Justine's Birthday

Posted by The Black Knight on February 19, 2000 at 19:12:08:

Justine Bateman walked out on the terrace of her southern California home early on the morning of February 19th. Justine wore a blue skirt, jacket, and skin tight white tank top. Justine put her hands behind her head, arched her back, closed her eyes, and moaned slightly as she stretched. Shomp.
"Aaaaaahhhhhhh!" Justine screamed at the top of her lungs as a crossbow bolt found its mark in the middle of her rounded belly.
She stumbled back with a look of terror on her face and her hands cupped around the arrow in her gut.
"N-Not today...please not today...it's...my birthday!" Justine whined.
Shomp. Justine's light brown eyes widened in horror as she felt the impact of another bolt. She looked down and gasped as she saw the end of the bolt barely visible sticking out of her large left breast. Her full lower lip quivered as blood dribbled down over her chin.
"Oohhhh-wuhhh!" Justine whimpered as she crumpled.
She lay motionless with her eyes wide. Justine was dead.