Albert 3

Posted by PK on December 16, 2001 at 17:06:51:

"He ate her!" Mariko exclaimed. "Did you see that? That dragon thing just ate somebody!"

Kimiko looked around, really looked. A fair-skinned, slender woman was lying on a table
nearby, being licked all over by a group of Morlocks. It could have been a nice, normal orgy
but she sensed that it wasn't. She looked back to Albert, her face pale and her eyes wide with
shock and betrayal. Albert had nothing to say, no glib words left.

"You knew!" she accused. "You knew all along! I trusted you and you tricked me! You
brought us here to be eaten! You're a monster!"

Well, yes, he was. Albert wanted to explain that she would have been eaten anyway, but the
words stuck in his throat. He didn't know why, but the accusation stung. He almost felt guilty,
which was silly. It had never bothered him that he'd captured the girls as food, but he felt
absurdly uncomfortable about having lied to her. Oh well, at least it was over now. He might
as well own up.

Too late for that, Kimiko had run away. Mariko had dived under a table. Albert reached for
the others through his overstretched (and alcoholically impaired) empathic link. They seemed
to have been caught up in the mood of the moment, the zeitgeist. They were just wandering
around waiting to be gobbled up. At least one of them was looking forward to it, he couldn't
get any closer than that. Should he try to chase Kimiko down before she caused any trouble?

Naah. Sod that. Must be the translator program again, Albert thought , I'm REALLY starting
to get a grip on English...

"Excuse me, Sir?"

Albert abandoned his musings. A small woman (about five feet tall) with short blonde hair
and pointed ears was trying to get his attention. Small, but perfectly formed, with breasts like
apples, wide green eyes and a bare pubic region. Not shaved, bred that way, he realised.
Kuari. "Er..yes?"

"Are you AlBB**/!! Knplok'' TTssskk $$9?"

She spoke perfect Aldebaranian. "That's me," Albert said. His digestive juices were beginning
to respond to her. "You speak very well. How can I help you?"

"I'm a language student," she explained. "I just wondered if you'd mind eating me," the vision
of desirability went on diffidently. "I've heard such a lot about you and..well.." She glanced
over her shoulder. "I don't wish to disparage my..ah...sponsor, or your fellow Great Ones,

"You can talk to me in confidence," Albert reassured her.

She nodded, relieved. "Well, I'd really rather not be chewed up..." By a stroke of
synchronicity, both of them heard the horribly juicy crunching noises as the Zaarbi disposed
of his chosen meal. "Or dipped in..." She shuddered, "Chocolate sauce."

"I'd be happy to help," Albert told her. "If you don't mind my asking, why me in particular?
And how did you hear about me?"

The Morlocks had got their portable barbecue going. Not all Space Monsters eat their prey
raw, in case you wondered. Albert rather hoped their chosen supper would be prepared
properly before they cooked her, the sound of screaming could almost put him off his food.

"Some of your..ah..journalistic efforts are available through certain channels," the Ku
explained in a hushed voice. Not entirely legal channels where she came from, Albert
guessed shrewdly. "It's well known that being consumed by one of your estimable race is far
from the worst way to go," she continued, striving to ignore some of the less salubrious
eating noises surrounding them, "And your writings suggest that you've had considerable
experience ingesting sentient humanoid females. It would even seem from your own account
that some of your those honoured to serve as your nourishment...enjoyed the

"I like to think that I do my ladies justice," Albert said proudly. The dear girl just wanted to be
eaten by an expert. Who could blame her? Brief concern over how exactly how his own
charges were being disposed of troubled his mind for a moment, but no more. "You could
have hoped you'd just be left over, though" he suggested.

The Ku shook her head deprecatingly. "With all due modesty, that's not very likely, Sir." she
said, indicating her delightfully ripe physique with a graceful gesture. "Besides, I'm going to
be eaten sooner or later, I'm Kuari. This is a unique opportunity for me. So, if you'd do me
the honour..?"

Albert needed no further encouragement. All concern for the plight of his own girls fled from
his mind, which now focussed solely on its most primitive and hedonistic urges. His tongue
slid out around the small woman's waist, down and across her upper thigh and between her
legs. As the slime-slick organ caressed her exposed pubis, she quivered and sighed audibly.
She opened herself mentally to Albert's empathic probing, and the willing communion of
predator and prey began. Just before he abandoned verbal communication entirely, Albert
remembered his manners. "I'm sorry, what's your name?" In fact it had been her omission,
but he was inclined to be forgiving.

"Larissa," she murmured, eyes half closed.

"Very pretty name," Albert mumbled, continuing to taste her, savouring the experience
slowly. It was such an unaccustomed pleasure not to have to hurry or struggle to restrain his
prey. He hadn't had such an acquiescent and responsive meal in quite a while. The last girl
he had popped out of the larder and unfrozen had been a bit of a trial, it had taken him such
an effort to pacify her that he'd ended up gulping her down like some starving savage. Wild
Earth humans might be the best and most satisfying eating, and he did love the thrill of the
hunt, but there was something to be said for the domesticated product, he had to admit.

Mariko watched the proceedings from under the furniture, her horror and fright mixed with
puzzlement. She was in no real doubt as to what her 'host' intended to do with the elfin
blonde woman, and it was obvious that Kimiko had been right. He was one of the people-
eating monsters, he had intended this all along. But why was the small woman so passive?
She even seemed to be enjoying it. Was everybody here under some sort of hypnosis or
mind control? And how was she going to get out of this? You're not going to, a grimly rational
part of her said. This is it, kid. But no, maybe it's just a misunderstanding. Perhaps all the
others are here voluntarily, and 'Albert' honestly thought they were willing too. If I just
explained....For a moment, she pictured herself standing up and announcing herself. It's all a
mistake, guys, just send me home and we'll say no more. Uh-huh, fuck that. She reviewed all
the 'explanations' Albert had offered them. No, dear old Albert had been conning them right
from the start. She backed away and scurried from one piece of cover to another, ducking
and dodging, heading for a quiet corner. Nobody stopped her, though surely somebody -
some THING - must have seen her. She wondered where Kimiko had gone.

Kimiko was watching a scene from a living Bosch painting. How could she have thought all
those monstrous aliens were friendly? From her vantage point, she could see everything. Her
flight had been unexpectedly successful, none of the monsters had even seemed to notice
her. She had found a small doorway behind the stage and made her way through a maze of
passages, coming out at last on a sort of mezzanine well above the main floor. From there
she could see the whole hellish panorama at a glance and the theme was blindingly clear.
This was a banquet, a devils' feast, and humans were the dish of the day. She shuddered.
Everywhere she looked, women were being eaten in a variety of ways: swallowed whole,
munched like corn on the cob, dismembered and handed around in pieces....and there was
Albert in the thick of it, slobbering over some poor young girl. Not one of her friends, though.
Where were they?

Albert was oblivious to all this, totally en rapport with Larissa's peaking state of arousal. He
had tasted every square inch of her skin, paying attention to her erogenous zones from her
ears and armpits to the backs of her knees. Wonderful as the appetiser course had been, it
was time for the main event. He was HUNGRY. The tip of his tongue had explored her
internally and now filled her from crotch to cervix. Her knees had buckled some time ago and
she was writhing helplessly on the floor. At his mental prompting, she lifted her legs and
pulled them together, pointing her toes towards his mouth. Her feet entered his ravenous,
drooling maw first.

G'naarf appeared in his narrowed field of vision, looking content and a lot rounder in the
waist than he had before. He was chewing on a shapely feminine arm, presumably the last of
Michi. "Jolly good grub, what?" he grunted. "I say right?"

Where did the bloody canid get his language lessons? "Not now," Albert grunted.

"Okey doke. Hope you win, if I not," the furry one said affably and wandered off, still

Kimiko couldn't see any of her friends, unless the kicking legs disappearing into some sort of
purple-green blob was one of them. Her attention was drawn back to the blonde being slowly
sucked into Albert's mouth, his elongated tongue obscenely pulsing between her legs. She
was in up to mid thigh. That could have been her! She could almost feel it...

Albert felt an odd flicker of empathic resonance from his half-forgotten link with Kimiko.
Engrossed in eating Larissa, he gave it no conscious thought.

Maybe I should just go back, Kimiko thought. Go back and join the party. Join the others. The
temptation was so strong she could almost taste it. Everybody else is getting eaten, why not
me? I can't get away. She realised suddenly that she was stroking herself sensually. She
wondered how it would feel to be just...swallowed up...

I really should get in a six-pack of these, Albert mused. He had an enticing view of Larissa's
tasty little breasts, erect nipples and all, just as they were about to pass his lips. Wasn't there
something he wanted to ask her? Oh yes. "Got any sisters?" he mumbled.

"'Bout a dozen left, last count," Larissa gasped. "Natural ones anyway. Clones cheaper."

Albert thanked her empathically and sucked her further inside, slurping her succulently plump
breasts with the hard little nipples on top like cherries on cream buns, armpits, head....

The blonde was almost gone now, just her limp hands were visible. Then, pop! In she went.
Kimiko's knees sagged and she moaned involuntarily.

Albert felt Larissa settling down into his stomach. She was still squirming nicely, not
struggling, just making herself at home in there. He closed his eyes contentedly and
concentrated on digesting her.

Larissa was surrounded by Albert's internal cilia, massaging and tenderising her. His tongue,
that wonder of Space Toad anatomy, was still pulsing inside her vagina, all the way up. A pity
she wouldn't be able to write this up for the information of her fellow Kuari, she reflected.
Probably just as well, they'd all want to be swallowed alive by a Space Toad, it might cause
social unrest....she abandoned the thought and relaxed, letting her knees fall apart as far as
they could, as the orgasmic sensation of being consumed flooded through her. Would she
feel her clitoris dissolve? She curled her toes in the throes of perverse passion...

Kimiko was sweaty and shaken. What was happening to her? She had regained some sort of
self-control and was appalled at what she had been thinking, or rather feeling. She didn't
know about her link to Albert, or that it had faded a little as he went into self-absorbed
digestive torpor. She got up from her knees and peered cautiously down. The Toad was just
squatting there, eyes closed, his victim no longer visible. Some of the other monsters looked
torpid, others rather rowdy. Difficult to judge by alien standards, but they seemed intoxicated.
The remaining uneaten human women were standing or sitting around, some talking and
eating, some completely passive. Nobody was paying any attention to her, they obviously
hadn't missed her. Plenty of people to go round, it seemed. Who counted the bottles at a
party? Maybe if she waited a bit longer she could sneak out, steal Albert's aircar....and then
what? Could she survive in the wild here? Maybe there were humans she could contact. She
sat down and passed the time thinking up one implausible plan after another.

Mariko wanted to pee. It was absurd, but she didn't want to go on the floor. Surely there were
facilities for humans here? Unfortunately, she didn't feel inclined to come out and ask. Still
under a table, an unused one in an alcove, she could see little that made any sense. If only
she could pee in the Monsters' drinks...or would they even mind? She started to giggle and
caught herself, shocked. Not a good time to get a fit of hysterics. She edged forward
cautiously on her hands and knees, trying to get a better view without being seen. Apart from
wanting to pee, she was hungry and thirsty. She hadn't eaten much before things went crazy,
she'd been too tense. Now she could smell roasting meat, a mouth-watering aroma. She
more than suspected that it was human flesh being cooked, but her stomach didn't care, it
wanted something inside it. Of course, she didn't intend to eat people meat, but if she could
just get to one of the buffet tables set with more normal food she should be able to reach up
and snag something. And she might find her way out of the corner she'd backed herself into.
She knew it was a crazy risk, but were there any sane options left in this madhouse? Trying
not to think about what was going on, she made a scurrying dash for the next bit of cover.

Inside Albert, the delicious Larissa had subsided into quiescence. If she was still alive at all,
she wasn't taking an active part in the proceedings. Her final orgasmic sensations still
resonated in Albert's mind as a pleasant afterglow. He felt satisfied but not sated, well fed but
not uncomfortably full. Maybe he'd have another girl after she'd gone down a bit, he thought.
Maybe really pig himself and have three! He didn't normally have more than one girl a day,
in fact some days he didn't have one at all but subsisted on more mundane fare to eke out
his precious stock, but this was, after all, a feast. And Larissa had been wonderfully tasty, but
not very big. Yes, at least one more, maybe two. Maybe he'd try to find his dear Kimiko and
eat her too, if she hadn't been taken already. For some reason he thought not. Technically it
would be bad etiquette to consume what he'd brought, but the others had had plenty of
chances to get them by now. He ambled over to a drinks table and poured himself a gallon of
ale to wash his meal down with. No hurry, he thought. Plenty of humans left, and the others
were slowing down. One or two of them had actually passed out or gone torpid. Overeating,
or the rotgut he'd put in the punch?

Kimiko got up and risked another peek at the floor. Her eyes skipped past the grosser sights,
she wanted to see if things were winding down. It seemed unlikely she'd find any of her
friends now. The monsters still looked intoxicated, some of them were apparently asleep.
Those still awake were drinking or inhaling oddly coloured fumes more than actually eating.
Maybe it was time to sneak out. Wait, what was that? One of the humans was scurrying out
from under a table, obviously trying not to be seen. From her build and colouring it could be
one of her team.

Mariko's heart was hammering. This had not been her greatest idea. Nobody - or no THING -
had spotted her yet, but....

Something slimy coiled around her leg and hauled her out into full view, backwards. "OH HO!
What have we here?" said a voice that squeaked and boomed at the same time.
Unfortunately it said it in Sirian so Mariko didn't understand a word. She clutched a table leg
desperately. The table slid after her until it caught on something and a fierce tug of war
ensued. The table leg gave way with a splintering noise, Mariko furiously cursing shoddy
Space Monster furniture. Unfairly, if the table hadn't broken she couldn't have held out much
longer anyway. She twisted onto her back to see where she was going, as she was hauled
another yard or two and then up the side of a wheeled fishtank. Inside it lay a half-submerged
blob vaguely resembling a squid, attended by two slightly fishy looking naked girls. In
another of its seven or nine tentacles, it clutched what looked like a hookah.

Just my luck, Mariko thought. I'm going to be guzzled by a monster with the munchies.

As Albert leisurely sipped his ale, his mind kept drifting back to Kimiko. Why did he feel she
was still alive? A prize like her should have been snapped up - literally - right away. The
empathic rapport, he realised. It's still there, just dormant. She must have escaped somehow.
He probed for her idly. Something there? His psionic powers weren't very good at direction, it
would be easier to track by scent, but there was a cacophony of scents in here. Maybe he
should just see if one of those juicy blondes was still available. There seemed to be some
sort of commotion going on across the room, he ignored it. Drunken louts, must have had too
much of the punch. The punch he had spiked. He chuckled to himself. Serve them right. Yes,
a nice buxom beach bunny would be good...

"Mister AlBB**/!! Knplok'' TTssskk $$9?"

Albert snapped out of his self-indulgent reverie irritably. "What?"

"Ah, there's been an incident. The judges want to see you." A flunky of his own species,
much smaller than him, squatted there blinking nervously at him.

"Incident?" Why on Aldebaran IV were they bothering him now?

"One of those exotic foodbeasts you brought - delightful creatures I'm sure -
seems...ah...killed somebody."

Oh shit, thought Albert. He lumbered through the crowd, reluctantly postponing his
contemplation of his second course. Digesting Larissa should keep him from starving. The
scene that greeted him as guests parted to let him through was unsettling.

The Sirian was slumped in his tank, one tentacle drooping pathetically over the edge. Two
mermaids were in attendance, Albert had to assume the other two had been eaten. Their
pale, dark-eyed faces were masks of consternation. The central figure in the tableau was a
wild-eyed Earth girl, dark hair soaked and dripping, a piece of wood covered in gore clutched
in one hand. The mermaids were keeping well clear of her. His fellow woman-eating
monsters were grouped around the tank, also keeping their distance.

"She's got a weapon," one of them muttered. "How did that happen? How does it work?"

Albert sighed with the indulgent patience of one versed in the ways of wild Terrans. "It's a
pointed stick," he explained. "Earth humans are very good with pointed sticks." He had no
sympathy for the Sirian at all. It has to be said that he was something of a bigot where Squids
were concerned. He should have stuck to the domesticated aquatic humanoids of his own
world. He might be able to get the better of an unsuspecting Earth girl in the sea, but on any
other territory, they were unpredictable and dangerous. When will they ever learn? he
thought, with rather more smugness than real concern. How much trouble am I in? concerned
him more.

Mariko didn't really expect to get out of this alive, but at the moment she didn't care. Unless
one of those creepy looking bastards vaporised her from a distance with some sort of ray
gun, she intended to go down fighting. The squid thing had already tried to swallow her,
without bothering to relieve her of the broken table leg. Her own legs had been pulled
halfway down its throat before she'd rammed the stick upwards through its palate into its
brain. That was when she'd pissed down his neck. That had been a relief, but she was still
hungry, and furious.

"Bring it on, Space Creeps," she snarled. "First one in is sushi."