The Walk (story)

Posted by Puffy on November 04, 2008 at 20:23:23:

Synopsis: A Canniland story. Consensual live butchering and then cooking the dead girl. Boxer leashes Alicia and she acts like a dog. He takes her on a walk. Some tickling involved, and some feet.

The Walk
By Puffy

“Aren’t you going to get naked too?”

“No.” Boxer attached the leash to Alicia’s choke collar. “Now get down on all fours.”


He tugged the leash, causing the collar to constrict around her neck. “Ulp!” she cried and quickly complied.

“Excellent.” He led her to the door and unlocked it.

“We’re going outsi – ulp?!” Boxer tugged the leash to cut her off.

“You are going to be a dog. When you speak, you should also speak like a dog.”

“Woof woof. Arf!” Alicia hazarded.

“Good girl.” He closed the door behind them and they headed down the footpath. The sun hung low in the skies, threatening to set but still giving off plenty of light as though it had decided to stick around to see Alicia’s antics. The cool evening breeze hardened her nipples and made her miss her clothes. Curse that Boxer, wrapped up all warm in his jacket! She couldn’t help but pay attention to the wind caressing her pussy; she had never experienced anything like that before. It felt...draughty. She couldn’t wait to slip back into her panties.

The street was fairly quiet, but the few cars that drove past swerved noticeably in testament to the distraction the couple was providing. This should be illegal, thought Alicia. We are a traffic hazard!

One businesswoman click-clacking her way home gave Alicia a brief downward glance and hastened to stare straight ahead, her back rigid with embarrassment. Boxer tilted his head to her as they passed.

“It’s a good day for a walk, Alicia. Such fine weather. Only a bit brisk.”

Speak for yourself, thought Alicia. Instead of saying it, she let out a doggy whine: “Nnnn-nn!” and shivered to communicate her message.

“Oh, are you cold, baby?” Boxer squatted down and ran his hand over her back. His palm’s iciness raised goose bumps wherever it traced her skin. He reached down beneath her chest and twiddled with a hardened nipple.

“Nnn-nnn,” she whined.

Boxer rubbed his hands in a circle on her vulva. “You are chilly back here,” he remarked, giving her butt a gentle smack for good measure and then, moving to her head, pet her red hair, ruffling it. He took her chin between his thumb and forefinger and raised her face to him. “I’ll take you into sunlight where it should be warmer. Hang in there, Allie.”

He led her to a park where, as he’d promised, it was a great deal warmer. They walked out beyond the long shadows cast by the trees and up a small hill.

I hope I’m not getting any gnats in my vagina, thought Alicia. But all she said was, “Arf!”


Alicia sat back on her heels while keeping her hands on the ground.

“Do you see that tree over there, Alicia?”


“It’s why I had you drink that jug before we left. Come.”

Boxer led her towards the tree. “Pee.”


He tugged the leash, constricting her collar again. Alicia crawled up to the tree, turned her rump to it, raised a leg and let loose. Despite the chill of the evening, her cheeks and ears flushed red-hot as her bladder emptied. The final trickles ran down her leg.

“Good girl!” Boxer ruffled her hair. “Too bad I didn’t bring a scoop, so we’ll skip that one. Let’s see if I can teach you a few tricks.”

Remaining on all fours, Alicia followed Boxer out onto a grassy patch, stopping at a sunny spot. “Arf arf woof!” she said, meaning, “My body is going to be completely stained with grass.”


She sat.

Boxer squatted in front of her and reached out to stroke her breasts. He squeezed the bumps on her areolas. “Sitting like this,” he said, “squeezes your breasts together and maximises their size. And the cold makes them so firm. It’s perfect. And these bumps around your nipples...they turn me on.”

And the whole thing with me playing a dog, naked in public doesn’t turn you on? Alicia rolled her eyes.

He squeezed her upper arms, testing her flesh. His fingers traced along her triceps while hunger glowed in his eyes. She could tell from his semi-open mouth that he was drooling over her. Stretching her neck forward, Alicia delicately licked the outside of his lips and was caught by surprise when they tightened around her tongue. Snapping out of it, Boxer released her and grinned. Satisfied, he stood up.

“Lie down.”

Alicia went prone the doggy way, supporting her body on her arms and legs in order to keep her torso aloft. Now I’m going to have grass stains on my breasts, she silently grumbled. If only they were a bit smaller, they wouldn’t be touching the ground.

“That’s a good girl,” Boxer cooed. “Now roll over.”

Resigning herself to green skin, Alicia rolled over onto her back, raising her bent limbs above her. For good measure, she poked out her tongue and started panting.

“Cute,” chuckled Boxer. He knelt down and stroked her belly. Alicia’s limbs instinctively closed in to protect her from being tickled.

“Bad dog! Bad Alicia!”

“Nnnn-nnnnn!” she whined, rolling away from him.

“All right, get up!”

She rolled back on all fours and followed him onto a path, where they stumbled upon another couple playing the same dog-walking game. Both were women this time.

“Good evening, ladies,” Boxer bowed. “Oh, sorry, just lady.” He turned his attention to the woman on all fours, who was now sniffing Alicia’s pussy. Alicia was walking – crawling! she corrected – around in a circle trying to get her off her tail. “I see we both had the same idea,” he said to the woman holding the leash. “I’m Boxer, and my companion is Alicia.”

“I’m Imogen. This mutt here is Ethyl.”

“Ethyl? Strange name for a dog.”

Imogen laughed. “Her parents were chemists, hence her name. That’s why she became a lawyer.”

“Makes sense to me.”

“I’m a teacher,” added Imogen. “That is, I teach children at the local primary school. Not women on how to be dogs.”

Boxer nodded. “I’m glad we’ve cleared that up.”

“Ethyl didn’t need me to teach her, anyway. It comes naturally to her. Doesn’t it, sweetie? I think it’s the Law school that did it.”

“Ouf!” Ethyl let out a cry as Alicia head butted her in the side out of frustration. Ethyl rolled over onto her back and Alicia pounced on her, sinking her teeth into her neck, not deep enough to draw blood.

“That’s a vicious one you’ve got there,” said Imogen.

“Yeah, she has a biting problem.”

“Have you considered getting her corked?”

Ethyl played dead in submission. Satisfied, Alicia crawled off and buried her nose in Ethyl’s muff.

“Friends already,” smiled Imogen.

“How did you two get into this?” asked Boxer.

“Oh, aren’t we getting personal!” laughed Imogen. “Nah, it’s cool. We met in college. As a lawyer, Ethyl is domineering in every part of her life, so playing a dog is good relief for her. Plus, she has a thing for black babes, so she’s totally into me. As for me, I hate lawyers – think they’re scum – so naturally we became lovers. What about you two?”

“She worked as a delivery girl bringing me the flesh of beautiful young women.”

Imogen nodded sagely.

“What do you teach?”


“Of course. Standard primary school curriculum these days.”

“Say, Boxer.”


“Would you like to eat Ethyl?”

“What? But—“

“I love her to bits and she loves me. That’s why we have to do this.”

Boxer nodded sagely. Then rapidly shook his head and said: “Excuse my English, but that makes no fucking sense.”

“Your diction and grammar sounds perfect to me. Doesn’t it, Ethyl?” Ethyl nodded enthusiastically. Imogen reached out her hand and Ethyl strained her neck to lick it.

“That settles that, then,” said Boxer. “My place?”

On the way home, Alicia nudged Boxer’s leg with her head. When he looked at her, she said, “Arf, woof?” Meaning: I don’t understand that conversation.

“Me neither, babe, me either,” muttered Boxer. “Let’s just play along with it.”

“Woof?!” barked Alicia. Meaning: You can understand dog talk?!

* * *

“Get your freshly scrubbed arse up onto the counter,” commanded Boxer.

Ethyl sprang from her haunches and landed with her front half over the surface. Her front legs – her arms, corrected Alicia – scrambled to pull her up. Imogen grabbed her butt cheeks and heaved. Ethyl lay on the kitchen counter in a sprawled mess.

Alicia expectantly watched what little of the proceedings she could see from all fours. Even inside, her pussy still felt draughty, she noted.

The two dog owners helped Ethyl up back on all fours and prepared her for butchering.

“Now, sweetie,” Imogen brushed Ethyl’s hair back and gazed her lover in the eyes. “I want you to act like a dog for the remainder of your life. And I want you to control yourself because we won’t be using any restraints. OK, sweetie? I love you.” She kissed her on the lips, then pulled back, leaving Ethyl’s tongue still poking out yearning for more.

“No sedatives?” enquired Boxer.

“No. She won’t need it. She’s very well trained. You’ll see.”

“You hate her so much just because she’s a lawyer?”

“She chose her profession and she chose me. So she has no right to complain. Do you, sweetie?”

“Arf!” said Ethyl.

As the owners prepared the knives, Alicia took the opportunity to play with Ethyl. She sprang her front legs – arms, Alicia corrected herself – onto the counter by Ethyl’s head and stared at her meal in the eyes. Then, leaning forward, she licked her on the cheeks. Ethyl licked her back. Alicia lowered her head and nudged Ethyl’s cheeks with her own, then caressed them by moving her head back and forth.

“Shoo!” Boxer waved Alicia away from the counter.

“All set?” asked Imogen.

“Yes. Wait,” Boxer stared on Ethyl’s breasts dangling below her chest. “These look so good.” It was cold in the kitchen, and her nipples were hard. Boxer stroked one. The girl’s breast quivered at his touch and goose bumps spread across it. He snipped the nipple off. Ethyl let out a yelp but remained still. Some seconds later, the first drop of Ethyl’s blood hit the kitchen counter. “Let’s get to work,” said Boxer. They rolled Ethyl onto her back and stretched her out.

Alicia could hear the lawyer’s breathing speed up as it became shallower and more audible. She brought her head up onto the counter by Ethyl’s legs and gained full view of her meal. Not being able to reach her pussy, Alicia caught one of Ethyl’s feet and licked it. Her meal struggled, but Alicia held the foot tightly and sucked off on the toes. Her meal soon gave up struggling, although her foot occasionally twitched in response to Alicia’s ministrations, who traced her nails along the sole while she watched the cooks at work.

Boxer started the cut just below Ethyl’s neck, just deep enough to reach her sternum. He ran the knife down to where her pubes used to grow. Reaching in, he and Imogen opened Ethyl up. The girl kept her arms and legs bent, still playing the dog, but through sheer will power made no move to stop them. When Boxer opened up her chest, her arms fell to the side to make room for her breasts, which now lay askew , leaving her ribs exposed. Imogen pushed her legs down flat onto the table to make room for her to work on Ethyl’s abdomen. She cut through the sac and removed her insides while Alicia moved aside.

Meanwhile, Boxer had gotten distracted. “You know,” he said, “I have never played with a woman’s breasts from this angle before.” Alicia popped her head up beside him and started teasing Ethyl’s breast, wondering if the girl could still feel it.

“There’s not much blood,” noted Imogen.

“Cauterising knife,” explained Boxer. “Doesn’t completely cauterise, to allow her to bleed out, but enough to keep her alive for a while. That’s what you want, right?”

Imogen looked her lover in the eyes and kissed her on the forehead. Ethyl was in tears from the pain. “Yes,” said Imogen. “And I’m proud of you, Ethyl. You’re so strong and well-trained.”

Ethyl managed a weak “Woof!” in reply.

“We should leave her chest til last, then. Help me remove her limbs.” Boxer straightened out one of Ethyl’s legs. Imogen pressed her forehead against Ethyl’s – upside down – for a moment before heading off to help Boxer.

Soon they had Ethyl cut up into parts. Her head lay draining by the sink, her moist eyes glistening in the light.

* * *

“Be a good girl and fetch a fillet for our guest, Alicia.”

Alicia launched herself onto the kitchen bench and took hold of Ethyl’s cooked fillet in her mouth. As she crawled back to the dining room, it was all she could do not to bite down on the meat herself – it was so tasty!

“Grab some thigh for me and something for yourself, Alicia.”

Back she went for the thigh, again careful not to eat her boyfriend’s food, then back again for herself, but this time she chewed ferociously on her way to the dining area – it was now her food, after all! Boxer set a bowl on the ground. “You can eat from there, Alicia.”

She dropped the thigh into the bowl and started nibbling on it, trying to tear chunks with her teeth. Eventually she figured to hold it with one paw – one hand, she corrected herself – while pulling with her teeth. It wasn’t because the meat was tough, but because it was firm. The juice sprayed all over her face, so she licked off what she could and kept at it.

Boxer absently petted Alicia’s head as he ate, occasionally distracting her from her meal to stroke her chin. Alicia let out a low rumble of appreciation. It felt so good!

With their stomachs sated, they got down to some fun. “Roll over,” ordered Boxer. With Alicia showing her vulnerable side, Boxer started tickling her. Once again, she tried to brush him off. “Bad! A dog cannot stop humans from doing this by flailing its limbs, so restrain yourself and take it like a dog.”

Admonished, Alicia spread her limbs apart to give Boxer full access to her midriff. It was unbearable at first, but eventually it was as though she had forgotten she could defend herself.

“That’s good. You’re learning. Now back onto your front.”

Alicia rolled over onto her belly, relieved that the torture was over. Boxer checked that she was wet, then took her from behind. Doggy style, thought Alicia. How appropriate.

“Feel free to join in, Imogen. Perhaps you can put her mouth to good use.”

Imogen unabashedly lost her clothes and presented herself to Alicia. She’s really pink, Alicia thought. Although I guess that’s just contrast against her darker skin. She nosed around with the dog trainer’s vulva before finally applying her tongue.

“Do you want me to prepare Ethyl’s head for you?” Boxer asked.

“No,” said Imogen, squeezing Alicia’s head between her thighs and using her feet to massage the girl’s breasts. “I would rather that we eat it.”


“I...Well,” stuttered Imogen. “I was hoping you guys could eat me next time, once Ethyl’s meat runs out.”

Alicia raised her head from the muff. “Arf!” she said.

“That’s right, girl,” said Imogen. “I don’t think I can really live on without her.”

Alicia rolled her eyes, now used to the mind reading. Dog owners were a strange bunch.