Swords of Merchan chapter 2

Posted by The Black Knight on September 01, 2001 at 16:22:26:

Chapter 2

Two large white horses carried a man and a young woman down a road through a forest. The man wore a dark blue military uniform with dark red boots, red gauntlets, and a long red cloak. The woman had
blond hair down below her shoulders and a sparkle in her bright blue eyes. She was dressed all in black except for a bright golden eagle emblazoned on her torso.
"They were supposed to be just beyond this forest." the young woman said.
"You shouldn't have worn that symbol. Boshia is not a very safe place for the Mi-yärs." the man said.
"Man-yins either uncle." she said.
"I guess that makes it a very dangerous place for you then Shan." a man said from the trees.
He was dressed in green from head to toe and had a sword at his waist and a bow in his hand. The young woman slid off her horse and smiled.
"I'm sorry for the surprise Shan, but the magistrate has been alerted to your arrival." the young man said.
"Who, may I ask, are you?" the man in the cloak asked.
"I am Ravi Ko-vär." the other man said.
"The name carries a lot of weight in this province, are you able to bear it?" the man in the cloak asked cryptically.
"The weight it bears is my brother's doing." Ravi answered.
The man in the cloak pulled his hood back showing the face of a nearly forty year old man with brown hair.
"I assume that you are General Man-yin." Ravi said extending his hand.
"Assumption is the first step on the road to a mistake. Yes, I am Yasin Man-yin." the man in the cloak said shaking Ravi's hand.
"There are those who would see me on the throne in Brisnat. They are eagerly awaiting your arrival." Ravi said motioning toward a small path off to the side.
"After you." Yasin said.
Ravi smiled as he went before them.
"I don't understand why you are carrying a bow. Isn't it kind of useless against a neutron blaster?" Shan asked.
"Ramin in his wisdom and desire for our safety has denied his subjects anything stronger than a bow." Ravi said with a slight smile.
"In other words he's preparing for an uprising?" Shan asked.
"You are wise beyond your years." Ravi said.
"No, but I do understand military strategy." Shan said.
"Is there anywhere you can get your hands on any weapons?" Yasin asked.
"Yes, we are expecting a shipment meant for Ramin. My most trusted lieutenant, Sheirdra Har-shon, is trying to learn of its arrival." Ravi said.
"A woman is your most trusted lieutenant?" Shan asked.
"You should better than most that beauty is the most dangerous weapon on Merchan." Ravi said.
Shan smiled a little as they reached a cave. Several people stood around the entrance and torches could be seen inside. The three of them walked on into the cave. A young woman in her mid to late thirties stood over a table at the end of the cave. She wore a long
plain red dress with a slender dagger on her belt.
"Yasin." the woman said as she looked up.
"You two know each other?" Ravi asked.
"Yes, she worked for me during the wars. She is an excellent spy and would make an excellent Tal-sha-dor when the post is vacated." Yasin said.
"The first woman Tal-sha-dor. I like that." Sheirdra said.
"Have you found anything Sheirdra?" Ravi asked.
She looked down at a map on the table and pointed to a road.
"They're bringing a shipment of K-2 rifles along this road at dawn tomorrow. They're going to be on a hovercraft, so it can go at least forty miles an hour. According to my information there will be
only three guards." Sheirdra said.
"Will that give you time enough to brief us on the situation?" Yasin asked.
"I hardly think she will need you as an escort. Take Lorta Nei-shon and Yoshin Ma-lar and catch them when they enter the forest." Ravi said.
"What exactly do you want anyway?" Sheirdra asked.
"Either capture them or see that they never reach my brother." Ravi said.
Sheirdra pulled her long reddish brown hair back off her shoulders and out of her face.
"Watch out for these kids General. I don't think they know what they're doing." Sheirdra said.
"Let the General and Lady Mi-yär get a few hours rest. Then I'll brief them on the situation here. While you're out there see if you can find that courier." Ravi said.
"Milana should have arrived here yesterday." Shan said.
"Milana Kra-shon?" Sheirdra asked.
"Yes, why?" Shan asked.
"She was executed by a firing squad this morning outside Brisnat." Sheirdra said.
"Then Ramin knows that we are here." Yasin said.
"Milana was a good friend, she wouldn't betray us." Shan said.
"She wouldn't intentionally, but Ramin Ko-vär's mental powers are beyond those of most Merchans." Yasin said.
"You give him more credit than he deserves." Ravi said.
"You forget, I have met your brother." Yasin said.
Ravi bowed slightly and Sheirdra smiled.
"At least he's a little more cordial than Ramin." Sheirdra said.
"I will show you to your quarters. I'm afraid that they are not quite as luxurious as the ones in your own castles." Ravi said.
Yasin and Shan followed Ravi as he started walking toward an outer part of the cave.
"Yasin." Sheirdra said.
"Go on I'll catch up." Yasin said as he turned back.
Ravi and Shan walked on into the blackness of the cave.
"Personally, Yasin, I don't like our chances. Bows against blasters, what kind of match is that." Sheirdra said.
"It's not, that's a massacre."
He put his foot up in a chair and pulled a small gun out of his boot. He held it out to Sheirdra.
"Take it, it was all I managed to get by the border guards." Yasin said.
"What about your sword?" Sheirdra asked as she took the weapon.
He pulled his gauntlet down a little showing her a sword handle attached to a magnetic band around his wrist and forearm.
"And Shan?"
"She has hers too Sheirdra. When do you leave?" Yasin asked.
"Tonight if we want to get there in time."
"Be careful out there. I agree with you from what I've seen these kids can't take care of themselves much less a revolution." Yasin said.
"We'll hit them sometime around sunrise, with any luck we'll be back by night fall."
They walked toward the mouth of the cave.
"Lorta, Yoshin." Sheirdra said as they left the cave.
A young woman and a young man came toward them.
"Are you sure they can even hold bows, they're barely out of diapers." Yasin said.
Lorta rolled her eyes.
"I could outshoot you any day Merisian." Lorta said.
"We'll have to test that when you get back." Yasin said as he looked up toward the sky.
The sun was beginning to set.
"We hit a shipment of weapons tomorrow morning in the Shelan Forest. We have to leave now." Sheirdra said.
Sheirdra, Lorta, and Yoshin picked up bows and quivers as they went off into the woods.

Eleven hours later Yasin and Shan stood in the back of the cave with Ravi.
"We are besieged on every side. If we leave the forest in large numbers we will be spotted and cut down without a chance to defend ourselves. Almost everyone here has been declared outlaw and have a
price on their head. Ever since my father died, Ramin has raised the taxes once a month and anyone who objects is sent to the stockades or hanged. Two months ago our situation went from bad to desperate when Ramin married Lavia Milos. When he married into the royal family we can't touch him without answering to the Royal Guard." Ravi said.
"I know Lavia, she's ruthless and would do anything to set herself in Can-ler's place." Shan said.
"With the backing of the Ko-vär clan she just might." Yasin said.
"Not if I can help it. If my brother dies then the Right of the Clan passes to me and I will see to it she and the Royal Guard are shipped back to Merisia with you General." Ravi said.
"And you become the new Overlord of Boshia." Shan said.
"That is the one drawback." Ravi said.
Yasin looked toward the mouth of the cave.
"What is it?" Ravi asked.
"There is someone out there, breathing heavily, sounds like they just ran all the way from Brisnat." Shan said.
"It's nearly three hundred feet, how can you hear that?" Ravi asked.
"It's a long story, one that we don't have time for." Yasin said.
A young boy ran into the chamber where they were.
"A message from deputy magistrate Se-le-na." the boy said as he leaned on the table breathing heavily.
"What is your message boy?" Ravi asked.
"Give him a chance to catch his breath." Shan said.
"Shipment of weapons is a trap. Ignore the previous information." the boy said.