Re: The Eucalyptus Tree

Posted by Childe on January 23, 2002 at 15:18:16:

In Reply to: The Eucalyptus Tree posted by willowweeper on January 22, 2002 at 23:53:33:

This nice poem. I gots one I rites here sum below....

Childe likes the wood of shining eyes,
That promise fun n peace insides
N creeping feet n lil cries
In nice woods fulla scairy frights.

Childe gots lots of special friends,
Like n elfes n dragons n lotsa jinns.
N nice old dwarfs that make amends,
Wif gifts that scaires those bad olde mens.

I sumtimes go to mountains high,
N deep inside in caves nearby
N swamps wif snakes n gaters nigh,
But not I fraid of any goodby.

Not as gooder as your poem though but I only 9 (hehheh)

Bye, Bye,
