Larry King Live

Posted by rache on August 23, 2006 at 20:31:14:

Larry King Live

This is CNN…

Here’s your Headline News Break, I’m Cynthia Cohen…

Petron announced today that it is pulling out of Iran. A company spokesman made the announcement in Geneva after reporting second quarter losses exceeding 10 billion dollars. Petron is the last remaining western oil company with a presence in the Middle East after the withdrawal of British Petroleum three months ago. The news was expected and oil prices remained steady, closing at 3,012.00 dollars a barrel.

The Tour de France got off to a slow start today as race officials revealed that one of the riders is a monkey. Shimi Kachiro of Japan is part chimpanzee according to test results. The Japanese cycling champion denied any genetic enhancement and has filed a petition with the French government for an independent review and retesting.

And finally, Hawaii is 13 square kilometers larger today after an undersea volcano erupted, rising nearly 2000 meters above the ocean floor in less than a week. The new island, named Milani, was immediately sold by the Hawaiian government on Ebay to Microsoft. The price? Just under 112 billion dollars. A spokesman for Microsoft said in a news conference that the acquisition is an investment in the future and part of the company’s long-term goal of strategic investment. It isn’t believed that the new island will be inhabitable until late next century.

I’m Cynthia Cohen and that’s your Headline News. The next break will be at the bottom of the hour. Stay tuned, Larry King Live is next.

Larry King Live
Presented in High-Band Holographic Definition (HBHD where available)
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Larry: Good evening, you’re watching Larry King Live. My guest tonight is Heather Sinclair, the junior senator from New York and the First Lady of American Politics. Last Tuesday she introduced the Sinclair-Turner Bill into congress and tonight she wants to talk about that and more. Stay tuned.

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Larry: Welcome back, my guest tonight is the ever provocative Heather Sinclair, wife of President Sinclair, and the first term senator from New York. She’s the co-author of the Sinclair-Turner Bill which has put America on “…it’s collective toes”, as reported by the New York Times this evening. What’s it all about? We’ll find out and later we’ll take your phone calls, America.

Larry: Welcome to the show, Senator. I guess we should get right to the point, what’s this new bill about?

Senator Sinclair: Hi Larry, well it’s about doing what’s right for the country. It does three things, first it outlaws abortion. Second, it addresses the population issue and corrects the many, many mistakes we’ve made over the last 50 years. And finally, it brings morality back into our social conscience.

Larry: As I understand it, this bill makes unapproved pregnancy illegal…

Senator Sinclair: No, unapproved pregnancy is already illegal, Larry. We’ve simply never enforced it before. This country spends over three billion dollars a year just to maintain the Prenatal Health Ministry. That office is supposed to register and license women who fit a very specific profile legislated in the 43rd Amendment. The reality is that virtually anyone who applies for a pregnancy permit is approved and those who don’t, the illegals, are not prosecuted.

Larry: But they’re not really criminals, are they? The Bryce Amendment was never ratified…

Under the old two party system that’s true. Last year however, congress did ratify, and the President did sign the amendment into the Constitution. The Supreme Court has reviewed and given their unanimous decision, the 43rd Amendment is legal and good for America. There are a lot of changes going on, Larry, and this is one of them. We have the law, now we need the order.

Larry: But some people are calling the order, as you put it, a little extreme. Don’t you think the death penalty is a bit much, Senator?

Senator Sinclair: Larry, we have right now a crisis in population control. We cannot feed, clothe, or house six percent of our population. We have rolling blackouts across 12 states because of energy shortfalls. Welfare and Social Security consume 66% of our budget. We have 28 million girls between the ages of 12 and 16 who are pregnant right now. That’s an epidemic Larry, that’s a crisis of biblical proportion. Our population growth rate is 200 times the rate of increase in GNP and it is the single largest contributing factor to unemployment and inflation that we have.

Larry: And the Sinclair-Turner Bill is the answer to all that?

Senator Sinclair: It’s a start Larry, that’s all. We begin aggressive application of laws already in place, those supporting the 43rd Amendment, and we introduce new legislature, like the bill that Senator Turner and I are introducing. Before we can fix the problems we have to stop making it bigger, that’s common sense. If you have a broken water pipe, you don’t pump water out of the basement until you fix the leak.

Larry: And we do have leaks, Senator, no arguing there. Let’s take a phone call…Ruth from Chicago, what’s your question?

Caller: Hi Larry, I was just wondering what the penalty is for pregnant girls and how it would be enforced. The news doesn’t really say.

Larry: Senator?

Senator Sinclair: Well, we’re still looking at options, but our initial proposal was public execution by hanging. The bill specifies death for unlawful pregnancy as both a punishment and a deterrent up to the thirtieth week of pregnancy. Our goal is to change the way people think, Larry, it isn’t enough to enforce the law. That becomes expensive over time and in this case neither option is truly cost efficient. The death penalty has never been viable as an economic alternative to traditional punishment, but against that we have only the option of government funded health care for the mother and infant. Of the two choices, execution is obviously the better.

Larry: And you said you want to change the way people think. What do you mean by that, Senator?

Senator Sinclair: Just what it sounds like, Larry. We need to create a social atmosphere and culture that is not drawn to reproduction. How many generations have tried to deal with the problem through contraceptives? It’s never worked, condoms, pills, IUD’s and the list goes on. Reproduction is a biological imperative driven by instinct; we must overcome that with something equally primal to our nature. Fear and education, Larry, fear is what will drive people to take the necessary precautions. Education will acclimatize and promote responsibility in our future generations, and once it is instilled in our cultural identity, the source of the fear will be unnecessary.

Larry: But never forgotten?

Senator Sinclair: Never forgotten, no. It is important that everyone, especially the criminals that we must punish, are able to contribute to our future success. They’ll serve that purpose well after they’ve been tried and executed.

Larry: So you’re suggesting that over time people will be, what…brainwashed?

Senator Sinclair: If you like to call it that. Conditioned is a good word, we must condition ourselves and our children to resist pregnancy at all costs. We condition them through an emotional stimulus that overcomes all other influences.

Larry: Why not sterilization then?

Senator Sinclair: No, and there’s a couple reasons for that. First of all we need our citizens to trust their government. We’re elected Larry, not appointed, and we serve at the behest of the people. We make laws and enforce them as permitted by the Constitution, the greatest legal document in the history of mankind. People know this and respect this. What we need and expect is voluntary compliance with those laws.

Senator Sinclair: The second reason is China. Look what happened there, Larry. During the third world war we Tagged 400 million Chinese women and that was it. We didn’t drop a single bomb, we didn’t fire a single bullet in that conflict and now, barely 3 generations later, there are less than 25 million ethnic Chinese living in the world today and none of them are children. They underwent a horrible ordeal, with the riots and civil wars; mass starvation and economic collapse, all because we changed a few T’s, A’s, and G’s around in their DNA. We sterilized a nation and we’ve seen the results, we don’t want to shoot ourselves in the head, Larry.

Larry: I see your point, Senator…Jackson, Wyoming you’re on the air, what’s your question?

Caller: Hi Larry. Hello Senator, I was wondering if you’d heard the speech by Daphne Hustead at Harvard, and if you did what your thoughts were on that.

Senator Sinclair: I did hear it, yes, she’s quite a woman. I respect her point of view and I was glad to hear her voice some of the issues that we need to discuss as a nation. We shouldn’t be afraid of dialogue. She believes, as a lot of women do, that females should have freedom of choice. That getting pregnant is a God given right and that it isn’t our place as mortal humans to decide such issues.

Larry: And how do you reply to that, Senator?

Senator Sinclair: I agree, everyone in the government agrees. We aren’t taking away a woman’s right to become pregnant. What we’re doing is telling the 300 million American females out there right now, that if you do choose to become pregnant, you’re choosing to break the law and you will face the legal consequences. If you choose to become pregnant, you’re endangering our nation; it’s as simple as that. It’s selfish and irresponsible and anti-social. But as a woman, you can choose that path and accept the risks and consequences.

Larry: What about accidental pregnancy, Senator. Does your bill even recognize that possibility?

Senator Sinclair: We do recognize that the possibility exists and we put this bill together with some amazing contributions from doctors and scientists around the country. The fact is that no contraceptive measure is a hundred percent effective. We’re also faced with the fact that there are a substantial number of pregnancies resulting from rape, which is something our courts will have to deal with.

Senator Sinclair: The thing to remember is that our legal system is not going to change. The accused is innocent until proven guilty. She will receive a fair and impartial trial, and if her pregnancy is accidental, she and her child will be welcome in society. As you can well imagine Larry, the number of cases will be substantial over the first few years and so we’re working right now with the Senate Judicial Committee and the Attorney General’s office to set standards and create a solid foundation for the courts to build on. There will be a lot of precedents being set in the beginning and it’s in our nation’s best interest to ensure we get it right the first time.

Larry: What about men, Senator, how come there are no laws against impregnating someone, but only getting pregnant?

Senator Sinclair: Well Larry, the fact is that women carry the burden of pregnancy physically, and most often mentally and emotionally as well. Men have little or nothing to do with the matter once conception is achieved, although there are a hundred and one studies and reports and self-help books out there that try and prove otherwise. A man can father a virtually unlimited number of children, given time and opportunity. A woman however is limited and so which side of the equation can we affect? Infinity minus one equals infinity, Larry. Population control must begin and end with females, it’s just common sense. The only way to affect the problem from the male side is to eliminate the male side completely, and clearly no one wants that.

Larry: Ahem, clearly…So men get a free ride?

Senator Sinclair: I’d hardly call it a free ride, Larry. Men will be the ones enforcing the law, don’t forget that. The execution of a young woman in her third trimester of pregnancy will not be an enviable task under any circumstances. We wrote it into the bill that all executioners must be male for precisely that reason; the blood will be on everyone’s hands, Larry. There is even talk that some of the states, particularly in the deep south, are looking at state legislation requiring the executioner be the husband or father of the guilty woman for obvious reasons.

Senator Sinclair: Men will also be the ones we turn to for support and understanding. If all those studies are right, the women of America will need understanding and sympathetic men more than ever. On the other side of the coin, it comes down to another instinct, the need for the male of our species to protect his female. The best method of protection is to ensure that the man’s wife or mistress or girlfriend is practicing effective and safe birth control. It’s that simple. If you love your girl, Larry, take care of her.

Larry: I do love my girls, Senator…We’ll be back with more of your phone calls after the break….
