A story - "An Affair of Honor" - comments welcome and appreciated

Posted by Phillip Marlowe on October 31, 1999 at 18:20:29:

An Affair of Honor
By Phillip Marlowe

It was a beautiful summer morning. The dawn mist was quickly burning off as the rising
sun warmed the air. Tessa arrived first, on horseback, Flora, her hired second following
on foot. Janette arrived shortly thereafter in her family's carriage. Tessa handed the reins
to Flora as she climbed from her mount.

"Tie him up over there."

Flora, winded from keeping up, scampered off without comment to do as she was told.
She had already earned Tessa's ire by asking her what to do if she were killed today.
Tessa exploded in anger.

"You needn't worry! Janette will be the only one to die today! You just do as your told!"

Flora didn't really care. She was a charwoman at the pub where Tessa drank and kept a
sleeping room. She came here to second her for a few coins. She wished she had asked
for payment in advance. Tessa had scared her so badly with her outburst that she was too
scared to risk her wrath again. She thought it would be bad enough to not get paid; she
just didn't want to have to wrestle a corpse onto the horse for the trip back to town.

Her driver climbed down from the seat of the carriage, and helped Janette out. She stayed
close to the carriage, and stared at her rival. She hated her for sleeping with Bennett,
which was bad enough. Bennett could be forgiven; after all, a man of his stature would
have a mistress. But Tessa had publicly humiliated her, and that was worse. And now she
would make her pay with her life.

"I'm surprised that you showed up today whore," spitting her words toward Tessa.

Tessa laughed. "When I'm fucking your lover tonight, I'll be thinking of how I killed you
this morning."

They stared at each other, both overwhelmed with their hatred. Janette had trained with
the sword; this unkempt barwoman would not defeat her, she was sure. She removed her
cape and her hat and handed them to her driver. "Fold them neatly and put them in the
carriage," she told him, confident that she would be wearing them on the ride home.

Tessa had taken Bennett fair and square. He'd been trying to bed her for years. When she
heard that he was engaged to Janette, she thought this would be a good chance to show
that snotty bitch up. Her family had looked down their noses at the people in the village
for years. First she had gotten revenge by taking her lover, now she would get greater
revenge by killing her. She had no formal training with a rapier, but she had experience
killing drunken men who tried to go to far with her. In her mind, there was no difference.

Both turned as another carriage approached. Bennett was arriving. His servant opened the
door and he stepped forward, a long wooden case under his arm. The servant removed a
small folding table and set it up to one side of the clearing. Bennett laid the case on the
table and opened it for all to see. Two shiny rapiers, long thin blades with razor sharp
points cradled in a field of red velvet. They were his personal dueling swords. There was
blood from scores of duels on each of them. Today, one of them would take a life, and
maybe redeem someone's honor.

He looked dispassionately at the two women, as was his duty as the witness. In his own
mind though, he guessed that he would be the winner today no matter what. He had it all
figured out. It was perfect. If Janette died, she had sisters, after an appropriate period of
mourning he would seduce one of them, marry, and claim a piece of her family's fortune.
If Tessa dies, no one would care, and the wedding with Janette would be consummated.
Besides, his reputation as a rake and a cocksman would be greatly enhanced.

Tessa was wearing tight black riding pants and heavy boots, a plain white blouse, as was
the custom for duelists, and a vest that shielded her from the cold. Her thick black curls
hung loosely from her head. Janette wore the same type of riding pants, with more
elegant boots that fit the contours of her legs; her blonde hair pulled back into a tight
ponytail. Her blouse was a more lavish one, with ruffles from the neckline to the waist.
Tessa pulled her vest off and handed it to Flora. Both women unbuttoned their blouses
and exposed their chests, as the rules required, to assure that neither of the duelists was
wearing armor or other protection. Bennett could see the swell of each woman's breasts
under the tight fabric, and each woman's nipples, stiff in the chilly air. He wondered to
himself whether it was the cold or the excitement, as he could feel his manhood stiffen.
He had slept with both women. Both were excellent lovers. Tessa was the shorter of the
two, an ample body with full breasts and broad hips. Janette was elegantly thin. Her
breasts weren't as large as Tessa, but her body was firm and agile. He was ecstatic that
these two women would fight to the death over him. It didn't matter which of them died
today, the winner would warm his bed tonight.

Janette pulled on her tight black leather dueling gloves, and selected one of the swords
backing away from Tessa; this low class bitch might stab her in the back she reasoned.
Tessa kept her riding gauntlets on and took the other, checking to see if these two had
conspired against her. She didn't trust dear Bennett. She thought Janette stupid for risking
her life for him, disregarding her own ignorance. The sword was solid and sharp. Both
women slashed the air in preparation. Bennett held a handkerchief between them, and
dropped it to the ground. The duel was on.

Janette remembered her training and charged Tessa, turning away, thrusting then moving,
exposing as little of her body as possible. Tessa was startled at her quick attack. She
parried the sword as she backed up. She moved at right angles to Janette's sword, and
made a few quick thrusts of her own. Janette easily deflected her thrusts, and twisted her
blade, forcing it to the ground. Janette lunged again. Tessa moved, but not quickly
enough, as the blade tore her blouse and sliced her shoulder.

Tessa jumped back. "You bitch!" she shouted. Janette stood up straight and lowered her
sword, smiling at her adversary's predicament. "Who'll be making love with Bennett
tonight, sweetie?" she spoke, remembering Tessa's earlier challenge.

Tessa ignored the insult as she inspected the wound. It wasn't deep, but it throbbed as the
blood dripped down her arm, turning her white sleeve red. She pressed it tightly to
staunch the bleeding, and stepped forward, preparing to attack again.

Tessa rushed with fury born of pain and fear, sword ready for action. Janette quickly
stepped aside and slashed Tessa across the backside, splitting her skin.

Tessa turned back to see Janette laughing at her. Her fury swelled inside of her. She
momentarily forgot about the pain and swung wildly. Janette wasn't prepared, and the
blade caught her on the thigh. She cried out as it cut her, blood soaking her leg. Now it
was Tessa's turn to taunt her opponent.

"That's just the start, sweetie."

Janette put her hand to her leg in disbelief. The wound was superficial. She was angry
that she let this whore get close to her. She put her pain aside, raised her sword and
prepared to finish this duel. Tessa now had two wounds. Her arm still ached, and she
could feel blood flowing down her pant leg. She thought she could move, all she needed
was an opening. Now her leg ached, hurting worse when she put her weight on it.

Janette again rushed Tessa, slashing and thrusting, forcing her sword back and throwing
her off balance. Tessa pushed back, but wasn't fast enough get close to her. Janette again
knocked her sword back, and thrust toward her belly. Tessa cried out as the blade went
through her side and out her back. Janette pulled the blade back and thrust again. Tessa
dropped to the ground and rolled out of danger. Tessa could feel blood dripping from the
hole in her side. Painful as it was, she knew it wasn't fatal. She put her hand, already
bloody from her wounded arm over the new injury, raising her sword, she attacked again
again, thrusting toward Janette's chest, not able to turn into the blow and protect herself.

Janette was ready this time. As Tessa thrust toward her she turned away from the blade.
She dropped down, extending her sword arm, and lunged forward, holding her position.
Tessa's eyes widened as the blade pricked her belly, and slid inside. She gasped loudly as
her own forward motion impaled her on Janette's blade. She could feel the cold steel
slicing deeply through her, tearing her viscera open, her belly contracting around the
blade as it went about its deadly business.

Tessa dropped her sword, standing like a statue as the agony spread through her body.
Another convulsion of pain shot through Tessa's belly as Janette pulled the sword free,
tearing her wound open even more. Tessa grabbed her belly and began to stagger
backwards. She fell back against the carriage. She reached out and grabbed the wheel,
holding herself up. She looked at her blood soaked glove in disbelief and anger. "I'm
killed," was her only thought as another spasm of pain hit her. She grabbed her wound
again, and twisted her face, squinting her eyes against the anguish. Janette looked to her
open blouse. She could see where the swell of Tessa's breast met her chest. That was
where her training told her the heart would be. Janette thrust again, effortlessly cutting
through her left breast, sliding between the ribs. Tessa grunted loudly and arched back,
pushing her breasts out proudly as the as the blade split her open.

Janette pulled the sword from her, a spurt of blood burst from Tessa's chest, spilling
down between her breasts. She staggered about aimlessly, one hand on her belly, the
other on her chest, each breath into her damaged lung a searing reminder of her certain
doom. The blade hadn't hit her heart squarely, but had sliced it enough that she could feel
her heart bleeding deep inside her, and her lungs filling with blood. Shock and pain
finally overcame her, and she collapsed to the ground in a pirouette. Janette stood over
her, enjoying the sight of blood trickling across her bare chest as she lay on the ground.
Tessa fought to say something, she wanted to curse Janette with her dying breath, but the
blood she tasted in her mouth turned her words into incoherent gurgles. Death would take
her before she would speak. She fought to inhale as her chest filled with blood, her
breasts heaved and her wound made a liquid sucking sound. She began to tremble and
convulse, drowning in her blood. The pain had turned to terror of the unknown. Her eyes
wide open, hopelessly fighting for her life. One last liquid gasp, and she was still.

Bennett had never been so excited in his life. The site of the women, breasts shaking as
they fought, and finally the sight of the blade stuck in Tessa's chest was pure ecstasy. His
mind filled with visions of tonight's passion. He went to Janette.

"You were wonderful darling," he gushed, "I'm so glad you won."

Janette looked at him in anger. "How dare you!" she snapped, "What would you have
said to her had that been my corpse on the ground." Bennett looked at her quizzically.
Janette now understood what Bennett was about. He and this dead tart deserved each

She didn't give him time to answer her question. A quick thrust just under his rib cage
sliced his stomach open, and he collapsed to his knees. He cried out, looking at the
bloody spot on his shirt, then back at her in shock and amazement, pain engulfing him.
Janette thrust again. His heart was pierced as Tessa's was. He cried out in his final agony.
Janette had aimed true this time; after all, she had rested her head on his chest many
times, she knew exactly where his heart was. His own blade had ripped his heart. Blazing
pain filled his chest. He tried to scream, but nothing came from his mouth as he grimaced
in agony. Janette left the sword in him; it was his. He tried to get to his feet, but he
slumped forward, driving the blade through him and out his back. He grunted again,
made some gurgling noises, and died.

Janette picked up Tessa's sword and put the point into the hollow of his servant's throat.
"Take your master and his whore and throw them into an unmarked hole in these woods.
They can spend eternity together." She bent over and removed a thick roll of bills from
Bennett's pocket, handing them to the scared servant.

She turned to Flora. "Run along now." Flora went to get the horse; it would be worth