. Now come to me and I will dry you off."
Martha was once more shaking uncontrollably from the cold water on her body. She quickly waddled over to the nurse eager to feel the soft warmth of the bath towel upon her icy dripping skin.
Amanda was none to gentle in drying off Martha. Nor was she all that particular in getting her completely dry either. On several occasions a muffled groan from under the rough beach size towel was heard as a result of Amanda's rough rubbing in certain sensitive and swollen area's.
Martha didn't realize it yet, but Amanda was slowly moving her in a specific direction and to a rather archaic device. It wasn't until Martha felt something clamping around her ankles that she noticed she was in another part of that same room.
The towel was pulled harshly from Martha and because her feet were held in place she almost fell over forwards. Lucky a large wooden stand about waist high just in front of her stopped her continued fall else she would have landed face first onto the hard floor.
Her hair was still a wet mangled mess around her head. And a good part of it was sticking to her face thus distorting her vision so she couldn't see what the nurse was fastening her into. But it didn't take long for Martha to realize that she was now locked into an antiquated wooden stock. Something right out of the time of the Spanish inquisition. It kept her bent forwards at the waist with her head and wrists held securely between two massive boards reinforced with black pieces of metal riveted into it. She tried to free herself, but it was no use. The fit was too good because of some rubber like sleeve that lined the wooden cut outs. To keep the two boards from coming apart, the nurse locked them together with a brand new heavy duty lock.
Martha tried to move her legs and feet but found them to be held firmly in place by another wooden stock with snug rubber lining. The nasty part of her position was that her feet were almost directly under her head stocks, thus forcing her to keep her legs straight and at an angle under her. It also made her stick her butt right out in back of her as if she was prepared for a good old fashion ass whooping. Just like they did a long time ago as punishment for unruly citizens of the pilgrim era. But nurse Amanda had another reason for putting Martha in this awkward position.
"There you go Ms. Doe. Now I can get started with cleaning you up on the inside."
Martha closed her eyes in shame. Now she knew what the nurse meant by cleaning her up on the inside. With her feet held apart and fastened in place by the same contrivance that kept her head and hands safely locked away, Martha was in the perfect position to receive a thorough bowel cleaning, better known as an enema.
The cold shower invigorated her enough to try another attempt at freeing herself from her captured display like state. But the device, all be it old, was still in perfect working order and fit her like a glove. No matter how much wiggling and direct force that she applied, all that resulted was some creaking of the wood. Her second wind didn't last long though, for she was soon back to her normal compliant and obedient self ready for nurse Amanda's compassionate touch.
When she heard the snap of rubber gloves being put on, Martha closed her eyes and began moving her head from side to side. She thought that once she was out from under the dominating thumb of Lisa and Anna, she would never experience another humiliating event like this again. But it seemed like fate had it in for her. For once again someone was about to inspect, probe and no doubt play with the most private parts of her body, totally against her will.
She remembered what Lisa and Anna called it, bung hole play. She called it forced sodomy. The endless day after day insertion of all kinds of paraphernalia into her rectum. From objects of different sizes, shapes and materials, including vegetables, to the use of their own surgically gloved fingers and HANDS. The variety seemed endless. And as a result of this repeated degrading pass time, Martha was forced to learn how to relax her sphincter muscles on demand or suffer the consequences. Something her body had acclimated well to in her training, but something her mind could never do. She could never, ever, accept what they did to her as being pleasurable. Even when Lisa and Anna had her pussy thoroughly wet and dripping from such revolting depravity, she denied herself any acceptance of pleasure from it. She zealously believed that a person's anus was a very private place and made exclusively as an exit point, and never to be used as a port of entry for anything.
But the memories came flooding back now. Of the first time when they did this to her. They told her to lie down on the examination table. Her wrists were tied together over her head and to the back of the table. Her legs were pulled up and spread wide on both sides of her head and tied there. They literally had her folded over onto herself so her entire crotch area was left wide open and easily accessible. She wasn't gagged back then, as she was now, because her two tormentors wanted to hear her cry, beg and plead for mercy as they literally fucked with her disgusting crap hole to no end.
Then she remembered the many times when she was ordered to bend over and grab her ankles right there in the formal living room with many of Lisa's friends present. She always hated having to do this, because they never let her wear any underwear. No panties, no bra, nothing! And when they did let her wear something, it only reflected her sexy, servile status by having cut outs for her nipples and crotch area. So when she was order to display herself bent over, she knew to be ready for something. For a finger, or a carrot, or a dildo, or any number of obscene objects that her Mistresses or their friends would stick deep into her ass.
Oh she had learned all right, the hard way. She learned what to do and what not to do when something was playing in and out with her ass hole. The more submissive, pleading and teary eyed she acted, the less painful her ordeal was. If she cursed at them, pretended she liked it, or simply did nothing at all, then it became a long, drawn out, painful nightmare. So she had learned to play up to their sadistic nature simply as an act of self- preservation. But she could never satisfactory deal with the feeling of self-loathing and humiliation that came with each and every time someone was fucking her ass.
And that was why she was mumbling, groaning and squealing like a pig when nurse Amanda put finger, after finger, after finger into her butt hole. Most of it was for show though. A knee jerk reaction that Martha trained herself to make. But a significant part of it still reflect how humiliating it made her feel. A feeling she could never shake away.
Amanda could not believe what she was experiencing. Never had she felt such a loose and supple anus before. It was as if Martha's anal pore had seen some serious dilation in the past. It was so loose that she thought, with a little work, she could actually put her whole hand into Martha's rectum.
Amanda began to wonder how such a thing like this could happen, as she kept fingering Martha's bung hole. A short time later, much shorter than Amanda thought possible, she reached for one of two special enema nozzles on her cart. She picked one up and brought it to Martha's thoroughly greased up hole. But just before she started to make contact, she froze for a second. Then she raised it back up and took a long hard look at. With a sullen look about her, she inspected it's plastic cone shaped design and it's concave seating ring around it's base with great care. She began turning it this way and that way as if she was concerned about it. Then she quickly placed it back on the cart and took hold of the other one instead, a much bigger one.
Again she held it up for scrutiny, but this time she had a big smile on her face. She placed it down at Martha's loosely puckered hole and began the process of fitting this never before used gigantic plug, which would be more appropriately used on large farm animals than human beings, to the purpose for which it was made.
Again Martha made all the instinctive sounds that she reluctantly trained herself to make. Then, somewhere along the way, Martha felt a sudden unexpected pain. The same kind of pain she felt when she was being first acclimated to bung hole play. The same kind of pain that only a thoroughly stretched butt hole could alleviate. And the same kind of pain that now made her pretend acting outburst once more real!
It took a little time to get the special plug all the way in, and when it was, Martha's sphincter muscles clamped tightly down around the base keeping the nozzle firmly seated and sealed inside of her. Amanda then did a little clean up of excess lubricant on Martha's big taught derriere before removing her gloves. She then went to where the hose was and prepared the cleansing liquid for the enema bag.
Martha felt as if she had an over sized beer bottle forced up her butt. It seemed like every major orifice of hers had it's own unique hurt. Her mouth ached something awful from her ball gag. And the only meager relief she obtained from this persistent sharp pain in her jaws, was when she bit down hard on the rubber ball. But that lasted for only a few seconds before her muscles gave out and her mouth bounced back open, stretching her lips to the point of almost tearing the skin. Then each time she did it she felt another area of hurt in her tongue. As she compressed the ball, it in turned squashed her tongue flat inside her mouth. It was like she was damned if she did and damned if she didn't. She just couldn't win.
Her pussy was another hole surrounded by a red mass of hard throbbing pain. When Amanda unceremoniously applied the water jet to it, it did have a somewhat soothing effect. Once the initial hair-raising spike of pain simmered down a bit. But now her swollen crack oscillated away like the seconds on a clock--pain, pain, pain, pain, . . .
That left her with only one hole left and that was the coup-de-ta. Her butt was stretched beyond human endurance. The soft tissue that made up her rectum was never meant to undergo such expanding abuse, not without suffering some damage in kind. And if the physical pain in this area wasn't enough, then the emotional trauma of having to actually go through another humiliating act of perverted sodomizing was literally driving Martha over the edge.
And through all this painful drama, Dr Bridgestone was having the time of her life. It had been a long time since she felt this good, watching her Dear Friend experiencing one long painful and humiliating event after another. She was so into what her assistant was doing that she was literally sitting on the edge of her seat in excitement waiting for the next round of creative abuse.
Her wait wasn't long, for Amanda returned with an intravenous stand in tow. It was one of those old tall black metal stands with a heavy metal base on wheels. The wheels were squeaking making what Amanda had hanging from it all the more sinister. She placed it on the side of Martha so she could see it if she wanted too. Trying to add more negative anxiety to Martha's cup which was already full to the brim.
It took a little doing, but Martha was able to stretch her neck and turn her head just enough to see the big bag of greenish liquid hanging from one side of the "T" shaped top. She began to cry again. How was she ever going to take all that liquid in? Was there no end to this painful existence?
The nurse had what looked like over three liters of cleansing fluid ready to be run through her bowels. The times when Martha received such gut distending enemas from her former owners were held fast and clear in her mind. The unbearable cramping and abdominal pain was far worse than any bloated menstrual cycle she ever had. And then being forced to hold it, many minutes and sometimes hours at a time, and then being put through hell with all the name calling of pregnant slut, a lazy overeating cow and a beer guzzling trailer trash blimp. It was all coming back to her. Every horrifying second of it. All she could do was to hope that the black nurse would not take it to that extreme.
"All right Ms. Doe, time for your bowel cleaning. Now keep your ass steady and this will go very easy. If you make it hard for me, or make me spill any of this smelly stuff on my clean white uniform I will make your ass as red as your labia lips."
Martha knew better than to fight. Another lesson she learned at the sadistic hands of Lisa and Anna. And it didn't take long either. Pain can be a most persuading element in any difference of opinion.
Amanda worked the tube through the nozzle until she heard a dull snap indicating that the tube was now locked in place. She then walked over to where the bag was and adjusted the plastic flow regulator. Martha didn't bother to watch the vile greenish liquid oozing down the tube and out of her line of sight. But Amanda did, and so did the woman doctor, both with growing satisfying smiles on their faces.
It felt cold, very cold, and a bit stinging. It was now just a matter of time before she felt the rest of the expected discomfort and pain that followed such an inner cleansing.
Amanda walked back to Martha's rear end and looked closely at the interface where warm pliable flesh met hard cold unrelenting plastic. No leaks. Her open smiled reflected how proud she was with herself for choosing the much larger of the two butt plugs instead.
While she was looking in that general area she noticed how inflamed Martha's labia lips where. Then she felt an over powering need to touch them, without any gloves on. Her hand moved in that direction almost on it's own accord. Amanda gasped and Martha shrieked when her soft fleshy finger began rubbing up against Martha's red throbbing mass. This was definitely not like Amanda to do such a thing. She was a state certified nurse and she knew better than to touch a patient's sexual area without any gloves on, even though it was thoroughly cleaned. Besides, she wasn't attracted to women, was she?
She kept on touching Martha there and a slow wave of pleasure seemed to flow over her while she did it. Martha on the other hand tried her best to wiggle away from the thousand dagger like touch of pain. She slowly pulled her finger away and held it up to her face examining it with a critical eye. She placed it near her nose and took a little whiff. There was the noticeable scent of detergent, but there was a faint lingering aroma of something else too, arousal.

Once more she questioned her rather unorthodox sexual action with Martha. Was she developing some latent homosexual yearnings? Could her uninhibited interaction with Martha's suffering be the reason for some lesbian desires to be freely brought to the surface? Or was it all just a simple side effect for having so much fun and pleasure in being the instrument of Martha's torment. Again she pondered both concepts as she absentmindedly began rubbing her scented finger and thumb together as if the heat would release more of the sexual pheromones like perfume. Then an idea crossed her mind. A possible way for her to know for sure.
The woman doctor was also wondering why Amanda was becoming so touchy feely with Martha. She knew Amanda was neither a lesbian nor bisexual from all the tests she gave her when she became her assistant. But her present actions were speaking volumes in contradiction to those results. Could Amanda be lying to her all this time? Those tests were specifically designed to note the credibility level of the person taking them. And Amanda's scores indicated that she was at the top end of being truthful. So what was going on here?
Amanda returned behind Martha with a liberal amount of salve on her bare finger. She hesitated for a couple of seconds trying to determine if this was really what she wanted to do. Then in one swift move she applied the medicine to Martha's visibly redden crotch.
Martha immediately jerked her bound and mounted body from the sudden coldness. At first the cold felt like another painful infliction. But as Amanda continued to gently rubbed the salve around the inflamed area, it felt like a raging fire was being quenched by a bucket of soothing cool water.
The trained and compassionate nurse in Amanda made sure the medicine was generously applied to all red and swollen area's of her patients crotch. Then something happened, and it happened rather slowly. Her spatula like finger began moving and caressing those sensitive areas that were not in need of medical attention. Those noted interesting and arousing areas up near her clitoral hood and deep within the folds of her labia lips. She smiled when she added a second finger to help smear the lubricating jelly like substance in and out of her pussy and then around and around the apex of Martha's sexual love mound. Amanda's selfless devotion to humanity and pledge to help the sick and injured was slowly being nudged off center and in it's place was a growing self-indulging ego. Even though her action could be construed as giving pleasure to Martha, there was a dark reason for her sudden contrived giving nature.
Being an educated and very sensuous woman, Amanda knew exactly what to do to make herself feel sexually satisfied on those dark lonely nights when the need was there but a partner wasn't. So she easily knew how to make Martha pleasantly aroused as well. Thus she continued with her little deviant excursion into masturbating Martha's pussy. But the pleasure she was giving Martha was not without it's sinister side. It was simply a means to an end. An end that was going to leave Martha unfulfilled and frustrated as hell.
That was the reason behind her erotic care giving madness. It was also the reason why she was feeling so good about it too. A wonderful spiraling excitement that was having more of the characteristics of pure sexual arousal than simply the joy of revenge. In fact, it had a mixture of both, lust and evil.
Amanda felt like her entire sexuality was being altered in some way. A sense of rebirth and transformation into a slightly different, but very passionate woman. A woman who wasn't exactly attracted to other women per say. To their mental or physical femaleness. To how they looked, how they acted, or how they felt under her touch. What attracted Amanda to her own kind was what she could do to them. To dominate them, their will and their soft smooth curving bodies. To make them whimper with delight or pain, depending on her mood. And what's more, she began to fantasize what she could do to them, to force them to please her in any way that she desired at the snap of her fingers. Even the idea of another woman's tongue on her own yearning pussy no longer made her feel uncomfortable. If it were all under the umbrella of a domination drama, with the naked bitch on her knees and obedient to her will, then the thought of lesbian oral sex was really making Amanda hot. Especially if the submissive woman giving her the pussy tongue bath was Martha.
And Martha, she was lost in an existence of pain and pleasure. Another deja-vu event of her hellish life with Lisa and Anna. They too kept her oscillating from pain to pleasure like a yo-yo on a string. And she knew why they were doing it to her too. They were trying to make her association of pain and pleasure permanent. Whenever they allowed her to experience erotic pleasure, it always came with some kind of physical or emotional distress at the same time. From being flogged by Anna while Lisa fingered her pussy into a wet sexual froth, to when she had to masturbate herself while sitting on the floor in front of a dinner party full of Lisa's perverted women friends. It was always the same, pain and pleasure, pleasure and pain.
A day didn't go by when at least one of those two didn't force their perverted sadomasochistic sexuality down her throat, and it was hard for her not to fall victim to their trap. She sometimes wondered if she hadn't done so already and just didn't know it yet. Even now, as the black nurse fingered her pussy beyond the scope of medical necessity, she longed to have that orgasm she was quickly building into. Even with the increasing discomfort from her expanding stomach. Even with the pain in her over stretched anus and mouth. Even with the strong hurtful ache in her shoulders, back and arms, and the total shame and humiliation of being treated like something less than human ever since she was brought into this pain clinic. She still wanted that orgasm in all that she was feeling.
She desperately wanted it because they were all acting on her in unison and they were all telling her the same thing. That she was now worthy and deserving of the orgasm she longed for. It was the way Lisa and Anna lived, and how they tried to train her to their lifestyle too. That erotic pleasure was nothing if physical and mental suffering did not accompany it. Then it hit her with a solemn thud. She had in fact been successfully trained by Lisa and Anna after all. She had come to associate pain with pleasure, always. No matter who or when she was experiencing it. As was the case right now.
Lisa and Anna had succeeded in their evil hidden agenda. What she once thought was a short period of being blackmailed into becoming their eager servant and sometimes sex slave, had turned out to be more evil and destructive to her psyche and way of life than she could have ever imagined. Those two had succeeded in turning her into a pain slut against her own will.
"No, No, NO!" Martha tried to yell through her gag. That is something she would not accept! Never would she accept being turned into an object of sexual pain and pleasure. A simple masochistic entity of perverted lust. She would fight it, deny it, endure it, but never ever would she accept it. Never would it become the basis of her sexuality. She would refuse it in all of it's forms. Just like she mentally refused to accept becoming the lesbian lover to Lisa and Anna, even though her body told her otherwise.
But it was all so hard for Martha. Even now, as Amanda was aggressively spiraling her to an all-encompassing awareness of ultimate pleasure, it was so hard for her to deny it. Oh how she wanted that orgasm so badly. And in her weakened hurting state it was just too much for her to keep denying. So she decided to accept it.
In her mind, since she was the one who was making the choice to accept it, it was all right for her to do so. She was not acting out of instinct or in response to being trained like an animal when given the right stimulus. It was her choice and her choice only. She was going to take that orgasm because she chose to take it and not because it was now a part of her pain slut identity. But just as she was about to fall over the edge and into the abyss of radiating erotic bliss, it stopped.
Amanda stopped playing with Martha's pussy and Martha was stopped from having that glorious orgasm that she chose to take. A choice that would have reaffirmed her right, and identity, as an independent woman and a viable human being. But as Martha ceased her spiral climb to ecstasy and autonomy, she felt herself falling back into the flames and pains of hell. And in the back of her mind she heard a little voice telling her to "accept". A voice that was rising in volume and credibility with each successive failed rebellion on her part.
Amanda stood back up and placed her finger under her nose. The odor of the medicine was there, but so was another aromatic fragrance. It had that unique full ripen musky scent of sex . She closed her eyes and let that fragrance permeate her being. To think, she was the cause of this smell, from the woman that she had maliciously toyed with like a cat with a mouse.
Amanda became enamored to the aroma. She could feel herself flashing hot, her skin becoming clammy and her breasts and pussy aching to be touched. She took her free hand and slowly dragged it down the front of her nurse's uniform. And to those areas where skin touched skin, goose bumps formed. She cupped her breast over her uniform and began to squeeze and rub them. Her black fingers with their dragon like red nails almost disappearing into the snow white fabric. A soft faint moan seemed to glide through the air as her head tilted back in the total pleasure of the moment.
What brought her back to the living was the sudden jerk of her body. She was just about to fall over backwards when some kind of automatic biological failsafe mechanism kicked in. It forced her to regain the proper standing position. Then Amanda's conscious mind took over and once more directed her on to the proper path for her nursing duties.
Doctor Bridgestone was so astonished at what just happened that she immediately went to her notebook and again began writing down her observations and thoughts. She ended her burst of recording by putting the names Lisa and Amanda at the top of the page and then circling them together, over and over again. She finally stopped the mindless action and put a question mark next to the circle and then underlined it boldly. She closed her notebook and put it off to the side as she then went back to watching the fascinating drama before her.
By now Amanda had the ball gag unbuckled and was trying to remove it from Martha's mouth.
"My goodness! I am having one heck of a time trying to get this ball out of your mouth Ms. Doe. Are you sure your not trying to keep it in because you like it there so much Ms. Doe?"
Of course Amanda knew that Martha would do no such thing. She just thought she would add a little teasing anxiety to Martha's current pleasure-LESS condition. But Martha made sure there was no doubt in what her intentions were, concerning the removal of the jaw breaking gag. So when the nurse stopped her pulling she shook her head wildly from side to side in a most empathic and flamboyant NO to answer the nurse's question.
Amanda again tried to remove the gag. She took both leather straps into her hands and pulled really hard this time, but the ball did not budge. She then tried to shake it out, jerk it out and she even tried twisting it out to which Martha let loose with one agonizing muffled squeal.
Finally, Amanda tried one last idea. She put one of her hands on Martha's forehead, and used the other to grabbed both of the straps. She counted to three and then pulled with one hand while pushing with the other. Doctor Bridgestone could not stop from laughing! Her assistant's antic reminded her of some old slap stick comedy routine she once saw on television when she was a child.
Again Amanda met with defeat as Martha almost lost her teeth in the process. Amanda took a minute to catch her breath and to think about this situation. A couple minutes went by when suddenly Amanda's facial expression changed to that of having a great idea. She then disappeared behind Martha's field of vision.
Martha began moving her head around as if trying to work the kinks out of her neck. That's when she caught sight of that enema bag. The liquid was about a little more than one third gone now. 'Is that all' she exclaimed to herself.
Her bowels were already gurgling something fierce as they were effortlessly loading up with cleaning fluid. Another wave of self-pity began to flow over her spirit when suddenly she felt something being placed across her forehead. A few seconds later her whole head was being pulled back hard up against the vertical wooden stock.
Amanda had taken a long wide strap and used it to fix Martha's head in one stationary spot. She threaded the leather ends through two holes that seemed to be made for this very purpose in the stock. Once she had the straps passed through she pulled back hard on them and buckled the strap in place. Now Martha's head was totally unable to move.
Amanda was ready to try again. This time she was going to use her free hand to push down on Martha's lower jaw at the same time she was trying to pull the immovable ball out. She didn't bother to count to three this time, she simply started pulling and pushing. Martha could only wave her hands and fingers erratically in distress to the nurse's determination of getting the ball out of her mouth, but it was working!
Little by little, more of the ball was showing itself on the other side of Martha's teeth. A visual element that urged Amanda on even more, while Martha rolled her fingers up into tighter and tighter fists. Even the good doctor got into the furor of the moment as she continued to squirm in her chair, getting closer and closer to it's edge.
Suddenly a large pop was heard. Amanda almost fell over backwards from the explosion of energy that was released when the ball broke free. Doctor Bridgestone also practically fell off of her chair at the same exact time. And poor Martha, her entire body seemed to vibrate in a fit of pain as a result of having her jaws liberate. The ungodly piercing pain of having muscles used again was making her wish that the humongous gag was still inside of her mouth.
"Wow! Now that was something! I do believe we won't be using this gag on you again Ms. Doe. Unless of course your mouth opening is stretched wider to receive it like your rear end was."
Those bitting words were lost on Martha. She was too much into herself, trying to make her jaws and tongue work like a normal human being without any pain and numbness that seemed to persist no matter what she did. abating.
"Ok Ms. Doe, time for dinner. Open wide my dear."
"Ppp . . Pee . . P eeesss!"
"Oh my goodness! You can talk! Well, sort of. What is it that your trying to tell me dear?"
"Ppeees, Ar-raa. Ma ame ee Ar-raa."
Martha closed her eyes tightly in frustration. She knew what she was saying was gibberish. She only had a small degree of controlled movement in her aching jaws and practically no control at all in her dead tongue. So whatever she tried to say would not come out the way she wanted. Even something as simple as "Please, my name is Martha."
"Oh, I see, well then maybe we can look into that later, but in the mean time Ms. Doe, how about you open your mouth and let me fit this feeding device in it so you can get some much needed nourishment inside of you."
When the black rubber thing came into Martha's vision her eyes popped open wide with fright. Her body instinctively tried to move away, but the massive wooden stock held her firmly in place. She tried to move her head away too, but the leather belt across her forehead was unrelenting in it's grip. All she could do was to say a direct No, which came out more like a startled "OH" and closed her jaws. Again her eyes closed tight in reaction to the hard pain that she felt radiating in her jaw muscles from such an uncomfortable simple act as closing her mouth.
"Well, so you choose to be stubborn then Ms. Doe. Fine, two can play that kind of game."
Martha felt the nurse's hand on her chin and then a growing downward pressure on it. Martha tried hard to keep her mouth shut as the tears forming in the corners of her tightly shut eyes proved, but she simply did not have the energy or muscle integrity for such a battle. Her lower jaw simply separated from her upper one with hardly any effort by the nurse at all.
Then Martha felt something being placed in her mouth just behind her lower teeth. Next, the downward force on her chin was gone. She closed her mouth again, only to find that her front teeth came into direct contact with something hard and rubbery. She quickly opened her eyes to see what it was, but she could see nothing. She even tried to look down her nose to the point of looking crossed eyed, but still she could not see what was keeping her lower teeth from coming in contact with her upper ones. She tried to use her tongue to feel what it might be, but with it still being numb from having that gigantic ball compressing it down for so long all she was able to detect was that it was some kind of round curved object that kept her teeth from meeting.
Then she felt that downward force again, but this time it was pulling her lower jaw down via that thing in her mouth. The force seemed much stronger too. And in a blink of an eye, her lower jaw was forced all the down as far as it could possibly go.
Amanda had used a rubber coated metal hook with a length of rope attached to the end of it. Once she had Martha's jaws separated enough to manipulate the hook end in her mouth and over her lower teeth, it was a simple act of threading the rope through an eye bolt in the underside of the lower stocks and then pull on it with both hands to force Martha's mouth open. She then tied the rope off and was now free to insert the feeding device.
Martha could only watch in helpless misery as the black rubber crescent shaped device was worked into her gaping mouth.
The device was a kind of mouth guard that prize fighters use to protect their teeth in the boxing ring. Instead of being one hard wedge shaped unit, this one had two hard rubber pieces. One for each jaw and connected together by a flexible membrane. And at it's front was a black rubber tube coming from it that ended with a squeeze bulb.
It took Amanda some time to fit the grooved side of one part of the mouth guard around Martha's upper teeth. Not because the unit was difficult to work with, but because Martha's lips were stretch very taught about her teeth from having her mouth forced open as it was. Thus it was necessary for Amanda to use another rubber coated hook, much smaller than the first, to stretch Martha's lips even more so, so that her teeth were free enough for her to work the grooved rubber guard into place.
Finally it was done and Martha's entire upper teeth were wrapped in the hard rubber guard, which only left the bottom ones to do and that was the easy part. She only had to untie the rope, twist and pull the hook out of Martha's mouth like she was removing a hook from a big mouth bass and then shove her lower jaw up and into the corresponding mated grove surface waiting for it. And that's how easy it was too.
Of course Martha tried to fight it, but the muscles in her jaw were so tired and hurting that whatever act of rebellion she could mount was nothing more than a token effort. In less than a minute Martha had both her top and bottom rows of teeth completely covered in black rubber. Amanda needed only to inflate the feeding device via the squeeze bulb next.
With one hand holding Martha's lower jaw up, Amanda used her other hand to begin the inflation process. Being a small device it didn't take her long until she could remove her hand from Martha's lower jaw. It was a rather simple device at heart. The hard rubber grooved halves acted as an anchoring point for fixing the device to her teeth. The flexible membrane connecting the two halves together would expand and keep the mouth open from the pressure of the air being pumped inside. It was easy to tell when the device was at it's optimum point just by looking and feeling the pressure against the wearer's cheeks. The flexible membrane was such that the side next to the wearer cheeks would allow for expansion out into the cheek pouch while the side on the inside of the mouth would barely expand at all. Thus when Amanda felt that Martha's cheek pouch had expanded out enough all she had to do was to stop pumping. A miniature valve near the bulb kept the air in until one wanted it out.
Again Amanda felt the wave of eroticism flow over her that bordered on being pure sadistic lust. Each time she squeezed that black rubber bulb she knew she was making Martha's existence all the more painful. At first it was rather funny watching Martha's cheeks expanding outward with each successive squeeze. But when Martha's lips began to stretch out and around the growing unstoppable blackness inside, Amanda could not help but laugh at the Puffer like fish impression that Martha was making.
When Amanda's eyes could no longer see any more funny changes in Martha's bloated mouth, her laughter stopped. She then took her fingers and touched, poked and squeezed the hard ballooned like structure that was once Martha's soft supple cheek flesh. It was soon getting harder and harder for her to squeeze that bulb, but the mounting feedback she felt in her hand only compelled her to squeeze the bulb more until finally she had to stop. She was afraid that any more pressure might result in busting the black membrane that was now jutting out from the front of Martha's mouth. A dangerous situation that was on the verge of splitting the corners of her mouth already.
A good part of Martha's eyes were now hidden behind her big ballooned out cheeks. So a lot of Martha's torment could not be seen by Amanda. But it sure could be heard all right. From the moans and groans of agonizing pain that seemed to be repeating themselves on a regular basis.
"There you are Ms. Doe, all set and ready to be fed. Let me just place this bag full of liquid goodies on the stand next to your enema bag like so, and now I can push this feeding tube right into your mouth."
Martha heard the words, but they were like water over a duck's back. Then she saw the firm plastic tube with the blunted end cross her field of vision. An area of vision that was cut in half now because of her own bulging cheeks. She could remotely feel the nurse work the end of feeding tube through a small tight opening, just above where that black rubber inflation tube came from. She then felt the tube move inside of her mouth. A few times it would bang up against the roof of her mouth and then the surface of her tongue, which was only now coming out of it's numbing slumber. Then she felt it touch the back of her throat and she almost gagged. That's when Amanda quickly backed the tube out a bit and left it where it was.
"Now Ms. Doe, I am going to start the liquid flowing from the bag. It will move down the tube and into your mouth slowly. I want it to flow from the tube drop by drop to make it easy for you to swallow. I suggest you do not try to stop it or let it back up into your mouth Ms Doe. Even though the liquid is full of vitamins, minerals and all the amino acids that a growing body needs, it tastes just awful! That is why I am having it drip down the back of your throat and past your taste buds like this. The feeding device has sealed your mouth completely allowing nothing to leak out at all. And if for some reason you do find a way to let it back up into your mouth, you then risk the possibility of choking yourself to death. Another direct no- no of hospital rules I might add. I know that it is going to be hard for you to take the two liters of nourishment inside of you, especially with your enema going on at the same time, but you must! I will be back in about an hour or so to see how you are doing. If you are a good girl and you finished your yummy drink and have taken in your entire enema then I will let you empty your bowels and put you to bed. If not, if I see any fluid left, even if it's less than an ounce in either your enema bag or feeding bag, then I will leave you for another hour to finish it. Thus it would be to your benefit to be a good patient and take it all in by the time I come back."
Amanda then preformed a quick check on both ends of Martha's fluid intake devices before patting her on her butt and wishing her bon appetite.
Tears began to form in the corners of Martha's eyes, but with her cheeks so bloated as they were a small pool began to form putting her now limited vision into a constant blurry state. 'Oh when was she going to get a break!' she thought to herself. There was practically no place in her body that did not hurt. Even her pussy where the nurse applied the soothing salve, it too had that dull throb. A sad painful reminded of how the ultimate humiliating sexual pleasure was purposely denied her at the last second.
For the briefest of time, when she was conscious and finally in control of herself in the hospital, she thought her life was actually going to get better. But now, she was right back in the snake pit only with new handlers. Her life had become a series of painful and humiliating events, which she had absolutely no control of and it was constantly getting worse! But there was one thing for her to hold onto, to keep her from going completely over the edge.
It was hope. Hope in it's simplest form. The hope of a clean warm bed and time to rest her abused aching body on the near horizon. That is what her life had turned into now. One focused optimistic reality that was within her reach to grasp. That little spot of hope, a promise of something better waiting for her right around the corner. If she could only persevere with the present, the future would bring it's reward.
Thus with each successive drop falling down the back of her throat. With each little gurgle and twinge of pain forming in her gut. And with each throb, burning and spiking pain emanating from muscles that she never knew she had, there was still that ray of hope waiting for her. The hope of a nice warm bed to rest in was enough to get her through the moment. But soon her belly and bowels would be stretched out to their fullest capacity. And her back would begin to hurt something fierce from the pain of her sagging abdomen. Would the promise of a good night's sleep be enough to get her through that? She could only hope that it would.
The good doctor behind the one way mirror closed her eyes gently. She took a full deep breath and held it for a count of ten. Then she exhaled with one fast whoosh. When no more air pass out she simply remained still and not breathing. Then she inhaled and slowly opened her eyes. It was a simple exercise in relaxation. She did this sometimes after a period of emotional or physical excess. And what she had just witness put her at the peak of joy and happiness. But now it was time for her to play concerned doctor again and she needed to put herself back into that mode again.
So she gathered up her notebook and left the observation room, but not without taking one last look at her Dear Friend. A look that was accompanied by a very big happy smile. And as she closed the door she performed that relaxing exercise one more time.