Carrie and the Space Toad (the original one)

Posted by PK on April 11, 2003 at 17:50:02:

Carrie and the Space Toad

A very silly vore story by PK

Readers should be warned that this story eschews my usual psychodrama in favour of
pure shock, horror and sexploitation. It is guaranteed to deprave and corrupt those
of you who aren't sufficiently bent already and has no socially redeeming qualities
whatsoever. Well, if you find any they crept in by accident.

It was a dark and stormy night. Well, no, it wasn't but ...

Start again,

It was actually a nice balmy summer night as Carrie walked home through the woods. There
were plenty of other ways home but what the hell. She was wearing a scanty dress that
amounted to little more than lingerie and impractical sandals. She knew there were rumoured
to be Space Toads (that's Slime Drooling Girl Eating Toad Things from Outer Space in full)
on the loose on Earth and wanted to be appropriately dressed in case she met one. Everyone
knows that if a pretty girl meets an SDGETT there's little point resisting. In fact, the possible
presence of the you-know-what added spice to the walk in the fragrant night air.

Sure enough (let's cut to the chase) she was strolling nonchalantly through a moonlit glade
when something about one of the shrubs caught her eye. It didn't move in the breeze.
Observant lass, she. Looking more closely at it she realised with a jolt that it was in fact..

Oh no! A lurking Space Monster!

When she realised what she faced, Carrie, an otherwise intelligent and level headed woman,
reacted in the time honoured fashion that is bred into the genes, or possibly the collective
unconcious, of potential Space Thingy meals. She shrieked, turned to flee and barely got
three steps before tripping over a tree root. Naturally, the heel broke off on one of her
sandals (nice cork and canvas surf sandals with a 3 inch heel, I'm told) while the strap
snapped on the other one. In panicky haste she kicked and toed them off. Struggling to
regain her footing and stumbling through the underbrush, she snagged her filmy white dress
on a broken branch and, as she pulled away, tore most of it off.

Finally freed of emcumbrances, Carrie was about to run screaming through the trees,
stumbling and falling at intervals until the lumbering Space Monster finally got her. It was not,
alas, to be. She'd barely got started and hardly even got a good blood curdling scream
together when she was tripped again, this time by something warm and slightly slimy. Albert's
prehensile tongue. Scrambling onto her back, feet towards the looming monster, she felt her
securely lashed (and of course very shapely) ankles being drawn into his mouth. Sorry,
gaping maw.

The Toad Thing reached out one three-clawed forefoot and ripped off her lacy and revealing
panties, leaving her completely naked.

Carrie felt the night breeze riffling through her furry bits. It was not an unpleasant sensation.
She tried to drag her attention back to the point of the story. She was about to get eaten by a

Well, he wasn't that bad looking. For a Space Toad, anyway. In fact, with his greenish warty
skin, dark eyes (with a hint of hellish red in the depths) and generous mouth he was really
quite fetching in a way....

A word of explanation may be required here.

Space Toads catch their victims by stealth, mimetic pheromones and subliminal empathy.
In other words, they seduce their prey. Or they just sneak up and get away with it.
They're not proud of it when they resort to that. They prefer to turn their food on, arousing
them into a state or erotic langour until they really don't mind being eaten. It's a blend of food
preparation and foreplay. Besides, they're so darned cute in a perverse, deliciously sick sort
of way. Everybody knows that what a ripe young woman really wants is to be eaten in a
delightfully sensual way by a slimy monster from outer space. What, did you think a clumsy
looking Toad Thing could really pursue a healthy human girl through the woods? Forget
about it.

You may want to know how the Space Monster got into all this. I could tell you that TV
is the culprit, but that will have to wait till the next bit. I'll just say that the pictures
on Voyager are commonly regarded as a teaser for the main menu. Oh, alright, here's the full

Albert had been corrupted early in his childhood by watching Earth transmissions of
Baywatch and similar appetising shows. Many times he had exuded slime over pictures of
Alexandra Paul and gone to sleep dreaming of digesting her toes. To be there on Earth
where such succulent beauties really lived! It became his obsession.

(Albert? OK, it's really AlBB**/!! Knplok'' TTssskk $$9. Do you really want to know how to
pronounce that?)

When Albert finally came of age and was old enough to drive his own flying saucer he was
fairly bursting with impatience to travel to the source of all his dreams. Of course, it wasn't
quite that simple. First he had to complete his first year at college and before leaving the
planet he had to pass mandatory courses in Alien Relations and Elementary Stalking. The
latter was a breeze, he'd come prepared.

Before actually landing on Earth, of course, Albert had to get his Lurking Permit from
the clandestine bureau of extraterrestrial affairs, an organisation so secret that most
of the planet's own inhabitants were unaware of it. He could land without it, of course,
but they had excellent detection equipment and those spooky guys in dark suits with a
propensity for wearing shades at the strangest times would scare even the hardiest space
monster. He had no desire to spend his vacation being pursued by a Tommy Lee Jones
lookalike with a very nasty big ray gun. The bureau liked to strictly regulate the number of
Woman Eaters and other Things from Beyond Infinity on the loose at any one time and took
a dim view of unlicensed poachers. He could be deported as an undesirable alien if he was
lucky, or even blasted into space dust if he really annoyed them. Registering, of course,
meant the Bureau would issue their standard 'unsubstantiated rumours' as fair warning for
potential prey, and of course it did not confer immunity from the regular authorities, who
affected not to believe in his kind anyway, angry friends and relatives of his victims or the
standard mob of muttering peasants carrying torches. It was nonetheless the better risk. At
long last, Albert descended to the land of his heart's desire.

Parking his flying saucer in a secluded spot, he prepared to hunt.

Sorry to interrupt the narrative, but I must put one myth to rest. Flying saucers are not driven
exclusively by little grey men who abduct Earthlings for sinister and apparently pointless
experiments. Some are, but I can't go into that as I don't want to get a nocturnal visit from the
Men In Black either. They are really the interstellar equivalent of the Volkswagen beetle, a
cheap and simple means of getting from planet A to planet B. Back to Albert:

His first fresh-caught meal was a lovely young girl of Asian extraction. Albert managed to
enter her house surreptitiously - his kind are masters of silent movement, adept at
camouflage and deception, and besides Albert had been reading manuals (and rather spicy
stories, we must admit) about stalking and trapping Earth women since his early youth. He
finally got her as she lay nude on a couch in the afternoon, for what purpose we can only
speculate. With the combination of empathic persuasion and arousing scents mentioned
above, Albert simply heightened her current mood as she daydreamed. Sneaking up on her
from behind the furniture, almost breathless with anticipation, he loomed over the armrest,
trapped her dainty feet in his mouth and began to devour her. Oh, the smoothness of her
lissome legs! What delicate, appetising toes! By the time the poor girl realised what was
happening to her it was too late. She let out a little yelp of surprise, fright and perhaps
excitement and finally started to giggle. It tickled! She was being eaten by a Space Monster
as she'd so often fantasised! The situation hardly seemed real to her. Oh, but it was all too
terribly, terribly true. Exuding the slime that served as lubricant, tranquiliser and digestive
fluid, Albert slowly slurped her down like a strand of spaghetti. In she went, wriggling and
giggling delightfully all the way.

Afterwards - the boring bit - Albert had to wait around in the garden until it was safe enough
to sneak back to his ship. He didn't mind at all. If he had feared for one moment that he
would be disappointed when his dreams were finally realised, he had laid those fears to rest.
Eating the girl had been the crowning moment of his life, a wonderful experience. Already he
wanted to do it again. No jokes about Chinese food, please. Of course, it would take him
some time to find and catch his next human meal, but he had memories to sustain him, and
the anticipation of more to come - not to mention the pleasant sensation of digesting his late
dinner. She should keep him going nicely until he caught his next one. He felt like a kid in a
sweet shop, a gourmet diner in a city full of good restaurants. Earth was truly paradise! Albert
wanted nothing more than to stay there and eat as many young girls as possible.

In fact it took some time to find his next target. Although he had managed to connect to the
local phone system, and hence to the Internet, and had all sorts of alien surviellance devices,
he had to pick one who would be not only edible but available. He also had to plan his
approach, observation, capture and subsequent escape. Despite all his advanced
technology, he had to make his catches personal - using advanced weapons or artificial lures
was against the terms of his Permit and no fun besides. During all this time he ate nothing.
Of course, his craft was adequately stocked with food, including several live animals in
stasis, but Albert preferred not to fill himself up with lesser munchies - he wanted to leave
plenty of space for the prime stuff. While on Earth, he intended to dine on nothing but the
ultimate prey, fresh young Earth women. If he got time, he might even take a few extra ones
to eat on the way home, but there would be plenty of time for that after he got more proficient
at catching them. Right now he was hungry.

When he finally caught Human Meal Number Two, he was ravenous and hence a little
impatient. She was another Oriental girl - was he getting a taste for them? - with a nicely
budding body. When he finally he caught her, coming out of the shower, he ensnared her by
the crude but simple process of knocking her down from behind the door and swallowing her
head. He didn't want to take any chances of her getting free - he was too hungry and the
consequences of an escaped victim giving him away were too horrible to contemplate. Even
if he wasn't caught before he reached his saucer and fled, it would seriously jeopardise his
prospects for future fine dining. Once he'd pinned her arms by engulfing her shoulders, he
relaxed a little to enjoy her. For a while she kicked and writhed rather prettily, then the
tranquillising effects of his slimy secretions calmed her - that or she was suffocating. Luckily
the gel ingested into her mouth had slowed her metabolism, enabling her to survive the
process of being swallowed. There's nothing worse than dead food, and Albert thought it
would be a criminal waste to spoil this lovely young lady. Happily, he feasted his eyes on the
sight of the rest of her as he leisurely sucked her in. Breasts, ribs, belly, slim hips, fragrant
pubic mound, and at last those sweet legs. Almost with regret, Albert watched as her neat,
pink little feet disappeared from view between his lips. Much as he had enjoyed her, he
resolved to be more careful next time - he had almost ruined an excellent meal with his
haste. Still, variety is the spice of life! An occasional head first swallowing would add a new
option to his dietary routine.

Thus fortified, Albert rested a while and planned his next campaign.

Albert's third victim - or beneficiary of his loving attentions if you like - was a luscious young
beauty who liked to swim and disport herself naked every day in her private pool. This one
was a walkover. All Albert had to do was seed the air of the pool room with his usual cocktail
of subliminally sedictive scents and hide underwater until she appeared. Right on time, his
prey arrived at the poolside and disrobed. Albert admired her full figure with slobbering
anticipation, as much as you can slobber underwater. This one was worth a good drool. She
had improbably large breasts for such a small girl, standing out round and firm as honeydew
melons on her otherwise slender, copper tanned body. In she came! Albert knew she had
her routine - she would do a few laps first. She passed him several times, long limbs
thrashing tantalisingly - he could hardly contain himself. Finally she stopped for a breather.
As she trod water easily, Albert came up beneath her and, looping his tongue round her
ankles, slipped her into his eagerly waiting mouth. He rose through the water as he engulfed
her and she was almost halfway down before she realised he was there. By then, of course, it
was too late. Kris had always half suspected she was destined to be food for a Space
Monster - or food for something, she was just made for it - but this was still a bit of a surprise.
Oh well, nothing she could do about it now. Since she didn't seem to be struggling, Albert
paused to savour her, running his many secondary tendrils over her skin and enjoying the
feel of her firm, round buttocks against his main tongue. Tasty! Meanwhile, Kris had slipped
her hand between his rubbery lips in order to masturbate inside him. What a sensation! She
seemed to be getting tastier by the second. Sensing when she was about to climax by his
natural empathic link, Albert shared the final moments with her and at the crucial point began
to swallow her upper half. Through her arousal, Kris wondered how he was going to fit her
huge tits in. Well, it was a stretch but Albert was equal to it. The two quivering orbs resisted
his efforts briefly then, pop! They were in. With a final slurping gulp, Kris was inside him.
Now that was a satisfying meal!

Over the next few weeks, Albert found that Earth was full of amazing and delighful surprises,
chance meetings that often provided him with targets of opportunity. He enjoyed these
improptu meals as much as his better planned depredations. On one occasion he was
skulking through the woods at night when he came upon a pair of lovers fully absorbed in
their mating. The woman was past the point of noticing anything, but just as Albert was trying
to decide on how, or whether, to get her, the man looked up and saw him. It was a nasty
moment for both of them, but to Albert's delight the man yelled, jumped up and ran away in
an unseemly and decidedly ungallant haste, leaving his partner unfulfilled and unprotected
on the grass. He doesn't deserve her, thought Albert, sadly. What a lout! He made good and
sure to consummate the lady's passion before he fulfilled his own needs and desires by
consuming her.

Another time, he was lurking in the bushes, as Space Toads do, mapping out a possible trap,
when a jogger on her evening run practically fell into his lap. Just as well, he could never
have caught her otherwise. She stopped and squatted down to relieve herself, out of sight of
the beaten track and only feet away from the quiet and chameleonlike monster. Albert
politely let her finish before whipping his tongue around her neck from behind and rendering
her unconscious by partial strangulation. He was not hungry at the time, having eaten a nice
young aerobics instructor who went swimming where she shouldn't have that morning, but
she would make an excellent addition to his supplies. Carrying her carefully back to his ship,
he popped her into his stasis larder. She was in for a rude shock when he woke her up on the
way home and she found out she'd become Space Food, he thought. She was not to be the
last. In time, as his hunting skills grew, Albert was able to replace his entire stock of supplies.
This meant having to dispose of the animals he'd brought with him. It was a shame to waste
them, of course, but he had to kill them and dispose of the bodies by incineration - if he let
them run loose the you-know-who would be after him, and he couldn't bear to have them take
up room that could be filled with wonderful, juicy Terran beauties. After this, he thought, a
diet of lesser mammals is going to seem a bit lacking. What's an Aldebaranian lemur when
you've gobbled up some real babes?

He also found that his empathic awareness of his victims was increasing. He found that he
was quite sensitive to the mood and the character of the women he ate. He much preferred
to eat good natured and sensual women - one bad tempered wench had almost spoiled his
lunch because he didn't like her much. Albert was in no doubt that the human females he ate
were real sentient people. This didn't give him any qualms about eating them, of course.
Don't forget, he's a Slime Drooling Girl Eating Toad Thing etc. and that's what he likes to do,
but a likeable girl made for a much more enjoyable feed. He still had fond memories of Kris...

Which brings us up to date, and where we left Carrie facing her dreadful fate. Albert had
been lurking as usual, blah blah - you know all this bit by now. Oh, except one thing...

Let's just bring you up to speed in case you've got a short attention span:

.....The Toad Thing reached out one three-clawed forefoot and ripped off her lacy and
revealing panties, leaving her completely naked.

Carrie felt the night breeze riffling through her furry bits. It was not an unpleasant sensation.
She tried to drag her attention back to the point of the story. She was about to get eaten by a

Well, Albert, but she didn't know that.

"You can't eat me" she wailed piteously "I'm a cartoonist. I've got work to finish! I'll be

Albert said nothing. Space Toads are not big on conversation. Apart from the hormonal
signals they use to lure their prey, their whole repertoire consists of an empathic message
which translates roughly as 'I'm going to eat you and thoroughly enjoy it'. Some have
managed to convey 'Oh boy, you look tasty!' or 'please get your clothes off'. Though the last
did not apply here, he did his best to convey the other two to Carrie. He was not insensitive
to her distress, but he intended to eat her anyway. The thing I was going to mention earlier ?
He was hungry. Of course, he'd have taken her anyway, for later consumption, she was an
appetising sight, sprawled there on the forest floor. He began to draw her in, exuding
soothing and arousing pheromones for all he was worth. Despite her attempts to kick her feet
free and scrabble backwards with her hands, Carrie's ankles and calves entered Albert's
mouth and were laved with green and purple slimy gunk, as his tendrils stroked and tickled
the tender soles of her feet.

There was no help for it. Carrie was going to get eaten by a Monster from Space. The irony
of the situation was not lost on her. All those cartoons she had drawn, with an endless
succession of gullible airhead spacegirls being gobbled up by all sorts of weird creatures, and
now it was happening to her in real life. Oh my God, I'm a Space Bunny, she thought and
started to laugh. Actually, it wasn't so bad....

The digestive system of an Aldebaranian Space Toad might almost have been designed for
the entertainment of it's often more than half willing food. Lots of wiggly little internal cilia
brush against the victim's skin, while the peristaltic motion of its intestinal tract act feels
rather like a sensual massage. The slime itself feels like warm massage oil or shower gel,
and is absorbed through the skin to tranquilise and soothe. Of course, this works better on
bare skinned human women than any other form of prey. Carrie relaxed and resigned herself
to the inevitable. She was monster food. At least it's an empathic Space Monster, she
thought, I'd hate to go not knowing it was at least enjoying me.

And he was. Though not really telepathic, Albert was aware of her humourous acceptance of
her awful doom and did his best to make it pleasant for her. Lovingly, he licked and slurped
her legs as more of her disappeared into his gullet. When he reached her crotch he relaxed
the grip of his mouth just enough to get his tongue in between her legs. His guts had her
gripped firmly enough, he could spare some attention to pleasure her - she wasn't going
anywhere now but into him. Finding her already lubricated, he slipped inside her.

This was definitely a new experience for Carrie. She hadn't known that Space Monsters
screwed you before they ate you. Lulled by his scent and her own growing arousal, she let
herself go. She no longer though of him as quite so icky, though she might have preferred to
be eaten by something better looking - after all, looks aren't everything and he certainly had
a way with his tentacles, or whatever they were. Did this count as oral sex? If she just closed
her eyes, the sensations were exquisite. If you've got to go, she thought, go coming....

As she bucked and writhed in the throes of her final orgasm, Albert slowly but steadily drew
the rest of her in. It was an attractive view. Rump and hips first, midriff, juicy little breasts and
then her shoulders and head. Last to go were her hands, fingers half clenched as if still
clutching for freedom, then Carrie was gone from view, though he could still feel her
squirming inside him. Albert licked his lips in satisfaction. What a girl!

He could still feel her for a while afterwards, as he lumbered carefully back to his ship, where
he relaxed in pleasant satiety and began to digest her. Later, as his meal started to settle
down, he got back to searching for his next date. He chuckled toadishly to himself at the
thought. His vacation was definitely going well. He would still have liked to eat Alexandra
Paul, or at least get a personally signed photo, but it was probably just not practical. You
have to realise that there are some things in life we can only dream about

Activating his monitor, he selected his Internet link. He'd seen some interesting things there
recently. Something called the Woman Eater website, where there was a very entertaining
discussion board. It seemed he had a ready made potential fan club. And perhaps something
more. Some of these messages from a young woman called Surfergirl had caught his
attention. Now, she sounded really charming. Delicious, in fact. Perhaps she'd like to meet
him for a moonlit supper?

So, he wondered,. how would he go about finding her?


Cue cornily spooky music......fade.....credits.

Thanks to Carrie and SG for their interest and inspiration. You can all work out the other SF
and horror comic influences for yourselves.