The Wolf and his Girl

Posted by PK on November 12, 2001 at 18:12:50:


A Tender Tale of Romance by PK

"You know," said Red Riding Hood, snuggling comfortably up to the wolf, "When we first met,
you said you were going to eat me." She tucked the cover up, enjoying as always the rough,
sensual warmth of the rabbitskin bed.

"I did. I was. I still am, I suppose...." Wolf trailed off. He didn't sound very sure of the last
part. He licked Red''s ear affectionately. "When I get hungry enough".

"Why didn't you back then?" teased Red. She knew very well why, but she liked to hear him
tell her the story. Lovers everywhere like to tell each other the story of themselves, and the
wolf had become accustomed to Red's little ways. Human ways, he supposed. He'd also got
used to calling her Red, a childish nickname that had stuck for the obvious reason that she
had bright red hair, and not just on her head, as he well knew.

"Well, I was going to, but you looked so cute after I tore your clothes off with my teeth that I
got other ideas. Besides, you seemed to be enjoying it. Not everyone poses and preens like
that when they're having their clothes ripped away by a ravenous wolf, you know."

"Especially the underwear" murmured Red "You were quite neat, the way you picked it off
with your teeth without biting me. I didn't know wolves could do that".

"Practice" said Wolf seriously. "I didn't want to eat the stuff, or get it all mixed up with you.
The first time I ate somebody, I got bits of homespun wool stuck in my incisors. It took ages
to get it out, and I can tell you it tastes awful. I must admit, though, it's easier to do when they
prey is alive and standing up. Most people run, and it's harder to drag the clothes off when
they're on the floor. Nice of you, I thought."

"Not much point running, was there? And then?" prompted Red, wanting him to get back to
the point.

"And then, as I said, I got other ideas. You suggested some of them, as I recall. You said I
might as well play with my food first. And after all I wasn't really hungry. It wasn't that long
since I'd eaten your granny."

"I was a bit miffed with about that for a while" mused Red, "Then I thought, she was getting
on a bit. Waiting out here in the woods for food hampers from her relatives. It must have
been boring Being gobbled up by a wolf was probably the high point of her day."

"Besides which, if you're old and you live on your own in the middle of a deep dark forest,
you're pretty much asking for it. And after all..."

Red finished it with him in chorus " ...A wolf's got to eat." She giggled.

Red and the wolf had been living together in Granny's cottage for some time. Neither of them
knew exactly how long, wolves don't pay much attention to calendars and Red had little
concern for the passing of time. She had always been a person who lived in the present,
acting on impulse or daydreaming away the time. She was a generous and good hearted girl,
but little given to organisation or long term plans. For some years she had been bringing the
family's surplus food out to their eccentric and rather bad tempered old grandmother out here
in the woods. So long, in fact, that the family had somehow come to take it for granted that
she would get there and back safely. Rather remiss of them, but the girl seemed to live in a
world of her own. Nobody ever stopped to wonder why, with her tendency to while away the
afternoon wandering in the forest or swimming in strange waters, she hadn't been snapped
up already. The truth was that Red had good instincts, sharp senses, and she could climb
trees like a cat. Whenever a beastie growled, she'd be sitting on a branch in a twinkling,
chewing a leaf and watching the passing clouds nonchalantly as the bear, or whatever wild
animal wanted to taste her tender flesh, snarled and grumbled in vain on the forest floor.

What they thought now was anybody's guess. Inattentive or not, somebody must have
noticed that Red had not returned from her last trip. No inconvenient woodcutters, however,
turned up looking for her. If anyone thought about it, it must have been pretty obvious what
had happened. Red didn't worry about it. She guessed she'd been given up for lost, and when
someone went into the woods and didn't come back, the villagers preferred not to dwell on
what fate might have befallen them. For herself, Red was quite content. Wolf could provide
all sorts of meat for them, while Red was quite adept at finding edible things growing wild.
Game stew suited her palate and she'd even got the wolf to try it, though he preferred his
food raw and wouldn't eat it hot.

"I sometimes wonder what it would be like to be eaten", she mused now, scratching the
wolf's ears absently.

"I wouldn't know" he muttered "I've never BEEN eaten". She had brought up this topic before.
Soon she'd ask him about eating people, as opposed to other animals, as if it made a
difference. In fact, it did, but the wolf had never fully explained why, even to himself.

"But you've gobbled lots of folk up" pressed Red. "Don't you ever wonder how they feel about

"Not really" hedged the wolf, not entirely truthfully. "When you're hungry, you eat. If you
stopped to think about how the prey felt about it you'd starve. Anyway, I don't eat your kind
that often. They're not usually stupid enough to be caught" - he hesitated here, conscious of
the lack of tact implied, but she seemed to have missed it so he hurried on - "and they're apt
to be dangerous."

"But how do they - we - taste? Are we that much better than rabbits, for instance, or deer?
And doesn't it make a difference if it's a girl?"

The wolf could see this one coming a mile away. That girl by the pool...he decided to divert
her. He could never quite decide why this discussion both disturbed and excited him, as it
clearly fascinated her. It was something he found aroused contradictory emotions that he
found hard to deal with.

"It depends on who you eat". He winced, realising he'd blundered straight back into the trap
and carried on lamely "....and after a while anything tastes better than rabbits. They're too
small, the fur sticks in your throat, and anyway they're boring. Do you have any idea how
many rabbits I've eaten? Sometimes I get sick of the sight of them. They're better when you
peel them, though. It's one of the things I like about living with you."

This was true. After a while, the wolf had noticed that although he didn't need his rabbits
cooked, it was easier to digest if he let Red skin them first.

"And the warm fires and the fur blankets!" Red reminded him. She stretched luxuriously
under the cover and wrapped her long left leg over the wolf's flank, rubbing the rough fur of
his back with her soft bare foot.

This was also true. The wolf had become quite spoiled, sleeping in a nice warm house with a
nice warm girl, under the covers she made from the animals he caught. Red was not noted in
her home village for excessive industry, but she could sew. It was one of the things she was
able to do with half her attention, without breaking the thread of her wandering thoughts. She
had even repaired the clothes the wolf had torn off her body, though the tunic had rips in
places that showed interesting patches of skin when she moved, and the hooded cloak
looked a little the worse for wear. The underwear she had abandoned without regret, it had
never been comfortable and she liked the feel of fresh air between her bare legs. Her shoes
had not been damaged at all, as she had pushed and kicked them off with her toes while the
wolf was disrobing her. He had thought this rather considerate of her at the time, as footwear
was always hard to remove with his teeth and he certainly didn't want to eat it. When he
asked her about it later, she only said that she didn't want to be eaten with her shoes on, and
he didn't press the matter.

She also liked to cook, partly for self preservation, but she quite liked having a man to take
care of, even if he wasn't exactly the usual sort. After all, the wolf was very definitely male. If
he ate his food raw, or at best cooled down again, she could live with it. If the stew she made
was occasionally undercooked or burnt, or the crudely tanned fur covers smelt a bit, the wolf
never complained. A girl could do far worse, she considered, when she thought about it at all.
And he did tell some good stories, when she could get him started. It wasn't something he
was used to, but he seemed to have a natural talent. One of a number of them, she reflected
with a small self-satified smile. She'd never thought a wolf could be better in bed than the
few clumsy village boys she'd fumbled around with, but things seemed to be different with
him somehow. Perhaps it was because she could talk to him.

"You're getting positively domesticated!" she teased. The wolf rumbled a noncommittal
assent. It seemed he'd got her off the worrying topic. Of late he had become more and more
reluctant to think about eating Red, and he wasn't entirely sure why. Certainly he was fond of
her, but that shouldn't have stopped him He didn't suppose everyone he ate was a nasty
person and deserving of their fate - the wolf was no hypocrite. He was a carnivore, a hunter,
that was all, and he was absolutely certain that Red would taste nice. Better than nice. All the
same, it was pleasant living with her. Very pleasant. She was good company and a very good
lover - he grunted complacently - and she had other talents. Nobody could scratch his ears
like she did. That was something young wolves don't get told about humans, he thought. Yes,
there were plenty of perfectly good reasons to keep her.

"Not completely tame though" she continued dreamily. "Tell me about the girl again".

"What girl?" the wolf evaded hopelessly. It seemed he hadn't managed to dodge the issue at
all. At first, whenever she'd brought it up again he'd been unsure whether she was angry with
him or jealous. Was he being accused of killing or infidelity? It was all very confusing. Yet
Red never seemed to be accusing him of anything, she was not the nagging type. She
accepted him as he was, one of the many things he liked about her. It was only that the
subject fascinated her. When she asked him about it, or about anything else, like how he
caught rabbits or how it felt to bring down a doe, she usually seemed to be moved by
curiosity and a strangely chidlike sense of wonder. Hearing about the girl's devouring,
however, involved other feelings. It wasn't that she took pleasure in the death or suffering of
others, either. Red was a gentle person. Despite this, she didn't seem to blame him for
eating the girl by the pool that day - it was just what wolves did - but she was endlessly
curious about it.

"You know. I wonder what she was thinking about when you ate her. Or what her name was."

"I don't know, I didn't ask her. It's not the sort of thing we do."

"Tell me about it" Red insisted, wrapping her other leg around the wolf's long, lean torso. He
loved the way she did that. "Tell me what she tasted like. I want to hear everything".

The wolf resigned himself to it. Red was hard to resist in this mood. Licking her face and
neck gently with his long red tongue, he told the tale again.

"I was out hunting as usual" he began. "And I wasn't having much luck. I only had a couple of
rabbits and was hoping to bring some back for you. You know how hard it is for me to carry a
lot of them. I was really hoping for a nice juicy young doe, but there were none to be found.
Suddenly I heard a sound coming through the trees near the old mill pond. At first I though it
was you, and I couldn't work out how you'd got there ahead of me."

"When you'd left me at home sewing skins" Red put in. She knew the story. How the wolf
discovered a girl her age bathing recklessly in the pond by a long disused mill.

"But it wasn't you, it was another girl. She was washing herself without a care in the world,
and as if that weren't bad enough, singing so loudly she could be heard half a mile away. I
thought I'd better eat her before somebody else did. Then you could have the rabbits."

"Thanks a lot" interjected Red darkly. The wolf chuckled in the throaty way wolves do and
licked her nose.

"So, " he continued. "I settled down in the undergrowth near the edge of the water - there's
plenty of cover - and waited for her to come out. I knew where she'd do that because she'd
left her clothes in a pile on the bank."

"Clever wolf" murmured Red. "Good clothes, too. I needed some new ones, and" she
shrugged half shamefacedly ".. she wouldn't be needing them again. More there, please..."
She loved it when he licked her collarbone, and that little hollow under her throat.

"And sure enough, she did. All freshly scrubbed, ready peeled and tasty looking."

"Tasty as me?" wondered Red "Was she good looking?"

"Not as beautiful as you," the wolf evaded tactfully. "But tasty enough all the same. I jumped
out of the bushes and brought her down before she could get dressed again. It was all very
quick. She screamed and said things like ''No, no, don't eat me'. I really don't remember all of
it. She didn't seem to struggle much, though. Stunned, I suppose. I started eating her while
she was still alive. I was bloody hungry, I can tell you. Funny thing though, there were times
when she was sort of panting, the way you do when we're - you know - "

"Making love...." said Red dreamily. Her legs were very tight against Wolf's body and she
was rubbing them back and forth alternately as though swimming or dreaming of running,
while her pubic mound pressed against his belly. "You didn'"

"Fuck her?" finished the wolf bluntly. "No, I was too busy eating her, I told you. By the time
I'd taken the edge off, she was dead and I'm not that way inclined. Besides, I'd eaten all the
juiciest bits already. I don't like waste though, so I ate as much of her as I could. And, yes,
she tasted good, very good. And you'd never have known about it if I hadn't brought you that
dress, because I thought you'd like it. I could have told told I'd just eaten a deer. Or a LOT of

"I do like it" said Red. "And why shouldn't you have told me about it? I know you eat people
sometimes. And you don't have that look on your face when you eat a deer. I feel sorry for
that poor girl, but if you bathe naked in a wood full of wild animals..." she shrugged again.
"Maybe she wanted you to." She leaned forward and kissed the wolf's muzzle. The wolf
rather doubted that, but she went on..

"You're a very handsome wolf and you have such beautiful eyes"

"Only for seeing you..." said the wolf.

"And such cute furry ears"

"For you to hold onto when we're....."

"And SUCH nice, big, white teeth."

"All for eating YOU with" said the wolf fondly. They'd played this game many times before.
He nibbled gently at her right breast. The nipple was very erect and Red was breathing hard.
He began to move down her body, gently licking and nuzzling her belly and the tender skin
just inside her hips. He knew she loved that, and she knew that he never hurt her. The wolf
was a surprisingly gentle and considerate bedmate. She lifted her legs in that limber way she
had, keeping her feet in the fur of his back.

"Have you ever thought" panted Red "about REALLY eating me?"

"Every day, sweetie. But who'd darn my socks?" mumbled the wolf and Red laughed.
"Wolves don't wear socks."

"Neither do you" said the wolf with the air of one making a telling point. Red didn't seem to be
in any state to contest the non-sequitur.

"No, I mean really", said Red. "I think about it all the time. You always said you's eat me
eventually, didn't you?". She playfully ruffled his fur. "Such BIG teeth.." She seemed half
transported, as though hardly aware what she was saying. "Don't you want this nice little tit?
Isn't it big enough for you?" One of her hands was cupping her left breast, offering it to him.

"It's perfect" said the wolf gallantly, taking it delicately between his teeth. It was, he liked her
breasts, not overlarge but firm and shapely with that tantalisingly juicy hint of a bounce when
she moved. Of course, he had always maintained that he'd eat her one day, but he wasn't
sure how seriously either of them took it. It was one of those things he didn't want to think

"Take a bite", she invited coquettishly. "Just a little nip..". The wolf had slipped partly inside
her now. He was hard as a rock. It had taken him some time to get used to having sex in a
variety of positions, but the seemingly unworldly Red had taught him a number of interesting
things about it. Getting used to the different and wonderful things you could do with a human
girl's body and a wolf's had given them many happy hours of mutually educational fun.The
sensation of being inside her while being able to lick and nuzzle her face - as close as a wolf
could get to kissing - was something he'd never experienced before, he hardly understood
the feelings it aroused in him. "Go on, you know you want to. I bet I taste just as good as her.
She was good, wasn't she?"

"Delicious", admitted the wolf. "There's nothing like the taste of a fresh young girl. Nothing in
the world."

"Nice breasts?"

"Lovely. Good, firm succulent rump too." The wolf was really getting into this, half against his
will. "And the rest of her...."

"So do it, then" she almost growled. "Bite me"

"Red, I don't know how much more of this I can take" grunted the wolf. "if you keep going on
about it..."

"EAT ME!" she begged, pumping herself frantically against his body, pulling his penis deeper
into her while her hands, those clever hands, brought his head down onto her chest. The
wolf's mouth close almost involuntarily -

And he ate Red's breast in one gulp. He just swallowed it whole. She gasped and looked up
at him. There was no reproach in her face, just wonder and only a little fear.

"You're eating me" she said needlessly. "Have more. Have me all...." She pushed her groin
against him urgently and gasped again. Surrendering to the inevitable the wolf took her other
pert little tit in his mouth. He gave it a friendly tongue bath and then, savouring each bite this
time, he consumed it, chewing slowly. Then he sank his teeth in her shoulder and brought her
quickly to a climax as she screamed continuously into his sensitive ears. Somehow, he
didn't mind..

Red was still quivering with some mixture of ecstasy and shock. "You'd better finish me,
Wolfie." she panted. "You know, down there..please...."

The wolf slipped out of her then, still fiercely erect, moving down her sweat-slick body again,
nuzzling gently at first between her legs, then licking and chewing with increased ardour as
the appetites of male and predator combined in a overpowering rage of lust. He could hear
Red's cries, oddly muffled as though she didn't want to distract him, and feel her body jerking
and convulsing against his mouth. The fragrant scent, the succulent taste of her was
overwhelming, and he gorged himself on her juices, her blood, and her tender, tender meat.
He had never eaten anything, anyone, half so wonderful. When he raised his head for breath,
he had eaten her most delicate parts; her cunt, the surrounding flesh and most of her lovely
belly were gone. Her inner thighs were torn. Numbly, he raised himself over the ruin of her,
all long legs and pale skin looking paler against the growing pool of her blood in their bed. He
stared at her face. Her green eyes looked back at him with no expression he could name.
Her mouth was open and she was panting quickly and softly.

"S'all right Wolfie" she said weakly. Her voice was a little girl's now, her eyes wide and half
sightless. "Wolfs gotta will eat me all up, won't you?"

"I will" growled the wolf. For some reason he couldn't see very well, and the taste of her
blood seemed to have thickened his throat. He could hardly recognise his own voice saying "I
love you, Red". She smiled as the light left her eyes and she was still. He started to lick her
face again, not knowing why.

Hours later, still curled on the bed, gently licking the salty soles of her still warm feet, in the
grip of a rising, terrible wave of an emotion he didn't recognise or understand, the wolf
realised that it was true.