Kelli & Jen: Background

Posted by Jennifer Kilmey on January 26, 2001 at 10:18:09:

First, it must be stated, for the record, Kelli never tried to influence Jenny's necro-fantasies. At first, she wasn't even sure it was real. How could such a coincidence occur? In a small town like Springfield, how did Kelli and Jenny ever find each other? They were both kids, really, Kelli only fifteen when she first began "baby sitting" for extra cash. Jenny was a lively seven year old girl. Jenny's parents thought the world of Kelli, the tall lovely redhead seemed responsible and mature enough, and Jenny loved her.
Jen was a bit of a "tomboy". She liked to play games with guns. She had a daisy air rifle that made a very satisfying "bang". Kelli thought it was cute the way Jenny liked to "die" just like a girl in a ganster movie they had watched on t.v. one night.
"Do it again...please?" she'd beg, 'till Kelli would give in, (just to be a good sport) take the rifle and point it at the pretty blonde child.
Jenny would pretend to be frightened, then, imitating the girl in the movie. "No... Oh, God, no, please, don't..." her pretty blue eyes wide with mock fear.
"Bang!" Kelli pulled the trigger and Jenny jerked, clutching at her tummy, slowly sinking to her knees with a soft moan, then on to her back. Kelli tried not to giggle at the spectacle of the little girl kicking and squirming, pretending to die...

Just a game. And it was never Kelli's idea. The kid just liked it, that's all.

Later, when Jenny was fifteen and Kelli twenty two, they were still close, Kelli sort of the big sister Jenny never had. A bad thing happened on Halloween night that year. Jenny had dressed in a fuzzy, soft witche's robe she had made, and went alone to the graveyard outside town. She just thought it would be cool and creepy... She never expected to be suprised by the three boys who raped her there...
She was afraid to tell her parents, or anybody, but she went finally to Kelli's apartment, and tearfully told her the whole awful story.
Later, Kelli held the little blonde as she slept, but still, she never touched her in "that way". Never led her down any dark path, no, Kelli was a good girl.

Now, Jenny is big too. Just turned twenty one this month. And Kelli is coming to town for a visit. She's twenty nine, and more beautiful than ever and Jenny is very excited. They have never confessed to each other about their dark fantasy necro-needs, but somehow, they both know. This time when they get together, the games will be more fun.