Legacy 8

Posted by PK on April 24, 2003 at 15:46:33:

Petra's skin burned, she could feel the tracks of Gina's tongue all over her. I wouldn't mind,
she thought.]

Drat. Well, no plan is without its flaws. Oh well, improvise: "Pick me and Gina gets my filet.
That's the deal," she said.

"Or else?" Tony implied she had nothing to bargain with.

"The bouncers will have to carry me out kicking and screaming," Petra said. "I'll make a fuss,
believe me. Big shot orders his niece for dinner, has her dragged away to her doom. I'll make
sure everybody sees it. It'll make the papers."

Gina slid her hand down Petra's back and cupped her right buttock. Her finger slid lower,
between the girl's legs, and back up. Petra gasped.

"Is that agreeable to you, Gina?" Tony inquired mildly.

Gina tickled Petra's tasty bits from behind and felt her moistening. "What, you eat Pet and I
get her pussy? Sure, why not?"

Petra relaxed and let it happen. She hoped her Queen would come with her to the kitchen,
but she had no power now. She had won. She didn't need it.

"Just one thing," Gina said. "Since we're all family, I don't want anybody to feel left out. Hey,
Cleonie, you in on this?"

Helen smiled. She saw it coming. Shit, she had set the seed.

"Bring it on," Cleonie said, grinning like the beta wolf-bitch she was. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Gina thought.

Helen/Gina laughed. "You sure?" She's Hell incarnate just walking down your street...

Helen of Troy. Gone, but not forgotten. You know it's going to be one of us, don't you?


"Great," Gina said. "Here's the game. Since we're all family, here's how we decide. All the
women put their names into a hat, and - poof! I put in my thumb and pull out a plum. Magic!"

Cleonie's smile froze. "That wasn't..." what I meant.

"Oh, come on, Cleo. Helen did it. What are you, chicken?" Gina didn't actually cluck but she
mimed it well enough.

Petra wondered whether Gina was a genius or completely insane.

[Men always think their superiors are mad - variously attributed to Victor von Frankenstein
and Doctor Doom}

Oh, just surf it. The Domina is in charge again. Petra didn't fawn against Gina's legs, she just
said: "Give me a pen. I'll sign first." She scented Gina's approval before she even saw the
edge of her smile. It comforted her. She had no idea if Gina's latest ploy would work, but
even if it didn't, Tony had already conceded a point: if she got chopped, Gina would have her
filet, her centre, her essence. She had known all along that it might come to this, she had
been expecting it for so long that she was tired of being afraid. Gina would save her or
savour her, she lay her burden down and accepted it.

Anthony took a pen from his pocket and a small, ring-bound notepad. This was not going as
he had expected, except in the sense that he had half expected something unpredicted to
happen. He would have been a little disappointed if it hadn't and this certainly wasn't
disappointing. He nodded, half to himself and half to the providers of the surprises. They
were real players, much more fun than poor Jerry. Okay, let them play it out.

"Go ahead," he said, and handed the items to Gina.

Gina let Petra sign her name on the first page. She tore it out and folded it, then handed the
offered the pad to Cleonie. "Sign and pass it round," she said.

Cleonie glared at Anthony. "Are you going to let that bitch.."

"My wife, you mean?" Tony's voice was deceptively mild. Whether he meant Helen or Gina
wasn't stated, he wasn't sure himself. There was something a little odd about Gina.

Who dropped the pad in the middle of the table. The women of the family regarded it as you
would a scorpion.

Very odd. Tony looked at her again, assessed her afresh. There was something of Helen in
her and something else. Something wild and strange. Madness or witchcraft. Petra, oddly
serene in her vulnerable nudity, stood inside her personal space, not as a threat but as a
submission. Nobody could frighten her now because she was already taken. He considered
his options. It should still be possible to kill Gina, but then what would Petra do? He regarded
her more closely. She was more interesting than she had been. What would she do?

"I'll be your mistress again," Petra-construct told him. "You'll like that. I've learned lots of
interesting stuff." The thought stirred him.

Real-Petra saw him looking at her and looked back. Something shifted in her eyes.

Tony redrew the construct-Petra. She said, "Kill Gina and I'll kill you."

Tricky one, Tony thought, smiling with genuine appreciation. The logical thing to do would be
to have Petra cooked and let Gina eat her. But there was another move on the table and
Gina had sprung it on him too quickly for him to stop it. Maybe he should concede a draw.
Not just yet, let it play on a bit. "Cleo," he said, "You're holding us up."

Petra was enjoying herself. I might as well, she thought. I could be on that table in pieces any
minute now. Lots of juicy little body parts being gobbled up. But, oh, look, they're not
enjoying it. Cowards. Something tickled her memory. Tip of her tongue. She'd get it in a

"This is bullshit," Cleonie said. "I'm not doing this."

Petra looked at her and smiled. "Chick chick chick chicken," she carolled softly. She touched
a hand to Gina's warm, bare back. Touch me, she willed. Gina put her arm around her waist,
drew her index finger lightly over her belly.

She's mine, Tony saw her say.

Just too, too delicious.

"Why not?" Tony inquired. "You think you're better than Helen?" You're all meat, was the
implication. The argument made no logical sense. Cleo hadn't come here to be eaten but he
wasn't about to help her out, he had no sympathy for her.

Jerry said, "Look, let' s all calm down. Why don't we just order somebody else? How about
that tall girl in the stockings? She looks tasty."

Petra knew Adrianne was setting herself up to be ordered. That would work. She looked to
Gina. Casual telepathy works.

Gina said, 'wasted on them' or so it seemed to her. Impasse?

"You're all just a pack of cards," Petra said suddenly to the table, grinning. "You're not
players. Go home. Get out before it's too late. How do I put this delicately? Hmmm...right.
Fuck off out of here before I call the bouncers, scream rape and have you thrown out." The
pack could have torn her to pieces, she knew. But the pack didn't do anything without the
leader's sanction.

"You shouldn't speak to your Uncle Tony like that," Jerry reproved her feebly. Petra ignored

"I expect she's just a little overexcited," his wife said conciliatorily. One of the other women

Tony held out a hand to Gina. "Draw?" he offered. Gina stared at the hand suspiciously.

"I don't get this," Michael grumbled. "Who the fuck are we going to eat?"

"What terms?" Gina said, still staring.

"And when?" Michael insisted.

"Shut the fuck up, Michael," Tony said quietly. To Gina, "Rein in your pet, you can keep her
for now. She'll live out her week if nobody else orders her tonight, that's out of my hands.
You get a pass too, this time. No guarantees if you're here the next time I come in." Gina
nodded. "Meantime, call off your challenge and be a good little waitress. You can serve us
one of the others."


"None of your concern. Maybe your leggy friend over there."

Gina looked at Cleonie, at all the other women. They were hanging on every word of this
while trying not to look concerned, except Cleo who glared at her with open hatred. Gina
grinned back at her, teeth bared. So tempting to push a little more....oh well, if that's what it
took, Adrianne really was asking for it. Life was compromise.

"And if I don't?" She had to see the stick.

"I order Petra chopped and cooked right now, even if they have to drag her out and you off
me." Tony grinned. "Hey, just to show there are no hard feelings you can have her pussy too.

Jerry said, "Wait a minute..."

"Don't," his wife said.

"I'll eat her when I'm ready," Gina said dismissively. She paused. "Okay, deal. I'll back off."
She shook his hand briefly, stepped back and patted Petra on the shoulder. "Take their
order," she said and left.

Petra glanced around the table, smiling. Michael looked confused, most of the women looked
a little shaken. Cleonie looked sullen and defiant. Not a happy camper. Her smile brightened.
She turned to Tony, her expression professionally pleasant. Where were we? Oh yes:
"Would you like to order now?" she said. She watched Tony deciding what to do. Gina had
stood him off somehow, would he be angry? She wasn't frightened at all, just curious. She
didn't belong to him any more. She was more comfortable in her bare skin than all the other
women in their finery. She wished she didn't even have the silly little skirt on, it was an
affront to her purity. She considered taking it off, but Tony would probably see it as a
dramatic gesture, a taunt, (You can't have me) which it wasn't intended to be. You can't have
me because.. Gloating was declassee. Seriously uncool. "I'll eat her when I'm ready," Gina
had said. Petra had felt the lightning strike when she said that. Right through her toes and on

"Perhaps you could help us with our selection," Tony said, smiling, replaying the script. "Is
there anything you'd particularly recommend?"

"Game over," Petra said. No expression.

"Just testing," Tony said, hands up. He looked around the room. Licked his lips. Chose.
"Bring me that one."

Petra followed his gaze. "How would you like her served?"

Tony considered. "Bring her over here, we'll take a look."

Petra signalled and Janie came over. "Wine list?" she asked.

"No, they're going to eat you," Petra said. She shrugged apologetically. "Well, probably.

"All I could get were her kidneys," Petra said later, regretfully. "Tony's party ordered all her
prime parts and the crowd snapped up the rest. There was hardly a finger left of her by

"We'll have them for breakfast, then, "Gina said. "Not really a supper food, kidneys. Poor
Janie. She'd hardly had time to settle in."

Petra sprawled back on the floor at Gina's feet. She was naked but for a T-shirt with 'Bite me'
written across the chest. "Oh, I don't think she minded, really," she said. "She was pretty wet
when I took her panties off."

Gina rubbed her belly with one bare foot. "You stripped her? What, in the kitchen or out
front? I missed that bit."

"In front of the table. So they could decide what to have. I figured it was a legitimate order so
it was okay." Petra smiled reminiscently. She remembered Janie's expression, dark blue
eyes wide with shock when she had told her the news. Petra had felt a sort of shock herself,
a strange mix of sympathy, eagerness and perhaps a perverse twinge of envy.

"I think we'd like to inspect the produce first," Tony had told her. There was no mistaking
what he meant. Janie had simply stood there passively and allowed Petra to pull her blue
bikini briefs down her legs and off, lifting each barely shod foot in turn to step out of them.
She hadn't even reacted when Petra given her a fleeting, surreptitious kiss between the legs,
just below the neat tuft of her trimmed pubic hair. It was all she could do not to kiss the girl's
feet. Standing up, she had remained by Janie's side proprietorially, one hand resting lightly
on the girl's shoulder, as the predators at the table assessed and apportioned her.

"Just Tony showing off, I expect," Gina said. "A little circus to get the others back in party
mood after the showdown."

"Probably," Petra reflected, sipping her wine. "Janie took it like a trouper, though. Didn't
twitch or make a sound all the time they were sharing her out. You know, who gets the tits
this time, who gets the thigh steaks nearest the top, should we have the rump roast or some
belly pork, that sort of thing. I had to turn her round so they could see her from the back.
She's got a nice butt. Had, I mean. She just let me move her around, like a doll. Anyway,
they just ordered the usual after all that fuss, tits and pussy, thigh and rump, a few other bits."

"Not the ribs, anyway," Gina said. "I served those up later to another table. I think most of us
got something. More wine?"

Petra held out her glass. "You know what's weird?"

Any number of things, Gina thought, where do we start? All she said was the obligatory

"It wasn't until after we closed that I realised we still don't know what Tony was going to do.
You know, if you hadn't pulled that stunt with the drawing lots deal."

"Wouldn't have worked without you doing your psycho act," Gina said, smiling. "Team
supreme, right?" She leaned down and they smacked hands.

"What act?" Petra grinned. "I mean, really, what would he have done?"

"Who knows? Don't tell me you wish we'd found out. Probably had one of us just the way we
thought if we hadn't come up with anything that amused him. And don't ask me which one, I
don't know and if I ask him he won't tell me. He'll just say he hadn't decided and it's probably
true. Forget it."

"So what's next?" Deja vu. Petra realised they'd had this conversation before. ["So what's

"We get drunk, or not, we go back to work tomorrow, or you don't..."

"But you will." It was barely a question.


"We could be...you could..."


Gina shrugged. "Up to you. Hey, you got through the week. All debts are paid. I told you
before you had nothing to prove to me, now you have nothing to prove to anybody else."

"The weird thing is..."

"The other weird thing?" Gina teased. Petra bit her ankle. Not hard enough to hurt, just like a
cat trying to tell you she's serious. She looked up, green eyes wide. Gina ruffled her red hair.
"Okay, what?"

"I'd have to be crazy to do this again. It's insane. But part of me wants to go back, you know?
It's such a fucking...." She shook her head. She had accompanied Janie to the kitchen. Start
there. How had she felt? She'd had to make sure the order was right. Janie just walked in
there. She had given her a reassuring touch on the back. Everything's all right, body
language. Janie had given her a faint smile of gratitude for the touch before she went to be
carved up. Petra had last seen her alive sitting on the butchers block, spreading her legs to
be shaved, she hadn't stayed to see her killed.

Gina looked quizzical, patient. Petra slipped a hand up her leg. "Forget it. Are you going to
fuck me again?"

Gina did that very thing. Nicely, too. Before she fell asleep, Petra said, "Gina?"


"You told Tony you'd eat me when you're ready."


"Are you really going to?"

Both of them knew that would require consent. No need to point that out, was there?

"I might," Gina said. "I'm tempted. Not tonight. I think I'll keep you uncooked a bit longer."

Petra's body signalled pleasure. "But if I go back to work, somebody else might order me and

"I'll think of something," Gina said.


Gina stopped her with a kiss on the mouth. "I've been holding out," she said. "I have Janie's
tongue. Good with bacon for breakfast."

"Her tongue? You're kidding me..."

"No, and yours is next. Shut the fuck up and go to sleep, we'll sort it out tomorrow"

Petra shut the fuck up. She tucked up close to Gina and slept peacefully.