Interview with the Dragon 2

Posted by PK on November 12, 2001 at 16:13:29:

"By consuming me." She couldn't resist the wordplay offered, though just saying it made it
real again and sent a shiver of terror through her, not entirely unmixed with a perverse
excitement. She had often wondered what it would feel like to be eaten alive, and shortly she
would find out first hand. Curiosity and illicit thrills notwithstanding, it was an experience she
believed she could have done without. A hands on approach to natural history can be taken
too far, she thought.

"Quite," said Fred. He licked his lips. "So if you don't mind?"

Elizabeth sighed archly. "It does seem a little one-sided."

"I'm afraid that's implicit in the nature of the relationship between dragon and sacrificial
virgin," Fred pointed out.

A flicker of hope dawned. "Don't tell my father, but I'm not actually a virgin," she confided.
Somehow that had slipped her mind.

"I assure you, I won't breathe a word. It doesn't matter, though."

"Neither the virginity nor the royalty? Even for the magical or whatever requirement?"

"That's right. You're young, female and healthy and that suffices. It doesn't hurt that you're
comely, of course."

Elizabeth would have been more disappointed if she'd expected anything else. "So, since you
had that milkmaid last week, you don't really need me at all?"

"Not need precisely, no, though I am getting very hungry. I missed lunch, as you may

Elizabeth didn't bother to point out that he'd missed lunch precisely because she was here.
"You could just let me go. I'd be glad to drop in for a chat again from time to time..."

"I don't doubt you would, and I'd enjoy that enormously, I'm sure. However, I don't get a
Princess for dinner every day and I'm reluctant to do without the treat. Your people do only
send me one a year, you know. Not too much to ask, surely?"

It would be difficult to argue the point objectively, so Elizabeth didn't try. A childish part of her
wanted to protest, to wail pitifully 'but I thought you liked me, and now you're going to kill me!'
but she couldn't do it. She was still a well born lady. More importantly, she was herself,
Elizabeth, and she wasn't going to go out whining. Before she could think of anything to say,
however, Fred went on.

"That's not entirely honest, of course. I don't really care about the ritual significance of it. The
fact is that you're the most delicious young woman I've had, or even seen, in at least a year
and I simply can't resist the temptation. Self indulgent of me, I know, but abstinence was
never one of my virtues and asceticism is a complete mystery to me."

A year. That would be cousin Helena. Elizabeth caught the implication that she was at least
her beautiful late cousin's equal. Perhaps he was just being gallant. "I'm available, you want
me, and so..."

Fred nodded seriously. "That's the sum of it."

"I suppose there's nothing more to say, then."

"If it's any consolation to you, I have enjoyed your company enormously. You are quite the
most charming and erudite young lady I've met in a very long time."

A muttered "Thank you." was all she could manage to that, but Fred did not take offense.
Elizabeth took a deep breath and stood up. Her legs were surprisingly steady. Fred preceded
her to the door and held it open for her. They made the journey out of the cave in silence. It
seemed much shorter this time.

By the westering sun, it was apparent that they had talked away the whole afternoon. Well,
he did only promise me a cup of tea and a chat, she thought. I can't complain that he stinted
me. She turned to see that Fred was once again fully the dragon. Yes, he's quite big enough.

"The shift, if you don't mind?"

"Hmm? Oh, pardon me. Yes." Elizabeth pulled the flimsy garment over her head. It occurred
to her that this would be the first time Fred had seen her naked. She was not embarrassed,
and not entirely because he wasn't really a man. She glanced around the landscape,
hauntingly lit by the red-gold afternoon sunlight. How could she have thought it dull? It was
beautiful. She looked up at the sky.

Fred was in no hurry. He let her look, though his own gaze was fixed on her. Over the years
he had gained an appreciation of the human female form, and he found no fault in hers.
Perfectly formed limbs, a graceful neck, small but full - and very juicy - breasts. Even the
thick tuft of pubic hair, glossy and black as a raven's wing, was somehow enticing. He let his
eyes feast on her first. She turned at last to face him, her graceful features composed,
though her cornflower blue eyes were damp.

Suddenly, Elizabeth wanted to get on with it. She stood proudly and waited without flinching.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"Yes," she said simply.

"It's been a pleasure knowing you, Elizabeth," said the dragon.

"It's been a pleasure knowing you too, Fred," she replied, and she smiled at him and closed
her eyes for the last time.

What happened next?

Do you really want to know? Well, I'd like to say that the dragon relented. He and Elizabeth
settled down together, had a brood of cute little were-dragons and lived happily ever after. I'd
like to say that but it isn't true.

Dear reader, he ate her.