Hi Sam thought i would post a little poem

Posted by NBabe on February 01, 1999 at 19:12:04:

Tainted Victory

The waning mist, the rising sun,
Reveals a morn of battle done.
Bodies strewn, no thought to grace,
Open arms beg death's embrace.

A lone man rises, weary, worn,
His garments tattered, bloody, torn.
With staggering step he gains his feet,
His duty clear, his foe's defeat.

Tortured cries draw him near,
To the face of anguish, pain and fear.
Mortal enemy meets his gaze,
A plea for mercy through the haze.

Asking not his life to spare,
But an end to pain too great to bear.
With bloodied sword he ends his life,
Thoughts to honor, children, wife.

Dropping down, his proud head bowed,
Speaking quiet prayers aloud.
For fallen comrades, friends and brothers,
Those left behind, the wives and mothers.

No victory was won this day,
The price of a soul one he must pay.
For honor, King and glory's gain,
The devil's boon.....the warrior's bane.