His Due (Halloween cannibal poetry!?)

Posted by hisdinner on October 27, 2003 at 21:29:11:

His Due
by hisdinner 10-27-03

Times were tough,
And with their bellies rumbling every night
From lack of meat,
The men started scheming,
As men do,
And the girls they had always
Coveted for their rutting
Soon became their food.

Once it was done,
Once the first man grasped
His maid's or daughter's or wife's hair
And slit her throat
And tossed her into the pit to roast,
The men sat up in dumb-struck amazement,
Punched each other's arms and bellered,
"Why in the Devil's name did we wait so long?"

And so it was that any girl
Became both lay and larder,
Tending her master's cock one day
And roasting on his fire, another.
The men belched, grew fat and sated,
And the women disappeared.
But never fear, the rutting continued,
and the supply of girlmeat seemed ensured.

When the pestilence came to their valley
Those fattened men were drowsy, stuporous, and unaware.
They sat and drank in the public house
While an insolent, mysterious force
Invaded and carried off their girls.
Returning home that night,
The men found their beds empty
And their ovens cold.

What was it that swept through the valley
And caused men's bellies to growl once more?
What beast, what man beguiled their beauties
And emptied their beds
And stole their meals?
Little Emma knows,
But she won't tell.

Emma was the only girl remaining.
She held court daily near the roasting pit.
She reveled in her new acclaim
She wore it like a crown.
As men fawned and courted her,
She granted audience to one and all.
She smiled and simpered, but Emma, that wicked girl
Spoke not one word about the One who stole.

A desperate band of village men swore and cursed
Then set out to reclaim their women-food.
They took Emma along as a dowsing rod
Like to like, they figured, she'll scent them first.
Emma led them to a narrow canyon with high walls.
There she fell down, suddenly possessed
Of a throbbing, writhing, moaning madness
Just outside the glowing mouth of a cave.

"He claims me!" she cried as her small hips rose.
Emma's hands caressed her curves
Her fingers darted within her wet cleft
She arched and purred and moaned
She splayed her legs most wantonly
And begged for Him to come. And suddenly
A roiling black miasma enveloped her.
Every pore of Emma was filled.

Their eyes widened and their cocks grew hard
As each man saw that girl impaled and used.
A guttural grunt of pleasure shook the ground
The village men yelped and fell to their knees,
As that Dark One rose, shapeless, shifting
and with his thrall
Flowed deep into his cave
Triumphant laughter boomed.

One man rose on trembling legs and spoke.
"Oh Gods, forgive us.
We invoked him!"
The men squirmed and nodded, remembering
How they'd sniggered and they'd boasted
That first night, unaware that He had heard.
Now their heads turned toward the gaping maw
Where the Dark One and their Emma had disappeared.

Ambrosial scents drifted from the cave
Bones crunched, and wet flesh ripped.
The men shuddered and sniffed and understood.
Spikes of ghastly jealous recognition shot through them
As the menfolk heard their girls torn apart
And smelled them burn.
The men clenched their hands and swallowed hard.
Dry throats rasped and bellies grumbled

And smacking sounds of satisfaction echoed
As the Devil dined alone.