Doll Soldiers - Part 1

Posted by Extranjero on April 16, 2007 at 13:53:17:


The hot sky was a perfect blue. The grassland had been bleached as pale as wheat. The group of girls stayed listless in the dusty clump of trees. Their jackets were as scarlet as spilled blood.

Katy was the only one who couldn’t settle down. She wriggled while the others dozed, like someone who was dying for a pee. The stillness yawned around her, more oppressive than the heat. Her sweaty fingers tightened round the gun.

Part of her was sure she was hallucinating this – and yet she’d lost her grip on what was real. There was a hollow in her head, as if her memories had been scooped out. There were images and fragments left, but nothing which made sense. And the nightmare had gone on for days, played out in real time.

So how come they were wearing soldiers’ jackets and white helmets, and nothing else but boots and lingerie? The combination was surreal. It filled her with unease. She rubbed her moist palm on her coat and glanced around the grove. The other girls were drooping like parched flowers. The uniforms – such as they were – made her think of films and paintings: a parody of some forgotten war.

Her red coat was unbuttoned, but her skin could hardly breathe. Her cleavage glistened with a sheen of sweat. Beneath the thigh-length jacket she was only wearing panties, and the lace had worked itself between her cheeks. Her muscular bare legs offset her calf-high leather boots. She’d pushed her domed white helmet back, and damp blonde curls were sticking to her brow.

At least the gun was real as well – a solid wooden carbine. A leather box of cartridges was resting on her hip. Katy would have said that she knew nothing about guns, and yet the antique weapon felt familiar. But what was it she needed to defend herself against? The nagging question made her stomach crawl.

Dry leaves stirred behind her and she turned – but it was Susie. The girl was new to the patrol, still perky and bright-eyed despite the heat. Her jacket was buttoned primly up; the hem concealed her panties by an inch. Her helmet rested squarely on her boyish-cut blonde hair. A holstered pistol dangled from her belt.

Katy didn’t care if her disdain showed on her face. The girl was too sweet-natured, too naïve. Something was brewing round them, she was quite convinced of that. The last thing that they needed was a fresh-faced officer to screw things up.

The others’ coats were all undone, their plump breasts peeking out. Jenny still wore sheer white hose; the rest showed smooth bare legs and skimpy briefs. They’d settled in what shade they could, with carbines loosely cradled – all except for Lisa, who was soaking up the sun. She lounged in it, her jacket spread, her firm breasts slick with sunscreen. Her helmet was tipped down over her eyes. Katy understood the urge to wallow in the heat, but deeper instincts niggled at her now. The warning itch was getting more insistent. She turned to scan the grassland once again.

“You’ll start to make me nervous,” Susie teased.

Katy looked round sullenly. “You’ve no idea what’s out there.”

“Sure I don’t,” said Susie. “Why, do you?”

Katy sniffed, not deigning to reply, and gripped her gun. Susie still thought this was fun, a game of dressing-up, but Katy knew that it was more than that. Whatever they were doing here, she sensed their every move was being watched. The other girls were nonchalant, their strength sapped by the heat - but nobody was creeping up on her!

Susie took her helmet off and used a handkerchief to mop her brow. Her short fair hair was streaked with sweat – it looked as if her roots were showing through. Katy smiled tartly to herself and looked away.

A pair of dark eyes watched her through the grass.

Leilani had crawled very close, but still she went unnoticed. The redcoats’ tone stayed low and casual. She lay unmoving, belly-down, as lissom as a lynx. Her bare skin had a honey glaze; her dark hair spilled like silk onto her back. Her eyes were huge, like a gazelle’s. A stabbing spear was ready in her hand.

The redcoats were the enemy. She knew it in her heart and in her gut. Her memory was full of fog, but this was a more fundamental instinct. Like girl gangs when she’d been at school: no quarter for the sluts on the wrong side.

Her heart was thudding in her breast. She raised herself an inch. The short-haired girl had sauntered off and left her comrade sulking. Leilani showed her white teeth in a little vixen’s smile. Her fingers twitched and tightened round the spear.

The sun felt scorching on her back, despite the cream she’d rubbed into herself. Her deerskin bikini didn’t offer much protection. The shady clump looked tempting, and the redcoats would have water in their flasks. But her overriding impulse was to wipe the bitches out. The empty landscape would feel safer then.

Maria slithered into place beside her. Leilani gently touched her arm, her doe-dark eyes still focused on the sentry. Maria purred with energy, a panther in the grass, her bare skin tanned a glossy rosewood brown. She was a cool New Zealander, with hazel eyes and tumbling chestnut hair. A Maori on her mother’s side, or so she’d told Leilani. She gripped her spear as to the manner born.

The clump had been encircled, then – all ready for the kill. The girls with bows were hanging back; the ones with spears were poised to pounce like cats. All of them had assegais, the slim blades tapering like cypress trees. Leilani cast a glance over her shoulder. Kathleen was lying on her side, her bow half-drawn, an arrow notched in place. She smiled with fierce enthusiasm - a handsome, sporty girl with dark blonde hair. Leilani winked at her, then turned and waited for her cats to show their claws.

Susie was just loosening her collar. She had nothing on beneath the coat, but it felt as if she was about to cook. Even in the green shade of the trees, the heat was stifling. The sense of an adventure was beginning to wear off.

She had a normal life, of course. The weird thing was, she couldn’t picture it. Just disconnected images, which didn’t tell her much. She knew that she liked sport and going shopping, but nothing to explain why she had volunteered for this.

Someone gave a deferential cough and Susie turned. Leighanne was there behind her, looking earnest. The girl was always so po-faced, as if she had her mind on higher things. Even when she smiled, her brown eyes stayed as hard as buttons. She’d taken off her helmet and her short hair was smoothed neatly into shape. Her jacket looked at least a size too large.

“I’m going for a wee,” she said.

“Whatever,” Susie shrugged.

Leighanne moved off between the trees. How old was she, nineteen? Susie had her down as an ambitious checkout girl who thought she should be higher up the chain. Better keep an eye on the self-satisfied young lady. Either that, or get stabbed in the back ...

Leighanne checked she was out of view, then brushed her coat tails back. She hooked her thumbs into her panties, wiggling her hips – and then froze still. The bright blade of a spear had just appeared from out of nowhere. It pricked the tender column of her throat.

She gave a little squeak of shock and looked along the shaft. A feline-looking girl was holding it. Her breasts were bare; she wore a skimpy rawhide skirt and boots. She had a smug expression, framed by tousled mid-brown hair.

“How many of you are there, then?” she hissed.

Leighanne simply gaped at her, wide-eyed and paralysed. She was leaning slightly forward and her shapely breasts had nudged her coat apart. The polished spearpoint nicked her skin – a man would feel he’d had a shaving cut. She straightened awkwardly, and stumbled back against a tree. The leaf of metal never left her neck.

There were other girls converging through the shadows of the copse. She glimpsed them with a rising sense of dread. “How many?” growled her captor. Leighanne swallowed fearfully. “Ten,” she squeaked, and shuddered as the spearhead was withdrawn.

She let her breath come sighing out - and then the spear was thrust into her midriff. It pierced her body like a branding iron. Leighanne convulsed and grimaced as the impact swelled inside her. It felt as if she’d choked on molten lead.

“Hgh!” the huntress grunted with the effort. “Hgghhh,” Leighanne responded as the eight-inch spearhead drove into her flesh. She flailed and wriggled helplessly, teeth gritted as she twisted on the point. “Nghh!” the brown-haired girl insisted. “Eeeegh,” whimpered Leighanne in agony. Her breasts bulged out invitingly, the nipples plump as teats. The girl’s tits rubbed against them as she jammed her weapon home. Leighanne’s head flipped back, then flopped. She quivered and went limp. The huntress bit her victim’s neck to keep from crying out, then let the body slither to the ground.

Susie leaned against a tree. She squinted at the sun. Not much sense in moving round in this: the girls were bushed. Leighanne’s gun and helmet were still lying in the grass. She looked forward to upbraiding the conceited little cow.

The attack came with no warning, just a single flying spear. Susie heard the thud, and then a scream which made her fine hairs stand on end. Adrenalin blazed through her as she swung around to look. One of the girls was on the ground and writhing like a skewered butterfly.

She goggled for a moment – then glimpsed movement in the trees. Gasping, Susie fumbled for her holster. As she struggled with the flap, a pack of lithe, tanned girls came rushing forward. The dozing redcoats barely had a chance to reach their guns.

The sleepy camp erupted into chaos, like a catfight where one side had all the claws. Lisa sat bolt upright to find somebody astride her. The sunscreen on her breasts was no protection from a spear. Jenny squealed and rolled away, but found her path was blocked. Her shriek was just as anguished as an assegai was thrust between her tits.

Then Katy’s carbine thundered, and the girl who’d speared Lisa died as well. Blood spilled down her cleavage as she flopped into the grass beside her victim. Susie looked round pleadingly, still clawing for her gun. Katy’s face was flushed, her bosom heaving. She levered the spent cartridge out and fumbled to reload. The redcoats who had found their feet were scattering like chickens, but their panic only served to seal their fate.

Kathleen sat up straight, her bare breasts joggling. Her bow twanged and the hissing arrow thwacked into a slim red-coated back. The target jerked and bleated, one hand groping for an itch she’d never reach. Then she pitched face downward in the trampled, bloodstained grass, her jacket riding up to show the skimpy panties tucked into her arse.

A slim, athletic girl came after Susie, her teeth bared and her spear poised to throw. Susie cowered back from her, then realised that she’d got her pistol out. She swung the weapon up and fired. The girl spun off her feet. Susie fled in horror while the body was still falling. The huntress landed on her back, her ample bosom bouncing with the jolt.

Kathleen was up on one knee now. Her biceps bulged, then rippled as she loosed. A girl in briefs and helmet caught the arrow in her chest. She wailed like a smacked schoolgirl and went down.

Katy burst out of the trees. The grassland surged away on every side. She swung around and threw the heavy carbine to her shoulder. The shot struck her pursuer in the throat.

The huntress tumbled forward to lie gargling in the grass. Katy backed away from her, ejecting the spent shell. She scrabbled for another round, and didn’t hear the rustling from behind her.

Leilani rose and hurled her spear. It struck the girl between her shoulder blades. The blade thunked deep, and Katy gave a startled, unstrung cry. She teetered in a pirouette, face stupefied with shock, eyes bulging as Maria rushed towards her. Before she could begin to squirm, the Kiwi girl had stabbed her in the breast. The biting pain made Katy scream - a wail that rose in pitch until spearhead snagged her heart and tore it open. Then she bucked spasmodically and dropped onto her knees. Maria jerked the point back out and half a pint of blood soaked the dry grass. Katy made a mewling sound and flopped onto her tits.

Susie pulled her trigger and a scarlet hole appeared in someone’s chest. The stricken girl flailed back, and she recoiled as violently. She’d left the cover of the trees; the sun was beating down on her cropped head. Her last two girls were screaming as the huntresses closed in, as if this were some ghastly game of tag. One of the redcoats swerved and dodged till someone blocked her way. A thrust into her stomach and she jack-knifed with a squawk. The last survivor lashed out with her carbine, whimpering - then shrieked as she was speared through her left breast.

Susie looked on, saucer-eyed. Absurd instructions chittered through her head. Thrust a skewer into the breast … The juice should not be pink … - but this girl’s juice flowed redder than her coat. Trembling, Susie raised her gun, retreating as she aimed. She sensed a figure to her left, and twisted round to see. The sporty-looking blonde girl had already drawn her bow. Susie yelped – and tripped over a body in the grass. The arrow whirred above her as she fell.

The girl on whom she’d stumbled had a matching arrow buried in her chest. She stared forlornly at the sky, her large breasts still impressive in repose. Susie squirmed away from her. The huntress notched a fresh shaft to her bow. Susie fired at her snap-shot. The bullet punched through Kathleen’s belly button.

The blonde girl’s fierce grin became an agonised grimace. She whooped and doubled up around the blow. Susie scrambled up and slipped. Her temple hit a rock. The world plunged into nauseating darkness.

Leilani saw Kathleen go down. She wailed in sympathy. Her spear came out of Katy with a sticky tearing sound, and she launched herself towards the officer.

Suddenly a high-pitched noise was drilling through her ears. It pierced her brain and shredded all her thoughts. She felt it in her stomach too, and panic was her primitive reaction. Whimpering, she turned and ran. The other girls were scattering as well. The sound was almost visible, like ghostly ripples scything through the air.

In minutes they had disappeared, pushed over the horizon. The eerie noise cut out, and silence settled on the bodies left behind. Flies buzzed faintly in the heat. Blood glistened in the sun. Then a squat black armoured jeep came jouncing up and halted by the copse.

Two young women got out and surveyed the battleground. Both wore skimpy uniforms – black Lycra shorts and crop-tops. Sunglasses concealed their eyes; their faces stayed impassive. Each woman had a pistol on her hip.

One put on a military cap with radio headset. She murmured something to the microphone. Her colleague wore a headset too, but left her hair uncovered. They moved apart and began to check the bodies. The slope-backed jeep sat waiting like a toad.

Kathleen was still gasping, huddled up where she had dropped. Her healthy glow was damp and pasty now. The bare-headed girl walked up, and used her boot to roll the huntress over. Kathleen groaned and clenched her teeth, her face a mask of pain. Her fingers clasped her oozing stomach wound.

Casually the girl pulled out her pistol. She lowered it and pumped a round through each of Kathleen’s breasts. The huntress bucked and arched her spine – “Ugh-Ngh!”- and then went limp.

The other girl was standing over Susie. The blonde lay slumped, unconscious where she’d fallen, her revolver still gripped loosely in one hand. One of her cheeks was smudged with dirt. A wedge of white silk showed between her thighs.

The woman toed the gun aside, then squatted to unbutton Susie’s coat. Reaching in, she fondled her warm breast and felt the heartbeat. “This one’s still alive,” she said. “You want her finished off?”

“Negative,” the voice said in her earpiece. “She showed some spunk … nailed three of them. I think we’ll take her up to the next level.”

The woman shrugged and straightened up. She glanced at the next body. A girl caught in her panties with an arrow through her chest. The poor bitch looked miserable, but maybe she was lucky.

Perhaps this prissy little blonde would envy her demise.

* * *

Out in the wilderness of grass, Leilani had collapsed onto her knees. She gripped her head and waited for the nausea to subside. The penetrating noise had stopped, but phantom echoes bounced around her brain. Her breasts heaved in her deerskin bra. The sweat felt cold and prickly on her back.

She’d almost drowned in panic - but the tide was ebbing now. Her muddled thoughts began to clear again. And as they came together, she reared upright with a start. Her large eyes opened wide as she looked round.

The clinging mental fog had gone. Perhaps the horrid sound had shredded it. She remembered her apartment and her boring office job; the car she drove; the music that she liked. So where the hell was this? How had she got here? And Jesus, why had she just speared a woman in the back?

She clamped her hand over her mouth and shivered with dismay. She worked and played with girls just like those redcoats. But somehow she’d been pitched into a murderous new world.

Oh God, she thought: What happens to me now?