Rose Warriors (Part 3)

Posted by Extranjero on April 27, 2007 at 12:14:46:


Leilani rolled onto her back and gazed up at the ceiling. She hated waking up at night. The silence gave her too much time to think.

Soon it would be dawn again. The vast expanse of ranges would go live. Troops of brainwashed girls would be compelled to fight each other to the death. Those who survived a skirmish would proceed to the next level, to fight with different weapons, different skills. Ultimately the “graduates” would join the Field Brigades and be shipped out to the distant battle zones.

Many girls, of course, would never make it. Dozens perished daily in the fancy-dress fire fights. The system made the most of their dead bodies, preserving them as sex dolls for the male battalions being trained elsewhere.

Girls of her background. Girls her age. She’d almost ended up like that herself.

Leilani breathed in deeply but her face remained impassive. She had her duty, and her privileges. Once the sun was up, it would be easier to focus. She gently stroked her hand across her breasts.

The Commander of the Training Zone was satisfied with her – at least, as far as anyone could tell. Ever since the uprising, the thing had lurked, reclusive, in the Tower. Its fellows – those which had survived – had moved to other strongholds. The Citadel felt almost desolate.

These evil, armoured creatures had their hooks into the world. The very thought of them made her feel cold. No-one knew, or dared to wonder, what they were or where they might have come from. She remembered something Jaz had said, before Leilani’s sword had gutted her.

Their world is older than ours.

Her predecessor in this post had known enough to fear them. Her warning had been tinged with ancient dread.

They walked the Earth before the Flood, and now they want it back.

Leilani’s hand slid down her belly, fingers circling her navel stud. All Guards wore a coded jewel, and hers was a bright diamond. The seal of the Commanders was tattooed on her left arm. They owned her body. She belonged to them.

But her desires were still her own. Her restless mind kept focusing on Amy. The way her pert breasts moved beneath her tee-shirt, in contrast to the prim look on her face. Perhaps the girl was sleepless now, and curled up with a book. Or tangled in her bed sheets and some wild romantic dream.

Leilani’s fingers reached her moistened pussy. She traced the labia gingerly, then splayed her thighs, submitting to temptation. Biting on her lower lip, she worked her clitoris, and never heard the shadows climb the stairs.

* * *

The Guard in the hall had been trying to raise her colleague, the one who was patrolling in the courtyard. She touched her headset with both hands to check that it was tuned. Her MP5 was slung across her midriff. The topmost round was in the breech, the firing grip all ready to be snatched.

“Corina … have you nodded off, you dozy little cow?” She paced across the dusky hall. The candles scarcely flickered. She reached one of the pillars and began to turn again. A sword flashed out and sliced into her throat.

“Gggghh,” she choked, eyes goggling at the figure in the shadows. The buried blade was cold and yet white-hot. She let her mouth fall open as warm liquid splashed her cleavage. The killer’s naked arms were braced, rock-hard.

The Guard’s eyes rolled up blindly and she started to collapse. The blade came wetly free again, and the killer caught her body, lowering it so smoothly that her own black clothes were barely stained with blood. She wore a long, slit skirt and had a shell of Kevlar moulded to her breasts. A black scarf was wrapped round her mouth and nose. Her head was bare.

Another Guard came through into the hall uneasily. She’d heard a croak over the open channel. Before she’d even focused on the shadow in the corner, a second masked girl stopped her in her tracks. A silenced pistol coughed and punched a red hole in her forehead. The impact flipped the Guard’s head back and sprayed dark blood across the wall behind her. She slumped with knees together like a posh young lady swooning at a ball.

The first girl finished wiping off her sword and straightened up. The weapon was an Arab sabre, spotless after centuries of use. It seemed appropriate in this decaying Moorish palace, where history was carved on every stone.

Several more girls slipped in through the doorway, all wearing the same masks, black skirts and breastplates. The muscles in their arms and stomachs seemed to ripple in the candlelight. They listened to the stillness, then began to climb the stairs, as silent as their shadows on the wall. The slit skirts gave a glimpse of shapely legs and calf-high boots, but the muffled faces stayed mysterious.

They reached Leilani’s chamber and the first three ventured in on stealthy feet. Their eyes showed no reaction to the sight which greeted them. Leilani was close to orgasm now, her fingers moving slickly on her slit. Her free hand fondled her taut breasts. Her face was closed, locked up with her delight.

The girl with the sabre edged around the left side of the bed. One of the others drew a knife and circled to the right. The girl with the pistol waited in the doorway, weapon aimed. Leilani’s moans excited her. The thought of what was coming made her ooze.

Leilani felt the faintest ripple in the sticky air. She thought for just an instant that, by wishing it, she’d summoned Amy here. Then her eyes flicked open and her swollen heart convulsed. A masked girl with an upraised knife was bending over her.

The blade came hacking down at once. Leilani squirmed aside. The knife sank through the mattress and she struck out with her foot, the kick connecting with a slender stomach. The girl flew backwards with a grunt, but someone else was poised beside the bed. Leilani swivelled on her bum and glimpsed the sword about to slash at her. She scooted forward violently and lashed out with both legs. Her feet went past the masked girl’s face and hooked behind her head. Then Leilani drew her legs back, dragging the bitch down on top of her. The sword hand flailed out wildly as they struggled on the sheets, but Leilani’s thighs were bunched with desperate strength. The girl’s masked face was jammed against her pussy. The smell of sweat and juices must be suffocating her.

She scrabbled underneath her pillow, groping for the gun. The girl she’d kicked was on her feet again. Then a figure in the doorway fired a silenced gun, not caring that her friend was on the bed. The bullet clipped the struggling assassin and smashed into the carved wood of the bedhead. Leilani grasped her pistol, snatched it out and fired back. The first shot hit the killer’s collarbone. It angled down behind her breastplate, shredding heart and lung. The next round put a rosebud in the centre of her forehead and flipped her back into the passageway.

The girl with the knife plunged forward as Leilani switched her aim. The bullet ricocheted off Kevlar, knocking her aside, not stopping her. The girl between Leilani’s legs was struggling frantically. They humped and wrestled on the bed. Leilani fired again. The knife-girl gave a muffled squawk as the bullet pierced her stomach. She jack-knifed and collapsed against the bed. Leilani braced herself and twisted sharply with her hips. There was a crunch of cartilage. Her bedmate shuddered briefly and went limp.

Leilani gasped and kicked her clear. Her skin was bathed in sweat. She tumbled off the bed just as another girl barged in. A silenced sub-machine gun stuttered, ripping up the pillows where she’d lain. Leilani fired across the bed and hit the girl beneath her armoured breast. The bullet chewed its way into the bitch’s pounding heart and sprayed the contents halfway up the wall.

Leilani powered up before the body hit the floor. She sprang onto the bed and used the well-sprung mattress as a trampoline. The bounce took her above the fifth girl’s bullets. She fired in mid-air, blasting the assassin off her feet.

She landed nimbly, crouched for her next challenge. The dead girl thumped against the tiles. Leilani’s spent shells rattled next to her. The ornate room was splashed with blood. It smelled of death and gunsmoke. An eerie silence filled her ringing ears.

Cautiously she straightened up and flexed her fingers round the automatic. She’d fired nine at least – say ten – which only left her five. She glanced around, then took the Arab sword in her free hand. Heart thudding, she crept over to the doorway. The first assassin that she’d shot lay sprawling in the passage with a stain like spilled molasses round her head.

Leilani took a shallow breath, then darted through the doorway. Another masked bitch lunged at her, and this one had a sabre of her own. Leilani ducked and blocked the blow, then spun away for space to use her gun. But a seventh girl was waiting on the doorway’s other side. She swung her body in a kick that knocked the pistol from Leilani’s hand.

Leilani did a back-flip like a gymnast on a beam and grasped the lightweight sabre in both hands. She was on the spacious landing now, beneath a ceiling carved like honeycomb. The two assassins stalked towards her, fanning out to take her from both sides. Both of them had shortish hair, while hers lung like a curtain in her eyes. She tossed her head to shake it clear. Her naked body glistened as she moved.

The second girl had drawn a knife. She prowled close and pounced. Leilani knew it was a trap and didn’t use the sword. Instead she scissors-kicked the girl and twisted in the air, pushing off from her to meet the other one’s attack. The polished sabres clashed again, but hers had more momentum. She hacked straight through the other’s guard and sliced into her neck.

The girl went down; Leilani flipped above her. She landed like a cat and braced the sword. The last assassin squeezed her knife. Her fringe was damp with sweat. Leilani lunged and slashed at her. The girl danced back, then pivoted and kicked. Now it was Leilani’s turn to duck a killer blow. The girl spun round and kicked again, unhindered by her skirt. The garment opened to the thigh, revealing her white briefs.

Leilani skittered back again and glimpsed a movement on the stairs below her. She risked a glance and saw it was one of her bodyguards. The girl was climbing warily, her MP5 pressed tight against her shoulder. It was aimed at the assassin, but Leilani realised she was in the way.

Instinct said to jump aside. Instead she stood her ground and spread her arms. The masked girl glowered back at her. “You’ve got a chance to live,” Leilani said.

Something seemed to flicker in the eyes above the mask – but then the girl just came at her head-on. Leilani swung the sword up and the young assassin threw herself against it. It carved into her naked stomach, slicing through to grate against her spine. The doomed girl made a mewling sound which turned into a gurgle. A splash of blood came soaking through her mask. She lashed out blindly with her knife and missed Leilani’s tits by half an inch. Then a shot rang out from somewhere further down the staircase, and the bullet hit the girl below the jaw. It burrowed up into her brainstem, and her head snapped sharply to one side. She slumped and never felt the sabre twisting in her guts. Leilani stared at her, then swung around.

A girl in a black catsuit was advancing up the staircase with an M92 Beretta in both hands. Her arms were bare and muscular. Her dark hair was scraped back. She had a glossy pout and cool blue eyes.

Leilani gave her a grim look. “It’s good of you to join us, Spearhead Leader.”

Her sarcasm made the girl’s cheeks flush. “I made it here as quickly as I could.”

“Ruthie, I put you in charge of Zone security. So what were these bitches doing in my room?”

Ruthie still looked petulant, but tried to sound contrite. “I’m sorry. I don’t know how they got through. How many are there?”

A sudden burst of shots came from outside. “More than these,” Leilani said, her fingers clenching round the sabre’s hilt. Ruthie raised her pistol, and the other Guard brought up her MP5. They stood and listened warily. More gunshots split the night. But they came from many streets away, and quickly petered out. Leilani waited, nude and unselfconscious. She gazed down at the hallway and her two dead bodyguards.

The Guard still on the stairs fingered her earpiece. “Three more by the eastern rampart … And they’ve all been killed.”

Leilani nodded sombrely. “Where were they?”

“Near the Judge’s Tower.”

She frowned. “What were they after there? That quarter’s just a ruin.”

The girl just stared at her. Her face was pale. Was it shock at losing friends, or guilt because she hadn’t died with them? Ruthie came on up the stairs, now looking smug again. Leilani turned back to the dead assassins.

They strewed the passage and her room, their graceful limbs now boneless. Their knives and guns lay scattered on the tiles. She’d slaughtered them on autopilot; now she felt light-headed with reaction. Some of the girls lay open-eyed, but the masks concealed their anguish. Many of the skirts had flared, revealing muscled thighs and wet white briefs.

She hunkered down beside one body and unwrapped the mask. Some of the dead looked Arabic, but this one had a European complexion. Her face was sullen with dismay. Blood trickled from her mouth. Leilani touched the mounds of Kevlar covering her tits, then straightened up, still frowning thoughtfully.

Amy arrived at that point, wrapped in nothing but a robe. The thin silk emphasised her slender frame. Her dishwater curls spilled round her shoulders, framing her pale face. “Oh God, are you all right, Battlion Leader?”

Leilani looked round sharply. “Oh, just call me Leilani, for Christ’s sake!”

Amy blushed, which made Leilani conscious of her nudity again. She found her own short robe and pulled it on. Her assistant’s eyes were very wide as she surveyed the carnage. “Come on, then,” Leilani said, “let’s put your brains to work.”

“They almost look like real Assassins,” Amy murmured back. “Those masks … and Arab swords and daggers. Hold on, though. What’s this …?”

One of the dead girls had something tied around her neck. A pendant on a thong, grotesquely carved. Amy crouched distastefully and tugged it off the corpse. “Some kind of amulet, I guess … but that’s not Arabic. It looks much older.”

“See what you can find on it,” Leilani told her flatly. Then, as Amy turned to go, she touched the blonde girl’s arm. “Hey, I’m sorry that I snapped. I’m having a bad night.”

Amy nodded woodenly and left the room, still clutching the stone pendant. Leilani hugged herself. She really needed a hot bath. The Guard stood waiting dutifully, the MP5 still clasped against her midriff. She moistened her lips. “Would you like me to stay close, Battalion Leader?”

Leilani glanced at her. The girl was pale but eager-eyed. No doubt she’d give her body up to comfort her commander, if that was what Leilani asked of her.

She could sleep with anyone she chose, because of her position – but who’d make love to her for being herself? The brief surge of temptation faded back into her loins. Leilani rubbed her forehead. “What’s your name?”

“Lena,” the girl answered modestly.

“Thank you, Lena. Wait outside. I’ll call you if I need you.” Leilani touched her cheek and let her go.

“I’ll get this mess cleaned up,” said Ruthie briskly. “We’ll have another room made up by the time you’ve had a bath.”

“Anything more on the incident today?” Leilani asked her.

Ruthie shrugged. “I guess it was bad luck. They just got careless.”

Leilani nodded, weary now. She padded out, still fastening her robe. Ruthie scanned the bloody room, then peered after her.

An evil little smile curved her lips.