untitled story

Posted by ambush on January 15, 2008 at 12:12:44:

The sun shined brightly through the leaves and branches of the trees. It made an intricate design on the trunks of the nearby trees and the ground around them. He crouched behind the roots of a large maple tree waiting and watching. Listening to everything and trying to stretch his hearing. The dirt on his skin camouflaged him making him nearly invisible in the leaf patterns. He was naked except for a loin cloth. The breeze in his face cooled him and carried the scents of the forest to him. He clutched is bow lightly in his left hand, an arrow nocked, ready to draw and fire quickly. Several more hung from his waist in a quiver of deer hide sewn with sinew.

He’d learned to be patient. He’d learn to wait. Hunting for food will do that. Move to quickly or too soon and the prey is gone. Hunger awaits then. He was well fed, strong, and resourceful. Nearly 6 feet tall, he weighed 190 pounds. Today though he wasn’t hunting food; today he was hunting her. She wasn’t far off though he wasn’t sure where she was, so he waited, the sun warming him, hiding him.

It was supposedly a game, a war game, like laser tag or paint-ball. The difference was it was real. There were no time outs, no going back and doing it over. There were 6 participants to start, three male, three female, armed as they choose. All were allowed a knife of some kind, and one other weapon. Winner take all, only one survivor, and this was it. They were the last two. They knew when they teamed up initially it might come to this. Each knew the other well. It would not be easy.

She was a very big girl, nearly six fee tall, and over 300 pounds. Even at her large size she was a pretty girl with very large fleshy breasts and round buns. She wore her hair short. She’d been an avid hunter in her younger days with her father. She could use a bow or a rifle with equal ease and accuracy. She had a bow with her as she lay on her belly watching the shadows. Several arrows were clipped to the side. After several minutes of seeing and hearing nothing, she slowly stood and peered around the tree that was her shelter. Part of the forest floor clung to her nearly naked front. She had a scarf wraped around her breasts and tied around her neck a loin cloth like skirt wrapped around her hips. The birds above her twittered and flitted at random, searching for food or mates, or both. She noted the breeze was at her back, and was growing slightly stronger. As she quietly stepped around the tree surveying her surroundings she was saw a chipmunk scurry up a tree to her left and scold her loudly. She smiled and chuckled to herself. She moved slowly around the tree to the edge of the tiny clearing.

He felt rather than heard the movement. It was very subtle, but there. In front of him to his left, something or someone had moved. There was no noise except for a chipmunk twittering loudly. He watched where he’d felt the movement coming from and saw her step from behind the shelter of a tree. Slowly he moved to his right, stood, and drew his bow half way.

She stopped, frozen in place. She heard a slight movement ahead of her. It sounded like an arrow being drawn across a bow. Straining with all her skill she listened. Suddenly she knew she was totally exposed and vulnerable. She hoped it wasn’t a fatal mistake. She reached for an arrow from her clip and as she did she saw him spin out from behind the maple tree. Too late, she realized, to do more than dive to the ground.

He spun back to his right and as he did, he drew his bow to full. He saw her reaching for an arrow. As she did, she dove to the ground. He’d intended to shoot her in the chest and hit her heart. As she dove he snapped his aim down and loosed his attack. The arrow struck her in right hip and cheek.

She hit the ground, and as she did she felt a stinging pain in her hip. She rolled onto her knees, trying to nock her arrow as she came up. She saw him standing there readying his own missile. As she spread her legs to steady herself to draw and fire, she saw the second arrow headed toward her. Time slowed to a crawl. As she watched the second arrow flying toward her she drew and fired her own. Just as she released it she saw the second arrow hit her belly and disappear into her. She watched as it slid smoothly through her skin and into her gut, disappearing up to the fletching. She let out a grunt and felt her insides turn to water. She started to pee involuntarily. She stood, reaching for another arrow.

He was already reaching for another arrow as he saw her roll to her knees. Time slowed for him as he drew and aimed his second shot. He watched as she did the same. As he loosed his shot she had drawn her bow and was letting fly her own shot. He watched, nearly mesmerized, as his arrow hit her in the belly and disappeared nearly completely. Then he felt the sting of her arrow as it hit him just below his ribs. He winced, took a step back as he saw her stand.

She had the arrow strung ready to draw when the pain enveloped her. A wave of nausea washed over her and she nearly gagged. As she choked it back and focused again, she saw him drawing down on her. She tried to move but her feet seemed to be stuck in place. She watched as the arrow sped toward her. As it struck below and to the left of her navel, she felt her bladder release again. This time there was no stopping it. She ignored the warmth spreading down her legs as she sent her shot at him.

He saw her hesitate momentarily and that was the opening he’d been looking for. He quickly noched his arrow and fired. The pain in his side caused him to miss his mark. His shot went low and right. He hit her just below the left side of her navel. He watched as she peed herself again, this time completely. He was reaching for another arrow when he saw her shoot at him again. He saw it coming and ducked right as the arrow sped past harmlessly past him. He deliberately slowed himself past the adrenalin rush and drew a fourth arrow this time deliberately aiming for the spot just above the bottom of her sternum and to the right. He let fly and watched as the arrow split the spot.

Her arrow seemed to have a mind of its own. She saw it fly, but it wasn’t going where it was supposed to. Then there was another one coming at her. Her mind was spinning and she couldn’t quite make out what was wrong. Nothing seemed to work properly, then there was a hard thump in her chest. She looked down as the arrow sunk halfway up the shaft. Her chest exploded in pain as the arrow ripped through her heart. She sank to her knees still looking at the three arrows sticking out of her belly and chest. She looked back at him and had trouble focusing. She dropped her bow, and weakly grabbed the arrow in her chest. As she did, she saw yet another speeding her way. She watched, detached, as it struck her right breast. The soft tissue embraced the invasion completely as the arrow slipped through her tit, chest, lung, and out her back leaving only the smallest of the tip sticking out in front. Her tit was partially flattened with the pressure of the arrow holding it there. Again she looked at him, this time a bit more in focus as he drew again. She had no will power to defend herself and could only watch as the next arrow pierced her right side between her navel and ribs. She wobbled as she tried to stand. Nothing seemed to work properly. Her legs felt like lead and her head was swimming. She managed to get to her feet. As she did, she once more felt the thump of an arrow. She looked down again. This one was in her left breast. Nothing felt right, she started to loose her balance and as she did another shaft hit her low, below her navel. She fell forward into darkness.