
Posted by PK on January 30, 2002 at 18:22:42:

Eric woke up under a tarpaulin, in the car park next to the local pub. It was quite cosy under
there, but he knew he had to get up. There was something he had to do. Oh, right, pick up
batteries or something from the shop around the corner. He had ordered them some time
ago. Funny, he couldn't remember when he'd done that, or the order number.

Standing up, he noticed that he was wearing a yellow dress and no shoes. He wasn't
discomfited by this as she noticed she was now female, but the dress was rather short. The
ground was comfortably warm under her bare feet. Soles on warm tarmac, sensual.

Problem, he/she thought. They won't recognise me dressed like this. I have no underwear
and I'm not really sure this colour goes with my hair. Reflections in windows revealed this to
be red. And the outfit is too young for me. But not so, she seemed younger.

The only way was to act like nothing was wrong. Just go around the corner. I'd eat me. No,
Linda something Polish. Kozlowsky? Fuck, it's cool with no underwear on. Just don't let them
take advantage... 'ware crocodiles..

Okay, I get it, he thought...I'm winning this one. He smiled winningly.

"Hello?" she said.