Posted by KinghtStalker on January 08, 2001 at 15:24:04:

Heather had long anticipated taking a week's vacation from her dungeon-like job, and she felt a high degree of excitement as her cab rolled up to the entrance of the Pueblo Hacienda condminium complex in sunny LA. Even though she hadn't seen it for 5 years she still remembered its quaintness and informal look. She closed her eyes as the cab sped off and imagined how good it was going to feel to get into her bathing suit and relax by the pool.

Heather found the elevator, pressed #6, and continued to daydream about how she was going to spend the next 6 days. Already the heavy mantel of her job was dissolving away. When she reached #666 she opened the door with her key and dragged her luggage through the door way.

As soon as she closed the door she sensed that something was amiss, and it had nothing to do with some of the furniture being in different places or any of the newer decorating that had been done in the last 5 years. Heather had corresponded with a couple of her timeshare "buddies" on a regular basis, and in fact, had even chatted with Tina Fortin 4 days ago while her "buddy" was staying here. Tina had told her all about the timeshare changes.

Being a neatfreak Heather immediately noticed when she entered the bedroom that Tina had left the bed unmade and that there were various silk articles strewn over the bed including 3 or 4 scarves, one of which seemed to be tied to one of the bedposts. There was even a silk teddy on the bed. On the night table appeared to be a small leather book. Being curious, Heather opened the book to find it was a diary of sorts. Someone called "K" had almost filled the book with entries dating back several months right up until yesterday. Tina had been mentioned a few times, too. Her concern that that "K" might return anytime to reclaim the book precluded her from exploring it further. Aside from straightening up the bedroom, the only other action that Heather took before she went down to the pool was to call Tina to see if she could shed any light on this curious situation. All she got was Tina's answering machine.

It was nearing dinner time when Heather returned to her timeshare unit. Her smoothe white skin glowed a pinkish red from tropical sun and was a little sensitive to the touch from the mild burn. After she entered her unit she turned the TV on in the bedroom and began half watching the local news while she rushed around preparing to take a bath. The reporter was discussing something that had just happened. Heather tried to stop when a picture of Tina appeared on the screen, but her highheeled sandal got caught on the corner of the bureau. She went cascading down over her feet and lost consciousness when her head hit the night table.

When Heather awoke in a grogging state she couldn't believe her eyes. Her friend Tina was lying on the bed wearing a silk teddy and half trussed up by her arms on the two headboard bedposts by two silk scarves. "Are you OK, Tina?", she asked as she rubbed the bump on her own head. "What are you doing here?", she further inquired. Even when Heather stood up and hovered over Tina, she still got no reaction from her timeshare buddy.

In a moment a naked man came out of the bathroom and passed right by Heather as if she were not there. He climbed on the bed and proceeded to make love with Tina while she was trussed up. They both came more than once. The man reached over to the night table, retrieved another silk scarf and tied one of Tina's legs to the foot board corner post. She moaned with even greater anticipation when he reached for the last scarf. Heather was awestruck for an explanation of what was happening to all three of them.

Tina was too involved with her own feelings of passion to notice that the man then took the last silk scarf and wound it around his hands instead of the remaining bedpost. When he has kneeling over her and straddling her body did she finally question what he was doing. His response was simple and to the point. He was about to end their relationship and did not want Tina to have any lingering pains of sorrow. In a flash he took the scarf and wound it tightly around Tina's long neck.

In a moment Tina began to gasp from the pressure of the scarf strangling her. Heather gulped from the scene, reaching for her own neck. She went over to the bed, but could not make any bodily contact with either Tina or the man. All she could do was to helplessly watch her friend strangle to death in this surrealistic drama. Finally Tina went limp on the bed and the man fucked her one more time "for old time's sake". He then untied her and removed the silk teddy.
He then dragged her body to the bathroom and deposited her body into the bathtub.

Heather puked when started to carve up Tina's body into smaller pieces with a knife he had taken out of his luggage. Her revulsion continued when he put the pieces into several plastic bags. He then spent the next two hours cleaning the bathroom. It took four different trips to wherever he was going to dispose the body to complete that mission. When dawn was approaching he left...

Heather had tried to call 911 and leave the condo unit all the while the cleanup progressed. But it was as if she were frozen in time and the "real world" was incapable of responding to her actions, or was that this "surreal world" was incapable of interacting with her? She passed out again.

When she awoke again the TV was still blaring about the discovery of Tina's body. Still groggy, she got up from the floor only to notice that Tina's killer was looking right at her from the other side of the bed. On the night table were 3 or 4 silk scarves. On the bed was a silk teddy.